There are 260 sunny days on the Cote d'Azur. Seven places on the planet, where the weather is always perfect. Tourist season on the French Riviera

State palms, tropical flowers, snow-white yachts, spacious golf courses, magnificent sandy beaches, luxurious villas - this is the bohemian southeast coast of France, the Côte d'Azur, which stretches for 300 km along a string of fashionable resorts from Marseille to Menton, including the enclave of Monaco. In our article on the Tour Calendar you will find out why the best time to relax on the French Riviera is from mid-May to the end of October.

Tourist season on the French Riviera

The French Riviera needs no introduction for a long time. One of the most prestigious resorts in the world began to receive its distinguished guests at the beginning of the 20th century: members of royal families, European and Russian aristocrats, famous writers and artists were the first to choose these places. By the way, the Cote d'Azur got its name thanks to the writer. It was a certain Stéphane Liéjart, who once released a novel of the same name. A magnificent warm climate, picturesque landscapes, a huge variety of entertainment, first-class service, a myriad of sights of the past centuries and at the same time a lot of attributes of modern luxurious life - all this annually attracts about 10 million tourists here - darlings of fate belonging to the world elite: celebrities, tanned models in revealing bikinis, politicians, businessmen and “golden youth” come here not only in summer, but also in winter.

High season

In May, millions of tourists begin to rush en masse to the Cote d'Azur, bringing with them thick bundles of euros. It's too early to swim, but the warm weather is just favorable for VIP-rest. Arriving here between May and September, don't even count on good prices, unless, of course, you belong to the cream of society. Restaurants, villas, cocktails in nightclubs spend fabulous sums of money, not to mention such serious forms of entertainment as a picnic on a yacht, casino or golf. The average bar bill amazes the fledgling minds of ordinary tourists. For a simple cup of coffee, you will have to pay from 10 to 20 euros. There are unrealistically many people in the high season: it is during this period of time that the lion's share of concerts, festivals and bohemian parties falls. In May, during the entire Cannes Film Festival, a real madness is going on in the "summer capital": eminent stars land in droves in the city, and zealous fans create an unprecedented turmoil, trying to get their autograph. It is clear that beach vacation during this period will go down the drain. However, do not think that we are discouraging you from your, perhaps, dream of visiting Cannes, Nice or Saint-Tropez in holiday season, because here, as in any corner of the world, you can relax on a budget, you just need to know exactly how. Every year about 150,000 Russian tourists come to the Cote d'Azur, and not all of them have tight wallets. Recently have become very popular Bus tours in Europe with a stop at the Italian and French Riviera. Of course, such a trip implies a minimum stay at one or another resort, but you can see everything at once.

Low season

The low season starts somewhere around the end of October right after the end of the velvet season. As the air temperature begins to gradually decrease, daylight hours decrease, and the first rains begin to drizzle, the bulk of vacationers returns home. At this time, prices for hotel accommodation, entertainment, excursions are reduced in places. For example, some villas can be rented for half the amount announced in the summer. And the calculation is not possible weekly, but monthly. As a rule, this method of payment allows you to save a lot. And while swimming in low season, from November to April, it will not work on the Cote d'Azur, every tourist will find something to their liking here. After all, the French Riviera is not only amazing beaches and the gentle Mediterranean Sea, but also ancient history and the culture that has survived to this day in the form of preserved ancient fortresses, temples and monuments. Cote d'Azur - perfect place for yachting, especially in winter. The weather is mostly warm, there are no severe cold weather. In addition, renting a yacht and getting a place in the marina is much easier than in the summer - you don't have to “compete” with millionaires in your desire. In winter, guests of the coast have fun not only in nightclubs, but also through regular celebrations, which will be discussed below. You can also "dilute" your stay at the resort with a trip to ski centers on the slopes of the Alpes-Maritimes, which is an hour's drive from Nice. Summing up, I would like to say that winter holiday on the French Riviera, there are no less pluses than a summer one.

Beach season on the French Riviera

The opening of the beach season falls on the last days of May. This month, frankly, the water is still very cold - within +16 ° C .. + 18 ° C. However, the beaches of the Cote d'Azur are so well-groomed and comfortable that even a simple reclining on them brings tremendous pleasure. By mid-June, most of the holidaymakers already have time to open the swimming season - the water temperature in the Mediterranean Sea is approximately from +21 ° C to +22 ° C. At the height of summer, on the beaches you can see a large number of married couples with children. The established moderately hot weather contributes to the warming of the sea off the coast to 24 ° C .. + 25 ° C. Evenings are no longer cold, most likely cool - about + 18 ° C .. + 19 ° C, so when dusk falls, there is no need to rush to get back to the hotel.

Velvet season on the French Riviera

If you come to the French Riviera in September, you will be rewarded with a pleasant sunny weather and a "tolerant" tourist gathering. The southeast coast of France is the warmest in the entire territory of the country, its climate allows swimming here for almost the entire month. Summer heat subsides, but the sea remains warm - within +21 ° C .. + 24 ° C. The only thing that can darken such a resort idyll is sudden downpours, since from the beginning of autumn the amount of precipitation increases to about 6 rainy days. But you must admit that this figure is too small, besides, it rains for a couple of hours. In some years it is possible to swim in the first few days of October, because the water temperature at the beginning of this month is often + 19 ° C .. + 22 ° C. However, precipitation can disrupt your plans, and the likelihood of this in the middle of autumn is quite high.

The best time for excursions

Almost all the cities of the Côte d'Azur, before they became fashionable resorts, had a centuries-old history behind them. So, the present Nice, the summer sea residence of the French, was in the past in the possession of the Italian kingdom, and the movie-star Saint-Tropez for a long time was a simple fishing village, being before that part of the Muslim base of Fraxinet. In this regard, in the resorts you can find a lot of interesting tourist sites with a "touch of antiquity". The Cote d'Azur is also home to little-known medieval towns, cozy provincial villages, from which an incredible identity emanates. Many will be interested in going to Grasse, where perfume factories and the Perfume Museum are located. It is enough just a little distance from the beach line inland, as a completely different picture appears: an amphitheater of olive groves and lush gardens descending to the sea, spacious parks and picturesque mountain slopes, glades and meadows dotted with many outlandish flowers. All the resort towns of the French Riviera are located close to each other; by car, you can go around almost the entire coast in a day. It is better to start such mini-trips at the end of April, in the period from the second half of May (bypassing the arrival in Cannes) to the beginning of June, as well as in September and October. At this time, there are not so many people at the resorts as at the very height of the tourist season.

Carnival season

Event tourism is very well developed on the Cote d'Azur. About 4000 holidays are celebrated here every year. The most striking of them are carnivals. In February, all attention is focused on Nice, illuminated by the soft rays of the gentle sun and the joyful smiles of the townspeople and tourists who arrived at the grandiose carnival, which has been taking place in the resort for more than seven centuries. In terms of importance and scope, it is on a par with the Venice and Brazilian carnivals. The most colorful of his action - "Flower Battle", as well as the procession of giant dolls made of papier-mâché. The carnival lasts for 18 days, at this time the city is visited by about 1 million tourists.

It's time for holidays and festivals

Quite a bright holiday in the event calendar of the Côte d'Azur is the Citrus Festival in Menton, in a city where lemons bear fruit without ceasing for a whole year. Orange castles, grapefruit palaces, figures from lemons - at least 130 tons of fruit are spent to arrange the holiday. One of the holidays that have a strong association with the French Riviera is the Cannes Film Festival. In mid-May, the entire world celebrity beau monde comes to this small town to compete for the main prize "Golden Palm". On carnival days, the Cannes authorities receive up to 130,000 people. Around the same time, Monaco became the home of the rich for several days, who flock here in their Alfa Romeos, Mustangs or Ferraris to witness the exciting Monaco Grand Prix. In July, Nice meets the oldest Jazz Festival in France, the first concerts of which were performed back in 1948. It is internationally renowned and attracts several hundred thousand viewers each time.

Sale season

By and large, shopping on the Cote d'Azur is the lot of the rich. For a thousand euros, you can only buy a couple of things here, and even then not of a global nature. But still, few who can withstand the season of sales to buy at least something as a keepsake, albeit not essential. So, in winter, discounts should be expected from the second week of January, and in summer - from the second week of July. The sales take about 4-5 weeks.

Climate on the French Riviera

The Cote d'Azur is "under the wing" of a subtropical Mediterranean-type climate. It has the warmest climate in the entire territory of France, and the sun shines for 300 days a year. Summer is very warm, sometimes even hot, however, due to the low level of humidity and the wind rose, high temperatures are tolerated quite easily. Winter is mild but rainy.

Cote d'Azur in spring

In April, on the French Riviera, despite the fact that "outside the window" "spring, it is warm in summer.

