Sights of salou spain in russian. Salou, spain - interesting facts, rest, beaches, hotels, how to get there, what to see. Attractions with photos and descriptions

A resort town in Spain, located on the Costa Dorada - Salou... In Spain, attractions are closely intertwined with history and culture, and this resort is no exception.

Besides the pleasant, cleanest beaches and a lot of entertainment for adults and children, its attractive feature is the abundance of bright sights, interesting routes and beautiful places.

Salou on the map of Spain in Russian

The city proudly bears the name "Capital of Spanish tourism" due to the excellent conditions for recreation and the ability to quickly reach its coast. At the same time, tourists from Russia will feel at ease here, as many people from Russia live and work in the city. the former USSR as well as Russians can find printed information in their native language.

Due to its popularity, Salou has become one of the largest resorts in the country.

Where is it located?

On the map of Spain, Salou is located on northeast countries - in Catalonia. The town is only 90 km away from the capital. It is part of the province of Tarragona and is part of the Costa Dorada. There are several ways to get to it, the most popular of which is to fly to Reus, and from there take a bus to the coast.

Main tourist areas

Despite the fact that many see Salou as tourist town, whose roads lead exclusively to beaches and clubs, here you can find old districts with interesting and unique places.

One of such significant places is Historical Center and medieval quarters, the other is Boulevard Jaime I. Near the most significant objects there are plates in 8 languages ​​with important information and description.

The resort town itself is divided into two halves located on both sides of the railway.

On one side is the coastline with beaches, bars, a lovely promenade and clubs, on the other side is the residential area.

Attractions with photos and descriptions

In Salou, there are ancient monuments of architecture from the time of King Jaime I, cultural sites, natural places and modern entertainment.

Architectural objects

Salou's business card - Torre Velhaold fortress, which arose here in the 16th century at the request of the archbishop. The coast of the city was often attacked by the Saracens, and this massive building made it possible to reliably protect the inhabitants from pirates.

The tower has been perfectly preserved to this day. From the outside, it looks all the same military-style, representing a simple rectangular fort made of stones. The building looks so authentic that residents hold weddings within its walls. Inside there is a museum and a center modern culture, where various events, exhibitions and performances are regularly held.

Torre Velha is surrounded by a green garden with various statues. The most attractive one is sculpture "Three Graces"... It depicts three girls dancing the traditional Catalan dance, the sardana. The monument was erected in 1990 in honor of the fact that Salou was declared "the center of the sardana".

Over the years, Salou has been major port- until these powers were transferred to Tarragona. The building reminds of these important events Capitania- a small building, built in 1820. It collected tax duties, which brought considerable income to the city budget.

The real pride of the people of Salou is Masia Catalanaarchitectural complex, consisting of a manor house, peasant dwellings and courtyard buildings, clearly telling about the Catalan inhabitants. The structures presented here are still found in the rural areas of Catalonia.

V summer time in these houses they arrange fair with the sale of jewelry, ceramics, ornaments, etc. All products are made by local craftsmen. In the winter season, it is customary to hold city celebrations in the estate, and the most beautiful and interesting ones take place at Christmas. Residents act out scenes from Christmas stories.

Religious landmark of Salou - church of Santa Maria del Marancient temple in the city, built in 1776. The original structure was built for sailors and was small in size. Over time, it collapsed, and in the 20th century it turned into ruins. Half a century later, it was decided to restore the architectural monument.

The building was expanded, and inside it was decorated with paintings by Luis Maria Guell.

Salou is a pearl of modernism, and its territory is decorated with real masterpieces, especially such as Villa Bonet... This building was commissioned by a wealthy merchant, and the project belongs to Gaudí's student, Domenec Sugranes. The building was built in 1911 and is designed in the Art Nouveau style. Soon, other estates in such an unusual style appeared in the city.

The outside of the estate is decorated with frescoes and mosaics, charming wooden balconies and an unusual entrance door. Inside the house no less beautiful and attractive- the walls are decorated with various images from the life of King Jaime I and other historical events.

The territory of the estate is surrounded by a colorful fence, and inside it is equipped luxurious garden with flower beds, a chapel and a swimming pool. There is also a ceramic tile sundial decorated with the motto “Use time correctly, it flies by forever”.

Walking through Salou, you can come across interesting monuments:

  • Jaime I- the first ruler of Aragon, who began his path of conquest from this place;
  • monument to the fisherman- the sculpture depicts a typical inhabitant medieval town- a tired fisherman pulling a net from the sea.

