Where do they go to rest the most? Where Russians love to relax. Weather map of Russia

For many years now, the resorts of Turkey have remained leaders in the ranking of popular countries for recreation. Russian tourists-travelers. According to experts in the tourism industry, this is primarily due to the optimal ratio of price and quality. Turkey is also chosen by the Russians, who are afraid to fly to the now restless Egypt and relatively expensive Thailand. And in there you can improve your health at spa cruises, relieve fatigue in the hamam and enjoy a beach holiday. Read about which other countries have entered the TOP-10 places for recreation among Russian Internet users below.

Travel preferences of Internet users

Compiling a rating by an Internet search engine allows you to find out what exactly potential travelers were interested in in a particular country. Analysts of the Internet search engine summed up the results of tourist requests in order to draw up a rough picture of which countries were popular among Russian tourists in 2013.

As it turned out, the palm still belongs to Turkey. It is followed by Egypt, which is slowly recovering its popularity, which has plummeted due to the unstable political situation. Thailand, which was still a model of calm in October, is in third place in the ranking, and Italy is in fourth.

Greece was only in fifth place, but in sixth place was Finland, which with the onset of heavy snowfalls and cold weather "felt" more and more confident. Cyprus is in seventh position, United United Arab Emirates, the ninth line was chosen by the Czech Republic, and Spain completes the list.

Despite the fact that interest in a particular tourist destination does not mean that people go to this country on vacation, the rating of countries from Internet search engines allows you to find out what exactly potential travelers were interested in in these countries.

1. Turkey

An interesting situation has developed with the leader of the rating of countries. On the one hand, the number of requests decreased by half, on the other hand, at the end of 2013, Russian tourists broke another record for the number of tourists on Turkish beaches.

It should be borne in mind that the end of the year is not the most popular holiday period in Turkey. As analysts of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia believe, this state of affairs is due to the fact that many tourists who were going to rest in Egypt, because of the unrest in the country of the pyramids, went to Turkey. Of course, they were interested in their beach vacation.

2. Egypt

Despite political unrest, Egypt remains one of the most popular destinations among Russian tourists. Most popular resort here is Sharm el-Sheikh, which, however, is not surprising, since the security situation there remained quite stable. Behind him is another resort, which was practically not affected by the protests - Hurghada.

3. Thailand

According to search queries, residents of the cold regions of our country most willingly flew to hot Thailand: Siberia and Of the Far East... Tours during the New Year holidays were of the greatest interest for tourists. At the same time, Phuket turned out to be the most popular resort.

4. Italy

If the three leaders were interested in tourists solely from the point of view beach holiday, then in Italy for our compatriots turned out to be attractive ski resorts... As an alternative to Italy, users most often considered Austria and Germany. In addition, many were looking for a map of Italy in Russian, which suggests interest from independent travelers who prefer to move around the country by car or travel by train.

5. Greece

Greece, in comparison at the end of 2013, received half the number of requests. However, here users were not interested so much greek beaches, how many shopping tours, as well as sightseeing trips around the country. At the same time, there were very few inquiries about pilgrimage tours for the whole month - about five hundred.

6. Finland

Finland interested Russian travelers primarily due to the upcoming New Year holidays. At the same time, preference was given to short tours lasting no more than three days.

The Russians were also interested in ferry travel and Bus tours In this northern country... There were also quite a few inquiries about fishing in Finland. As an alternative to Finland, tourists considered France and Hungary, which is quite difficult to explain logically.

7. Cyprus

The interest of Russian tourists in Cyprus has slightly decreased by the end of the year, according to analytical reports. The reason for this is the end of the high season. In addition, the number of requests for a Cypriot visa has also halved. As an alternative to Cyprus, users searched for Greece or Tunisia.

8. UAE

The increased number of requests for holidays in the Emirates, analysts associate everything with the same situation in Egypt - the number of requests has doubled, while users considered Thailand and China as an alternative to holidays in the UAE.

9. Czech

The interest of Russian tourists in the Czech Republic has slightly decreased. However, the number of requests for tours with the nearest departure dates has increased markedly, as has the demand for sightseeing tours.

At the same time, travelers showed the greatest interest not so much in flying or buying a tour, but in accommodation in the Czech Republic. This may also indicate that a sufficient number of independent tourists are showing interest in this country. Alternatively, tourists considered other European countries- France and Austria.