Spring on the Cote d'Azur is perhaps the most beautiful time of the year. She comes here in the first days of March, making herself felt by a slight increase in temperatures and an increase in the number of hours of sunshine. It is still raining, which can lead to temporary cold snaps, but in general it is very warm here at this time. Nature is gradually waking up and renewing its colors: the towns of the village are enveloped in a light green haze of young greenery, and the meadows are covered with colorful floral carpets. Next month, the thermometer reaches +18 ° C, on particularly fine days it freezes at +20 ° C. In April, nature is already in full swing with bright colors in all the colors of the rainbow. Flowers, flowers and more flowers. There is just a wonderful scent in the air. Solar activity is increasing, and the amount of precipitation, on the contrary, is on a course of decline. But it's too early to relax - in the late afternoon the air cools down to about +14 ° C .. + 16 ° C. May is the beginning of the high tourist season, this is associated not only with the cultural events of the coast, but also with the weather reigning here: during the day from +20 ° C .. to +22 ° C, and in the evening not below +17 ° C .. + 18 ° C. The last month of spring can still bring a few rainy days, but how summer is closer, the more restrained the weather becomes for precipitation.

Temperature and weather on the Cote d'Azur in spring

Weather in MarchWeather in AprilMay weather
Average temperature+10 +13 +16
Day temperature+14 +17 +20
Temperature at night+6 +9 +12
Water temperature+13 +14 +16
Rain9 days10 days9 days

Cote d'Azur in summer

In summer, the Cote d'Azur is very warm. In June, it is not hot at the resorts at all, the evenings are even cool. However, from the first days of this month, dry weather reigns. On the strength of 5 days of June can be marked by intermittent rains. It is at this time that the swimming season officially opens: the average water temperature this month in the resorts can range from +19 ° C to 21 ° C. In July and August, at the height of the season, the sun shines for 12 hours a day, which leads to the fact that in the midday hours the air heats up to +27 ° C .. + 28 ° C, and sometimes even crosses the mark of +30 ° C. As a rule, the weather in Marseille is slightly hotter than in Nice and Cannes. Fortunately, the climate of the Côte d'Azur is characterized by the sea breezes of Tramontana, the breeze of which is felt almost constantly. So such high climatic indicators are perceived by the body quite comfortably. The sea water is very warm, evenings delight with "democratic" air temperatures, at which it is impossible to freeze.

Temperature and weather on the French Riviera in summer

June weatherJuly weatherWeather in August
Average temperature+20 +22 +22
Day temperature+24 +26 +26
Temperature at night+15 +18 +18
Water temperature+19 +22 +23
Rain8 days5 days6 days

Cote d'Azur in autumn

September in the resorts of the French Riviera is the velvet season. While the weather is already deteriorating in many cities of the country, here tourists continue to enjoy all the gifts of the outgoing summer. Quite comfortable temperatures are established during the day - just what is needed for children's recreation and those who do not tolerate heat. Solar activity has already slowed down, so people with white skin should not worry. The first days of the week of the month, you can swim quite calmly - the water temperature will stay between +21 ° C and + 24 ° C, but closer to its end, the transparent blue of the sky will increasingly give way to cloudiness. The October weather, although warm for the middle of the "golden time", is partly rainy. Therefore, no one can predict her character at this time. If it will still be cold for the beach, then for long walks along the sea promenade - you can't think of a better time. In November, the resorts have a lazy sleepy atmosphere. No one is in a hurry, life goes on in a measured sequence. The average air temperature no longer rises above +17 ° C, but this is quite enough for enjoying a cup of coffee in an open-air cafe. But only during the day, as it gets colder after sunset - up to about +8 ° C.

Temperature and weather on the French Riviera in autumn

Weather in SeptemberWeather in OctoberNovember weather
Average temperature+20 +16 +12
Day temperature+24 +20 +16
Temperature at night+16 +12 +8
Water temperature+21 +19 +16
Rain7 days9 days9 days

Cote d'Azur in winter

Winter on the French Riviera is very warm, although not devoid of rainfall. However, they only fall in the form of rain. In Cannes, Nice, Saint-Tropez and other seaside resorts on the coast, snow is considered an anomaly. But in the mountains it lies stably. There, from December to March, the height ski season... By the way, due to the fact that the Alps border the Cote d'Azur on the northern side, cold chilly winds do not penetrate its territory at all. During the day, the average air temperature is about +12 ° C .. + 13 ° C, rarely dropping below +10 ° C, and in the evening, even in the coldest month of the year, in January, it keeps at around +4 ° C. Winter in Sunny Beach is so mild that mimosas bloom everywhere in February. On some days, the thermometer reaches +20 ° C, during which time many restaurants serve their guests outdoors.

Temperature and weather on the French Riviera in winter

December weatherJanuary weatherWeather in February
Average temperature+9 +8 +8
Day temperature+13 +12 +12
Temperature at night+5 +4 +4
Water temperature+14 +13 +13
Rain8 days9 days9 days

Holidays on the Cote d'Azur are famous not only for the attributes of luxury and the surrounding delightful landscapes, but also for a very warm and sunny climate with blissful weather throughout the year. However, you can swim for only 4 months, so the best time for a spa vacation is June and the first three weeks of September. In July and August, the water is the warmest, but this is the “hot season”. The second half of spring and the first half of autumn are ideal for excursions. Tour-Calendar hopes that the information provided by us was extremely useful to you.

I have never been particularly interested in relaxing on the Cote d'Azur, considering the local resorts too hyped and pompous, but I radically changed my mind after spending some time in Menton. In subsequent years, I repeatedly returned here to different cities and discovered more and more new facets of this region.

The Côte d'Azur (Cote d "Azur), an apt nickname given to the region by the poet and writer Stéphane Liejard, is the best reflection of the striking beauty of the French Riviera.

The chain of resorts stretching from the Italian border towards Marseille is steeped in glory as an exclusive holiday destination. The ancient architecture, azure waters, lush vegetation and mild climate attract many tourists.

In the old days, the Côte d'Azur was favored by the royals and the aristocracy, the creative elite came here, and today the Riviera is loved by oligarchs and celebrities. And although many local cities have long become a symbol of luxury and sweet life, rest here is available even on a limited budget.

The Riviera is diverse: luxurious villas, Belle Epoque buildings coexist with modest fishing houses, chic restaurants with democratic cafes, and expensive private coastal clubs alternate with excellent free beaches.

Cote d'Azur is not only fashionable seaside resorts, there are also quiet medieval towns frozen in time, picturesque mountain villages, reserves with untouched nature, wonderful art museums, monuments of the ancient period, the UNESCO-listed "Valley of Wonders" with unique rock paintings, and even the French "Silicon Valley" Sophia Antipolis ...

How to get there

The most convenient way to get to the Cote d'Azur from Russia is by plane. You can also come from Moscow by train. If your route starts from other cities in Europe, a bus is a suitable option, along with train and plane.

By plane

The gateway to the Côte d'Azur is Nice Airport (Aeroport Nicé Cote d "Azur), one of the largest airports in France and where most European airlines fly.

The airport consists of 2 terminals, you can move between them by a free bus that runs every 5-10 minutes.

Aeroflot and Russia perform direct regular flights to Nice from Moscow and St. Petersburg. The flight takes approximately 4 hours. Flights arrive at Terminal 2. The price depends on the season. In summer, if you buy in advance, the cost of a round-trip ticket will average 280-300 EUR (17,000-18,000 rubles). You can save a lot by buying a transfer ticket. I always follow the special offers that Air France, Swiss Airlines, Air Baltic and other airlines. Actual prices the tickets can be viewed.

From the airport to the center of Nice

The airport is located near the center, from here there are many travel options for any budget:

From the airport to other cities

There are a couple of small airports on the French Riviera: Cannes airport ( Aeroport de Cannes - Mandelieu) and Saint-Tropez airport ( Aeroportde La Mole - Saint-Tropez). They mainly accept private jets, helicopters from Nice, and a small number of charter flights.

There is a regional airport in Toulon ( Toulon - Hyères regional airport), it serves flights from other cities in France, as well as from Brussels, Rotterdam and London.

You can get to the cities of the western part of the Cote d'Azur from a large international airport Marseille Marseille-provence... There are no direct flights from Russia there, but there are flights from many other cities in Europe. Marseille Airport is conveniently connected by a free shuttle to the nearby train station Vitrolles Aeroport Marseille Provence There are also buses from the airport. Scheme route network can be seen in this figure.

By train

Railway lovers will appreciate the presence of train 017Б(- Nice) departing from Belorussky railway station every Thursday. You will spend almost two days on the way. The cost of a one-way compartment ticket is from 250 EUR (15,000 rubles).

On the Côte d'Azur, the train makes stops in Menton and Monaco, its terminus is Nice, the main train station Gare de Nice - Ville.

From this station, you can easily get to other cities of the Riviera by train or bus.

You can also come to the Cote d'Azur by train from other major European cities (Paris, Genoa, etc.). French Railways SNCF periodically offer quite attractive rates.

By bus

Regular bus routes to the cities of the French Riviera from Russia does not exist. However, you can come here from Genoa, Milan, Turin, Munich, Barcelona, ​​Madrid and other European cities. Such routes are offered by many bus companies (EUROLINES, FLIXBUS, OUIBUS). Prices are quite attractive:

  • - Nice from 9 EUR,
  • - Nice from 17 EUR,
  • - Nice from 29 EUR.

