Prospects for the development of medium and small hotels. The main problems of the development of small hotels on the example of the hotel company "uzit" JSC. Small business and its prospects in the Republic of Kazakhstan

  1. Organization and specifics activities small hotels, including a hostel, on the example of service

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    ... small hotels Chapter 2. Organization and specifics activities small hotels 2.1 Typology small hotels 2.2 Segmentation small hotels into classes 2.3 Requirements for comfort and attractiveness small hotels ... perspectives development small hotels ...

  2. Small hotels

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    ... opportunity fast price reorientation. An association small hotels ... small hotels, organization and specifics activities small hotels and analyze the typology small hotels... After examining the aspects management service in small hotels ...

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Annotation. The article analyzes the problems of the development of small hotels in modern conditions in Russia. It deals with the specific problems of creating and effective functioning of small hotels.

Keywords: the main problem of the development of small hotels, hotel chains, access of small businesses to financial resources, changing market conditions, key tasks of the state, lack of funding, advanced training, various forms of partnership, seasonality of functioning of small hotels, government order system, difficulties in obtaining permits, complexity of the tax system small businesses, effective dialogue.

The quantitative growth of hotel chains, their mergers and amalgamations create an erroneous opinion about the decrease in the diversity of the supply of middle class hotels. The proliferation of chains (due to some impersonality, standardization of service) cannot satisfy all the various requirements of tourists, which prepares the ground for further development small independent hotels relying on uniqueness and originality. It is these hotels that can be considered the prototypes of hotels of the XXI century: comfortable and offering services at a reasonable price, having everything you need for work and leisure, without a restaurant (it is assumed that the restaurant is located nearby), where customers can receive high-quality individual service. It is the uniqueness small hotel is the main instrument of effective market policy in modern conditions.

Today, there are no strictly defined international or national norms that classify accommodation facilities by their volume. In practice, it is customary to divide hotels into four large categories: small hotels (up to 150 rooms), medium (from 151 to 300 rooms), large (from 301 to 600 rooms) and giant hotels (over 600 rooms). It should be noted that, depending on the country, the numbers in brackets can vary significantly. Europe, with its narrow borders and modest size, is in stark contrast to the gigantic mania of the United States, where hotels with several thousand rooms crowding the coast of Miami, Florida or Las Vegas will not surprise anyone.

As a rule, a European small hotel has no more than 50 rooms, while its American counterpart with 150 rooms is also considered a very small establishment. In this respect, Russia is closer to Europe, although our country has suffered from gigantomania in a pronounced form. Now in Russia a hotel with a capacity of 10 to 100 rooms is considered a small one (an accommodation facility that does not have 10 rooms is not considered a hotel in our country).

The main clients of small hotels are tourists and businessmen of the middle class, whose stay in Moscow does not require the setting of prestigious international chains. Typically, these clients need moderate comfort, good food, cleanliness and safety, all of which they find in small hotels. Added to this are reasonable prices and a special atmosphere of coziness that is difficult to create in the hotel giants. Small hotels have another advantage over large hotels: they bring tourists as close as possible to the objects of display, since they are easier to introduce into the historical environment of the city.

However, having a small capacity, the hotel, accordingly, has low sales volumes. In addition, in the turnover structure of such a hotel, the share of variable costs increases significantly, since with the existing volume of purchases it is difficult for it to achieve optimal prices for detergents, for laundry services, etc. Small hotels face great difficulties in the personnel sector, the personnel working here must be "multidisciplinary" in order for the hotel to remain profitable.

Foreign experience shows that small hotels, complementing large and medium-sized hotels, are economically less dependent on changes in market conditions. hotel services and have the ability to quickly reorient prices. Combining small hotels in a chain with the establishment of uniform service standards and centralized (through the hotel management company) provision of a number of services to hotels, including booking, logistics, security, etc., significantly reduces management costs and increases profitability small hotel enterprises, especially taking into account the introduced administrative and economic mechanisms to support small businesses.

