Which state does the island of Ivis belong to? Spain: Ibiza Island (Ibiza, Balearic Islands). Cafes and restaurants

Where is this wonderful place on Earth located? To begin with, Ibiza is the third largest (after Mallorca and Menorca) island in the Balearic archipelago. This island of water Mediterranean Sea, and it belongs to Spain. The area of ​​Ibiza is about 574 square kilometers.

Ibiza is located 90 kilometers from the mainland (Spain).

On the coast of this island there are beaches incomparable with anything in beauty, mesmerizing green foothills, amazing White sand... And white small houses of interesting architecture and huge meadows of flowers leave a mark in the memory of vacationers. The blueness of the sea and the southern sun attracts numerous tourists from the most different countries... Ibiza is a fashionable place, pop stars, world cinema and sports stars like to go there.

How to get to Ibiza

Of course, the fastest way to get to Ibiza is by plane. Usually connections take place in Madrid, Mallorca and Barcelona. The airport accepts both charter and regular flights from European states... The best way to get to the island from Russia is direct charter flight from Moscow. This flight usually starts in the middle of hot July and ends at the end of September.

The duration of the journey from Mallorca to Ibiza is about two hours.

If you are looking for exciting adventures, you can get from Mallorca, Valencia or Barcelona to Ibiza by water - by ferry. He walks several times every day. It will be a truly exciting sea trip.

Anyone who loves great entertainment and an unforgettable nightlife should visit this picturesque island at least once. Many film producers and photographers fly to Ibiza to capture the beautiful landscapes and magnificent villas.

However, there is also a fly in the ointment: the rest on the island is not cheap. Although, there is a more affordable alternative - to go to the Ukrainian Kazantip. Many people believe that this hangout place is no worse than Ibiza.

When is the best time to go to Ibiza

So now you know Ibiza and how you can get to this island. Do you want to plunge into its fascinating world nightlife and relax in the southern sun? Then you should familiarize yourself with the climate of Ibiza in advance.

Usually tourist season on this island it opens in late spring - in May, and ends in late October. During this period, all bars, restaurants and other establishments are open and work in full force. The weather in Ibiza from the beginning to the end of the holiday season - from April to October - pleases tourists, since the air temperature practically never falls below + 25 °. And the water temperature during this period reaches an excellent mark of + 26 °!

Ibiza is an island belonging to Spain and part of the archipelago Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean. The population is more than 133 thousand people. The area of ​​the island is 571.04 km2.

Ibiza is one of the international resorts. This island is best known for the numerous clubs erected here, where a variety of electronic music is regularly performed.


In winter, the island's temperature is around 15 ° C, with moderate rainfall. Snow and frost are extremely rare. From June to September the temperature reaches 30 ° C, there are many hours of sunshine and almost no rain.

Even in ancient times, conquerors were interested in the island. The Carthaginians were the first to settle on it in the 7th century BC, after it was inhabited by the Romans and Arabs, Visigoths, and finally the Catalans settled here. Each nation of conquerors or pirates who lived on the island left behind a trace and a certain piece of culture. The "title" of a real resort came to him in 1960, when the hippie leader of that time, Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh, had the opportunity to choose the island as the ideological center of the counterculture. Over time, permanent residents stopped paying attention to the strangeness of guests, so the American hippies of Ibiza seemed like a home or even paradise. In their native States, they spoke of this place as something fabulous and very hospitable.

According to a number of sources, some hippies who arrived on the island in the 60s of the last century stayed here forever. Time on the island seems to stop, many visitors to Ibiza also spend six months on the island instead of just the planned weekend.

The most big cities the islands - the capital of Vila and San Antonio are distinguished by an amazing combination of modern buildings with the spirit of the dark Middle Ages. The narrow cobbled streets are lined with shops with trendy outfits and the latest in the music industry.

They walk the streets like locals as well as tourists with children, visitors and dancers of nightclubs in extravagant costumes, transvestites, gays, punks, celebrities, drag queens, drag queens and other colorful personalities. No other world resort can meet so many different personalities at the same time.