By car

The road to the Cote d'Azur from Russia passes through several countries and is very picturesque. If you have some free time, this route can bring many wonderful experiences.

By ferry

Ferries to the Cote d'Azur run from Corsica and Sardinia. For timetables and prices, see, for example,

In addition, many cruise routes in Europe include stops at Cannes, and Villefranche-sur-Mer. Small ships sometimes stop at the port of Nice itself.


French Riviera - time is now

Difference in hours:

Moscow 1

Kazan 1

Samara 2

Ekaterinburg 3

Novosibirsk 5

Vladivostok 8

When is the season. When is the best time to go

I think the Riviera is good all year round. It has a pleasant Mediterranean climate with mild winters and warm, sunny summers. The western part of the Cote d'Azur is cooler. The closer to Marseilles, the more noticeable the influence of the cold mistral wind, which is strongest in winter and spring. The eastern part of the Riviera is protected from the fury of the winds by the mountains.

If you, like me, have no idea sea ​​vacation without swimming, the season will open for you in late May - early June. Summer attracts a huge number of tourists, so you have to either put up with this inconvenience, or wait with the trip until the beginning of autumn.

Cote d'Azur in summer

The weather is mostly sunny. The air temperature rarely rises above +30 degrees. The heat is tolerated quite easily, there is often a refreshing breeze blowing from the sea.

July and August are high season. At this time, there are most people, and prices reach their peak. The water temperature is comfortable (+ 23-24 ° С), but it can be cramped on popular beaches.

Cote d'Azur in autumn

The beginning of autumn is my favorite time. The water temperature is still high and the air is getting a little cooler. Great time for swimming, long walks and sightseeing. An undoubted plus is that the tourist flow is gradually decreasing, prices are also declining. The Velvet season lasts until mid-October. Late October and November are some of the rainiest months. The rains here are torrential, but, as a rule, not prolonged.

Cote d'Azur in spring

A beautiful time when nature blooms. Air temperature from +13 to +20 ° С. It also rains, but there are still more sunny days. At the end of May, the beach season opens, the water is still cool, but sunbathing is already quite comfortable.

Cote d'Azur in winter

In the 19th century, the Cote d'Azur was a place of winter recreation for wealthy families fleeing from the cold. Not surprising, because the winter is very pleasant here. The air temperature ranges from + 10–16 ° С. If the sun warms up, then you can even afford to sit in open cafes. Snow rarely falls on the coast, as a rule, it only occurs in the mountains. Winter attracts with the opportunity to visit the famous carnivals in Nice and Menton. You can also go to the numerous ski resorts of the Alpes-Maritimes.


French Riviera - monthly weather

Conditional areas. Descriptions and features

The borders of the Cote d'Azur are arbitrary and not indicated on the map. It starts from Italy and stretches towards Marseille. Someone considers the last city of the Cote d'Azur, other sources refer to it and Cassis. I will adhere to this version too.

Officially, the Cote d'Azur is located on the territory of a large French region Provence - Alpes - Cote d'Azur... In turn, this region is divided into smaller departments. The French Riviera covers three of them: Alpes-Maritimes, Var and a small piece Bouches-du-Rhone.

I will list the most interesting cities for tourists in each department.




What are the prices for rest

The Cote d'Azur cannot be called a cheap place. The main item of expenses is, perhaps, accommodation, especially if the trip falls on the high season.


A 2-star hotel room in summer is unlikely to cost less than 70-80 EUR. Most hostels are located in Nice, expect around 30 EUR per bed. The cost of rooms can be viewed, and booked at. If you are traveling with your family, it is cheaper and more practical to rent an apartment. You can see the prices.


A modest lunch in a cafe costs an average of 15 EUR per person. Don't ignore the plat du jour, which is usually very attractively priced.

Dinner for two with a glass of wine in a cafe or an inexpensive restaurant will cost more, from 60 EUR.

Naturally, as in any place, there are budget food options on the Cote d'Azur. For example, delicious sandwiches and stuffed baguettes at local boulangerie bakeries for which you will spend 4-6 EUR. If you cook at home, there are supermarkets at your service (Carrefour, Monoprix, Casino, Lidl), where, by the way, you can buy ready-made food relatively inexpensively in the culinary department.

A separate pleasure is a visit to the Provencal markets. Choosing products in such a market is immersing yourself in a colorful kaleidoscope of variegated flowers, perky vendors and dizzying aromas, but prices are often more expensive than in a supermarket. You have to pay for the color ... There are markets in every city.

The most popular ones are:

  • Marche des Halles, Menton;
  • Marche aux Fleurs;
  • Marche Provencal, Antibes;
  • Marche Forville, Cannes;
  • Place des Lices Market,.

Attractions and beaches

If you are planning to visit many attractions, it makes sense to consider purchasing a special pass that is valid for 24, 48 or 72 hours. It can also include the use of public transport in Nice and the surrounding area. There is another pass - for 45 EUR, which provides free access to many attractions, plus it has some flexibility in use: it is valid for any 3 days (not necessarily consecutive) for 6 days.

As for the beaches, they are free, unless of course you want the extra comfort in the form of sun loungers and umbrellas that the beach club can provide (15–30 EUR per day per person).

On a free municipal beach, your maximum financial spend will be buying an umbrella, which is sold in any supermarket. For relaxing on a pebble beach (especially if the pebbles are large like in Nice), I also advise you to purchase a special rug and slippers for entering the water.

Major attractions. What to see

It is not easy to describe the sights of the Cote d'Azur in one article. There are natural and man-made beauties, as well as places of historical and cultural interest.

Top 5

  • Nice. The architecture of the most famous city of the French Riviera combines picturesque antiquity, the gloss of Belle Epoque and original modern buildings. All this is inscribed in a beautiful natural landscape, washed by an azure bay with a romantic name - the Bay of Angels. Nice's old town is a cozy entanglement of streets and vibrant bustling squares.
    Remember to pay attention to detail. For example, don't miss the so-called House of Adam and Eve (8 Rue de la Poissonnerie), a 16th century building with a funny grisaille bas-relief: a man and a woman standing opposite each other with clubs in their hands, apparently depicting the first family conflict in history. The modern face of the city is also interesting and fresh. Probably few people have not seen the sculptures glowing in the evening on the pillars in Place Massena.
    Less popular, but no less interesting, is the building of the library in the shape of a human head.
    We must not forget the famous Promenade des Anglais, the main advantage of which, in my opinion, is the amazing color of the sea. As for the views, my favorite opens from the Chateau hill (La Colline du Chateau).
  • Monaco. You can treat this dwarf state in different ways. Someone considers its architecture to be kitsch, sees in it an excessive luxury, someone, on the contrary, expects more and is disappointed at the sight of boring typical high-rise buildings in some districts. But this place will remain in your memory anyway. The imposing rock on which stands the castle of the princes of Monaco, delightful gardens, a casino surrounded by cars, the cost of which exceeds the bounds of reason, beautiful churches, postcard views, and an atmosphere of prosperity, prosperity and tranquility ... It is worth seeing and feeling.
  • Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild(Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild) was built by Baroness Beatrice of the Rothschild dynasty on the picturesque Cape Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat.
    The interiors of this elegant building are beautiful, but I enjoyed walking much more in the 4 hectares of gardens that surround the villa. There are nine gardens in total: Spanish, Florentine, French, Provencal, Sevres, exotic, Japanese and stone gardens, as well as a rose garden. And what kind of views from here ... The ticket price includes an audio guide (available in Russian), which is issued on the security of some document. You can get there by bus # 81 (Passable stop) or on foot from the Beaulieu-sur-Mer railway station (1.5 km, but the road uphill, in hot weather can be difficult).
  • Saint-Paul-de-Vence- a city in the past, favored by the attention of many representatives of the art world, which, unfortunately, could not but affect the number of modern visitors filling its countless shops and art galleries... During the high season, this place is so packed with tourists that it seems like just a colorful decoration. But as soon as you turn into some side, miraculously empty street, and you begin to feel the true charm of this medieval town.
    While walking, do not forget to visit the modest but touching grave of our compatriot - Marc Chagall.
    From Nice, it is easy to get to Saint-Paul-de-Vence by bus number 400 to Vence, you need to stop at St Paul - Village.
  • Ez. A cozy 10th century village nestled on a high cliff above the sea.
    Medieval houses are also mysterious, winding streets are mesmerizing, it's not for nothing that the great storyteller Walt Disney loved this place. The main treasure of the village is the exotic cactus garden, which offers incredible views of the surroundings. You can get to Eze from Nice by bus 82 (stop Eze village). Another way: get to railway station Gare SNCF Eze and take bus 83 going up the hill. If you are in good physical shape, you can walk along the famous Nietzsche trail, which I will describe below.

Beaches. Which is better

The Cote d'Azur has some very beautiful beaches, but if your only goal is to swim in the sea, I would recommend thinking about other possible vacation options. Majority local beaches cannot be called spacious (except for the vicinity of Saint-Tropez), and they can disappoint the tourist, spoiled, for example, by the chic Asian beaches. Especially if you come here in high season, when the concentration of tourists is maximum. And yet, the beauty of nature, architecture and the charm of these places more than compensate for this slight inconvenience.