At the present stage of development of the domestic economy, the characteristics of which are due to the transition to new forms of management and administration, small hotel business Like all small businesses, it continues to experience quite serious difficulties. Until now, the position of small hotel business in the overall structure hotel industry the country is somewhat contradictory. On the one hand, the role of small hotel business in the development of the economy of territories with pronounced tourist specialization remains uncertain. In the absence of an effective system of meters, one can speak of the role of the small hotel business only as an important consumer who makes significant purchases for their own production needs, a flexible manufacturer that quickly responds to changes in market conditions and gives the territory's economy the necessary elasticity, a mass employer. These parameters characterize the on-farm aspect of the functioning of small hotels.

No less important is the problem of the instability of the small hotel business, generated by the uncertainty of the external environment. Internal problems of small hotels functioning can very often be solved by the enterprises themselves at the local level, while overcoming most external barriers requires action by the state at the federal, regional and local levels. At the same time, insufficient attention to the problems of small enterprises on the part of the authorities can create a number of additional barriers to their development. Of course, it is difficult to share responsibility for implementing the policy, when the functions of the executive branch and the distribution of competences in the budgetary, tax, credit and financial and tariff areas do not add up to a single policy for supporting small businesses. Therefore, the federal government should concentrate on eliminating the contradictions between the various institutions related to small business.

As the key tasks of the state in the process of ensuring the development of small hotel business, its large-scale legalization, one can single out the elimination of obstacles at the federal, regional and local levels on the path of creating enterprises, creating an environment conducive to the development of private entrepreneurial initiative and promoting the development of relevant market institutions. Such development of the institutional policy to support small hotel business should be based on various forms of partnership between federal and regional authorities and private sector structures. The last thesis is based on the need to create not only mechanisms for effective dialogue between the state and representatives of the small hotel business, but also the formation of an adequate and effective organizational and legal environment for the implementation of the territorial organization of small hotel business, mainly with organizational and legal instruments, as well as ensuring stability and legitimacy. this component of the hotel industry for the future.

The main problem in the development of small hotels in Russia is real estate. Often, small hotels are located on the basis of purchased and then rebuilt old communal apartments and apartments in residential buildings. For the official registration of the hotel, it is required to transfer the apartments to non-residential fund that is not easy. The process is formalized and requires high costs, while the registration procedure sometimes takes more than a year, plus unaffordable property and land taxes and doubling the operating costs of the hotel business.

According to the estimates of market participants, from 50 to 70% of small hotels in the city are still found in the housing stock and decorated in individuals, and legally their activities are limited daily rent apartments for rent on the basis of contracts with guests. True, in this case such enterprises do not have a formal right to be called a “hotel”. This means that it is difficult to advertise, clearly position your establishment, form network alliances, and get stars.

Thus, as practice shows, one of the main reasons why the majority of small subjects of the hotel services market prefer to function as "guest houses" ( tenement houses) is the difficulty in obtaining permits for targeted land use, as well as disproportionate costs for the design and permits for the construction of hotels. For the construction of a hotel and a residential building, it is necessary to obtain approximately the same number of approvals, which include: approval of the draft design with the Chief Architect of the city or district, the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning, the Land Committee, the Department of Bank Protection and Landslide Works, the Forestry Department, Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, State fire control, to conduct an examination of the project, etc. However, the cost of these approvals for the construction of a hotel is on average at least three times higher than for individual housing construction.

To commission a private residential building, you must provide documents of title to land plot, project documentation agreed with the architecture and urban planning committee of the city administration, an agreement on designer supervision over the construction of an individual residential building, an act and scheme for taking out the axes of a building in nature, a permit for the construction of an individual residential building, technical passport of the BTI, control geodetic survey of buildings and laid engineering communications, expert opinion of the Federal State Healthcare Institution "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology" on the acceptance of a residential building into operation, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of the territorial department of territorial administration Federal Service on supervision in the field of consumer protection and human well-being for the acceptance of a residential building into operation, a protocol of a radiation survey of the facility, a conclusion on a technical examination of the structures of an individual residential building, an agreement on technical supervision. The cost of this stage is about 5-7 thousand US dollars. For hotels, similar approvals cost 15-25 thousand US dollars.