Among the huge number of clubs located here, Privilege is worth highlighting, which can accommodate 11,000 people at a time! It is this club that is the venue for stunning Manumission parties, where the main attribute of the action is a huge pool located right in the middle of the dance floor. A wide stream of water is continuously ejected into the pool, on which various pictures are demonstrated with the help of special projectors. Eyewitnesses attribute this sight to something unforgettable ...

Holidays in Ibiza are very expensive, just one flight and a modest hotel will cost at least $ 700. Daily expenses will be approximately $ 100 (beach, club entrance, cocktails). However, those who have been here say that Ibiza is worth visiting even for those who cannot stand club parties and everything connected with them. After all, some people call this place paradise ...

Basic moments

Half a century ago, the radiant beauty of Ibiza, the blue clear sea, long, almost deserted beaches at that time, magnificent landscapes made the city a center of attraction for hippies. This fateful choice for the island divided modern history Ibiza for two eras: "before the hippie" and "after the hippie." For the "long-haired", the Spanish bohemia reached here, and today the city is some kind of incredible "cocktail" where everyone has a place: both the moneybags vacationing in luxurious villas, and the "golden" youth who prefer modern five-star hotels, and romantic travelers content with hostel accommodation.

Here the sun smiles at everyone, the sea waves whisper something affectionately, for everyone there is a cozy place in a fashionable restaurant or a democratic bistro. Someone will go to the beach to dance until they drop to the sound of electronic music, others will prefer boat trips on yachts, boats, or diving, and some will spend hours wandering around fashionable boutiques, not knowing which outfit to stop their eyes on.

Ibiza can boast of its many historical sights, it's not in vain that Old city surrounded by mighty stone walls, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

History of the city of Ibiza

In his historical treatises, the ancient Greek historian and mythographer Diodorus of Siculus claims that the city of Ibiza dates back to 654 BC. BC when Phoenician colonists founded here sea ​​port... They named it Ibossim. The port was surrounded by fortified walls and eventually became an important link in the Mediterranean trade routes.

With the decline of Phenicia, the rule of Carthage was established here, and in the II century BC. e. along with other islands of the Balearic archipelago, Ibiza was conquered by the Romans. Having become Roman, the city received the name "Ebusus". It had federal status, as evidenced by the fact that it minted its own money. On the coins found during excavations, on the one hand, you can see the inscription "Self-governing island", and on the other - the image of Bes, a deity who was worshiped here in the days of the Phoenicians. This is a confirmation that the romanization of Ibiza was not cardinal, and the locals were able to preserve their ancient beliefs. The Ibisians also saved traditional crafts - the extraction of salt from sea water, fishing and the cultivation of fruits and vegetables.

Between the 5th and 9th centuries, Ibiza was raided by barbarians, formally part of Byzantium, after which it fell under the rule of the Moorish emirs. The city again changed its name - during the Arab rule it was called Yebisah. The influence of Moorish culture is still felt here, which is manifested in architectural and musical traditions, linguistic features of the island dialect.

In 1236, King of Aragon and Count of Barcelona Jaime I conquered Ibiza, expelling the Arabs from here. Legend has it that the impregnable city fell due to the betrayal of the ruler's brother, who showed the Spaniards a secret passage to the fortress, taking revenge on a relative for a personal offense. This move can still be seen today in the historic part of Ibiza.

The Catalans named the city in their own way - Eivissa, but in proper Spanish and English this name sounds like "Ibiza". In 1986, the name Avissa received official status. The inhabitants of the island themselves call their main city Villa d'Iivissa or simply - Villa.

Until the beginning of the 18th century, a system of self-government remained on the island in various forms, but its inhabitants had to pay a dear price for independence: they were forced to repulse the constant attacks of sea pirates on their own. In 1715, the Spanish king of the Bourbon dynasty Philip V abolished the autonomy of Ibiza. Since 1983, when the Balearic Islands again became an autonomous region of Spain, the city of Ibiza has received the status of the administrative center of the island.

Tourism seasons

Tourists begin to come to Ibiza in large numbers in May, when the air temperature during the day is about +22 ° С, and the sea water warms up to +19 ° С. It is comfortable here in June: on average + 26 ° С. In July-August it gets hot, the thermometer is approaching +30 ° C, the gloomy sky and rain are an extremely rare exception. The water temperature in summer varies from +21 to +27 ° С. Summer in Ibiza is the party season. At this time, young people from all over Europe are in charge here, for whom beach vacation- just a nice addition to the reckless parties in trendy clubs and bars.