10. Spain

By the end of the year, this country also fell victim to the end of the high season - interest in it dropped so much that in just a month Spain moved from the sixth line of the ranking of popular countries to tenth. Also, there was a change in the course of interests of tourists: they switched from the beaches to sightseeing holidays.

In addition, our Russian travelers were interested in the possibility of rest in Spain on new year holidays... The most popular places there were Barcelona, ​​Madrid and Tenerife. Alternatively, users were interested in Goa, Turkey and Greece.

Russians are more actively exploring foreign resorts. According to the official statistics of the Federal Tourism Agency, for 9 months of 2011, 11 million 370,000 Russians went on vacation abroad. This is 11% more than in the same period in 2010. Rostourism has not yet calculated data on departures throughout 2011.

But this information has already been prepared by the countries themselves, where the Russians traveled. The most popular tourist destination among Russians remains Turkey and hardly any state will be able to compete with it in the near future.

According to the official statistics of the Turkish Ministry of Tourism, in 2011 the country was visited by 2 million 714 960 Russians. For comparison, in 2010, 2.4 million Russians visited Turkey for tourism. It is interesting that the Russians in Turkey for the first time in history overtook the Germans in terms of the number of tourists. The gap, however, is small - only 400 people, but the Turks assure that they are satisfied with this trend. After all, the Russians, even taking into account the beloved all inclusive spend much more on vacation Germans.

In second place in popularity among Russians, it was entrenched Spain, which in 2011 was attended by 918 573 guests from Russia. According to the Spanish Institute for Tourism Research, the flow of tourists from Russia compared to 2010 increased by 41.8%.

Catalonia remains the most popular region among Russians - it received almost 60% of the total tourist flow (495,000 people). More than 100,000 Russians (12%) accepted the Canary Islands, followed by Balearic Islands(85 300 tourists) and Andalusia (60 200).

Closes the top three France... And although the official annual statistics have not yet been calculated there, in the tourist office of France EUROMAG assured that the number of Russians in 2011, according to preliminary data, increased by 20%. Considering that in 2010 France was visited by 680,000 guests from Russia, therefore, last year the tourist flow exceeded 800,000 people.

This is much more than, for example, in Italy, where the official statistics of visits have been calculated so far only for 9 months - during this time 465,268 Russians arrived. Compared to the same period in 2010, the growth was 29%. According to the results of the whole year, based on the trends, they allow Italy to gain a foothold in the fourth position.

But some Italian regions showed record figures for the growth of Russians. For example, 43% more Russians visited Florence in 2011 than in 2010. And the growth of Russian tourist flow to Venice amounted to 45%.

Fourth place Italy can share with Czech Republic, which was visited by 569,961 Russians for the whole year. Last year, the flow of tourists from Russia to the Czech Republic seriously increased: if in 2010 this country was visited by 413,756 Russians, then by the end of 2011 their number increased by 156,000. The growth was almost 38%.

Following the Czechs comes Austria, for which the last year was a record for Russian guests. As the magazine was told EUROMAG in the tourist office of Austria, last year the alpine republic was visited by 400 396 Russians, which is 31% more than a year earlier. And the number of overnight stays increased by 25.6%, exceeding 1.5 million.

The Austrians emphasize that Russians are much more likely than before to visit Austria in the summer. For example, the number of overnight stays in Vienna in summer months increased by 30.4%, but the largest increase was shown by Tyrol - this federal state was visited by 31.1% more Russians for the whole year.

Russia currently ranks 11th among other countries in statistics for the number of overnight stays in Austria.

V Greece Russians began to travel more by almost 37%. The country that holds the record for the speed of issuing Schengen visas to Russians (2-3 days) last year received 380,729 Russian tourists (sixth line).

The eternal competitor comes on the heels of Greece - Cyprus... More than 330,000 Russian citizens visited the island during the year, which is almost 100,000 more than in 2010.

Currently, the Russian market for Cyprus is the second largest after Great Britain and, as Cypriots say, in recent years it has "grown by leaps and bounds." For comparison, in 2005 less than 100,000 Russians visited Cyprus. The Cyprus Tourism Organization predicts that in 2012 the number of Russian visitors will exceed 400,000.