Generally speaking, the beaches east of Nice towards Menton are mostly pebbly, the beaches west of Nice are sandy. The coastline is very diverse, there are beautiful bays, small bays with crystal water, long sandy beaches, rocks, picturesquely hanging over the sea.

I will list my favorite beaches from east to west.

  • Sablettes Beach,. The main attraction of this beach, located between 2 marinas, is the magnificent view of the old town. The pebbles here are small, and the entrance to the water is shallow, there are few waves. The beach is perfect for the whole family. There are many shops and cafes around. Part of the beach is municipal, there are also paid beach clubs nearby.
  • Larvotto beach, Monte Carlo. A lovely public sandy beach just steps from Princess Grace Avenue. The entrance to the water is very convenient, the water is clean, there is even a net on the beach that protects against jellyfish. There are many restaurants and shops around.
  • Mala beach, Cap D'Ay. Many people consider this beach, surrounded by picturesque cliffs, one of the most beautiful in the vicinity. Cozy bay, very clear turquoise water and lush nature around. Part of the beach is sandy, part is pebbly. Free public area, as well as two paid beaches. The only drawback is that getting to this place is not so easy. You have to go down a long staircase, or come here along a coastal path. According to some sources, the beach is named after the famous Russian ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya, who owned a villa nearby (Mala was her diminutive French name).
  • Petite Afrique Beach, Beaulieu-sur-Mer. Nice pebble beach, where you can relax in the shade of palm trees, which, apparently, should create a kind of African mood. At least this is what the name of this place hints at - Little Africa. In addition to palm trees, there are other beauties in abundance - for example, views of the Cap d'Ai cape. The beach has all the necessary infrastructure, as well as a beach club with a restaurant.
  • Marinieres beach, Villefranche-sur-Mer is the main beach of this lovely town, with sand mixed with fine gravel. Beautiful views and clear water make it perhaps one of the most popular in the surrounding area.
  • Nice beaches... Quite large stones on the beaches of Nice scare off many tourists. For a comfortable entry into the water, I recommend buying special slippers. You will also need a rug, as lying on the boulders is not a pleasure. These difficulties will be rewarded with the amazing color of the water. In my opinion, in Nice, it is the most azure on the entire coast. But I would not recommend to relax here with small children. Entering the water over large boulders can be an overwhelming task for them.
  • Gravette Beach,. But children will definitely like this beach. It is sandy, sheltered from waves, and the entrance to the water is shallow. Plus the beach is also close to the old town of Antibes, or rather to a wonderful food market where you can buy ingredients for a picnic overlooking the sea.
  • Ponteil Beach and the neighboring beach Salis,. More spacious beaches of Antibes. Here you will find sand and beautiful views of the old town on one side and Cap d'Antibes on the other.
  • Beach Grande, Juan-les-Pins is a public beach with excellent sand and clear water. There is all the necessary infrastructure nearby.
    The beach lives up to its name, it is quite large, although in summer time may be too crowded. In the neighborhood there are many private beaches with restaurants, whose tables are set right on the sand in the evening for romantic dinners a few meters from the sea.
  • Beach Croisette, Cannes - Cannes's most famous beach, lined with luxury hotels and restaurants.
    Most of This long sandy beach is occupied by expensive beach clubs, with free plots nestled on the east and west ends. It can be a little crowded here in the summer months. In this case, I advise you to try a less visited beach. Midi located behind the old port (Le Vieux Port).
  • Beach Aiguille, Theoule sur Mer. Sandy beach, notable for its proximity to the beautiful natural park Pointe de l'Aiguille.
    Here you can also go snorkeling following the underwater trail marked by buoys. At the tourist office of the city (1 Corniche d "Or, Théoule sur Mer) you can get a special waterproof map, which shows the main underwater beauty. The beach has a restaurant, shower and toilet. There are usually fewer people here than on the beaches described above.
  • Beach Pampelonne, Ramatuelle. This is perhaps the most famous beach in the vicinity of Saint-Tropez, along which Brigitte Bardot walked in the film And God Created Woman. Since then, many celebrities have stepped on the golden sand of this beach, but it has been able to preserve its natural naturalness and virginity. The five-kilometer beach is divided into several sections: wide free areas, a nudist area and expensive beach clubs-restaurants, where luxurious parties for the rich & beautiful are often held, one of the most famous local establishments is Club 55.

Churches and temples. Which are worth visiting

I especially remember the following temples:

  • Basilica of Saint Michael, Basilique Saint-Michel, Parvis Saint-Michel,. Basilica of the 17th century in the Baroque style.
    It is located in a very beautiful small square, where two steep stairs lead from the embankment. Take the time to climb: the views from the square are worth it! The Basilica is open 10.00 to 12.00 and from 15.00 to 17.00. Services on Sundays at 11 am. Every year in August, classical music concerts are held in the square near the basilica.
  • Cathedral Monaco, Cathedrale Notre-Dame-Immaculee, also known as Saint Nicholas Cathedral (after the old church that was on this site and destroyed in 1874), 4 Rue Colonel Bellando de Castro, Monaco. The main cathedral of the principality, serving as the tomb of the princes of Monaco. It is here that the tomb of the famous beauty - Princess Grace is located.
    The cathedral is very beautiful both outside and inside. The main altar is made of Carrara marble, paintings and domed mosaics are also noteworthy. Visiting time: from 8.00 to 19.00 (May - September); from 8.30 to 18.00 (October - April).
  • Cathedral of Saint Reparata(Cathedrale Sainte-Reparate), 3 Pl. Rossetti,. A luxurious 17th century Catholic cathedral in the center of Nice's old town. Be sure to head inside to admire the lush baroque interior.
    Cathedral opening hours: 9.00-12.00 / 14.00-18.00 (Tuesday - Friday); 9.00-12.00 / 14.00-19.30 (Saturday); 9.00-13.00 / 15.00-18.00 (Sunday).
  • Chapel of Mercy(Chapelle de la Misericorde), Cours Saleya,. You will certainly see this small church walking around Nice, its cheerful yellow façade towering over one of the city's main squares. The church was built in the 18th century and belongs to the Catholic brotherhood of black penitents.
  • Church of St. Rita(Eglise Sainte Rita), 1 Rue de la Poissonnerie, Nice. The small church, founded in the 13th century, was rebuilt many times; it acquired its final baroque appearance in the 17th century. The church is very popular, people come here to pray for the sick, St. Rita was famous for the gift of healing even hopeless patients. The church is open for visits on weekdays from 7.00-12.00 / 14.30-18.00, on Sunday from 8.00-12.00 / 15.00-18.00.
  • Cathedral of Saint Nicholas, Avenue Nicolas II, Nice. The main church of the Russian community on the Cote d'Azur, erected in 1868 under the patronage of Emperor Nicholas II and his mother, Empress Dowager Maria Feodorovna. I must say that the Russian community in this area has always been very large, and the cathedral turned out to match it: large and impressive. No wonder it is considered the largest Orthodox church in Western Europe. In 2010, after a long trial, the cathedral became the property Russian Federation... You can admire the beautiful decoration of the cathedral every day from 9.30 am to 5.30 pm.
  • Chapel of the rosary(La Chapelle du Rosaire) Convent of the Dominican Order, 466 Avenue Henri Matisse, Vence. If you want to see something unusual, this is the place for you. This is the work of the artist Henri Matisse, who considered the chapel to be the pinnacle of his work. Unfortunately, the entrance is paid and, in my opinion, quite expensive: 7 EUR, children under 12 years old - free. Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday - 10.00-12.00 / 14.00-18.00; Wednesday and Saturday - 14.00-18.00 (from November to March, the chapel closes an hour earlier, at 17.00).
  • Church of Our Lady of the Good Way(Eglise Notre Dame de Bon Voyage), 2 Rue Notre Dame, Cannes. This church was built in the 19th century on the site of an older church. The name reflects its purpose, fishermen prayed here before going to sea. Another interesting fact from the history of this place: it was from here that the campaign began, fleeing from Elba, Napoleon to. Opening hours: 9.00–12: 30/14: 30–18: 30 (Monday – Saturday); 10.00-11.30 / 16.00-18.00 (Sunday).
  • Frejus Cathedral(Cathedrale Saint-Leonce de Frejus), 58 Rue de Fleury, Frejus. This slightly gloomy but impressive cathedral should be seen if only because it is one of the oldest Christian buildings in France. The baptistery of the cathedral dates back to the 5th century.