The weather is also pleasing in autumn: in September during the day here it is about +27 ° С, in November +18 ... + 20 ° С. Even in the last month of autumn, you can swim: the water temperature does not drop below +19 ° C. There are intermittent rains in October-November.

The rainiest month is December, but cloudy weather does not last long, there are much more clear days. The average temperature in winter is +13 ... + 15 ° С.

City walk

Ibiza's architecture is original and charming in its eclecticism. Old, well-kept houses, villas, many modern buildings have been preserved here. The city streets, with these pretty buildings nestling closely together, descend from the hills to the blue sea and form a single whole with the surrounding stone or hedges. It is easy to navigate in Ibiza. If you turn your back to the sea on the Paseo Maritimo embankment, then on your left you will find the Old Town and the Paseo Vara de Rei embankment, and on the right and in front - the modern part of the city.

The Paseo Vara de Rey promenade stretches for 300 meters and is considered the heart of the city. There are many historical buildings with colonial architecture, terraces, shops, bars and restaurants. Along it, under the shade of age-old trees, there are stone benches, where in the summer heat you can sit and watch the street life. Fairs, concerts, festivals, and costumed processions are held on the embankment throughout the year.

The La Marina quarter is adjacent to the port of Ibiza, where it is pleasant to wander at any time of the day. It traces its history back to the Middle Ages, when the Catalans conquered Ibiza and began to erect new buildings outside the fortress walls. The architecture of the quarter is typical for the island: on the narrow streets, there are houses crowding each other, neatly whitewashed with white lime, with tiny windows, balconies, balustrades, here are shops selling products of local artisans, and nearby are elegant boutiques.

La Marina houses art galleries, small hotels and a myriad of cafes, restaurants, bars, where it is lively and crowded not only in season, but also in winter. With the onset of dusk, music sounds louder in the quarter, and, illuminated by neon lights, it becomes a truly magical place.

In the port itself, you can see an obelisk, which is often called the only monument to pirates in the world. In fact, we are talking about privateers - corsairs who had a license from the authorities of their countries to attack the ships of hostile states, sink them or rob them. The booty went partially to the state treasury, but a good jackpot remained in the pockets of the conquerors of the sea. A special artistic value The monument built in 1915 does not represent, but serves as a good reference point in the city.

La Marina is adjacent to the Sa Peña quarter. It stretches from the port to the foot of the hills, over which is the Upper Town - the main historical attraction of Ibiza. The narrow stone-paved streets of the La Marina district, its low houses in the courtyards decorated with flower beds and fragrant shrubs, Gothic buildings, historical hotels, on the facades of which are imprinted with the palm prints of famous guests, are conducive to pleasant walks. But the peaceful atmosphere is not everywhere here. Carrer de la Mare de Deu, also known as Virgin Street or the Avenue of the Virgin, which runs through the entire quarter, is one of the favorite places for those who like to party until the morning. There are bars, restaurants, discos literally at every step. It is also known as the island's gay tourism center.

Sa Peña approaches the very walls of the Old City, which is spread out on the slope of one of the hills overlooking the port of Ibiza. At its very top is the Upper City - La Dalt Vila, surrounded by powerful walls with bastions that form a heptagon. This quarter is a kind of ensemble that includes squares and narrow alleys, cult and secular historical buildings. It is quite large, and it will take a lot of time to get a good look at everything. Take care of your shoes - they should be comfortable, it will be difficult to walk on cobblestone streets and squares in heels.

The main entrance to the city is called Portal de ses Taules. It is located between two bastions - Sant Joan and Santa Lucia, and was built at the end of the 16th century. In those days, the moat in front of the gates was crossed by a boardwalk, which could be easily disassembled in case of danger of attack. Later, the flooring was replaced by a drawbridge, and at the beginning of the 20th century, a stationary stone structure was erected here. The gate is decorated with the royal coat of arms. On both sides of the entrance, there are Roman sculptures found during excavations. These are copies, the originals are in the Archaeological Museum.