For registration of real estate objects created for the purpose of providing hotel services in accordance with the Urban Planning Code Russian Federation and SNiP 12-01-2004 in the Architectural Supervision Inspectorate are required:

Construction start notification;
- copy of the building permit;
- a copy of the license for the customer's functions and technical supervision;
- design working documentation, agreed and approved in the prescribed manner and in a volume sufficient to assess the reliability and a certain stage of construction;
- safety solutions;
- a copy of the construction gengshan, approved in the prescribed manner;
- order of the contractor on the appointment of a person responsible for the construction of the facility;
- order of the customer on the appointment of a person exercising technical supervision for the construction of the facility;
- the order of the designer on the appointment of a responsible person for the construction of the facility in the presence of designer supervision;
- a copy of the document on the setting out of the building regulation lines and the geodetic baseline;
- general and special journals, which keep records of the work performed.

The total time for the legal approval of permits for the construction of a hotel, the construction of an object, its commissioning is at least 1.5-2 years. Informal payments reduce the time required for issuing permits to 3-5 months. For individual housing construction from 9-15 months to 2-3 months, respectively. Therefore, many entrepreneurs erect buildings for small enterprises of the hotel business initially as individual housing construction with violations of town planning norms and rules - additional bathrooms, etc., and subsequently legalize them through the courts, but not as hotels, but as guest houses. Thus, from the point of view of entrepreneurs, the total cost of meeting the demands imposed on business by the Russian bureaucratic machine is very significant. Small businesses are forced to pay exorbitant initial administrative fees to the state for the right to carry out many of the routine tasks associated with organizing and running a business. Reducing bureaucratic barriers at the local level may be a more effective policy of local authorities than direct budget subsidies from the center, including incentives and discounts on local taxes.

Regarding the regulation and excessive complexity of the taxation system for small hotel business, it should be noted that the current system simply encourages entrepreneurs to hide their real incomes, which reduces government revenue and instills a culture of shadow business. Moreover, in a situation where entrepreneurs often find it difficult to calculate their tax liabilities and future tax liabilities are even more uncertain, it becomes difficult for businesses to plan, and small businesses often incur unnecessary additional costs in the form of consulting fees in order to operate within the law. A tax system that promotes the development of entrepreneurship should be simple, fair, stable, and the procedure for its application transparent. The legal framework for taxation remains incomplete and insensitive to the needs of the small hotel business.

The entrepreneurs themselves point to injustice, inflexibility, over-complexity and fragmentation of the system itself. High price Compliance generally falls disproportionately on legal small hotel businesses. For example, among small hotels, the most common forms of taxation are income tax and a simplified taxation system at a rate of 6% on gross turnover. At the same time, entrepreneurs who provide, in fact, hotel services, but in the form of guest houses, are in more advantageous position, since they are subject to a taxation system based on imputed tax, paying it from each rented bed. At the same time, as practice shows, the level of imputed tax does not correspond to the actually received income, which significantly reduces the budgetary efficiency of guest houses. For example, with the average cost of a bed-day in guest house in 600-2500 rubles, the amount of the imputed tax is 250-400 rubles. per bed per season. For guest house for 20 beds, operating from May to September, the volume of imputed tax payments will thus amount to 15-24 thousand rubles. At the same time, a small hotel of similar capacity, operating legally, under a simplified taxation system at a rate of 6% from turnover, will have to transfer to the budget from 76.4 to 191.2 thousand rubles for the same period. only for this tax.

At the same time, the need to use financial support tools for small hotel business is due to the fact that, in contrast to the segment of large corporations, there is market instability in small business - seasonal operation, lack of sufficient own resources to obtain loans from banks, etc. It is necessary to maximize access to small hotels to sufficient financial resources. In this regard, the lack of funding is one of the main difficulties that Russian entrepreneurs face when trying to organize and develop their businesses. Many small businesses suffer from capital shortages, mainly reflecting deficiencies in the financial flows to which they have access through the market.

One of the factors contributing to the shortfalls in financial inflows is that small hospitality businesses are viewed by commercial banks as carrying high credit risk, which forces them to require collateral levels that firms often cannot provide. Lack of sufficient collateral leads to the abandonment of promising projects due to lack of adequate funding. Many commercially viable business proposals that would otherwise guarantee financial support fail to attract adequate and sufficient funding because their sponsors cannot meet the high Russian collateral requirements.

In the course of one of the studies carried out by experts from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, it was found that entrepreneurs pay increasing attention to the issue of consulting support for entrepreneurial structures in the field of small hotel business - 51.6% of the responses. According to researchers, this is another area where the state should work closely with the private sector, acting as a catalyst and coordinator. At the same time, the provision of services should be provided by the private sector. There is also a need to create an efficient and accessible information network, since information (about potential customers, suppliers and funding sources) is a fundamental need in a business.

