Ready-made models of civil aviation Tu 204. Aviation fleet of the "Red Wings" company

One of the most talked about among passengers who prefer a fast and safe flight over short and medium distances is the Tu 204. It was developed by design scientists in our country at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s. In fact, this aircraft was released to replace the morally and technically obsolete, but popular with people, Tu 154. The flight duration is on average 4500 km, and the maximum distance of refueling and landing is 5290 km. The first flight was made on January 2, 1989 - it was a test of flight capabilities, and already in 1996, the full operation of this aircraft model began in civil aviation.

Project creation and design features

The aircraft project was developed carefully, as it was necessary to correspond not only to the developments available in the 1970s, but also to look to the future. During this period, a decree was issued, prescribing the creation of new long-haul aircraft capable of carrying a large number of passengers. In 1979, Leonid Selyakov was approved as the lead designer of the project. The accuracy of the calculations was guaranteed not only by the knowledge of specialists, but also by the widespread introduction of computer technology into the production sector. The main power plant in the project was the D-90 engine, developed and assembled by the Solovyov Design Bureau.

The development of aircraft construction required improvements in design, so later (when the Boeings 757 and 767 were commissioned), two engines appeared instead of one, which increased power.

The layout of the aircraft was constantly being improved, since the main task of the aircraft was to meet all safety requirements and meet the capabilities of that time. It assumes that the aircraft has long wings, to which the engines were attached. From the very beginning of its development, the project assumed that the aircraft would have a large number of technical innovations and bold modern solutions at that time.

The innovative solutions included:

  • Automated system, which was named "Diana" (many different calculations were made to keep the aircraft systems in working order);
  • The use of the latest developments and materials for that time (in particular, composite-mineral compositions were used);
  • Seamless sheathing was used.

The aircraft Tu 204 also received improvements in aerodynamic performance, they affected the fuselage area and planes.

The design features of the aircraft were also implemented in other directions. The main ones are:

  • Improvement of the fly-by-wire control system;
  • Modernization (the best for that period) of electronic-digital regulation of modes responsible for the uninterrupted operation of installed engines;
  • Improvement of the electronic-digital component of the blocks responsible for all digital calculations produced by the system.

Features: the designers made special demands on the performance in terms of reliability. The developers provided for and implemented redundancy of the aircraft control system, which is performed 4 times, which eliminates the occurrence of emergency situations, and also helps to quickly eliminate possible problems.

Constructive innovations

The automated system of the aircraft made it possible for specialists to quickly and efficiently carry out all the necessary calculations affecting the parameters of the power elements of the aircraft. Measurements were carried out:

  • on voltages (to exclude all possible drops that may cause malfunctions);
  • on deformations (which can occur during operation or during emergency situations);
  • on the frequency and duration of the vibrations produced.

In the design of the 204th, all the knowledge available at that time was applied, so the aircraft was a real breakthrough in the world of aviation in those years. Significant work was done in the protection and safety system, so in the event of a possible failure of systems or the engine, a fourfold redundancy of the board control system was provided, which reduced the likelihood of a crash.

Board modifications

The submitted projects have undergone significant changes as a result of detailed reviews at the commissions. That is why the final aircraft plan included systems that were fine-tuned and carried out the tasks assigned to them, taking into account the comments of the representatives of the airlines that were the first to operate the Tu-204 in the research mode. Such actions led to the emergence of more than 15 different variations of the aircraft. All of them differ from one another in a number of parameters, which include power and flight characteristics and installations, as well as:

  • Onboard electronics (its variety, uninterrupted operation, capabilities and functions);
  • Dimensions and parameters of the board itself.

The changes also affected such an indicator as the carrying capacity. So, in the largest variation (Tu 204-100), the takeoff weight is 103 tons, which is several tens of tons more than in the basic configuration. The number of passengers who could use the services of the board was 210.

Additionally, the onboard modification affected the fuel tanks - the Tu 204 aircraft has additional capacities, which guaranteed the absence of emergency situations in this direction.

General comfort indicators

Overall comfort is of no small importance for flight performance, therefore, during the development of the Tu 204, considerable work was carried out in this direction. Initially, the developers and engineers were faced with a difficult, but responsible task - to make a board that could carry out not only domestic, but also international flights.

The interior inside the cabin and the layout as a whole are well thought out. Particular attention was paid to the ergonomics of the seats - they are very comfortable even in the economy class cabin.