Russians hold the second place in the number of tourists in Estonia- the first line there is occupied by the Finns. According to the Estonian Department of Statistics, 203,204 tourists from Russia visited the country last year. But at the same time, if the growth of tourist traffic from Finland amounted to only 1% (Estonia was visited by 841,000 Finns), then the growth of Russians - 43%, and in comparison with 2009 - 116%.

The number of Russians increased by 11% in Croatia- the Balkan state was visited by about 190,000 people who made more than 1.6 million overnight stays (+ 8%).

And closes the top ten Switzerland, which last year received 179,168 tourists from Russia, which is 14% more than in 2010. And the number of overnight stays increased by 10% - to 513,700, reported EUROMAG at the Swiss Tourism Office. For comparison, the growth of tourist flow from Russia to Switzerland in 2010 was only 3%, and in the crisis year of 2009 there was a decline of 0.5%.

However, Switzerland could be squeezed Great Britain, which received 158,000 Russians in three quarters. Preliminary data for 2011 will be published in April, the magazine was promised EUROMAG at the Russian office of Visit Britain. In 2010, the United Kingdom received 170,000 Russians over 12 months.

Following the United Kingdom comes Norway, which grew by 8%. According to the SSB (Statistical Central Bureau), the Scandinavian country was visited by almost 90,000 Russians, who made 186,832 overnights. However, the increase in tourist flow from Russia to Norway in 2011 was significantly less than in 2010, when it increased by 18% at once compared to 2009.

The growth of tourist traffic in Belgium amounted to 33.1% - more than 84,000 Russians visited it during the year.

I added and Slovakia: the growth of tourist traffic there was almost 30%. The number of Russian tourists increased from 21,425 to 27,776 people, who made 105,242 overnight stays in the country (this is 33% more than in 2010). The average number of days that Russians began to spend in Slovakia also slightly increased - from 3.7 to 3.8.

The leader in terms of the increase in tourist traffic from Russia was Albania... As the Albanian ambassador to Russia Sokol Gioka said at a press conference in Moscow, the flow of tourists from Russia to his country in 2011 increased by 70% - up to 8,000 people.

Germany, according to the German tourist office, in 2011 was visited by almost 20% more Russians than a year ago. They could not give absolute figures, but they assured that Russia entered the top ten leaders in terms of the number of tourists, after Holland, Switzerland, USA, Great Britain, Italy, Austria, France, Belgium and Denmark. And in terms of growth dynamics, Russia ranks sixth, following Brazil (23%), India (22%), China (21%), Poland (22%) and Hungary (21%).

Hungary in terms of the number of overnight stays by Russians, it added 21% - 432 715. Interestingly, the Russians set an absolute record in the last month of the year: the number of nights spent by tourists from Russia in December was 26 510, which is 52.7% more. The most visited region of Hungary was Budapest, where Russians spent 255 612 (+ 13.5%) overnight stays.

The Russians also set records in Ireland- for 9 months of 2011, 1215 Russians visited the emerald island for tourism, which is 40% more than in the entire 2010. Apparently, the simplification of the visa regime had an effect (since July, Ireland has allowed Russians on a British visa).

But at the same time, it is interesting that much more Irish visited Russia - in the first nine months of last year, 5,591 Irish tourists visited Russia (an increase of 21%).

Russians are more actively exploring foreign resorts. According to the official statistics of the Federal Tourism Agency, for 9 months of 2011, 11 million 370,000 Russians went on vacation abroad. This is 11% more than in the same period in 2010. Rostourism has not yet calculated data on departures throughout 2011.

But this information has already been prepared by the countries themselves, where the Russians traveled. The most popular tourist destination among Russians remains Turkey and hardly any state will be able to compete with it in the near future.

According to the official statistics of the Turkish Ministry of Tourism, in 2011 the country was visited by 2 million 714 960 Russians. For comparison, in 2010, 2.4 million Russians visited Turkey for tourism. It is interesting that the Russians in Turkey for the first time in history overtook the Germans in terms of the number of tourists. The gap, however, is small - only 400 people, but the Turks assure that they are satisfied with this trend. After all, Russians, even taking into account their favorite all inclusive, spend much more on holidays than Germans.

