Sia Lyon Beach Resort Vietnam Nha Trang. Tours to the hotel Dessole Beach Resort - Nha Trang (ex. Sea Lion Beach Resort & Spa). Booking and accommodation rules

Had a rest at the hotel Sea lion Beach Resort& Spa 4 * from 10/30/12 to 11/12/12. We went from the operator FOCUSTRAVEL. 1. Transfer. An individual transfer was ordered from Ho Chi Minh City to Mui Ne. They gave us a minibus with a driver and a Vietnamese guide (not very clear speaking Russian). In a minibus, four rows of seats and legs between the seats did not fit at all, I had to sit sideways. When we arrived the representative of FOCUSTRAVEL Marina tel. 01255652614 said that it turns out we ourselves ordered an individual tr ...

We rested from May 27 to June 7, 2012. We flew from Novosibirsk to Ho Chi Minh City for 7 hours, Transaero Airlines. Then 5 hours by bus to Mui Ne (Phan Thiet). By the way, the distance from Ho Chi Minh City to Mui is not only 200 km, but the traffic is difficult, the road is narrow, and the speed is limited. Here is the capital itself - there are few cars, mostly taxi drivers, but there are millions of bikes. The rules are not particularly observed, a terrible movement! The guides strongly discourage renting a bike, it is very dangerous and there have been many fatal accidents ...

We rested from 03/21/12 to 04/03/12. I fully agree with Sergey's previous comment from Moscow. + our impressions. Mui Ne is a great place to relax. It will especially appeal to those who are tired of the hectic enchanting Ty. There is a lot of greenery in hotels, almost all hotels are very green and beautiful. Cheap excellent fruits, seafood, excellent not spicy (if you don't want to) cuisine, all hotels are buried in palm trees and flowers. The resort is not fancy, everything is simple, there are practically no parties, large shops ...

Today is the last day of our holiday at Sea Lion. We were here from March 21 to April 2, 2012. Since the weather has deteriorated and it is raining outside the window, I decided to summarize my impressions about the rest, perhaps this information will be useful to someone. 1. HOTEL The hotel is located in the city of Phan Thiet in the Mui Ne area, one of the first in the tourist area from the entrance to it. The journey from Ho Chi Minh Airport takes about 4.5-6 hours. We took an individual transfer, which is what we advise you. After p ...

We rested with MCH in this hotel from 03/07/2012 to 03/19/2012 we liked it, did not want to leave! The sea is warm, the fruits are delicious, the seafood is cheap :) everything is tasty and healthy! ($ 1 = 20.8 000 dong, you can buy a glass of freshly squeezed juice, a coconut or a bottle of beer in a cafe; 1 euro = 27.000, it’s not profitable with Eureka, buy $). About the hotel, choose only Deluxe rooms with an ocean view, the most decent! The room cleaning is bad, even if you leave a tip, change towels, make the bed and that's it! About breakfast, good ...

The tour was from 18 to 27 February 2012. We traveled from St. Petersburg with a transfer in Moscow. Transaero flew to Saigon, the flight was delayed by 40 minutes: they were picking out the luggage of passengers who had suddenly abandoned the flight, already loaded on the plane. The host was Focus Travel. Transfer to big bus... This is a minus, in Saigon, the traffic is terrible and we just crawled. The road to the hotel took almost 7 hours: for about an hour we stuck out in a roadside cafe, where they brought us a snack halfway through, and slowly and ...

Hotel reviews 2011 of the year

This will be a purely informational review. We rested from December 8 to December 22, 2011. Aeroflot flew from Moscow in 9 hours 40 minutes, without delays. We took an individual transfer from Ho Chi Minh City and back without a guide, and did not regret it. At the airport, a representative of the "Indochaina" company met with a nameplate. Toyota Innova car is a spacious minivan. We got from the airport to the hotel in 4 hours 20 minutes with a 10 minute stopover. Return-exactly 4 hours non-stop. Group transfer as luck would have it from 5 to 8 ...

When I flew to Vietnam, I didn’t know anything except that it would take a long time to go. The thought of something exotic new was also warming. At the airport, we were met by a Vietnamese girl in a national costume and handed us a flower, which immediately set us in a positive mood and we, smiling, went to get on the bus. On the bus, we were warned about a long transfer, provided with bottles of water and wet wipes (which, again, was a pleasant surprise, since all this is free, and in other places they already take money for the slightest sneeze). Note ...