Also, all conditions were created to meet the needs of passengers during long-distance flights. The equipment and systems of the following areas were improved:

  • household (the general indicator of a person's comfort during the flight is taken into account);
  • sanitary (improved toilets, cleanliness systems: water supply, ventilation, increased requirements are imposed on the quality of cleaning);
  • kitchen (methods of cooking / heating food, quality of service).

Also, the lighting system works at a high level, it is mounted in such a way as to create a calm and comfortable backlight. In modern versions, there is an entertainment video center, which is built directly into the back of the front seat.

Seating arrangement

The scheme, which the Tu 204 has, offers special zones for each modification. It provides various internal layouts. It is important to remember that depending on the model presented by the airline, the plane can carry a different number of passengers. This rule works for all variants of the Tu-204 aircraft. Depending on the model, the number of passengers is as follows (the maximum number of people that can be on board at the same time is shown):

  • basic - 210 passengers;
  • model 204-100 - 194 people (there is a variation that can accommodate only 176 passengers);
  • board 204-300 - no more than 157 people.

Space and convenience are realized in every class. The business is a little wider, but there is no less comfort in the economy. This approach of aircraft designers provides an acceptable level of comfort, which fully complies with the international standards in the field of air transportation. It was to such indicators that the creators of the very first Tu-204 aircraft were originally striving. The interior layout can be described by the formulas:

  • "3 - 3" (tourist);
  • "2 - 2" in business class.

According to the location of the seats, the width of the aisle for safety and for additional comfort is at least 81 cm. It is also important to keep in mind that when ordering individual aircrafts, the location of the seats and their number are not taken into account, they can be practically any. All other parameters are strictly observed so as not to deviate from safety precautions during flights.


A significant role in improving the model was played by comments and complaints from pilots or passengers received both during the flight and during operation. The very first early modifications of this aircraft were not devoid of negative aspects, despite the seriousness of the development and design. The main serious disadvantage in terms of importance was due to the low or insufficient quality of the used insulating layer for the functions performed. The first options for insulation were purchased outside the country.

According to the observations of specialists, during the flight, even not too long, moisture formed condensation at altitude. He first froze, resulting in the formation of an ice crust, and then gradually thawed. As a result, the passengers experienced significant discomfort, as moisture fell into the cabin in the form of fine rain.

Modern models that operate flights at different times are completely free from such a problem, as evidenced by various reviews of passengers. Despite the fact that an aircraft of this type has all the certificates necessary for the implementation of the work, including for international flights, which also affect such an indicator as the noise level, there were some complaints about it. That is why a lot of work has been done in modern models aimed at eliminating the too loud operation of the air conditioning system. Problems in this direction appeared because the engines are practically inaudible.

Other comments about the convenience and comfort of the flight were, in most cases, subjective. Passenger seats are located in a higher plane than the main elements responsible for flight, so noise is felt and disturbed by people to a lesser extent than was the case on earlier models of this aircraft.

Commerce: prospects

For any airline and aircraft manufacturer, a valuable commercial perspective of their brainchild is very important. Today, domestic airlines are experiencing significant difficulties in attracting the interest of modern and sophisticated passengers in flights on domestic aircraft, since against the background of foreign ones they are inferior in beauty and comfort indicators. This is largely due to the fact that the time of the formation of the aircraft fleet based on domestic aircraft turned out to be very difficult for the aircraft industry in the country. At that time there was a crisis, and then the aircraft of foreign companies began to enter the air transportation market. They turned out to be cheaper and more profitable at that time in terms of operation and safety indicators for everyone on board.

Now the situation has changed for the better. However, favorable moments in the development and improvement of the passenger aircraft fleet have been missed. Today, the Tu-204 is actively continuing its modification and improvement in various directions, therefore, in terms of most indicators, it is not inferior to foreign counterparts. The aircraft has economical and virtually silent engines. Overall, it is a powerful and, as the manufacturers say, hardy option, capable of coping with the most difficult flight task.

Thus, the layout of the Tu 204 cabin and the comfort conditions provided to passengers meet the most stringent international standards. Today, more than 40 such vehicles are involved in air transportation.


Despite the fairly lost time, the Tu-204 passenger aircraft, according to experts, has good operational and export potential. In terms of main indicators, it is not inferior to the leading foreign counterparts of Boeing and Airbus firms in terms of commercial success (first of all, this concerns the last of more than twenty modifications, "300") and has an important competitive advantage for domestic operators in the form of more affordable price... The Tu-204 project was born in a difficult time and was developed for a long time, but today it is successfully used by several airlines.