The first defensive structures on the hill were built by the Carthaginians, but they have not survived, but the remains of medieval earthen ramparts and fortress walls with watch towers can be seen today. The grandiose fortifications that will appear to your gaze were erected in the 16th century at the behest of King Philip II, who paid tribute to the strategic position of Ibiza in the Mediterranean. The fortress was built to contain the constant attacks of the Berber pirates. The length of the walls along the perimeter is about two kilometers, and their height in some places reaches 22 meters. This stronghold is one of two fully preserved Renaissance fortresses. The second is part of the fortifications in La Valette (Malta).

In addition to Portal de ses Taules, the main entrance to the Upper Town, there are four more, and each of them will lead you to one of the historical corners, from where your acquaintance with La Dalt Vila will begin. It is very easy to get lost here among the many historical sights, shops, cafes, art galleries, but, in any case, you will not pass by the iconic monuments of the quarter. Entrance to temples and castles is free, and for viewing their collections and visiting museums, you will need to pay from 1 to 3 €.

The most spectacular structures of La Dalt Vila are located on the top and make up a magnificent architectural ensemble... These are the Ibiza Castle and the Cathedral of Santa Maria. Lock - oldest building on the island. It was built by the Arabs in the 12th century. During the Middle Ages, it was supplemented with bastions, a fortress wall and 12 towers. The houses of the townspeople and Cathedral Santa Maria. Over the past centuries, the appearance of the castle has changed more than once, acquiring features of different architectural styles, but Gothic and Renaissance elements prevail here. Outwardly, the castle looks grandiose, but its interior decor is very modest.

Behind the castle wall in the Cathedral Square is the Cathedral of Santa Maria. In 1235, when Ibiza was conquered by the Catalans, there was a mosque, which in turn was erected by the Arabs on the site of a Roman temple. Since the Christianization of the islanders was in the first place among the new rulers of Ibiza, they decided not to destroy the religious Muslim building, but to rebuild it in order to quickly start Catholic services. In the middle of the 15th century, 5 chapels were erected here, dedicated to the saints most revered by the Spaniards. In the 16th century, the appearance of the castle changed again, acquiring the distinct features of Catalan Gothic. A global restoration was carried out in the 18th century, and today its exterior and interiors are dominated by features of the Baroque style.

The Archaeological Museum is also located on the Cathedral Square. Its halls house an exposition chronologically divided into 6 periods: from prehistoric times to the conquest of Ibiza by the Spaniards.

In this corner of La Dalt Vila, everything breathes with the medieval era: narrow winding streets, cobblestone streets, old houses, where people still live today. Many of them now house souvenir shops, galleries and exhibition halls, cafes and restaurants.

Heading down from the Cathedral Square, you will see the beautiful Church of Santo Domingo, the second largest temple in Ibiza. It was built in the 17th century. Be sure to stop by here to admire the magnificent interior of the cathedral. Santo Domingo is adjacent to the Dominican monastery. The construction of the monastery began in 1592 according to the project of Genoese architects; construction was completed in the middle of the 17th century. After the confiscation of Mendizabal in the 19th century, which included the dissolution of monastic orders and the nationalization of their possessions, the monastery became the seat of the city authorities.

By the way, the city authorities are sensitive to the history of the city, organizing various interesting events in La Dalt Vila. Recently, the so-called "Theater visits" have become popular. They are held for tourists all year round on Saturdays at twilight hours. During the trip, excursionists are accompanied by actors performing thematic scenes at the main attractions. The excursion lasts about one and a half hours, the cost is 10 € for adults, 5 € for children from 5 to 16 years old, for kids it is free.

Going down to the exit from the Upper Town, do not pass by the Museum of Modern Art, located in one of the halls of the former Armory of Ibiza. Here is an excellent collection of paintings by local and foreign painters from the Friends of Ibiza, founded in 1969. Many of its participants, fascinated by the beauty of the island, bought real estate in Ibiza and stayed here forever.

If you are not tired after walking in La Dalte Vila, return to the Paseo Vara de Rey, and from here, via De Espana, head to new quarters of Ibiza, such as Figueretas. Its streets go down to the beach of the same name. Life in this corner of Ibiza, where there are numerous bars, discos, hotels, apartments for rent, is in full swing at any time of the year, but in summer there is simply nowhere for an apple to fall.