Also has historical value railroad station... It is located within walking distance from the central promenade - Jaime I Boulevard. The walking area starts from the railway station and stretches along the Llevant beach, separating the business part of the city from the tourist one.

Natural beauty

In Salou, a separate attraction is the coast. The authorities are working hard to ensure that the nine beaches are clean, well-groomed and picturesque. The most popular one is Llevant(Levante) and its beautiful alley, full of greenery and stretching along the sea. No less interesting Ponent- a beach with crystal clean water designed for families with children.

There are several parks and gardens in Salou, the most famous is City Park- an area with artificial reservoirs and green spaces.

The city park is decorated with several sculptures, comfortable gazebos and walking paths.

Among other natural attractions of Salou, two bays are worth noting - Peña Tallada and Punta de Caval- small walking areas, which are worth visiting during sunset. These places are considered the most beautiful natural sites resort.


Salou is home to a legendary - this large-scale amusement park, to the vastness of which tourists from all over the world flock. It is an amusement park designed in various styles. Here you can find the fastest roller coaster in Europe, water attractions as well as shops, restaurants and souvenir shops.

Its territory is divided into 6 thematic areas:

  1. Mediterranean;
  2. Wild West;
  3. Mexico;
  4. China;
  5. Sesame;
  6. Polynesia.

Each zone is framed in unique style, which allows children to make an intriguing journey to different parts of the planet.

A visit can bring pleasure karting park in Salou, calculated for both adults and children 9-12 years old.

What else to see?

The attractions of Salou do not end there. Many interesting and amazing places can be found in the city and beyond.

Where can you go on your own in the vicinity?

There is a lot of new and interesting hiding outside the resort, especially if you go on independent excursions around ancient cities located near Salou: Barcelona, ​​Vila Seca, Tarragona, Reus, Figueres or. A visit to these cities is an acquaintance with ancient places with a rich historical heritage region of Catalonia, with a variety of architectural monuments and ruins.

V Tarragona of interest are:

  • Roman Amphitheater;
  • Roman walls;
  • Cathedral St. Thekla and St. Mary;
  • tarragona tower Als Castells;
  • house with a deceptive facade;
  • Roman aqueduct.

All this ancient architecture creates an incredible atmosphere of history and a mesmerizing picture.

Among the oldest cities is Vila-Seca- small area with unique complex architectural monuments... A trip to these places will introduce you to the Gothic-style castle, decorated with a tower from the Roman Empire. Here are the gates of St. Anthony and watchtowers, which served as a reliable defense against pirate raids.

Where to go with children?

At the very end of Boulevard Jaime I installed singing fountain... Every Friday and Saturday at 21:00 a music and light show starts. At such moments, jets of water, accompanied by music, flash with the brightest and most varied colors. During the high tourist season, shows are held every day after 22:00.

There are three such fountains in Salou. One of them is set to squares... It is a luminous structure that releases about 200 jets of water. Carles Bouygas worked on the creation of this object, and for the first time its beauty was appreciated in 1973.

Another fountain is located directly on waterfront, and it was made attractive by the rather unusual shape of the spiral and the beautiful illumination that turns on in the dark.

Young tourists will be interested in seeing other attractions of Salou, such as the building of the railway. Carrilette- an area that occupies a small section of the Reus-Salou line. It was turned into a recreation area for children, and an old steam locomotive was installed as an attractive object.

Watch in this video top-5 most beautiful places in Salou:

Salou is one of the largest coastal resorts on the Costa Dorada. Beyond the sun-drenched beaches and warm sea, there are many places in the city that are attractive from the point of view of tourists. Near the most significant sights there are information stands, where information with a description of a particular place is indicated in 8 languages, as well as detailed map... Based on this information, you can create your own unique itinerary in Salou.

When traveling in Spain, you should also explore, and.

Port Aventura

Port Aventura is by no means a maritime structure, but a huge one amusement park in Salou (one of the largest in Southern Europe - the area of ​​the park is 118 hectares).

The park is divided into several sectors, each of which has its own theme: "Mexico", "Polynesia", "China", "Wild West", "Mediterranean" and "Sesame Country" - in one day you can make a real trip around the world. Each sector has its own set of attractions and entertainment for adults and children. By the way, all the rides are made in the style of the part of the world they represent.