Project start

The development of the project of the new liner was initiated by the Minister I.S. A. N. Tupolev. This passenger aircraft, previously named Tu-204, was supposed to meet the promising requirements of international air carriers, and therefore, outwardly resemble foreign models that indicated the main trend in the development of aviation technology. Similar characteristics provide for identical approaches to their achievement. So it happened with the Tu-204. The scheme of a monoplane with a low-lying long swept wing and two engines suspended from it on pylons is not typical for the Tupolevites, in this case it was used by them for the first time. This does not mean that plagiarism took place (in fact, Boeing and Airbus are also very similar in layout). However, many technological innovations were envisaged in the design from the very beginning.

Constructive innovations

The designers used for the first time automated system"Diana", with the help of which it was possible to quickly and efficiently calculate the power elements of the airframe for stresses, deformations and vibration frequencies. The design used many revolutionary at that time composite-polymer materials, seamless skin and other interesting approaches that significantly improved the aerodynamics of the fuselage and planes. Completely new technologies for the domestic aircraft industry were first introduced on the Tu-204. This applies to the fly-by-wire control system, electronic digital regulation of engine modes, digital calculator units and many other innovations that were not used on previous generations of liners.

At the same time, the designers placed great importance on reliability. In case of failure, a fourfold redundancy of the aircraft control system is provided.


The adjustment, taking into account the comments of the representatives of the airlines that operated the Tu-204, led to the appearance of two dozen variations of the aircraft. They differ from one another in power plants, flight characteristics, on-board electronics and even in size. Thus, the Tu-204-100 modification has a greater payload compared to the base model (take-off weight - 103 tons with a flight range of 4.6 thousand km) and is designed for 210 passengers. "Dvuhsotka" (the second name of the Tu-214 aircraft) has additional fuel tanks. The Tu-204-120 was also produced (5 copies were made) - it was equipped with imported avionics, and the power plant was equipped with Rolls-Royce motors. This variant was supplied to Egypt for Cairo Aviation.

The specific requirements of the domestic air carrier Vladivostok Air, which operates long-haul flights, prompted the design bureau to create a “long-range” version of the Tu-214-300, capable of covering the distance from Vladivostok to Moscow or St. Petersburg. There are also modifications built for the presidential administration's fleet.

General comfort

Initially, the aircraft was created for operation on domestic and international routes, so a lot of attention was paid to comfort. The interior and layout are well thought out, the seats are ergonomically perfect (even in the economy class cabin), all conditions have been created to meet the needs of passengers during long-distance flights, including due to the best household, sanitary and kitchen equipment. According to reviews, the lighting system deserves a high rating, mounted in such a way as to create an unobtrusive but effective backlight. Each passenger has an individual video entertainment center built into the back of the front seat.

Seating arrangement

The variety of modifications assumes a different internal layout, as well as a different number of passengers carried for all versions of the Tu-204 aircraft. The salon of the basic model was designed for 210 people, Tu-204-100 accommodates from 176 to 194 seats, and Tu-204-300 has 157 seats. There is, of course, more space in the business salon. But the economy class, according to travelers, also provides an acceptable level of comfort that meets the world standards of air travel, which the creators of the Tu-204 aspired to. The layout of the cabin is described by the formula "3 - 3" (tourist) and "2 - 2" in business class with a passage width of at least 81 cm. Any configuration is possible with an individual order.

Comments and complaints

Early modifications suffered from a serious drawback due to the low quality of the insulating layer (by the way, purchased abroad). During the flight, moisture condensation occurred, which then thawed and fell abundantly on the passengers' heads like a light rain. This issue has now been completely resolved as evidenced by the reviews.

Despite the fact that the Tu-204 has all the certificates for international flights, including those concerning the noise level, there were complaints about the too loud operation of the air conditioning system, which would not be so noticeable if the engines were not so quiet. Other comments on convenience, if any, were subjective. The low position of the engine nacelles under the wing makes the flight on the Tu-204 more comfortable. Passenger seats are located on a higher plane, therefore, according to customers, noise is felt less.