The importance of this task is also due to the fact that the main problem for many hotels is the problem of occupancy in low season... High occupancy in summer does not guarantee the financial well-being of a small hotel during the off-season. Only those hotels that are already known, have long established themselves in terms of the quality of service and the level of management, can successfully cope with the latter problem. Also, the overwhelming majority of small hotels do not have their own departments and sales services. The traditional way to promote services is to conclude an agency agreement or a verbal agreement with the city's travel agencies, brokers at railway stations (according to the most conservative estimates, there are more than 400 of them in Sochi), taxi drivers on the supply of clients. This is enough in the summer, if you take into account the small number of rooms. To ensure sufficient occupancy during the low season, small hospitality businesses do not individually have sufficient funds to pursue an active marketing policy. And in this case, the main least costly tools for promoting small hotel services are Internet technologies (own sites of varying degrees of information content, design and usability), as well as the consolidation of efforts with similar structures within the unions and associations of hotel enterprises, capable of providing not only marketing services , but also a whole additional range of services to ensure the effective functioning of a small hotel business. Information technologies used by travel corporations and their active presence in the virtual space are a huge advantage in the field of forming a loyal client audience. Technologies provide an opportunity for individual appeal to everyone regular customer... There is a wide range of consulting services for new and emerging small hotel businesses and many ways of delivering these services. At the same time, the need for such services in small hotels can vary depending on the degree of their development, sector and location. In this regard, an important distinction can be made between the needs of firms for support during the formation of the enterprise and the stage prior to this, and the need for support experienced by existing small hotels, in this case their needs are more specific.

The specific needs of individual clients vary greatly depending on their educational background, level of management training (if any) and previous business experience in the private sector. As a result, the provision of these services must be flexible enough to meet the wide range of needs of different small businesses.

A possible tool for solving this problem can be the creation of horizontal associations of small hotels - associations with incorporated members - consulting firms of various profiles. In particular, interregional economic cooperation associations should play a role in maintaining effective interaction between federal, regional and municipal authorities in relation to the provision of effective support for small hospitality enterprises.

It should be added that the general instability at the political level, combined with the lack of a stable legal structure, is hampering the development of the small hotel business in Russia. There is also a certain resistance to economic reforms in this area, both at the federal and regional levels. There is a significant gap between the goals formulated at different levels of government for the development and regulation of the small hotel business and the real resources available to achieve them.

It should be noted that in terms of priority for the majority of economic entities, the most important were and remain mainly economic problems. But even today, some specialists single out organizational tasks as the most significant ones, adhering to the opinion that it is impossible to conduct an effective economic policy due to the limited joint participation of business entities and local governments in the processes of lawmaking, determining the goals of the functioning of the small hotel business segment. Nevertheless, all experts agree that the solutions identified as priority problems should in a reasonable proportion combine the possibility of using constraints on the ability to realize some interests of subjects and stimulate others.

The small hotel business in the coming years will develop at an ever-increasing pace, which will require from the state and municipal authorities to apply adequate measures and tools for its organization and regulation, since the existing problems of the functioning of small hotels and small hotel business, their interaction with each other, with the authorities the authorities and the end consumer, with an increase in the scale of activity of small hotels, can lead to negative consequences. It is necessary to determine the instruments, measures and objectives of regulation of this sector of the economy.

Another problem - the lack of a training and professional development system for managers and employees of small accommodation facilities - is no less acute than the problem of imperfect legislation. Firstly, because the quality of hotel services primarily depends on the staff, and secondly, because the creation and management of a small hotel requires special skill, since each ruble spent ineffectively, as well as each (I emphasize, each ) an unoccupied night, even in one room, significantly affects the profitability of the hotel.

Particular attention in the problem of the development of small hotels should be paid to the problem of targeted training and advanced training of personnel. In this matter, the state should work more closely with the private sector, providing a methodological, methodological basis, as well as the basis for training specialists for effective rotation of middle and junior service personnel, engineering and technical workers, and workers.