Throughout the day, about 80 colorful entertainment shows for every age are played in the park.

In addition, the park has its own water park, 4 hotels for guests, golf courses, beach clubs, restaurants and cafes.

Address: Avinguda de l'Alcalde Pere Molas, Salou

Working hours: from 10 to 20 hours (in the summer season - from 10 to 24 hours) daily, from March to the end of October.

Price: An adult ticket for all attractions will cost 45 euros (for 1 day), and a child ticket will cost 39 euros. To the water park entrance ticket costs 28 and 22 euros, respectively. Tickets can be purchased both at the ticket offices of the park and on the official website in the Cashier section.

This fountain is also called Cybernetic. It is installed at the very end of Jaime Boulevard. Every Friday and Saturday at 21:00 people gather around the fountain, because it is at this time that a light and music show with laser elements begins. Jets of water flare up with music in a variety of colors.

At the height of the tourist season, a light show near the fountain is given daily (at 10 pm).


Working hours: from 21:00 to 22:00 (in summer - up to 24 hours).

Price: is free.

This sculpture pays tribute to the time when Salou was a busy seaport. The sculpture is visible from almost anywhere on the beach. The author of the monument is Ramond Fernand, a famous Spanish sculptor. The monument was erected in 1990 on the embankment, in the place where the narrow pier begins.

The monument depicts the figure of a tired fisherman pulling his nets from the sea. On the nets you can see a distinct inscription in Spanish, which means "with the strength of all the people."

Address: Costa Dorada beach, Salou.

Working hours: sightseeing is available around the clock.

Price: is free.

In the center of one of the main streets of the city - Jaime Boulevard, there is a sculpture of King Jaime the First, the first king of Aragon. According to sources, it was from this place in 1229 that the king began his conquest march to Mallorca.

The monument is a stone figure of Jaime and a horse's head decorated with gold foil. The authors of the sculpture are Salvador Ripoi and Luis Maria Saumeis.
The grand opening of the monument to the king took place in 1965 (November 28), which was attended by representatives of the authorities and famous citizens.

Address: Salou, Passeig de Jaume I 'el Conqueridor

Working hours: any time of the day.

Price: is free.

The nondescript-looking building dates back to the middle of the 16th century (1530). The square squat building is connected by a covered walkway with another building of the same time (but the walkway itself was built in the 20th century). In the 16th century, the tower served as a defensive fortress that protected the city from the invasion of pirates.

In the 20th century, the building was renovated inside, but outside it remained exactly the same as it was at the time of its construction. Today the premises of Torre Vella are the city's cultural center, where all kinds of exhibitions and cultural events are organized. One of the rooms of the Tower contains a collection of paintings by artists of the 20th century. In the courtyard of the building, there is a garden sculptural composition "The Dance of Gratitude" (by Arthur Aldom Puich).

Address: Torre Vella, Salou (Tarragona), Arquebisbe Pere Cardona, 1

Telephone: +34 932726490

Working hours: from 10 to 17 hours, in the summer from 10 to 22 hours.

Price: visiting the museum and the fortress itself is free; the cost of tickets for exhibitions and cultural events is determined separately.

This architectural landmark is located in the Salou City Park. Once this manor was the most ordinary house of Catalan residents - the same houses are still found in rural Catalonia. The estate clearly tells about the way of life of the Catalans, their way of life and beliefs. In the park there are dwellings of peasants, courtyard buildings, various scenes with the participation of Mary and the baby are depicted.

During the summer season (which usually coincides with the main tourist season) in the park near the estate there is a real craft fair - here you can buy jewelry, ceramics and souvenirs made by local craftsmen. The fair is open only in the evenings: from 19 to 23 hours.

Address: Salou, Avinguda de Carles Buïgas, 50

Working hours: during the day.

Price: the entrance is free.

The oldest church in the city was built in 1776 for sailors, who at that time made up the bulk of the population of Salou (the city was a major port at that time). The coat of arms of the sailors' guild, located above the entrance, reminds of this today.

Initially, the church was modest in size - just a chapel with one bell tower. Over time, the church collapsed, and by the 20th century it had a very deplorable appearance. In the middle of the century, it was decided to restore the church, while the building was noticeably expanded. In the same years, church wall paintings appeared in the church, belonging to the brush of Luis Maria Guia.

Address: Salou, Carrer de l'Església, 26

Working hours: every day (in summer), from 10.00 to 20.00.

Price: the visit is free.