Commercial prospects

Unfortunately, the time when it was formed aircraft fleet domestic airlines turned out to be very difficult for the Russian aircraft industry, which was experiencing a crisis caused by the collapse of the USSR. Into the market in the nineties air transportation Western "second-hand" was actively promoted, it was cheaper and rather profitable in operation. Now the situation has changed and improved, but missed opportunities are always more difficult to recover than to conquer. In all respects, the finished Tupolev Tu-204 machine (and it continues to be improved) is in no way inferior to its Western counterparts. It has economical low-noise engines, a powerful and durable glider. "Three hundred" can make intercontinental flights. There is reason to believe that Russian and foreign airlines will start ordering Tu-204 aircraft more actively. The cabin layout and comfort conditions meet the strictest international standards, as evidenced by numerous reviews of passengers. Currently, 42 machines of this type are in operation.

The Red Wings airline was founded in 1999. Initially it was called Airlines 400 and was engaged in passenger and cargo transportation on domestic Tu-154 and Il-76.

The renaming in 2007 to Red Wings Airlines and the change of ownership defined a new development strategy for the airline. The course was taken to use mainly domestic aircraft, improving passenger service and increasing the geography of routes.

The base airport of the Red Wings company is Moscow Domodedovo. Additional: "Pulkovo" in St. Petersburg and international Airport Simferopol.

Aviation fleet of the company "Red Wings"

Route network has 35 destinations within Russia and abroad. The airline operates both regular and charter seasonal flights.

As of June 2018, there were 12 aircraft in the fleet. 6 of them are Russian Tu-204-100.

Tu-204 is a narrow-body passenger airliner designed for medium-range flights. Its development was started back in Soviet times in the late 80s at the Tupolev Design Bureau. The aircraft has been serially produced since 1990. For 2018, a total of 72 Tu-204-100s were produced.

Since 2000, the Tu-204 has been modernized cabins and passenger seats, updated avionics and a number of outdated service systems. Old indicators of aircraft control systems were replaced with liquid crystal ones. The use of the latest control systems made it possible to reduce the crew to 2 people, and technical solutions and design improvements reduced the cost of aircraft maintenance.

For the comfort of passengers in the cabin, noise-absorbing materials and LED lighting are used.

Flight performance of Tu-204

The layout of the Tu-204 aircraft cabin on Red Wings airlines

Let us examine in more detail the layout of the Tu-204 cabin of Red Wings airlines. Highlighted in red on the diagram best places.

1 row... Comfortable first-row seats are usually provided for passengers with small children, pregnant women or people with disabilities. The space in front of these seats is slightly larger than between the standard aisles and the flight will be more comfortable.

These seats are not suitable for passengers of large build and tall stature. The reason is the partition, which limits the ability of such passengers to stretch their legs.

2-8 rows- standard seats. The backs of the 8th row deviate to a very limited angle.

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The most comfortable flight in the nose of the plane is due to several reasons:

  • less noise in the cabin;
  • the ability to quickly get off the plane after landing;
  • food distribution begins at the bow and passengers in the front rows receive lunch earlier than others;
  • the panorama from the portholes is not obscured by the wings.

9 row... In front of the seats in this row in the Tu-204 "Red Wings" cabin there are emergency exit hatches (see photo). Not all passengers can get seats in this row. Restrictions apply to:

  • children under 18;
  • passengers with disabilities;
  • pregnant women;
  • passengers carrying animals;
  • foreigners who are not fluent in Russian or English.

10 and 29 A, F- there are no other seats in front of these seats, so you can comfortably stretch your legs.

WITH 13 to 23 row- places above the wings. This part is always the most stable, there is less chatter here. But the view from the windows is limited.

27 row... Inconvenient seats with slightly reclining backs.

28 row... Comfortable seats in front of emergency exits.

From 29 to 35 row- standard seats. When choosing places in the rear of the aircraft, it should be borne in mind that it is noisy here due to the proximity of the engines and more chatter.

36 row... Last row seats in front of toilets. Most unwanted places. People going to the toilet will be in the way during the entire flight. After landing, you will have to wait a long time to get out of the plane.

The best places

When flying, a comfortable space in front of the seat and the ability to recline the back are of great importance. At such places, the flight in the Tu-204 of the Red Wings company will be untiring and will go unnoticed. According to the cabin layout, these are the places:

  • 1 - completely
  • 9 and 28 D, E
  • 10 and 29 A, F

Bad places

If possible, avoid places near the toilet and those that do not recline. In the Tu-204 cabin, according to the scheme provided by Red Wings, these are:

  • When choosing places, avoid the sunny side. Strong sunlight will not allow you to enjoy the panorama from the porthole.
  • In places near emergency exits, it is always a little cooler; bring a warm jacket on the flight.
  • If you do not like your seat, you can change it if the salon is not completely full. Do this immediately after the end of boarding is announced.
  • For passengers with children, it is better to choose a seat next to the window in the front rows.
  • If you are flying in the back rows, you can ask for an encore for lunch. Unclaimed portions always remain.