In second place in popularity among Russians, it was entrenched Spain, which in 2011 was attended by 918 573 guests from Russia. According to the Spanish Institute for Tourism Research, the flow of tourists from Russia compared to 2010 increased by 41.8%.

Catalonia remains the most popular region among Russians - it received almost 60% of the total tourist flow (495,000 people). More than 100,000 Russians (12%) accepted the Canary Islands, followed by the Balearic Islands (85,300 tourists) and Andalusia (60,200).

Closes the top three France... And although the official annual statistics have not yet been calculated there, in the tourist office of France EUROMAG assured that the number of Russians in 2011, according to preliminary data, increased by 20%. Considering that in 2010 France was visited by 680,000 guests from Russia, therefore, last year the tourist flow exceeded 800,000 people.

This is much more than, for example, in Italy, where the official statistics of visits have been calculated so far only for 9 months - during this time 465,268 Russians arrived. Compared to the same period in 2010, the growth was 29%. According to the results of the whole year, based on the trends, they allow Italy to gain a foothold in the fourth position.

But some Italian regions showed record figures for the growth of Russians. For example, 43% more Russians visited Florence in 2011 than in 2010. And the growth of Russian tourist flow to Venice amounted to 45%.

Fourth place Italy can share with Czech Republic, which was visited by 569,961 Russians for the whole year. Last year, the flow of tourists from Russia to the Czech Republic seriously increased: if in 2010 this country was visited by 413,756 Russians, then by the end of 2011 their number increased by 156,000. The growth was almost 38%.

Following the Czechs comes Austria, for which the last year was a record for Russian guests. As the magazine was told EUROMAG in the tourist office of Austria, last year the alpine republic was visited by 400 396 Russians, which is 31% more than a year earlier. And the number of overnight stays increased by 25.6%, exceeding 1.5 million.

The Austrians emphasize that Russians are much more likely than before to visit Austria in the summer. For example, the number of overnight stays in Vienna in the summer months increased by 30.4%, but the largest increase was shown by Tyrol - this federal state was visited by 31.1% more Russians over the entire year.

Russia currently ranks 11th among other countries in statistics for the number of overnight stays in Austria.

V Greece Russians began to travel more by almost 37%. The country that holds the record for the speed of issuing Schengen visas to Russians (2-3 days) last year received 380,729 Russian tourists (sixth line).

The eternal competitor comes on the heels of Greece - Cyprus... More than 330,000 Russian citizens visited the island during the year, which is almost 100,000 more than in 2010.

Currently, the Russian market for Cyprus is the second largest after Great Britain and, as Cypriots say, in recent years it has "grown by leaps and bounds." For comparison, in 2005 less than 100,000 Russians visited Cyprus. The Cyprus Tourism Organization predicts that in 2012 the number of Russian visitors will exceed 400,000.

Russians hold the second place in the number of tourists in Estonia- the first line there is occupied by the Finns. According to the Estonian Department of Statistics, 203,204 tourists from Russia visited the country last year. But at the same time, if the growth of tourist traffic from Finland amounted to only 1% (Estonia was visited by 841,000 Finns), then the growth of Russians - 43%, and in comparison with 2009 - 116%.

The number of Russians increased by 11% in Croatia- the Balkan state was visited by about 190,000 people who made more than 1.6 million overnight stays (+ 8%).

And closes the top ten Switzerland, which last year received 179,168 tourists from Russia, which is 14% more than in 2010. And the number of overnight stays increased by 10% - to 513,700, reported EUROMAG at the Swiss Tourism Office. For comparison, the growth of tourist flow from Russia to Switzerland in 2010 was only 3%, and in the crisis year of 2009 there was a decline of 0.5%.

However, Switzerland could be squeezed Great Britain, which received 158,000 Russians in three quarters. Preliminary data for 2011 will be published in April, the magazine was promised EUROMAG at the Russian office of Visit Britain. In 2010, the United Kingdom received 170,000 Russians over 12 months.

Following the United Kingdom comes Norway, which grew by 8%. According to the SSB (Statistical Central Bureau), the Scandinavian country was visited by almost 90,000 Russians, who made 186,832 overnights. However, the increase in tourist flow from Russia to Norway in 2011 was significantly less than in 2010, when it increased by 18% at once compared to 2009.

The growth of tourist traffic in Belgium amounted to 33.1% - more than 84,000 Russians visited it during the year.