Museums. Which are worth visiting

The Cote d'Azur is famous for its art museums and galleries. How could it be otherwise, because such artists as Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Paul Cezan, Vincent Van Gogh, Claude Monet, Auguste Renoir, Marc Chagall and many others lived and worked on this land. There are also interesting natural science museums here. I recommend to visit:

  • , 2 Quai de Monleon, Menton. The collection of the museum, lovingly collected by an ardent admirer of Jean Cocteau, American businessman Severin Wunderman, includes works by Cocteau himself and his friends. The museum is spacious and modern, the exposition is supplemented with audio and video materials. Adult ticket price - 8 EUR, 6 EUR for people over 65 and students; free for children under 18.
  • Oceanographic Museum, Avenue Saint-Martin,. One of the best oceanographic museums in the world, whose director from 1957 to 1988 was Jacques Yves Cousteau. The mighty building, towering over the sea on a cliff, has long become one of the main visiting cards of the principality.
    You will see both the actual museum of marine nature and navigation, and a wonderful aquarium, which contains 6,000 species of marine life.
    The museum has a beautiful rooftop terrace and restaurant. Ticket prices in July and August: 16 EUR - adults, 14 EUR - teenagers 13-18 years old; 8 EUR - children 4-12 years old. In other months, depending on the date, an adult ticket costs 11-14 EUR, a ticket for a teenager - 7-10 EUR, a child ticket - 5-7 EUR.
  • , Rue Gustave Eiffel, Beaulieu-sur-Mer. Thorough reconstruction of an ancient Greek villa from the early 20th century. The fruit of the joint work of the lover of ancient history Theodor Reinach and the architect Emanuel Pantremoni. Here you can admire beautiful interiors made of precious materials, as well as relics of the ancient period. Adult ticket - 11.5 EUR, children under 18 - free.
  • Matisse Museum, 164 Avenue des Arenes de Cimiez, Nice. The museum displays many works by the artist who lived in Nice from 1918 to 1954, as well as his personal belongings. Adult ticket - 10 EUR (children under 18 and students - free of charge). The ticket is valid 24 hours and includes visits to a number of other Nice museums.
  • , 36 Avenue Dr Menard, Nice. It contains a collection of Chagall's works on biblical themes. Adult ticket with audio guide - 8 EUR; children under 18 years old - free of charge.
  • Museum of Modern Art or MAMAC, Place Yves Klein, Nice. The museum presents the history of contemporary art from 1950 to the present day. The building itself is very impressive. By the way, you can enjoy a good view of the city from its terrace. Adult ticket - 10 EUR (children under 18 and students - free). The ticket is valid 24 hours and includes visits to other museums in the city.
  • Foundation Mag(Fondation Meght), 623 Chemin des Gardettes, Saint-Paul-de-Vence is a rich private collection of contemporary art founded by the Maeght family in 1964. Located near old town Saint Paul de Vence. The building of the museum is quite remarkable in itself, it was built by a student of the great Le Corbusier, Jose Luis Sert. You can get there by bus number 400 Nice - Vence (Maeght Foundation stop). Adult ticket price: 15 EUR, children (10-18 years old) - 10 EUR, children under 10 years old - free.
  • Picasso Museum, Place Mariejol, Antibes. The museum is located in medieval castle Grimaldi, who served as the artist's workshop for some time. All the works painted here were bequeathed by Pablo Picasso to the city. Several other artists are also featured in the collection. The price of an adult ticket is 6 EUR, children under 18 - free of charge.
  • International Perfume Museum, 2 Boulevard du Jeu de Ballon, Grasse. Here more than 3000 years of history of this craft are described in detail, there are many interesting exhibits, and you can also "listen" to the smells that were popular in different eras. The price of an adult ticket is 4 EUR, children under 18 years old - free of charge.
  • Museum of the History of Maritime History in the Citadel of Saint-Tropez, 1 Montée de la Citadelle, 83990 Saint-Tropez. The fact that it is located within the walls of an ancient fortress of the 17th century gives the museum a special charm. The fortress is perfectly preserved, the observation deck at its top offers good view to the city and surroundings. Adult ticket - 3 EUR; children under 12 years old - free.


The Cote d'Azur is a very green region, there are parks at every turn. I will tell you about my favorite places. I give a description of paid parks with links, after examining which you will see the current prices and working hours.

Neighboring regions

Nearby islands

Food. What to try

Quality products, richness of spices and the invention of local chefs have brought many delicacies to the world. I will list only the most popular dishes of the French Riviera:


The Cote d'Azur is famous for its festivals. The most famous events:

Security. What to watch out for

First of all, you need to be wary of pickpockets, be careful on buses and trains (especially in high season), and also do not leave valuables unattended.

During the summer season, there are jellyfish in the sea, which can be unpleasant, especially if you are prone to allergies.

Things to do

  • Go to national park Mercantour to see beautiful mountain landscapes and UNESCO listed Valley of Wonders(Vallee des Merveilles), where more than 40,000 petroglyphs (rock carvings) of the Bronze Age were discovered.
  • Visit the scenic Russian cemetery on a hill above the old town of Menton.
  • Take a walk through customs officers' trail... This trail was created during the French Revolution to observe suspicious ships carrying contraband. A particularly scenic stretch of land runs along the cape Cap d'Ay, from it you can turn to beautiful beaches or continue your walk all the way to Monaco.
  • See in La Turbie - a memorial erected by Emperor Octavian Augustus in the 6th century BC in honor of the conquest of local tribes by the Roman Empire. Initially it was a snow-white building 49 meters high, with a statue of Emperor Augustus in the role of Hercules. But time did not spare the monument. What we see now is the reconstruction of the supposed appearance of the memorial.
    In addition to the historical component, it is worth coming here for dizzying views of the sea, Monaco and the Cote d'Azur as a whole.
  • Try your luck at the oldest and most luxurious casino in Europe - Casino... Even not gambling people should come here, if only to see the lush (sometimes even too much) interiors.
    It is not at all necessary to squander a lot of money, you can just enjoy the entourage. The minimum bill for playing on machines is 5 EUR. The casino starts working at 14.00. Entrance to three halls costs 10 EUR. Access to private lounges and verandas will require an additional 10 EUR. You must have an identity card with you (persons under 18 are not allowed). Dress code prohibits beachwear. Taking photographs is also prohibited, cameras can be handed over to the storage room. If you are not interested in the game, then from 9.00 to 12.00 for the same 10 EUR you will have the opportunity to walk through empty halls and admire the design without a crowd of people.
  • Watch over changing of the guard on the square near the Prince's Palace in Monaco (daily at 11.45).
  • See with your own eyes how the princes live. State apartments Prince's Palace, the current residence of the ruling family of the Principality of Monaco, are open to tourists in 2017 from 2 April to 15 October (excluding weekends during the Formula I period).
  • Take a walk through Nietzsche's path in Eze. This rather steep trail runs from the seaside Eze-sur-Mer to the medieval village of Eze on the mountain. Its length is 1.6 km.
    The celebrated writer has been feeding inspiration here for his epic novel Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Lay at least an hour and a half on the rise, and about an hour on the descent. In some places the trail is quite difficult, therefore it is not recommended for small children and the elderly. You need comfortable shoes, water and sun protection.
  • Admire the colorful flower market in the square Cours Salya in Nice.
  • Take a leisurely stroll along the magnificent boulevard lined with palm trees Promenade des Anglais in Nice, following the example of Queen Victoria and the English aristocracy, after which the embankment got its name. Then head to Cannes and walk along the Croisette, a worthy rival to the Promenade des Anglais with no less beautiful palm trees and golden beaches. And then decide who won.
  • Drive to "". The Train des Pignes tourist train departs from Nice Gare de Nice CP in Digne-les-Bains, stopping in beautiful mountain towns. You can get off at one stop, take a walk, take the next train and continue your journey. Most interesting places along the way, in my opinion, Entrevo, Anno, and Sainte-Andre-les-Alpes.
  • Challenge yourself in the art of perfumery by creating your own perfume in a boutique Molinard, 20 rue St-François de Paule, Nice.
  • Attend a killer whale show in Marineland, 306 Avenue Mozart, 06600 Antibes. it theme park dedicated to the sea and its inhabitants. It is divided into several zones: a dolphinarium, a zoo, a water park, mini golf, a children's amusement park and the Marineland Resort hotel. The park is 200 meters from the Gare de Biot train station.
  • Admire multimillion-dollar yachts while walking along " billionaire embankment»In Antibes.
  • Climb on observation deck next to the church Notre Dame de la Garoupe at Cap de Antib for a panoramic view of the coast.
  • Walk up the steps of the main staircase Palais des Festivals Cannes and feel like the star of the Cannes Film Festival.
  • Climb to the top of the hill in the block Suquet (Le Suquet)- the cozy old town of Cannes, from where Cannes, the sea and the islands are visible at a glance.
  • Ride on tourist train according to Grasse. Your route will pass along incredibly narrow streets, residents of which will not even be able to open the doors of their houses until the "train" has passed.
  • Visit Port Grimaud(Port Grimaud) - a small Provencal Venice. This small town, cut by canals, was built in the 60s of the 20th century according to the bold design of the architect François Spoerri.
  • Take an exciting sea trip calanques Cassis by boat.
  • Climb on Cape Kanalya(Cap Canaille) - the highest cliff in France (394 m), located between the cities of Cassis and La Ciotat.