The cabin configuration in the Tu-204 of the Red Wings company is designed for 210 seats and only one economy class of service. Having familiarized yourself with the location of the seats in the cabin, you can use additional service choosing a comfortable place.

This service cannot be used by passengers flying with small children (up to 2 years old).

The cost of the “Choice of seat” service is 1000 rubles. for an adult and 500 rubles. for a child.

In order to have an idea of ​​the plane, you need to familiarize yourself not only with the diagram, but also with passenger reviews who flew with the Red Wings company. Their experience will allow you to choose the right seats in the salon.

Passengers who flew with the Red Wings company on the Tu-204 are satisfied with the flight and service. Almost all the reviews are positive. The plane has comfortable seats, a fairly large step between the rows (81 cm), good food and service, attentive and polite flight attendants.

If you decide to fly with the Red Wings company on a Tu-204, familiarize yourself with the location of the seats in the cabin and choose the best seats. Happy flight and soft landing!

Tu-204 is a narrow-body medium-range passenger aircraft created by the Tupolev Development Bureau. Initially, it was positioned as a replacement for the Tu-154 passenger liner.

Cabin overview and seat layout of Tu-204

Depending on the type of layout of the passenger aircraft, the Tu-204 can accommodate from 164 to 215 people. On the given seat map the aircraft has two classes (business and economy). In business class, seats can be arranged in a 2-2 or 3-3 pattern and have a wide aisle in the middle. The best in business class are definitely the seats located in the middle (not in the first and not in the sixth rows), since there are toilet and utility rooms next to them. Also, the seats in the sixth row are also adjacent to the partition between the business class and the noisy economy class. Therefore, when booking seats, you should keep these features in mind.

Economy class seats are arranged according to the "3-3" scheme. For economy class, the best seats can be safely called 7th and 22nd rows. Convenience and greater comfort gives them the fact that these rows do not have other places in front of them, and, consequently, there is more legroom than usual. Seats in the 29th row are unsuccessful in economy class due to their close location to toilets, which provides long queues here at certain hours.

The history of the creation and operation of the Tu-204 aircraft

The Tu-154 passenger airliner began operating in 1968. However, already in 1973, work began on the creation of a new aircraft, which could become a worthy and full-fledged replacement for the Tu-154 airliner. It was assumed that the new aircraft will have a greater passenger capacity, flight range and payload. The new project was named Tu-204.

During the development and design of the liner, many possible options fuselage structures. So, for example, the option of a wide-body double-deck passenger aircraft was considered, which would have an increased carrying capacity and passenger capacity. As a result, the Tupolev Design Bureau decided to equip the Tu-204 with three engines, one of which was installed in the tail section, and the other two were mounted on pylons under the wing. In 1982, a mock-up was also created based on the adopted aircraft design, but in the end it was decided to abandon the idea with three engines.

The result is a narrow-body aircraft with two engines under its wings. Thus, the design of the Tu-204 has become completely new for the Tupolev Design Bureau, which previously designed passenger aircraft mainly with engines located in the tail section.

The first flight of the new aircraft was carried out at the very beginning of 1989. However, due to the difficult economic and political situation in the Soviet Union, and then in Russia, the tests of the Tu-204 dragged on for 6 long years. Only at the cost of tremendous efforts in December 1994, the aircraft was tested and certified.

Commercial operation of the Tu-204 began in 1996. However, the economic crisis and the dire situation in the domestic aviation industry did everything to keep the popularity of the aircraft low. So, in the 90s, it was more profitable and economical to buy used aircraft manufactured by Western companies (Airbus and Boeing). An additional inconvenience was that on the early versions of the Tu-204, the crew, as a rule, consisted of 3 people, which was not very economical for many airlines.

Nevertheless, after improving the liner, the comfort of the passenger compartment was increased by an order of magnitude, as well as its efficiency. Thus, new models of Tu-204 (for example, Tu-204-200 or Tu-204-300) are able to compete with Western Boeings and Airbuses, however Russian airlines they are afraid to order liners from a domestic manufacturer, for which there was often not enough spare parts or components.