The embankment, it is also the boulevard of King Jaime the First, stretches along the entire coast and Llevant beach, starting from railway station Salou. The embankment separates the main, business part of the city from its resort part.

The boulevard, which stretches along the city for almost 1 kilometer, is a favorite vacation spot for both tourists and the townspeople themselves. Entertainment complexes, cafes and restaurants are concentrated here. The design of the boulevard is no less original - the sidewalk is lined with tiles depicting a number of family coats of arms of representatives of the local elite, and the main decoration of the boulevard is the sculptural composition of Jaime the First.

There is also a whole complex of unusual fountains on the boulevard - the Glowing Fountain, the Singing (Cybernetic) Fountain. They begin to work in the evenings - from 21 o'clock.

By the way, if you walk along the Embankment for a long, long time, you can reach the neighboring town of Cambrils.

Address: Carrer de Colón, 43840 Salou

Working hours: around the clock

Price: is free.

Walking around the city, you can not only soak up the atmosphere that reigns in Salou, but also have a lot of fun exploring the architectural sights.

You may also be interested to look at the pages about the sights of Italy. For example: or.

People go to Salou for fun, entertainment and new experiences. The liveliest resort on the Costa Dorada generously gives all this to its guests. But besides incredible beautiful beaches what to see in Salou there is always an inquisitive tourist.

Useful information

  • location: province of Catalonia, resort, Spain;
  • population: 27 thousand people;
  • an economical way to travel - by bus;
  • near each attraction there are billboards that tell about the place in which you are in eight languages, and allow you to draw up a further route.


Being resort town, has little to boast of in terms of historical architecture. Here, in general, they enjoy nature, sea, landscapes. Most of the interesting places are located in the vicinity. We offer a list of what you need to see in Salou.

A great place for promenades, morning jogging and contemplation of the beauty of the sea. Stretching along the beaches of Salou, it offers beautiful sea views. Take this opportunity and sit in one of the city's cafes admiring the sea breeze. The alley is decorated with state heraldry, lined with mosaic tiles.
The decoration of the boulevard is a monument to King James I of Spain, who set out from the local port to conquer Mallorca. It was opened in 1965. It is a statue of the king himself, standing in the bow of a gilded boat.
In addition to graceful benches and exotic palm trees stretching along the alley, the street is decorated with Art Nouveau villas. There are especially many of them in the area of ​​Placa Bonet. One of the villas bears the same name, since it was built with the money of a local rich man in the early 20th century. An architect is a student. Unfortunately, the entrance for visitors is closed. The facade of the building is decorated with a ceramic mosaic sundial. On them there is an inscription in neo-Gothic type: "Use time, for it goes away forever!"

Installed at the end of the boulevard known to us, near the port of Salou in 1990. The sculpture adorns a pier, built in the 19th century, which served as a pier for fishing boats. The author, a native of a neighboring town, simply recalled local residents about how the history of the city began. The composition represents a huge figure of a fisherman pulling a net from the depths of the sea.

What to see in Salou in Spain from historical sites so this is a watchtower. Located next to railway station... Built in the 16th century as a defensive structure against the invasions of Saracen Sardinian pirates. Today it serves as a venue for exhibitions. Of interest is the Museum of Enamel - items made of very fragile materials. The tower is surrounded by a picturesque garden filled with sculptures.


There are many of them in Salou. The most impressive is. Located near the monument to the Fisherman. Became a great addition to the "Glowing Fountain". The first one was opened in 2007. The so-called jester brings great joy to children - arches that appear and disappear over the bridge, under which children run with a cheerful cry.
The Glowing Fountain was designed by the author of the Magic Fountains in Barcelona - Carlos Buigas. A magnificent show is presented to the eyes of the audience in the evenings - about 210 variants of intertwining rays and jets of water appear to the viewer. This masterpiece of architecture works only in the summer.

Neighborhood Salou

Many places to visit from Salou are nearby. Popular (15 minutes from Salou). Visitors from all over Europe come here. You need to start your acquaintance with the park by traveling on a small train that will take you throughout the territory.
The park consists of several thematic zones - China, Mediterranean, Polynesia, Mexico, Wild West. It is not difficult to guess that each one tells about a certain corner of the planet. The decoration is a roller coaster. You need to go here for the whole day.

Salou is a small resort town famous primarily for its beaches. However, Salou also has interesting sights that can be a great addition to your beach holiday.