Shopping and shops

On the Cote d'Azur, there are shops of world famous brands, as well as small local boutiques, which, in my opinion, are always more interesting to visit. Most shops are open from 10.00 to 19.00, some close at lunchtime from 12 to 14.00 or 15.00. Sunday is usually a day off.

In almost every city on certain days of the week, clothing markets are held under open air... If you are interested in this format of budget shopping, I recommend going to Italian Ventimiglia... On Fridays, from early morning until midday, a giant market unfolds here, where you can buy clothes, accessories, groceries and all kinds of sundries.

Antiques lovers should look at Marche aux Fleurs market, Cours Saleya, in Nice on Monday. In the summertime, there is also a local crafts market every evening.

If you prefer shopping centers, pay attention to:

Extreme sports

The Cote d'Azur has all the conditions for extreme sports. Here you can practice paragliding, flying balloons, rock climbing, kayaking, windsurfing and more. But perhaps the most extreme and spectacular entertainment in the vicinity is bungee jumping, jumping on a rubber rope from one of the highest bridges in Europe. Pont de L'Artuby

Taxi. What features exist

Taxi is a very expensive way to travel around the Cote d'Azur. All taxis are equipped with meters. Make sure that the driver does not forget to turn it on.

There are surcharges for luggage, Sundays, evenings / nights.

Taxi contacts in different cities of the Riviera can be viewed, for example,.

Public transport


Most coastal cities are connected railway line going from Italy to Marseille. There are also branches from Nice to Cuneo and Dinh. And from Cannes there is a line to Grasse. You can find out the ticket price, schedule and buy a ticket online on this website.

It is possible to buy a ticket on the spot at the ticket office or ticket machine. Please note that ticket offices (especially at small stations) do not always work, and there are huge queues at them. An alternative is to buy a ticket through the machine. Unfortunately, most of the vending machines for regional train tickets "speak" only French, but you should not be afraid.

Choose your tariff (Tarif Normal), direction (you will be offered a list of the most popular places if yours is not there, choose Autres Destinations and continue your search from the extended list), then confirm the ticket type Billet Tarif Normal, choose class 1 or 2, one way ticket (Aller Simple) or round trip (Aller Retour), number of passengers and date. As a result, we will be shown the final cost to be paid by credit card or coins (bills are not accepted). Before boarding the train, the ticket must be validated in special yellow devices, otherwise it is considered invalid.


The bus service is well developed. Tickets are purchased both in advance and from the driver. The entrance to the bus is through the front door. The ticket must be punched in special devices, which are usually located at the beginning of the cabin.

Buses stop at stops on demand. To do this, press the red button, and the sign Arret demande will appear on the board near the driver. If you are waiting for a bus at a stop, you can stop it with a wave of your hand.

If the bus is overcrowded, it may ignore new passengers and not stop. This is especially true for the summer period, when waiting for a free bus on popular routes can be very long.

The French Riviera is served by several bus companies: Lignes d "Azur, Palm Bus, Envibus, Sillages, etc.

Transport rental

The car provides additional opportunities to enjoy the beauty of the French Riviera. It is indispensable if you want to, for example, take a trip to Provence or explore the nearby mountain villages. It is more convenient to rent a car right at the airport, but this is usually more expensive than in the city's agencies. Prices start from 35 EUR. You can take a car in one city and return it in another, but this will increase the rental price. You can see the options for the prices of rental cars.

The price of gasoline as of April 2017 is about EUR 1.45, diesel - EUR 1.25.

There are toll highways in the region. They can be avoided by using free roads, but here you have to choose what to save: money or time.

If you are traveling along the coast during the high season, you need to be prepared for traffic jams and parking problems in popular cities.

Most of the parking lots are paid and it is not easy to find a free space on them. The price depends on the area, the average cost is 2.2–2.6 EUR per hour. Fortunately, in many places you can park your car for free from 8 pm to 9 am and on weekends.

Another thing to keep in mind is caution. According to the statistics of car accidents, the Cote d'Azur region is in the top of the most dangerous regions of France. It is not clear whether this is due to the beauty of the local landscapes, which distract drivers, or to the number of inadequate tourists driving, in any case, vigilance will not hurt. There are many cameras on the roads, so be sure to keep the speed limit even if you are driving on the legendary Grand Prix circuit in Monte Carlo.

French Riviera - holidays with children

Children will love:

Ski vacation

The Alps-Maritimes, at the foot of which the Cote d'Azur lies, have many ski resorts... I didn't even expect them to be so close: they are only one and a half to two hours away from the coast. The season here usually lasts from mid-December to mid-April. There are many places for skiing, I will list only the most famous resorts:

Ski passes

A lift pass costs an average of 32-34 EUR per day, there are discounts for purchases for several days, family visits, etc. Current prices can be checked on the official websites of the resorts.

5 must-do things in this region

Anything to add?

Oh, this South! oh, this Nice! .. Oh, how their brilliance worries me!

F.I. Tyutchev (1864)

Cote d'Azur No wonder it got its name: there is almost always a blue sky, a blue sea and flowers bloom all year round. Elegant villas and luxury hotels, huge resort buildings whiten in dense greenery of evergreen trees and bushes.

The main city of the Côte d'Azur - Nice was founded in the 3rd century. BC NS. Greek colonists from Marseille... Then Nice became the capital of an independent county, repeatedly passed from hand to hand, and only in 1860 finally joined France. At that time it was a small quiet town, famous for its healing warm climate. Those suffering from pulmonary diseases came here for treatment, English aristocrats and Russian landowners, whom the French called boyars, rested. Alexander Herzen spent the last years of his life in Nice. Here he is buried, and there is a monument on his grave.

In the XIX century. vacationers came to Nice in autumn and winter, when it is warm, but not hot. Doctors recommended them to walk along the embankment in a carriage or on foot, sometimes sand baths. A long stay in the sun was then considered dangerous, tanning was indecent, and the beaches were empty.

It was only after the First World War that it became fashionable to sunbathe on the beach for a long time in the American style, and summer became the main season for relaxing on the Cote d'Azur. Nice and other villages French Riviera - Antibes, Cannes, Saint Tropez- turned into the most fashionable resorts, where aristocrats and bourgeois gathered, where millionaires and movie stars built villas.

In 1936, as a result of the victory of the Popular Front and the introduction of two-week paid holidays, workers and employees for the first time received the opportunity to rest on French Riviera, infuriating wealthy resort patrons. After that, part of the bourgeois public stopped going to Cote d'Azur, although in general the number of tourists there has increased significantly.

In modern Nice a lot of greenery, parks and squares. Not far from the city there is a large "forest of mimosa". Tall mimosa trees growing on the hillsides are already covered with bright fluffy yellow balls of flowers in January.

Pride Nice- its embankment - "English promenade". It stretches along the beautifully curved coast Coves of angels bordered by a narrow pebble beach. Tall slender palms grow on the green lawns; between them, replacing each other, flowers bloom all year round. Luxurious hotels, restaurants, shops stand like a solid wall, a well-dressed rich public is walking, cars are moving in a continuous stream.

In summer, the population of Nice and the entire Cote d'Azur increases many times over. On Cote d'Azur about 15 million tourists come. They fill the beaches to overflowing, pouring into the streets in a dense crowd. Half of the holidaymakers live in tents or rent tiny rooms for a high fee. The water near the beaches turns from blue and transparent brown. Some overly polluted beaches have to be closed. Life on the Cote d'Azur is then hard, but still it attracts holidaymakers like a magnet, because Cote d'Azur- this is a guarantee of good weather, sunny days and a warm southern sea.

Nice hosts a carnival every year. Once upon a time, carnivals and processions of mummers were a favorite folk entertainment in the villages. Provence... Now they have almost disappeared; Carnival in Nice is organized by the city authorities and is primarily for commercial purposes.

The main part of the carnival is a procession of giant dolls set in motion by actors. They are being driven by trucks; they twirl their monstrous papier-mâché heads, shout something into the microphone, sing. Music thunders, multi-colored lights shine, detachments of boys and girls in smart uniforms march. Rockets fly into the sky, and, of course, the public is offered all kinds of goods: from cheap whistles and balloons to jewelry in wealthy stores.

Cote d'Azur - far from all Provence... Another part of it, fenced off from the sea by mountains, is not at all like the Cote d'Azur: it is a modest, austere, almost austere land. The mountains scorched by the sun are covered with sparse vegetation, thickets of bushes, and rare grass. Small villages are crowded around the valleys, where a patch of comfortable land can be found. Residents grow grapes, olives, almonds, figs; wheat is sown here and there, but their main occupation is raising goats and sheep.

The capital of Provence and the entire south of France - Marseilles, the third largest and perhaps the oldest city in France. It was founded by the Greeks back in the 4th century. BC e., that is, not only before the Roman, but also before the Celtic conquest. Marseille grew up and got rich on sea trade with the East: with India, China, the Levant, North Africa, and then with Russia. Marseilles- sunny, white, beautiful city- in many ways resembles its sister city - Odessa. The same combination of seething activity and cheerful carelessness, a noisy southern crowd, a special accent, local anecdotes, smells of the port and the sea. The oldest part of the city, the Old Port, is a narrow strip of water bordered by rectangular granite embankments, densely packed with ships. It used to be Trading port Marseille, now it is only intended for fishermen, yachtsmen and tourists.