Today, only one Tu-204 is produced per year, with the main customer being the state and its structures. In addition, in 2019 it became known about the possible sale of Tupolev PJSC a license for the production of the liner to Iran. Also in the same year, a program for the production and delivery of ten Tu-204s with increased comfort and improved on-board electronics was announced.

From the beginning of serial production in 1990 to 2019, only 78 Tu-204 aircraft were produced, of which about 40 are in operation today.

Modifications of the Tu-204 liner

Today there are the following modifications of the Tu-204:

  • Tu-204 - basic modification liner with a passenger capacity of up to 210 people. Operated since 1996;
  • Tu-204-100 is a modification of Tu-204 with increased take-off weight and passenger capacity. In operation since 1996;
  • Tu-204-200 is a variant of the airliner with additional fuel tanks, which allow to slightly increase its flight range. It was built in a single copy, the commercial operation of which began in 2001;
  • Tu-204-100V - modification of the liner with an improved on-board electronics system and a passenger compartment with increased comfort;
  • Tu-204-120 is a variant of Tu-204, equipped with western on-board electronics, which allows to significantly expand the market opportunities and prospects of the liner. Commercially operated since autumn 1998;
  • Tu-204-300 is a modification of the liner with a reduced (by 6 meters) fuselage length, as well as with a lower passenger capacity (up to 165 people). However, this is compensated by the increased flight range, which allows non-stop flight from Moscow to Vladivostok;
  • Tu-204SM is a modification of the liner, which is, in fact, its serious processing. Thus, the aircraft is equipped with the latest avionics and air navigation systems, which made it possible to reduce the crew to 2 people. A large number of and other innovations allows us to speak of this aircraft as a new generation of the Tu-204 family. Mass production was launched in 2013.

A brief overview of the Tu-204 and characteristics

Tu-204 is a cantilever monoplane of normal aerodynamic design. The power plant of the liner is represented by two turbofan engines.

A new and bold decision for the domestic aviation industry was that the Tu-204 fuselage consists of 14% of composite materials, which significantly influenced its strength, reliability and efficiency in maintenance. So, tests have shown that the wing of the aircraft is capable of withstanding a load of up to 140% of the calculated one.

Flight performance of the main modifications of the Tu-204:

Tu-204-100 Tu-204S Tu-204-120 Tu-204-200 Tu-204-300 Tu-204SM
Wingspan, m 41,8
Length, m 46,1 40,2 46,1
Fuselage width, m 3,8
Tail height, m 13,9
Wing area, m2 184,2
21 000 30 000 21 000 25 200 18 000 23 000
Max. refueling, kg 32 800 35 700 36 000 35 700
Max. takeoff weight, kg 103 000 110 750 107 500 108 000
Max. landing weight, kg 88 000 91 500 88 000 93 000 88 000 89 500
Max. passenger capacity 210 210 164 215
Cabin width, m 3,6
Cabin height, m 2,1
Crew, people 3 2
Cruising speed, km / h 830-850
Maximum speed, km / h 850
Service ceiling, m 12 100
Flight range with maximum fuel supply, km 6 820 km 6 810 km 6 890 km 7 370 km
Flight range with maximum payload 4 020 2 370 3 940 3 460 5 920 4 200
Engines 2 × PS-90A 2 × RB211 2 × PS-90A 2 × PS-90A2
Average fuel consumption per hour
(at max. payload)
3 180 kg / h 3 210 kg / h 3 400 kg / h 3 180 kg / h
Required runway length, m 2,500 m 1 950 m


The Tu-204 aircraft is a real breakthrough for the domestic aircraft industry. This is proved by the fact that even today, more than 30 years after the start of its development, the aircraft (mainly its newest modifications), due to its characteristics, is actually able to compete with by passenger liners Western companies, with considerable cost-effectiveness and ease of use.

Many passengers are interested in how to choose the best seats on Red Wings aircraft - Tu-204 and A-321. To do this, you must have before your eyes the layout of the seats in aircraft, and take into account some of the nuances that we will talk about in the article. Below we will consider the best seats in the TU-204 Red Wings cabin, as well as give recommendations on choosing a seat in the A-321.

What aircraft are included in the company's air fleet?