Good morning, afternoon, and for someone it may already be evening! I want to tell you about my trip to Vietnam! Hotel Sea Lion. To begin with, the main thing in any trip is the mood, stock up on the most positive, and then the rest will be excellent! As for the road ... yes ... long ... almost a day with a total difficulty: check-in at the airport starts in 4.5 hours (this is for those who want good places(stretch your legs into the aisle or near the window), then 9.5 hours of flight + 6.5 by bus (with a stop) to the hotel ... and he knows ...

We flew through Biblio-Globus. There were no unpleasant nuances !!! I really liked to have a rest in Vietnam !!! We were there for the first time and will definitely go there. The bus trip is easy to transfer (even though you travel for 5 hours) I really liked Mui Ne. Tranquil village, which has everything you need to relax !!! We rented a moped (7 bucks per day), traveled all over the village, at the end of the grill fishermen cook what they caught in a day. They sell in kilograms and it's all ridiculous money ...

Hello everyone!!! They flew in from Vietnam Hotel Sea Lion we liked it clean, well-groomed, everything is friendly, the breakfasts are good, the rooms are clean with slippers and bathrobes. The territory at the hotel is green, the sea is always stormy, waves are big, the water is warm. One day it was raining and cloudy but warm. The flight was transferred as it is easy, then we carried water, then food. On the road, the laptop came in handy so that time passed quickly films were watched, and it came in handy there as there wi-fi on the ritsepshin worked. The route from the airport to the ...

Good afternoon everyone! On January 8, 2011 she returned from Vietnam, rested with her husband and friends in Mui Ne, the Sea Lion 4 * hotel. We're not going to Vietnam anymore - that's for sure! First - the sea: it is simply impossible to swim, constant waves and wind. You can only swing on the waves (with the ability to gulp and drown, which almost happened to our friend, although he knows how to swim), and then shake out the sand from all parts of his body and swimsuit. After lunch, the wind picks up and it's time for kitesurfers ....

We rested in November 2010, the flight for 8 hours was not very tired, as we flew at night, but the road to the coast took 5 hours, since the main movement in the country is a motorbike, there are no rules for them, it is impossible without a helmet and drunk at the wheel, that's all the rest is possible. The bus travels at a speed of 50-70 km per hour. The hotel is located in the village of Mui Ne is 15 km along the coast of the South China Sea. The main part of the hotels is located on the first coastline. Check-in was quick, the view from the balcony is very good .Eating alone ...

Hotel reviews 2010 of the year

Vietnam. Vacation with children. We flew with my husband and 5 year old son. My feedback on whether it is worth taking small children with you? Answer: YES! Do not be afraid of long-distance flights, children tolerate them even better than adults. The climate is excellent, warm sea, warm clean pool. Vietnamese people are very kid friendly, especially if they are redheads! Take the kids and don't be afraid! It's safer for children there than in Turkey and Egypt ...