Attractions of Salou. What to see in Salou. Where to go in Salou

Boulevard King Jaime I

Boulevard named after King Jaime I (Paseo Jaime I) is a wide pedestrianized street, considered one of the best places to walk in Salou.

This boulevard is very popular, and the palm trees planted on both sides of the Primorsky Boulevard make it picturesque and attractive.

The boulevard stretches for a kilometer along coastline the central beach of Salou (Levant) and has a slight curve to match the curve of the coastline.

In the center, the boulevard is decorated with an imposing monument to the famous King Jaume I (Jaume I monument), installed in this place back in 1965. This monument was erected to commemorate the historic date of September 5, 1229, when the Catalan fleet set out from Salou to conquer Mallorca.

Fountains of Salou

Salou fountains deserve special attention. In 1973, the Salou Glowing Fountain opened, an engineering marvel of its time, featuring a water show of up to 210 combinations. For many years it has been and remains one of the main attractions of the resort. Subsequently, Ornamental fountains were added to it. The play of water, light and sound has become an integral part of Salou's evening landscape.

House Bonet and the old olive tree

House Bonet, also known as Chalet Bonet or Villa Bonet (Chalet Bonet), is one of the most striking sights of Salou, worth seeing for everyone who comes to Salou.

House Bonet is historical monument unique architecture and an excellent example of the late period of the era of modernism. The author of the project, Domenech Sugranies and Grasse, was a student and follower of Antoni Gaudí.

The House of Bonet is located in the heart of the tourist part of Salou, near the famous promenade Jaime I, on its western side.

Port Command building

The building of the Port Commandant's office was built in 1820 and immediately became part of the infrastructure of the port of Salou. The port of Salou has enjoyed a lively commercial activity for centuries, especially in the 17th and 18th centuries, during the heyday of the alcohol trade. It was in connection with this activity that the need arose for infrastructure, including the construction of customs. At the beginning of the 20th century, the building passed into private ownership.

The commandant's office has partially retained its original appearance, although it has undergone various changes. Initially, it had only two floors, and the façade overlooking Boulevard Miramar was adjoined by a drinking bowl for horses and a fountain.

Port of Salou

Port of Salou (Puerto Salou) is a small seaport located in the very center of the coast, between two beaches - Ponent and Levant.

From the port, you can take boat trips along the coast or take a yacht trip to the open sea.

Monument to the Fisherman

Near the port, on the side of the Levant beach, there are: a modest size pier with a platform for recreation and the famous monument to the Fisherman, which is included in the list of the main attractions of Salou (El Muelle y el monumento al pescador).

The pier and the pier until the middle of the 20th century were guarded by boats of fishermen from Salou. Where boats once docked, now stands the Monument to the Fisherman by Ramon Ferran, created to remind of the city's rich sailing past. The monument was erected in 1990 with public money.

Pilons Monument

Monument "Pilons" (Monumento Els Pilons de Salou) is installed on the very edge of the cape, which clearly marked the eastern border of the Levant beach. There are seating areas near the monument, and a beautiful view of the beach and the Mediterranean (Balearic) Sea opens from this place.

Cami de Ronda bypass road

One of the most picturesque and interesting walking paths in Salou originates from the monument - the Cami de Ronda bypass.

Cami de Ronda (Cami de Ronda) is a bypass road (trail), passing along the sea line and enveloping East Coast Salou, created for walking along the coastal strip of the resort.

Walking along this road is a great opportunity to see the coast of Salou, including Cap Salou. The road is quite convenient, its total length is just over 5 kilometers one way. A detour will take you along the entire coast of Salou and will lead you to the Old Lighthouse.

On the way, panoramic views open up, we pass secluded bays and lively beaches, and sections of the rocky coast are now and then replaced by gentle paths.

Cami de Ronda is perhaps the most memorable and amazing "natural" attraction in Salou.

Cape Porroch

Cape Porroch is one of the salou headlands clearly protruding into the sea, on which there is observation deck Mirador with seating.

The promontory is located between Capellans and Llenguadets beaches. At the entrance to Llenguadets Bay, there is still a bunker built during the Civil War, and two embrasures facing the Cape of Horse and the port of Salou.

Peña Tagliada

An unusually picturesque corner with a unique rock cutting into the sea. These bizarre rock formations protruding into the sea, turned as a result of the erosion process into a kind of huge stone wall, clearly define the boundaries of two small bays - Peña Taglia and de la Costa.