I added and Slovakia: the growth of tourist traffic there was almost 30%. The number of Russian tourists increased from 21,425 to 27,776 people, who made 105,242 overnight stays in the country (this is 33% more than in 2010). The average number of days that Russians began to spend in Slovakia also slightly increased - from 3.7 to 3.8.

The leader in terms of the increase in tourist traffic from Russia was Albania... As the Albanian ambassador to Russia Sokol Gioka said at a press conference in Moscow, the flow of tourists from Russia to his country in 2011 increased by 70% - up to 8,000 people.

Germany, according to the German tourist office, in 2011 was visited by almost 20% more Russians than a year ago. They could not give absolute figures, but they assured that Russia entered the top ten leaders in terms of the number of tourists, after Holland, Switzerland, USA, Great Britain, Italy, Austria, France, Belgium and Denmark. And in terms of growth dynamics, Russia ranks sixth, following Brazil (23%), India (22%), China (21%), Poland (22%) and Hungary (21%).

Hungary in terms of the number of overnight stays by Russians, it added 21% - 432 715. Interestingly, the Russians set an absolute record in the last month of the year: the number of nights spent by tourists from Russia in December was 26 510, which is 52.7% more. The most visited region of Hungary was Budapest, where Russians spent 255 612 (+ 13.5%) overnight stays.

The Russians also set records in Ireland- for 9 months of 2011, 1215 Russians visited the emerald island for tourism, which is 40% more than in the entire 2010. Apparently, the simplification of the visa regime had an effect (since July, Ireland has allowed Russians on a British visa).

But at the same time, it is interesting that much more Irish visited Russia - in the first nine months of last year, 5,591 Irish tourists visited Russia (an increase of 21%).

In countries such as Turkey, Thailand and Egypt, the resorts are resting a large number of Russian tourists. Moreover, a significant percentage of vacationers are noisy companies, the neighborhood with which is not to everyone's liking, even compatriots. Therefore, lovers of tranquility and quiet neighbors in the hotel are recommended to relax in resorts where there are few Russian tourists.

Which resorts have few Russian tourists

Since a significant part of our compatriots prefer to rest on popular and inexpensive resorts, then the least of all Russians can be found in Central and South Africa, America, Australia, islands Indian Ocean(Seychelles, Mauritius, Madagascar), as well as in Portugal, Great Britain, India and Morocco.

In those countries where Russian tour operators organize cheap charter flights, there are many Russian tourists. Therefore, the popularity of the resort can be estimated by the availability of charter flights during holiday season and on the range of vouchers offered by travel agencies.

European cities

Even in Europe, which is now popular, it is quite possible to find countries and cities where Russians rarely come. The Portuguese city of Porto, located on the coast, is not yet very popular. Atlantic Ocean... The list of Portuguese cities rarely visited by Russians also includes Madeira, Fara and Lisbon. This also includes the Spanish resort of Seville, as well as the Polish town of Gdansk.

On the east coast Italy is the city of Ancona. In addition to sandy beaches in the vicinity of this city there are many architectural attractions, including the ruins of ancient buildings. Russians rarely have a rest in this city due to the lack of charter flights. However, you can go to Ancona without using the services of tour operators.

Spain also has cities that are rarely visited by Russian tourists. For example, in the central part of Andalusia, you can relax, enjoying the absence of noisy compatriots. However, there are quite a lot of European tourists in Andalusia.

Canary island Fuerteventura, unlike Tenerife, is still deprived of the attention of the Russians. Although there are many hotels in Tenerife, in which our compatriots practically do not meet. These are mainly two-star and three-star hotels, located away from the beaches.

Not sure where to spend your vacation? Has your passport expired? Not enough money for an overseas tour? Bored with exotic camps? If you gave a positive answer to at least one of the listed questions, it's time to think about a vacation in Russia. The uniqueness of the geographical location of the country makes it possible to choose a trip to suit everyone's taste. On the territory of Russia, you can find a healthy alternative to any foreign resorts. Instead of Czech Karlovy Vary, you can improve your health in sanatoriums Mineralnye Vody, Pyatigorsk and Zheleznovodsk. The St. Petersburg Hermitage is in no way inferior to the presented exposition the best museums Europe, and the famous French Versailles pales somewhat before the ceremonial beauty of "Peterhof". Dombay, Khibiny, Altai, Ural, for fans of alpine skiing there are slopes of any complexity, and the beauty of mountain landscapes is breathtaking no worse than in Swiss Alps... To all those whose souls are torn to the sea a direct road to the Russian subtropics, to the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory.