Conclusion. Therefore, we can conclude that the difficulties faced by small businesses, both in the hotel industry and in general, are associated with the imperfection of the legislative base, methodological base, inflexible and imperfect taxation system, as well as with the size of the enterprise itself, which affects internal problems. First of all, these are financial difficulties, that is, a large credit risk, high costs, a long payback period, the need for an authorized capital. Also, small hotels suffer from problems inherent in the industry as a whole, that is, market imperfections and seasonality, and it is obvious that such problems are much more difficult for small businesses to cope with.

But, as the analysis has shown, many of the above problems have solutions.

Entrepreneurs have the opportunity to use innovative technologies in their activities, as well as to unite in associations.

The main role in this matter will lie with the state and its policy in relation to the development of small business. The active assistance of the state will consist in simplifying the taxation and registration system, as well as in improving the legal framework. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the characteristic features of a small business in any industry, including the hospitality industry.


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Small hotel personnel management

The most important function of managing a small hotel is the correct selection of a team of employees that would meet the requirements of clients.

The satisfaction of guests in the hospitality industry is achieved by the courtesy of the staff, their responsiveness. The main principles of hospitality are generosity and friendliness towards guests.

The sale of any services, including hotel services, differs from the sale of goods, primarily in that the service is inseparable from the personnel providing it. Therefore, special attention is paid to the ability to communicate with clients in the hotel business. The personnel must be professionally trained, structured and staffed in such a way as to function effectively under any conditions. The staff of all categories of hotels should be able to create an atmosphere of hospitality in the enterprise, should be ready to kindly fulfill the request of the resident and should be able to show patience and restraint in relation to the residents.

In the management of hotel personnel, intangible benefits must also be taken into account, such as the psychological compatibility of employees, the state of the moral atmosphere, job and manager satisfaction. Staff behavior and achievements are the achievement of every small hotel in the hospitality industry.

Personnel management of a small hotel is carried out in the process of performing certain targeted actions and involves: defining goals and main areas of work; determination of means, forms and methods of implementation, the set goals of organizing work to implement the decisions taken; coordination and control over the implementation of planned works, continuous improvement of methods of work with personnel.

The efficiency of a small hotel will largely depend on the adopted personnel management system, knowledge of the mechanism of its functioning, and the choice of the most productive methods of working with people.

In practical terms, the following main measures for personnel management can be distinguished:

Forecasting the situation on the labor market and in your own team;

Analysis of the existing personnel potential and planning of its development, taking into account the prospects for the formation of the hotel business;

Motivation of personnel, assessment and training of personnel, assistance in adaptation of employees to innovations, creation of socially comfortable conditions in the team, solving particular issues of psychological compatibility of employees, etc.

The functions of personnel management are interconnected and together form a certain system of work with personnel. Changes in the composition of each function necessitate the adjustment of all other related functional tasks and responsibilities. So, for example, with a change in the conditions of employment, the importance of functional responsibilities increases, the range of responsibilities within the framework of the functions of recruitment, selection of personnel and their material remuneration expands.

In the theory of personnel management, eight main functions are distinguished: planning the need for personnel, selection, recruitment, development, personnel orientation, promotion, assessment and remuneration.

Workforce planning is an assessment of the qualitative and quantitative need for employees for vacancies in an organization. When calculating the need for personnel, the following are taken into account: retirement, military service, dismissal of their own accord, due to the expiration of the employment contract, restructuring, expansion of the scope of activities. Also subject to planning: the need to reduce the number of personnel, the need to replace personnel.

The purpose of recruiting is to create the required number of candidates for all positions and specialties, from which the head of a small hotel selects the most suitable employees for him. The amount of recruiting work required is largely determined by the difference between the available labor force and the future need for it.

The selection of personnel is the process of studying the psychological and professional qualities of employees in order to establish their suitability for performing duties at a particular workplace or position and choosing from a set of applicants the most appropriate, taking into account qualifications, specialties, personal qualities and abilities, the nature of the activity, the interests of a small hotel and themselves.

The main task of the selection is to find such an employee who will be able to solve the work tasks assigned to him, to make his proper contribution to the activities of the hotel.

The main prerequisites that determine the effectiveness of the selection and selection of personnel are:

1) setting goals;

2) development of an effective organizational management structure that will help ensure the achievement of these goals;

3) the presence of personnel planning, which is the link between the goals and the organizational structure.