Above the sea line, on the Tallada rock of the same name, there is an observation deck, which offers beautiful views of the bays and the coast as a whole.

Horse cape

Another interesting natural attraction located in the Cap Salou area, which, like the two above, can be seen walking along the Camy de Ronda bypass trail.

Cape Cavall or Cape Horsehead (Punta del Cavall) is the most pronounced part of the coast of Salou protruding into the sea. The cape offers beautiful views of the coast. Closed bays near this cape were used by pirates for anchorage of ships in ancient times, here they anchored and went further into the city for the purpose of raids and robberies.

Old lighthouse

Opened in April 1858, the old Cap Salou Lighthouse (Faro Cap Salou) has a central red tower that still illuminates the Bay of Sant Jordi on the Costa Dorada every day.

Originally, the olive oil-fueled lighthouse lamp gave off white light visible 14 miles offshore, with two lookouts in charge of its operation. Then, as the years passed, technology began to be used and the need for constant topping up of oil disappeared as such.

The lighthouse is open from 10 am until sunset. The entrance is free.

There is an observation deck and a wooden road near the lighthouse. These points offer views of the sea and part of the coast.

And from the observation point located behind the lighthouse, you can see.

Catalan manor

Catalan Manor (Masia Catalana de Salou) is a complex of buildings created in 1974 and renovated in 2011, which recreates the typical buildings of Catalan villages.

Currently, on the territory of the estate you can see a collection of agricultural implements typical for this area of ​​Catalonia. Also here you can see domestic animals living in a makeshift barnyard.

Every year, on the eve of Christmas and the New Year, traditional exhibitions are held on the estate - Belém, imitating the events of the Christmas night.

And from June to September on the territory of the estate there are exhibitions-fairs representing the art of local craftsmen - a market of handicrafts.

City Park

The city park (Parc Municipal Salou) is located in the heart of Salou, near the Catalan manor and the eastern end of the Levant beach.

This is a fairly large and shady park, on the territory of which there are: playgrounds, places for recreation, gazebos, walking paths, a summer cafe-bar, small ponds and an abundance of vegetation.

The park was laid out on the territory of the former Camping Salou, and the author of the project was the architect Antoni Bonet Castellana. The park area is 15.750 sq. M.

Church of Santa Maria del Mar

The Church of Santa Maria del Mar (Parroquia de Santa Maria del Mar) is the main shrine of Salou, located in the heart of the tourist part of the city.

The church was built in 1766 by the sailors' guild, established in the first half of the century. It was originally a modest chapel with one nave and a belfry, combining classicism and baroque, and was intended mainly for those people whose lives were closely associated with the sea. From 1930-1950 the church underwent expansion. At this time, the side and transverse naves, as well as the dome were erected. As a result of these changes, the church building acquired its modern look.

The church is located near the eastern part of Ponent Beach, at Carrer de l "Església, 26, 43840 Salou, Tarragona, Spain.

Church opening hours:

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: 09:30 am to 12:00 pm;

Saturday: from 18:30 to 20:00 hours;

Sunday: 09:30 to 13:30 and 18:30 to 20:00 hours.

Parish of Saint Ramon

Esglesia de Sant Ramon or the parish of Saint Ramon Nonat (Esglesia de Sant Ramon / Parroquia de Sant Ramon Nonat) is an outwardly modern small church located in the center of Salou.

On the left side of the building there is a small chapel of the Virgin (Capilla de la Virgen Abierta).

Old tower

The old defensive tower Torre Vella de Salou was built in 1530 by order of the Archbishop Pere de Cardona of Tarragona to protect the city and its property from pirates raiding the port of Salou. Outside, the original structure with heraldic coats of arms over the gate has been preserved. The bridge connects the tower with the adjacent buildings dating back to the 18th century.

Inside is located Cultural Center, where art exhibitions are held, and in the adjacent territory you can see a sculpture.

Old narrow gauge railway station

The station was built to transport goods to Reus arriving by regular railroad... Therefore, it was located next to the railway station, where one of the first steam locomotives has survived to this route with a length of 8.2 kilometers. It is this bright steam locomotive that attracts tourists.

The station opened on June 23, 1857 and reached its peak with the launch of a line connecting the two cities from 1887 to 1975. With a decrease in trade activity in the port and a decrease in trade turnover in late XIX centuries the road began to be used to transport tourists to the beaches of Salou. Currently not working.