What has changed in the hotel in 8 months ... (comparative review).
Well, after a week, from the moment of our return from sunny Vietnam, after waiting for all the emotions associated with the rest to settle down, I decided to write an objective review about our repeated stay at the Dessole Sea hotel Lion beach Resort & Spa. We rested with the same composition: me, my wife and my 7-year-old daughter. The review will be mostly comparable to our first visit to this hotel in September 2016 ( I will say right away that the current visit to this hotel left in my mind a not so enthusiastic impression as it was last year, but first things first.
The check-in took place as usual. Having signed the papers and received the bracelets (this time green), we went to the restaurant, which still had a brunch, there I ate soup-Fo with pleasure and the notes of last year's rest immediately began to play in my memory, the mood noticeably increased, despite the difficult night flight. Then we went to the sea, where we spent time until lunchtime. After lunch, at about 13 o'clock, I went to the reception to find out if our room was ready and they immediately gave me key cards.
The room turned out to be on the 9th floor, fresh, after a recent renovation, the block from the neighbor's air conditioner was located above the ceiling, the only thing that was somewhat surprised was the absence of metal railings on the balcony (you can see it in the photo), apparently they forgot to fasten it after the renovation, so wet clothes and towels had to dry hanging directly on the glass railing and plastic chairs. This slight inconvenience was not particularly annoying, so I did not ask the hotel administration a question.
99% of Russians rested in the hotel mainly from the regions of Siberia and Of the Far East, met a couple of Germans in 2 weeks. To the right of the hotel, the construction site is either frozen or is proceeding in a sluggish manner, but on the left, work is in full swing, several new buildings have been rebuilt, the territory between our hotel and the neighboring one is being improved, and some work is underway, a path has been laid between the hotels. Nearby hotel As I understand it, it also belongs to the Dessole chain, now there are animators living there, but soon, I think, vacationers will settle it.
And now about what, it seemed to me, has changed not for the better - it's nutrition. The food in the hotel has noticeably "subsided", starting with hot dishes and ending with desserts and fruits. The choice of hot dishes became noticeably scarce, the number of "pots" remained the same, but the choice of food in them was somehow of the same type. I watched the picture as the guests walked with empty plates after each other, opening and closing the lids in search of "something tasty" and not finding, returned to the second round. There was a lot of chicken in different designs, and beef or ostrich were very tough (especially ostrich), octopus and squid were also "rubbery". For breakfast, mostly eggs in different types, bacon and chinese dumplings. Desserts have become noticeably fewer, there were not many of them last year, but this year the choice was completely reduced, most of the cakes and cakes are of the same type, differ only in the color of the glaze. With fruits, too, everything was sad, from the so-called exotic there were only the heart of a dragon, papaya and passion fruit (for some reason, not ripe and very sour). Last year there were both longans and rambutans, but this year there was none of that, you had to buy these fruits in the city in the market in order to eat enough. The pool bar is the same every day: sausages, hamburgers, deep-fried chicken and fries. The capelin, which I fell in love with last year, has never been deep-fried. If last year I gave a solid A for food, this year food in the hotel has slipped to the level of a mediocre Turkish hotel, and even lower for desserts. Frankly, the hotel began to significantly save on food.
There is one more unpleasant moment about which I would like to write: in the first week of our stay at the hotel there were not very many people (apparently, the period of the end of the school year, exams and graduations in schools and kindergartens affected), there were always free places in the restaurant and there were free sun loungers on the beach, but then the flow of tourists rushed sharply and the hotel was "packed to capacity." I associate this with the fact that Pegasus, after a decrease in demand, decided to arrange a sale of tours in Dessole and almost halved the price of vacations. This could not but affect the level of arriving guests. The contingent arrived the most diverse and once quiet family hotel began to resemble a typical turkish hotel with notes of "Tagil rules". It was frankly ashamed of our compatriots, who, with a fair amount of drinking, are trying, for example, to teach the bartender to pronounce the word "beer-beer-pivas ..." in Russian correctly, when in a restaurant a lady across the hall shouts to her husband: "Do you have to take scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs? ", and he also answered her to the whole audience:" I have 3 eggs ", when at the next table for the whole hall someone on WhatsApp on the speakerphone, without embarrassment of others, discusses their personal affairs, or when one lady near a tray with stewed potatoes with meat (where there are about equal amounts of meat and potatoes) for a long time and stubbornly caught the potatoes, discarding the meat to the side, to the remarks standing next to them in line that there are separate potatoes in the next tray, she answered in a rude manner, that she needed this particular potato and, as if nothing had happened, she continued to dig. And there are a lot of such examples, and last year I did not meet such behavior of vacationers, and I didn’t even see pretty drunk individuals. But this is not a complaint against the hotel, but a parting word to our compatriots to behave more culturally and not to forget that despite the fact that, as some people think: “since I paid for everything, then everything is allowed to me” you, dear, are visiting another country and you need to at least be cultured, polite and follow the elementary rules of decency.
Otherwise, everything went great, the gentle sea and snow-white "singing" sand made us happy every day. True, one day there was a massive invasion of jellyfish, many people were burned. On this day, 4 large jellyfish were dragged ashore. I got it too, on the entire right side now "flaunts" a cyanotic spot from a burn. This small incident did not affect the quality of my rest; after going to the first-aid post, where they treated my burn with icecaine, I continued to rest. The burning sensation passed after 2 days, but the burn is still clearly visible, although almost 2 weeks have passed since the moment of contact with the jellyfish. I didn’t see jellyfish on other days, apparently they were brought by some kind of current that day. The locals said that there are usually no jellyfish in May, they usually appear here only in August.
It also makes sense to write about the Coxsackie virus, since the topic is very acute, especially for those who are going to this hotel on vacation with little children. If last year he did not pass us, then this year God had mercy on us, and we did not get sick, although at the hotel he met children with symptoms of this disease. We traditionally did not swim in the pools and washed our hands after every visit to the playground and before every meal. These seemingly elementary hygiene measures were enough this time not to catch the virus. During our stay at the hotel, 2 swimming pools in the relaxation zone (for children and a large one) were closed for maintenance and repair for several days, the water was completely drained, cleaned and repaired.
To the disadvantages I will also add the fact that travel to the city by bus has become more expensive compared to last year, and the bus itself is less. I believe that the hotel could afford to make travel to the city for its guests (or at least for regular guests) free, given that the hotel is located at a considerable distance from the city and there is no other alternative but to be on the territory of the hotel.
With representatives of "Pegasus" practically did not communicate, a couple of times only clarified the norms and rules of baggage transportation. We went to the meeting, but after receiving the necessary general information with apologies, we left the meeting together with some of the other vacationers, who, just like us, did not want to waste their time listening to advertisements for excursions that were not originally going to go. The representative of "Pegasus" expressed dissatisfaction with his whole appearance, and partly I understand him (this is his job), but you also understand us, the one who has not been resting for the first time knows this whole "topic with excursions from a tour operator", last year we honestly spent almost 2 hours, but still bought excursions in the "Russian Information Center" for much less money. Newcomers can still be “bred” or those who “don’t peck money”, but you don’t need to turn your “tempting” offers into outright imposing and make the price adequate and people will reach out to you. I was amused by the Pegasus Comfort service for $ 40 per person, last year it cost $ 20, although acquaintances recently flew from another tour operator to Tai and from there quietly registered online for free, the appetites are growing. No offense.
Advantages compared to last year also appeared: a shop with fresh fruits appeared, where you can buy ripe fruits to eat here and order a fruit basket before leaving home. True, the prices there are 2-2.5 times higher than in the city. Delicious passionfruit, mango and other fruit jam is also sold here (we took it home before leaving, passionfruit is the tastiest in my opinion).
Also, the pluses include weekly (on Wednesdays) buffets for regular guests of the hotel, where guests are treated to delicious cocktails (which are sold in the bar for money) and cold snacks.
In conclusion, summing up, I want to ask myself a question and immediately answer it. Will we return to this hotel again? Given the price level that we paid and the level of service that was this year, it is more likely no than yes. If the price for rest decreases by 1.5-2 times, as it happened in mid-May, then we will consider this hotel as an option, but under equal conditions, we will give preference to a more relaxed and family vacation. Well, that's all I wanted to write. I wish the hotel prosperity and more regular visitors, because the more regular guests, the more trust the hotel deserves. Greetings to the UNO animation team !!! You are best!!!