When selecting personnel, it is customary to be guided by the following principles:

a) focus on the strengths of the person and search for candidates most suitable for the position;

b) refusal to accept new employees, regardless of their qualifications and personal qualities, in the absence of a need for them;

c) ensuring the compliance of the applicant's individual qualities with the requirements and content of the job (education, length of service, experience, and in some cases gender, age, health, psychological state)

d) focus on qualified personnel, but not higher qualifications than required by the workplace.

The main criteria for the selection of personnel are: education, practical experience, business qualities, professionalism, physical characteristics, personality type of the candidate.

Candidates can be considered not only according to the requirements of the workplace, but also according to its traditions and culture.

Therefore, both their professional qualifications and personal qualities are accepted, for example, the ability to maintain good relations with others, work in a team, etc. So, according to the degree of suitability, candidates can be divided into: unsuitable, conditionally suitable and relatively suitable for further activities.

The qualities that a person applying for a position must possess are determined by the so-called competency map. This is a description of the personal characteristics of an employee, for example, customer focus, benevolence, good looks.

A qualification card is a detailed description of the qualification characteristics that an employee must have - professional abilities, education, work experience, experience, admissions.

The professiogram can be theoretical and should be based on regulatory documents ( job descriptions, rules, regulations), or empirical, compiled by studying a real group of people.

An indicative list of documents for admission and registration for work in a small hotel:

Personnel record sheet (resume);

Personal application for a job;

A copy of the education certificate;

Photos of the employee 3x4 cm.

After completing these personnel documents, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the potential and qualities of the candidate. The scope and level of detail of the assessment will depend on the category of the employee and the importance of his workplace.

Personnel assessment is a purposeful process of determining whether an employee's business qualities meet the requirements of a position or workplace.

When assessing the employee's personnel, the following methods are used:

a) the method of analytical assessment (documents, written characteristics of the employee, reviews of his manager are considered);

b) the method of the assessment system (the total number of points scored is calculated based on the results of the control assessments carried out for a certain period);

c) ranking (aligning employees in accordance with their rating according to a certain list - increasing, decreasing);

d) the method of situational assessment (the description of the employee's demonstrative behavior in a specific situation is used as a scale for assessment);

Assessment and remuneration go side by side in HR management. If an employee copes with the tasks assigned to him, then as an incentive for his further activities, he is offered encouragement (material - a bonus; not material - a letter, praise). Remuneration confirms the importance of the employee for the organization, gives the opportunity to feel stable in the position.

Problems and prospects for the development of small hotels

Small hotels occupy important place in the field of tourism. The needs of tourists make it possible to develop new types of mini-hotels along the way of meeting the requests and needs of the guest, providing him with a decent level of comfort and services. At the same time, a small hotel should be designed for consumers with different income levels who stay at the hotel for different purposes.

Today mini-hotels receive a wide variety of visitors:

Participants of gatherings, all kinds of congresses, conferences, fairs;

Citizens on business trips, businessmen;

Tourists on vacation or traveling domestically or from abroad.

The market economy and competition in the modern hotel business lead to the need to expand the range of approaches to the provision of hotel services. A more flexible and quick adaptation to the changing needs of the client is required, since the number of people who prefer small hotels is growing every day, where they are guaranteed an individual approach that combines comfort, quality service and the price of accommodation for any size of the wallet.

Currently, the hotel business in our country, although it is actively developing, is still not fully formed. This is due to the fact that there are certain problems in the field of running this business, full-fledged use of management and marketing as a tool for work efficiency, solving issues of automation of booking, supply and maintenance, staff training, and improving the hotel's class.

An independent way out of this situation, as a rule, is limited by the small financial capabilities of small hotels, therefore, they do not have enough means to quickly promote their product to the market. Therefore, the most important task is to find solutions to these problems in order to fully meet the growing demand.

Research shows that in large cities there is a lack of small hotels. The constraints are often the need for serious capital investments, difficulties in relations with housing and communal services, lack of support from the city authorities.

The development of small hotels, affordable in terms of prices, will ensure an increase in the flow of tourists, an increase in the number of those wishing to get acquainted with natural beauties, take advantage of climatic benefits or enjoy the cultural wealth of any region: the historical past, ancient monuments, modern attractions and entertainment.