The cargo berths of modern Marseille, stretching for tens of kilometers, are moved outside the Old Port and are dispersed in several places. The largest of these is located in Foz, west of Marseille. It serves a giant metallurgical plant that was built with the participation of the Soviet Union.

Life is in full swing in the Old Port. A forest of masts is visible from a distance. These are yachts, sailboats and boats. They are repaired, painted, lowered into the water. In summer, on the embankment, right from the boats, fishermen sell live fish, octopuses, shrimps, and squid. Along the embankment of the Old Port, there are rows of restaurants and restaurants. They cook "bouillabaisse" - the Marseille culinary "specialty" - a special fish soup made from different varieties of fish, shrimp and shells. From the Old Port, tourist ships deliver passengers to if island- the place of imprisonment of the hero of the novel by Dumas count Monte Cristo... On a small flat island there is an old castle, and there is a former prison in it - a row of deaf stone sacks without windows, where not only literary characters, but also real people languished for many years. White limestone coastal rocks are clearly visible from the fortress walls; below them, deep below, - transparent, blue-green, bottomless water. From here, the corpses of dead prisoners sewn into sacks were thrown right into the sea. As you know, it was in this way, pretending to be dead, that the hero of Dumas escaped. Edmond Dantes, the future Count of Monte Cristo.

Not far from the Old Port, on a mountain, stands the Church of Our Lady the Guardian - Notre Dame de la Garde, patroness of sailors and fishermen. Its bell tower is crowned with a huge gilded statue of the Mother of God, which is illuminated by powerful searchlights at night and is visible from the sea for many kilometers. It has long served as a kind of beacon that showed sailors the way to Marseilles... On the walls of the church there are many models of ships and planes. Candles are burning near them. These are the offerings of believers who escaped from a sea or air disaster and made a vow of gratitude to Our Lady the Guardian. At the top of the mountain, from the foot of the church, there is a wide panorama of the Bay of Marseilles, the surrounding mountains and small islets scattered among the deep blue southern sea.

West of Marseille, along the coast Mediterranean Sea, situated Languedoc- an agricultural and mainly wine-growing region. Ancient cities of Languedoc - Nimes, Montpellier, Narbonne, Carcassonne- relatively small: 50 - 100 - 200 thousand inhabitants. Almost all of them lie on the ancient route from Italy to Spain, which passed between the Mediterranean coast and the mountains of the Massif Central.

Languedoc- the kingdom of vineyards and cheap table wine. The processing and harvesting of grapes is largely mechanized. The harvested grapes are immediately sent to factories. Huge tank trucks deliver the finished wines to consumers all over France. V late XIX v. the grape aphid imported from America - phylloxera - almost completely destroyed the vineyards of Languedoc. Only after great efforts were the grape varieties resistant to it, high-yielding, but yielding medium-quality wine varieties bred. One hectare of vineyard in Languedoc produces up to 8 thousand liters of wine - more than in any other region. 85% of Languedoc winemakers own small plots, no more than 5 hectares, but large farms play a decisive role in wine production.

Languedoc known for its democratic and revolutionary traditions. In 1907, his tenants revolted, which was joined by the soldiers of the 17th regiment stationed in Narbonne. The authorities suppressed the uprising, but in France they still sing a song about the soldiers of the 17th regiment, and Languedoc is called the "Red South", because its inhabitants traditionally vote for left-wing parties. Between Languedoc and Provence, where Rona, flowing into the Mediterranean Sea, forms a vast swampy delta, there is an area Camargue, which is considered the most remote and wildest corner of France.

Malaria used to be rampant in the Camargue swamps, and only a few shepherds, hunters and fishermen lived. Now part of the swamps has been drained and turned into pastures, where herds and herds of semi-wild horses roam freely. A significant part of the Camargue has been declared a nature reserve; rare species of animals and birds are preserved there, which, for example, flamingos, are not found in any other region of France. The Camargue is also South, but completely unlike either Provence or Languedoc.

© Based on the book by V.P. Smirnov "France: traditions, people, impressions"

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How many sunny days do you think there are on average in Sydney, Australia? 340 is how much. The best time there, it is spring (which starts in November), and in summer it can be quite hot in Australia, so the proximity of the beach is not a luxury but a necessity.

Loja (Ecuador)

If there is a place on the equator with perfect weather, it is Loja, a small town (130 thousand people) in Ecuador. It is located in the mountains (2.4 thousand meters), which is why the climate there is mild all year round, without deadly heat in summer and cold nights in winter. The average annual temperature hovers around 22 degrees Celsius.

Oahu (Hawaii, USA)

Returning to the theme of the islands - Hawaii is perhaps the most civilized place in the Pacific Ocean (because the United States), however, contrary to popular belief, the sun does not always shine there. Oahu is an exception to this rule - there is a maximum number of sunny days per year, so if you are going to Hawaii for your honeymoon, you know which island to choose.

Nestled on the Cote d'Azur between Italy and France, the Principality of Monaco offers guests more than 300 days of sunshine a year. Although the wonderful climate is the main attraction, people are also attracted by the beauty of the azure coastline, the diversity of the environment and the friendly people who welcome you everywhere. From the deep blue of the Mediterranean to the stunning white canyons of the interior landscape, Monaco never fails to amaze. However, in order to spend a chic vacation on the beach, you don't have to go to Monaco, but definitely - to the Cote d'Azur!

The Cote d'Azur is famous for its blue waters and sunny beautiful beaches, but not only those that are known to everyone and are located in Nice and Cannes - after all, these two cities are not limited to the coast. So let's see where to go in France and Monaco this summer to bask in the southern sun.

Nikki Beach Fairmont Monte-Carlo (Monaco)

For the second year in a row, the Fairmont Monte-Carlo Panoramic Roof invites amateurs have a nice rest spend your summer vacation around your pool and at Nikki Beach.

Breakfast, lunch, apero, dinner, dance, fashion and cinema - Nikki Beach has the answer to your every wish. “Nikki Beach Fairmont Monte-Carlo is the formula that meets all our customers' needs,” says Xavier Rugeroni. general manager Fairmont Monte Carlo, which decided to renew the partnership until 2018 with the Nikki Beach concept, created in 1998 by Jack Panrod. Thus, as in previous years, Nikki Beach will be located on the 7th floor, which is now called the “seventh heaven”. A truly paradise vacation awaits you here. This place has been chosen by celebrities, yachtsmen, patrons of the arts and other discerning guests.

Nikki Beach Fairmont Monte-Carlo

Le Méridien Beach Plaza (Monaco)

Le Méridien Beach Plaza invites you to Monaco's only private beach... In the entire principality, you will not find a quieter corner where you will feel in your own world, and the first-class service offered by the hotel, you risk not even noticing, but you will definitely feel, being alone with yourself or those close to you.

Le Méridien Beach Plaza prides itself not only on the high class and variety of services provided, but also on the extraordinary tranquility, beautiful vistas and skyline that will open to your eyes from the sandy beach, as well as the excellent cuisine of its restaurant. Here you can also use the 3 pools and the indoor fitness club.

Le Méridien Beach Plaza

Larvotto Beach (Monaco)

Among the most famous and famous beaches of Monaco - of course, Larvotto Beach ... A rare inhabitant of the city will not show you the way to this beach. Chosen by a large local and tourist audience, the beach is not inferior in beauty to the most beautiful beach in France.

Larvotto Beach- artificial beach, carefully created by people who know a lot about rest. The most sophisticated tourist will not find anything to complain about on the famous beach. Soft sand, shining under the rays of the summer sun, and beautiful views of the sea surface - will give you real pleasure. The audience here is typical of the Monegasque principality - calm and noble. Topless sunbathing is allowed on the beach. Also, the beach is divided into several zones, and in the most calm and remote of them, as a rule, mothers with babies rest, who take their first hesitant steps on the soft sand, without fear of accidental falls.

In addition, a pleasant rarity for the Cote d'Azur beach can be noted - along the entire beach, at a moderate distance, a net from jellyfish is stretched to protect the bathers. This allows young mothers to spend their free time with their children here, where babies can splash around the shore without fear of burns.

Also, the beach is equipped with a large number of a wide variety of coastal restaurants that offer a very wide selection of dishes for every taste.

Note Bleue Beach (Monaco)

In fact, Note Bleue is located on the same Larvotto beach. But it can be distinguished separately.

This beach-restaurant is popular both among tourists and among the residents of the principality themselves. The most diverse audience flocks here not only to sunbathe or take a nap on the purest white sand under the gentle sound of the surf, but also to enjoy the amazing beauty of jazz music, which has already become a kind of visiting card of the beach.

The name Note Bleue owes its name to the famous saxophonist from Nice Barney Vilen, whose memory the organizers paid tribute to. Note Bleue rhymes with relaxation and carelessness. For example, the Miami Plage located there is more suitable for families with children.