Archaeological Park (excavation)

The archaeological park of the Roman city of Barenys (Villa romana de Barenys) is the most remote attraction of Salou, located at a distance of 1.7 kilometers from Boulevard Jaime I, at the address: Avinguda D "Antoni Gaudí, 27, 43840 Salou, Tarragona, Spain.

The archaeological park of the Roman city of Barenys consists of archaeological finds Roman era, dated to the end of the 1st century BC. - the middle of the 2nd century.

This archaeological site recreates a rectangular building where ceramics were produced: building materials and amphorae for transporting and exporting wine. A round kiln for firing clay is well preserved, next to which there are the ruins of a spacious room with columns, where potters worked with clay. The workshop was supplied with water through an aqueduct carved into the rock, which made it possible to deliver water from the Barenys ravines.

The excavation site is currently closed to the public and there are no guided tours. However, the excavation can be seen standing near a low fence.

P.S. You can visit the main attractions of Salou on your own - on foot, or by taking a walk around the city in.

If the attractions of Salou do not seem enough for you, that is a great opportunity go to, famous for its interesting historical and architectural sights or visit neighboring resort-. Getting from Salou to Tarragona is not long and easy, by public buses or by train. And Cambrils is even faster, you can even walk along the coast, because the distance from the port of Salou to the port of Cambrils is only 6 kilometers.

Taxi / Transfer →

Spain. It is part of the province of Tarragona and is the tourist capital of the "Gold Coast" - the Costa Dorada.

Pronounced with an emphasis on the second syllable - Salóu.


The city was founded in 1989 and covers an area of ​​just over 15 square kilometers. It is home to 27,016 people according to the 2010 census, the population density is almost 1,790 inhabitants per sq. km.

Beach view(Salou) (photo)

Salou - very beautiful resort with many modern hotels... He is considered the main tourist center the coast of the Costa Dorada.

Exactly this the best place for families with children on the coast.

Official site of the city:

city ​​walk (with description of attractions), city map, list of restaurants, etc:

The main street of the city, boulevard Jaime I, stretches for 1.2 km in the city center. On the boulevard you can see many attractions: monuments, fountains, beautiful villas. The boulevard itself is located parallel to the main beach of the city of Llevant (Platja de Llevant), so you can see the sea all along the boulevard.

Which cities are close to Salou?

Not far from the cities of Salou and La Pineda is the most big park Attractions in Spain PortAventuraSalou, which is the most famous and visited place of this resort. Previously, this amusement park belonged to the famous American film studio Universal.

According to many visitors, PortAventura has left French Disneyland far behind in popularity. On a huge territory of 118 hectares there are attractions, entertainment centers, water park, hotels.

What to see

Attractions Salou:

Many interesting and memorable places can be found in the city and its surroundings. Stands with detailed descriptions are installed next to them.

Fountains of Salou(Photo)

  1. Tri Fontana is definitely worth a visit. They all refer to attractions and interesting places Salou.

The light and music show can be seen from Thursday to Sunday from 21:00 to 24:00.


Palaces, buildings

House Bonet (Casa Bonet) - refers to the attractions of Salou, as it has a rather pronounced Mediterranean architectural style ...

The Capitania Port Authority building is located at the intersection of Jaime I Boulevard / Miramar Boulevard and Plaça Bone ...


Masia Catalana is a museum-reconstruction of an old Catalan farmstead located in the city center ...


Squares, boulevards

Boulevard King Jaume I (Avenida Jaume I) with palm alleys stretches along the beach of Llevant. In the center of the promenade, a monument to King Jaime I was erected ...

Gardens and parks

Children's Park Bosc Aventura Salou is located in the city center. It was opened in 2011 and includes a variety of attractions for children ...

At the bottom of the article you can see a list of the city's attractions.

Attractions of Salou on the map:

Things to do


Ponent Beach (Playa Ponent) stretches from Seaport to the border of Vilafortuni beach in neighboring town Cambrils.

Capellanes Beach (Playa de los Capellanes de Salou) is a small and sparse beach. It is located next to Bruselas street ...

Almost all beaches have showers and toilets.

Lifeguards are on duty, there is a rental of sun loungers.

How to get there

Salou has very good transport links.

From here you can easily reach various cities in Catalonia and beyond.

How to get from Barcelona to Salou?

From Barcelona-Estacio de Franca and Barselona Sants stations, trains run every hour towards Salou.