Until recently, the air carrier had six TU-204-100 aircraft at its disposal, as well as one TU-214. But in 2017, the company changed its policy, and the main goal of management was to update the aircraft fleet. Thus, within the framework of the program, the first Airbus aircraft (A-321) has already been received, which made its first flight in the spring of 2017 and landed at the Domodedovo airport (Moscow). The airlines reckon that the update air fleet will increase passenger traffic, improve flight reliability and provide passengers with the best seats in the cabin.

By the end of 2017, it is planned to receive six more Airbus aircraft what should be taken into account by passengers when choosing the best seats in the cabin of Red Wings TU-204, but also A-321. The cabin of the new Airbus planes is equipped with 220 seats, which provide for the configuration of economy class, which allows additional savings on tickets.

How to use the service of choosing the best seat in TU-204 and A-321 of Red Wings airline?

An in-demand option for an air carrier is the ability to choose the best seat on the plane. This can be done directly at the airport or via the Internet. The disadvantage is that the service has a number of limitations. It is not available to passengers with children under two years of age, minors, people with animals, clients with visual and / or hearing impairments, pregnant women and others (the full list of restrictions can be found on the official website).

To choose the best seats in the cabins of TU-204 and A-321 aircraft, you will have to pay 1000 rubles if the seat is chosen for an adult passenger. In the case of a child, the payment is lower - 500 rubles. Payment is made at the airport ticket office.

If the plane did not take off for any reason or the flight was changed, a refund is possible at the airline's ticket offices.

The best seats in the TU-204 Red Wings cabin

The presence of the service described above is very convenient and allows the passenger to take the most comfortable seat on aircraft... The main thing is to know in which parts of the TU-204 of Red Wings airlines the best ones are located in terms of seating comfort.

Let's walk through the rows:

  • Seats in the 1st row are considered very comfortable for the flight. Due to the fact that no one sits in front, you don't have to worry about your neighbor's back bent on your knees. But the distance to the panel is short, so it will be uncomfortable for passengers with large stature. It is better to give preference to another place where the distance between the seats reaches 0.81 m. The disadvantage is that there is a toilet nearby, so passengers will walk back and forth throughout the entire flight.
  • In the 8th and 27th row reclining the backs of the chairs will not work, which creates certain inconveniences. So you need to be prepared to sit the entire flight in one position.
  • Seats A and E in rows 10 and 29... The main plus is the absence of seats in the ninth row, which allows you to fully stretch your legs and relax. In front, no one will lower the backrest, which is also an advantage. It is believed that these are the best seats in the Tu-204 Red Wings, which makes it extremely difficult to book them.

    Popular destinations with Red Wings

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    Moscow → Adler

    Moscow → Istanbul

    Moscow → Simferopol

    Moscow → Yerevan

    Moscow → Dubai

  • 9 and 29 rows is a pair of seats each, which makes these positions in the cabin popular with couples. But there are restrictions for them - they cannot be booked for passengers with children, the elderly and the disabled. They are also closed to people carrying animals on board.
  • Seats C and D in row 35 are considered the most "noisy"... There is a constant movement of passengers, which creates inconveniences during the flight.
  • In the 36th row are worst places in TU-204 aircraft of Red Wings airlines. There are several reasons - the backrest cannot be folded back, there is a toilet nearby, from which unpleasant "aromas" can be heard. In addition, if there are problems with air conditioning, it will be extremely hot here.

The best seats on the A-321 aircraft

As noted above, Red Wings is updating its aircraft fleet and is putting into operation new ones for itself. aircraft A-321... There are also some of the best and worst places to be aware of.

Along the rows:

  • 1 to 7. In the "original" version, these are business class seats. If you choose the best and worst of them, you should give preference to the chairs located from the second to the sixth row. Their advantage is more legroom. As for the 7th row, it is almost close to the economy class, so it is quite noisy there.
  • Eighth. If you are looking for the best seats on the Red Wings A-321, this is the best way(for economy class). Pros - being in the front of the cabin, sufficient free legroom, a large selection of drinks and food that they do not have time to convey to other passengers.
  • Eighteenth. The usual places are located here. The downside is that they are close to the toilet. When a queue appears, you will be distracted all the time.
  • Nineteenth... These locations are located just outside the emergency exit. Plus - plenty of legroom. Minus - the neighborhood with the toilet.
  • 20th. The seats located in this row are distinguished by increased comfort and ample free space.
  • 30, C and D are located near the toilet, which is a clear disadvantage.
  • 31st. This is the last row. There are solid drawbacks here - the chairs do not recline, the proximity of toilets, the presence of a wall in the back. In general, these are far from the best places in the A-321.