Today is the last day of our vacation at the hotel, there is a big negative from the rest, there is no management at the hotel, I have never seen a single manager who would monitor the work of the staff, the staff does not give a damn about you, it seems that they do not receive their salary due to the fact that we pay money , and they pay us, I have been working in the service sector for 18 years and I know what it is. We can say that there are no managers here, and if there are, then they should be fired at the right time for such work: 1) on the beach and swimming pools you have to get out and lay mattresses on sun loungers by yourself, lay them on only a few sun loungers, if you come more people then they themselves have to get out of the mattresses piled on top of each other and open their umbrellas, the staff is standing nearby, chatting with each other and do not even consider it necessary to help. The mattresses are dirty, partially torn. Sun beds and umbrellas are partially broken, there seem to be a lot of staff, but no one cares about anything, there is no owner in the hotel and therefore everything collapses 2) a lot of garbage often floats in the sea, I don’t know if it’s the responsibility of employees to remove garbage from the sea, but really it is so difficult to catch even a lot of garbage, it is very unpleasant to swim. Garbage is cleaned on the beach, but not qualitatively, there is often garbage between the sun loungers and garbage vases are not cleaned regularly 3) there are many waiters in the dining room (it doesn’t dare to call it a restaurant), but there is no sense from them, there are several people constantly standing and chatting with each other On the other hand, often the cooks come out of the kitchen, they gather several people right in the hall and chat, they are very negative towards the guests, they seem to smile, but if you ask to bring something, they make a face or have to wait a long time before they bring it. Several times it happened that we were not allowed to sit at the table that we wanted because we didn’t want to re-serve it after the previous guests, so they flock at us and start yelling no madam and start pushing us to other tables, the first time this happened I was scared , I have a question why they tell me where I should sit, or I want something beyond the natural, I like to sit by the window and I do not understand why I, having paid money for the rest, cannot do this, because, you see, the waiters are not so comfortable and is this a service ??? On December 14, for breakfast, I decided to insist and sit at the table that I like and just walked through and sat down at the table that I wanted, believe me, a crowd of 5 people flew in and started shouting, grabbed the plates from the table and began to transfer them to another table and did not give I sit at the table that I wanted, I was shocked for the first time, the first time I come across this that the waiters forcefully forbid me to sit where I want, and for 1.5 hours several people stood and did not their job, but performed the duty of security guards and did not let people into the far part of the hall, we ate for 40 minutes and never came to us, even the dirty dishes were not removed. The staff is completely not focused on vacationers, it was stuffy for several days in the evening and most of the people went to the veranda, but there were not enough tables in that half of the veranda that was working, asked to serve in the closed part of the veranda, a crowd gathered again and began to pull us into the closed hall, and At the same time, they have a habit of yelling loudly, as if I am deaf or dumb, I have a question for the manager, how problematic is it to reserve a few additional tables on the veranda if the vacationers do not want to sit in the stuffy room? Also, waiters constantly slowly take their own food, think that they are not seen, pour tea and coffee and several people go to their utility room and this is in the midst of a working day, this is also considered the norm. On the tables, the salt shakers are either empty or there everything is packed into one lump that the salt cannot be shaken out. For lunch and dinner, paper napkins are not put on the tables, there are, of course, rag napkins, but after I came across a napkin with dried food leftovers, I doubt hygiene and am afraid to wipe my mouth with them. The staff is terribly lazy in the bar, the coffee machine ran out of coffee, I asked to refuel and waited 32 minutes, it's horrible to refuel the coffee machine for more than half an hour, but I would have fired such workers in 5 minutes, in the bar the bartenders work somehow very slowly, they don't even consider it necessary to wipe the counter , she's all sticky and dirty. After the rain, the chairs and tables are also not wiped, I had to take paper napkins and wipe them ourselves 4) It's stuffy everywhere in the hotel, for the first time I faced such savings on guests, in the dining room, in the lobby, the reception is stuffy everywhere, there is a torture chamber in the elevator although the elevators are very good and modern, but the management saves on vetilation. 5) the cleaning in the rooms is not of high quality, I clean only prominent places, there is dust everywhere in the room, since I have an allergy to dust, I had to wipe it myself and this is the service of a 4 * hotel, in the bathroom the curtain is not cleaned at all, with each cleaning it is simply raised, but she has hair and a lot of mildew, the shampoo and gel dispensers are dirty. 6) in the dining room, the assortment of dishes is good, the products are always fresh, this is undoubtedly a big plus. But often it is cooked so not tasty that it is not possible to eat. You can't chew pork or beef dishes, a question to the chef you didn’t try to stew, cook or fry the meat longer so that it becomes soft, I couldn’t eat anything but chicken because my teeth ached after this meat. Often boiled vegetables are served almost raw? Almost all dishes are not brought to taste. I do not understand how other vacationers rate the service at 5, I would put a maximum of 2, this is because we Russians value ourselves little and therefore the service staff behave rudely, but we tolerate and therefore tourists from other countries do not go to this hotel. I have a question for the owner of the hotel why do you allow such an attitude towards us, we pay less than vacationers from other countries or our money is somehow not the same, there is absolutely no desire to come to this hotel again after such a boorish attitude. I saw several reviews similar to mine, but I realized that they didn’t change anything and didn’t want to change anything, they were only engaged in unsubscribing, there was no interest for the guests to come again. On the positive side: a hotel near the airport after a 9-hour flight for 5 minutes and you are in the hotel, quickly settled in without delay, the reception staff works quickly, arrived at 14.10 so we were quickly sent to the dining room to eat, the Russian girl Svetlana who helps the vacationers is a great smart girl, that's all calmly explains, thanks a lot to her. Another big plus for the hotel is a team of animators, if it weren't for them, the rest could be considered spoiled, I especially want to note Goga, this is just an energizer, from where there is so much energy in him, a very positive person, he has a very positive energy, he cheers up only by his presence ... I want to say thank you very much the animation team for your hard work, as it is necessary to try very hard to assemble and make us move. Special thanks to the dance team, a very professional team, beautiful numbers and costumes, did not miss a single performance. The territory of the hotel is well-groomed, I clean it every day, but here I saw that people really work, and do not pretend. The pools are clean, the water does not smell like chlorine. The beach is good, fine sand, the descent into the sea is smooth, the only thing in the sea is not enough breakwaters, as the sea is not very calm and it is not always possible to swim because of the strong waves.