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How much does a vacation in Adler cost? September 2018.

tour cost

We rested in Adler in September 2018. Tickets were taken from Krasnoyarsk six months earlier. The cost of tickets from Krasnoyarsk to Adler by plane cost us 46,000 rubles for two there and back. We found a suitable hotel in the distribution center, not far from the sea. It is called "Angelina", on the street of Education. The hotel is cool with a huge veranda on the 2nd floor, on the first dining room. The room for living is cozy, there is air conditioning, TV, Euro-seat, spacious double bed. Kitchen with everything you need for four rooms. The cost of a night stay was 1600. We had a rest for 10 days.

We went to the places of the Olympics: Gorki-Gorod, Rosa Khutor, the price of the tour is 2500 rubles per person. In the evening we visited the singing fountain in Olympic Park... The cost is 500 rubles from each +500 taxi. A total of 1,500 rubles for two. Ride a boat to the dolphins for 3000 rubles.

Food and groceries

In the canteen, an average lunch costs 250-300 rubles. Beer is expensive 100 rubles a liter. Wine and chacha in the stalls are delicious and inexpensive. A bottle of chacha costs 200 rubles and wine as well. For some reason, vegetables are expensive in the south, at least in Adler. Tomatoes 80 rubles. Apples 100 rubles, grapes 90 rubles.

Souvenirs and other goods

Prices for clothes are about the same as in Moscow. Magnets are cheap from 10 to 30 rubles. We recruited all relatives and friends. Souvenirs too - Ive bought myself a gift to friends of a cat with the inscription "I want to go to the sea", its price is 250 rubles.

Cost of services and entertainment

We used the services of cleaning the skin with fish, I forgot what it’s called. On the beach itself, I paid 300 rubles for 10 minutes.

Total money spent on vacation

Helpful information?

July holiday experience

A good time to relax - the sea is warm, the air temperature is stable, there is little precipitation, and the nights are warm.

Vacation with children

The sea of ​​Azov, shallow and warm, is ideal for children. Vacationers - family, calm, adequate. The beaches are sandy, with shells, pebbles. Excellent parks in the city, where you can find a huge number of attractions and entertainment. All cafes, canteens are designed for family holiday with children, delicious children's menu, low prices.

What to take with you on vacation?

Be sure to take bathing accessories, you don't want to leave the sea - it is warm, quite clean! Sunscreens are a must, July is the sunniest and hottest month for Yeisk. Plus, for the Kamenka beach, it is worth taking special shoes for a more comfortable and convenient entry into the sea.

Where is the best place to stay?

The private sector, there are a lot of housing offers, choose closer to the beach. There is guest houses and hotels in the first line from the beach - a great option for the smallest kids, minimum travel.

How to entertain yourself at the resort?

Poddubny Park is very nice park... Park them. Gorky. Dolphinarium. Oceanarium. Crocodile farm... There is a fairly large Rope Park near the embankment - for children of different ages.

You should definitely visit the Dolzhanskaya Spit, namely the Cossack Coast. The cleanliness of the beach will pleasantly surprise you, a comfortable recreation area with bungalows, attractions. The sea is clean, the beach is small and large shell rock. Do not forget comfortable shoes for entering the sea, there are people who cannot walk on the prickly shell rock. On the way to the Cossack coast there is melon with excellent watermelons and melons. And also an apiary, where bees produce honey in front of your eyes, and in your presence it can be poured into a jar.

The beaches are of a different nature. There are stony, large stones, sand. There is sand with shell rock. There is also a fine sand, ideal for children. Quite clean on the beaches, there are rides, changing cabins, toilets. There is also a water park, stalls with souvenirs, bathing accessories. On the embankment there is huge park rides with a ferris wheel. The only negative is very crowded in July.

What can you buy?

Tourist shopping takes place, shopping for souvenirs is quite budgetary. Price from 25 rubles! Most interesting option- local cosmetics, cosmetic accessories, various creams, balms, therapeutic mud, clay. The prices are reasonable, the goods are of good quality.