Monte-Carlo Beach Hotel (Monaco)

This private beach is located next to the 5-star hotel of the same name. The coastline occupied by the beach is inferior in size to its more spacious neighbors, however, due to its closedness and narrow accessibility, the beach allows you to feel like one of the elite - those who could hide away from the noisy public in order to admire the beauty created by nature itself - such breathtaking landscapes open up to your gaze from this small and clean beach.

There are also indoor and outdoor pools at your disposal, which are located here on the territory.

This beach is the most expensive and sophisticated, both in terms of its service and the level of service. Here you are offered not only the ubiquitous sun loungers, but also bungalows and tents if you want to give your vacation some intimacy.

The beach is open to the public from April to October. There are 200 shade sheds available for rent. You can also rent a tent you like, or a sun lounger you like, monthly or for the whole summer. The rental price depends on the high / low season, as well as the proximity of the location to the water. On average, renting a bungalow for a day will cost you 250 euros; a hinged awning for a day - from 100 to 180 euros and within 10,000 euros for the entire season.

Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel Beach (Monaco)

Another Monaco beach that boasts of its exclusivity and high-profile audience. It is not publicly accessible, so a quiet retreat in the shade of a tent or hut purchased for one day or for the whole season is guaranteed. Prices for services also range from 200 euros per tent per day and about 10,000 euros if you decide to rent for the entire season. Each year it is advisable to apply for detailed information to the beach / hotel staff, as there are a lot of price nuances due to the different location of the sun loungers and the high and low seasons.

Whatever decision you make, even one day spent in the quiet of Monte-Carlo Bay is worth it, because you will only be disturbed by the rustle of the flora surrounding the beach and the measured lapping of light waves lazily running ashore.

This beach is located on the border of the Fontvieille district of Monegasque and the Cap-d'Ail in France, just behind the Mariott hotel. It is unlikely that the epithets "luxurious" and "luxury" suit him. However, there are two restaurants on the beach, Le Lamparo and Cap Marquet. The first is cheaper, the second is more expensive. Mixed cuisine: French, Mediterranean, Italian, Pizza.

Restaurants offer sun loungers and umbrellas for rent, so you can stay in comfort. The beach is originally pebbly, but sand is poured before the opening of the season. You can rent kayaks, canoes, windsurf boards or paddle boards. Since this beach is very popular with the local French, prices for everything here are not Monaco, although you shouldn't expect much. We move further along the French coast.

Plage marquet

Mala Beach, Cap d'Ail (France)

The small quiet town of Cap d'Ail (translated from French as "cape of garlic") is located exactly between Menton, Nice and Monaco, so it's even difficult to say where it will be faster to get from. The city's beach meets the very nature of the city - tranquility and sophisticated relaxation. It is famous for its crystal clean waters, as well as the most picturesque views that combine both sea and mountain landscapes.

You will be warmly greeted by the owners of two restaurants - La Reserve Mala and Eden Plage Mala, located right here on the beach, and will be very glad to Russian guests, since the Russian nobility already in the 19th century was a frequent visitor to the "Cape of Garlic", and all the local the residents know this - they look at Russians here almost as if they were their own people. La Mala is a very trendy and stylish beach.

Parking can be problematic during high season. If the day is not very hot, and you like to walk, then continue walking along the sea towards Nice from Marquet beach - after a 40-minute walk you will reach Mala beach from the coast, and you will surely like the walk itself: the path goes along the sea - the most picturesque views, silence, sound of waves and sun.

Mala Beach, Cap d'Ail, France

Anjuna Beach, Eze, or exotic Eden (France)

In the tiny town of Eze in France, there was a place for the Anjuna beach, amazing in its beauty and exoticism, where the most active traveler suddenly decides to sit in the shade of trees near the quietly splashing water and wonder: where, in fact, is he in such a hurry? Feel like Robinson Crusoe without leaving France!

Starting in April each year and running until September, the beach quickly gained popularity among the initiated thanks to an amazing idea and concept developed and proposed to the public in 2000 by Patrick Dejoanni and his wife Erica.

The unforgettable entourage of the beach located at the very foot of the cliff will not leave anyone indifferent. At the same time, every Sunday there are festive events and parties that break the usual silence, and during the celebrations you are treated to exquisite Mediterranean cuisine and fine wines. A holiday atmosphere interspersed with a quiet, secluded day's rest - only Anjuna Beach can offer this.

Paloma Beach, Cape Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat

There is something very special about Cap Ferrat, and this “something” is difficult to convey in words. Maybe you will feel it yourself when, after a short trip from Monaco, you find yourself on this small promontory, which lies away from busy roads. Cap-Ferrat is the epitome of a resort getaway from the times of Marilyn Monroe and her films; these are small quaint winding streets, nobly aged houses, well-groomed shops for tourists and local residents - time moves slowly, everyone enjoys life. Paloma Beach seems to have stepped out of a magazine picture of those times - dark brown sunbeds, wooden platforms, boats that bring yacht inhabitants who decided to dine here, waiters and beach boys bringing you towels and cocktails ... There is no glamor and pathos, but there are just friendly people who from year to year do well the same difficult task to create comfort for us, vacationers. The menu at the restaurant, by the way, has not changed over the years, and guests invariably choose Fritto Misto, artichoke salad and zucchini flowers in batter ...

The beach parking is small, so arrive early or hope for your luck. Next to the private beach there is a free one, with shady trees. The beach itself with small pebbles and a wooden pier, from which children happily jump. During the season there is a rental of jet skis.

Paloma Beach, Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, France

Marinières, Villefranche (France)

Away from the crowds, from the many tourists and just from the sounds of the city and streets, you can fully enjoy the peace and beauty of the first private beach in Villefranche. Become a pioneer in this piece of paradise.

The fact is that the beach opens for the first time only in the summer of 2016. On the eve of the season, they worked here to create not only a calm quiet beach but also a real place to stay. You should not be afraid of the large crowd, which will also rush to discover this recreation area: “ paradise"Occupies, after all, an area of ​​763 square meters. meters. Everyone will be able to accommodate!

The furnishings and management are handled by Deli Bo confectionery. Imagine what desserts and cocktails can be expected at French Riviera! And besides that - numerous water sports, entertainment and a beautiful view of the sea and yachts.

Baie des Milliardaires beach, Cap d'Antibes (France)

For a long time, accessible only by sea from a ship, the beach of the Bay of Billionaires (la Baie des Milliardaires) at Cape d'Antibes only in June 2011 became accessible by land along a small path leading to it. Overlooking Billionaire's Bay, this bay is the first public bay in the bay. Here you will find a pebble beach (stones are large enough), surrounded by an enchanting atmosphere of a natural fairy tale and seclusion. Unaccustomed to a crowded visit, the nature of the cape will not leave indifferent the most sophisticated connoisseur of harmony and silence.

An amazing corner of nature, which has become available to travelers only recently, will amaze you with the beauty of its emerald greenery and exotic flora of the bay.

Juan-les-Pins Beach, Antibes (France)

Huge sand beach is located on the territory of the famous French resort - the city of Antibes, in France. Nature of rare beauty with white sand washed by the sea surf - what else is needed for a real summer vacation? This beach is on more than one list of the top 10 most beautiful beaches of the coming season, so if you are in love with nature and enjoy exceptional landscapes, then you should go to Juan-les-Pins beach in France.

It is necessary to know, however, that there is a roadway not far from the beach, which, in general, does not detract from its picturesqueness and does not disturb the rest of the vacationers, since it is not a highway.

Pampelonne, Saint-Tropez (France)

Neither more nor less, but the most iconic beach of Saint-Tropez stretches for as much as 6 kilometers. There are both frequent closed zones and municipal ones, where access is open to everyone. Of course, in search of tranquility and solitude, it is worth going to private comfort zones, however, the urban part of the beach is not inferior either in its service or in the beauty of the views. Moreover, it is not in vain that the beach is at the same time almost the main attraction of Saint-Tropez - it amazes with its diversity and the simultaneous availability of absolute for all visitors. There is even the most secluded and remote area where people gather sunbathers topless.

In the evening, the entire beach turns into a huge open-air dance floor, where all vacationers light up and have fun all night long.

La Bouillabaisse beach, Saint-Tropez (France)

Another sandy beach of Saint-Tropez of exceptional beauty. For lovers of calm and secluded relaxation, this is an ideal place. Despite its fame, this beach is less visited by the public who came to rest in Saint-Tropez, due to its slightly more remote location from the city compared to central beach Pampelonne.

In addition to a quiet pastime under the rays of the summer sun, you can also enjoy the indescribable views of the More Mountains that open to your eyes from here. If you need a landmark to find the beach, head towards the main port of Saint-Tropez.

Tourists who have already visited this quiet corner famous resort, they assure that not a single photograph is capable of conveying and capturing either the atmosphere or the picturesqueness of the opening landscapes.

On a note:

Entrance to private beaches is determined by the management company and can vary from 20 to 100 euros, depending on the class of the beach and its location. The cost of a sun lounger on the beaches also varies from 15 to 80 euros per day. Book your sun loungers in advance, this is a must in the high season.