Asia today is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Russia. It is in demand due to its unique natural beauty, warm climate, and the availability of delicious seafood.

However, another question arises - how to choose the right place to spend your vacation? In order not to be mistaken, you should turn your attention to the capital of the Khanh Hoa province - Nha Trang. This is one of the best resorts for recreation, recognized by thousands of tourists.

Type of holiday in the country

Mostly travel in Asia is intended for active tourism, a most of the hotel base is represented by establishments of the level of three or four stars without own beach, but across the road from the sea.

There is another option for recreation - in high-quality hotels of higher categories. So where can our dear tourists with children fly if their beloved Turkey and Egypt are not available? Many people dream of rest in Nha Trang, as this unusual city just replete with a great variety of comfortable hotels. One of these is the four-star hotel "Dessole" (Vietnam), loved by many travelers, which appeared quite recently, in April 2014. It is perfect for both warm and familiar family vacation in the circle of relatives, and for the youth company. Here, absolutely any traveler can find great entertainment just for himself.

Unusual hotel complex in Vietnam

The hotel "Dessole" (Vietnam) will become a unique resting place for different types of travelers. The hotel is extremely well located on Bai Dai Beach at a distance of 20 meters to cote d'azur South China Sea... Excellent location, as it is possible to reach Cam Ranh airport, which receives tourists, in a short period of time.

Own exclusive complex "Pegas Turistik" is a salvation for large families or tourists with infants (kids under 2 years old). Around the hotel "Dessole" (Vietnam) there is a magnificent area for beach relaxation with the azure sea and white sand, bordered by palm thickets. The first coastline, a long beach with fine sand and a gentle entrance to the sea, a spacious and green area with a place for walking, luxurious and new rooms and, of course, an all-inclusive food system, so exotic for Vietnam.

Vietnam: Hotel Dessole (Nha Trang)

Vietnam hotels usually offer a wide variety of rooms. The hotel "Dessole", which is mostly positive about, is no exception. The total number of places for accommodation is 311.

The complex consists of one tall snow-white building of twelve floors and seven one-story bungalows.

  • Standard rooms with sea view (38 square meters). It is this category of rooms that is the main accommodation option for travelers, which are located in the main building. Each room has a large window and balcony, air conditioning, free safe and TV with Russian channels. In the bathroom you can find a hairdryer, a set of shower gels, shampoos and even cotton swabs. In addition, a mini-bar is hidden in the closet, which is replenished upon arrival with water, Coca-Cola and juice. Optionally, you can make a note about two single beds or one king in the room when booking Nha Trang. Hotel "Dessole", reviews confirm this, offers room options only with a view of the sea, which is often the decisive moment when choosing.
  • Standard rooms with direct sea view. They are more spacious, as much as 45 square meters. There are no other differences from the first accommodation option.

Rooms for recreation in a large company

  • Rooms of the category "connect". Large companies can book rooms of this category. They represent two standard rooms with an internal interior door.
  • Bungalow. On the territory of the "Dessole" complex (Vietnam, Nha Trang) there are seven one-story houses, it is in them that the rooms of this category are located. The total area of ​​the room is 57 square meters. The view from the room, unlike the standards, will be on the pool or the road. It also has its own small walking terrace.

Absolutely all rooms of the proposed stock have tiled floors, furniture in a stunning traditional Vietnamese style. They are equipped with their own balconies, which is good for tourists who want to enjoy the enchanting views of the sea and breathe in the fresh air.

Adult entertainment

Hotel "Dessole" (Vietnam, Nha Trang) will not let anyone get bored in any case. Its concept is precisely relaxation on the territory of the complex, so professional animators will entertain you at any time.

  • Every evening there are various entertaining animation shows with the participation of artists, circus performers, musicians and others.
  • Dessole Hotel Vietnam has 1 large swimming pool.
  • During the day, coaches hold incendiary sports events, while the animation team always has Russian-speaking guides.
  • You can do good for health aquatic species Sports: kitesurfing and windsurfing, skiing on the sea waves or on a catamaran.
  • On the sand, you can assemble your own team and compete for the title of beach volleyball champions.
  • There is table tennis on the territory of the "Dessollet" complex, which means that there have been numerous competitions with the awarding of prizes in this sport.
  • The gym with the newest and most modern equipment is open from morning to evening.
  • For the convenience of tourists, wireless high-speed Internet is available throughout the territory.
  • Also, the hotel management is organizing a transfer (that is, delivery) from "Dessole" to the center of the resort Nha Trang, which can only be reached by appointment.

Entertainment for little guests

  • Open spacious shallow children's pools.
  • Little travelers can have fun in the open and bright nursery playground or in a mini-club, in the evenings there are incendiary mini-disco. A nanny can be hired for an additional fee (up to $ 15 per hour).

The most important thing

The main feature of "Dessole" is unusual for Asian countries all-inclusive food system, which in this case operates from 7 am to midnight. The table is set especially for Russian tourists, there is absolutely everything for every taste: cakes, ice cream, several types of exotic and not so fruits, various snacks and cheeses, sausages, mashed potatoes and cutlets familiar to everyone.

Travelers can grab a bite to eat at one of the two lobby or pool bars between meals at the main restaurant.

The system includes only locally produced drinks: both alcoholic (whiskey, vodka, wine, beer, gin) and non-alcoholic (Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite).

There is also a vegetarian menu.


  • The Dessole Hotel (Vietnam) has its own large spa center with a jacuzzi, massage rooms and a sauna.
  • There is a huge conference room with a total capacity of up to three hundred people with a hotel meeting room and modern equipment.
  • For an additional fee, you can send your belongings to the laundry, where they will be washed, ironed and delivered to your room.
  • can be obtained for free.
  • A baby cot is provided free of charge in the room, in restaurants there are always high chairs.

Compliments from the hotel

Special attention is paid to regular guests:

  • Firstly, travelers belonging to this category receive white bracelets, which give them special rights and privileges at the Dessole Hotel (Vietnam).
  • Secondly, on the day of arrival, you can find a basket with fresh fruit in the room.
  • Thirdly, guests can change the room free of charge or order a late check-out on the day of departure.

Moreover, these privileges are valid for all the hotels of the chain, including in Tunisia or Crete and in other countries where there are Pegasus "Dessols".

Worth knowing

We must not forget that here, upon arrival, tourists take a foreign passport as a deposit for a room, this is accepted in most local hotels.

Hotel "Dessole" (Vietnam), reviews mention this more than once, is located at some distance from settlements and any infrastructure.

To book tourist voucher it is best to get to this hotel in advance, since there are no last minute tours to it at a reduced cost, moreover, it stops. This means that the "Dessol" is simply running out of available rooms. Then the opportunity to book it will hardly appear. This fact should be especially taken into account during the high season, it includes school autumn and new year holidays and May.

Vietnam, hotel "Dessole" (Nha Trang) - what can you find here?

Your trip to Nha Trang will be an unforgettable tour to the exotic world of oriental culture and traditions.

Hotel "Dessole" (Vietnam), the photo of which you see in the article - perfect place for fun, active rest... For the female half of travelers, halls with new fitness programs and professional dance lessons are provided.

In this complex, on the ground floor, next to the reception, there are boutiques and shops where you can buy everyday necessities, a laundry, an ultra-fashionable modern spa, a mini-club for children aged 3 to 12, gym with excellent equipment and a cardio zone, there is even a parking lot for fans of independent excursions.

You will be pleased with the fact that everything you need for a vacationer at the Dessole Hotel (Vietnam) is already on its territory, so all tourists can actively and cheerfully spend the entire vacation here.

Where should you go during your stay at the hotel?

Nha Trang is a city that boasts an extensive excursion program... During the trip, the guides recommend that all tourists visit the National Oceanographic Museum, Thapba mud baths, and Yanbai Falls, which will certainly deliver incredible

For the recreation of children not far from the hotel in Nha Trang there is an amusement park "Vinperl" with a water park, several water slides as well as numerous pools and artificial rivers. Also there is huge park attractions, a majestic fountain show that mesmerizes observers, a dolphinarium and many cafes for snacks. "Vinperl" is located on a separate island, and tourists can get to it by cable car... Often the hotel "Dessole" (Vietnam) is chosen precisely because of its proximity to this water park, because there is no alternative to it in terms of quality even in Europe.

Also, an excursion to Dalat is very common among tourists; they come here to look at an unusual house, known all over the world.

The best way to buy excursions is from the tourist operator "Pegas Tourist" at the reception. They will competently explain everything and tell you all the subtleties of the upcoming mini-trip.