On the hill, between the Upper Town and Figueretas, there is another famous landmark of Ibiza - the Puich d'es Molins necropolis, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The first burials here date back to the 7th century BC. e., when the Carthaginians buried their loved ones in Ibiza, considering this land sacred. They dug caves on the hillside, where they placed sarcophagi with the bodies of the deceased; it was customary to fill the entrances to the grottoes with boulders. In the 1st century BC. e. the area of ​​the necropolis was supposedly 50,000 m², and the number of crypts exceeded 3000. The Romans who came to the island after the Carthaginians also buried their dead here. Excavations in the area began in 1929, and in 1968 the necropolis acquired its own museum. In its rooms you will find one of the world's finest collections of Punic art.


There are three beaches within the city of Ibiza: Ses Figueretes, Talamanca, Playa den Bossa. Each of them is well equipped. The infrastructure includes water entertainment centers, cafes, showers, toilets. Entrance to all beaches is free during the day, you will have to pay for the use of a sunbed, an umbrella (12 € each), you can rent a tent for 200 €.

Ses Figueretes boasts a location close to the city center and picturesque landscape: its miniature coves very effectively divide the rocky hills, creating cozy nooks for relaxation. The sandy slope is gentle, and in some places you need to walk about 50 m to fully swim. It is separated from city roads by the Ses Pitiuses alley, where there are cafes, restaurants, shops of artists and artisans.

Elegantly curving along the coastline, Talamanca Beach is a quarter-hour walk from the center of Ibiza. A walk here along the embankment, where cafes, restaurants, casinos, shops are open, will be very pleasant. The beach stretches at 900 meters in the Cala Talamanca Bay. The atmosphere here is calm, as thrill-seeking youth "come off" in other places, for example, in Playa d'en Bossa.

The huge beach of the resort area Playa d'en Bossa is located on the southern outskirts of Ibiza. It is the longest on the island, stretching for almost 3 km. Fashionable clubs, restaurants, hotels, many of which are the most fashionable on the island, crowd each other along the beach. Playa den Bossa is home to the most famous clubs in Ibiza. On most of the beach, the atmosphere is somewhat crazy: they dance, drink from morning until night, loud electronic music sounds everywhere, popular DJs perform, and costume shows are held.

If you get tired of the noise, take a walk along the beach: the farther from the city, the calmer the atmosphere becomes. This way you can walk to the nudist Playa d'Es Cavallette beach, which is also popular with windsurfers. Farther away is the Playa de Migjorn beach with a splendid promenade.

At the very tip of Playa d'en Bossa is observation tower Is a popular attraction among tourists. From its height, you will have magnificent views of the coast.

Ibiza Attractions

The fame of Ibiza nights has long spread throughout the world. Clubs and discos of the city are its main attractions and centers of attraction for young people. The entrance fee to these establishments ranges from 20 to 30 €, on holidays - up to 60 €. Discounts are made for flyer holders (about 6 €), the coupon also entitles them to one free drink. These flyers can be obtained in some bars, cafes by ordering something to drink there. Tickets to the club where the event is planned in the evening should be purchased ahead of time - it will cost less and save you from standing in a long line. In club bars, the average cost of a strong cocktail is from 8 to 15 €, a glass of beer or soft drink is from 6 to 10 €.

Every self-respecting party-goer is simply obliged to visit the Pacha club. It opened in 1973 and is famous all over the world today. Its size is stunning. The main hall of the club has several levels, and more than 3000 people can have fun on its five dance floors at the same time. World renowned DJs perform here, and all shows amaze with their magnificent decorations. The club is located a quarter of an hour walk from the port of Ibiza.

The Space Club, one of the oldest on the island, is famous for its Sunday parties, which last 22 hours without a break. It is located on Playa d'en Bossa Beach, close to the famous Bora-Bora bar, where the fun starts early in the morning. During the day, the audience dances on the sand or dining tables, and towards the night, everyone gradually moves to the indoor dance floor. Entrance to Bora-Bora is free during the day.

Epic parties are held on the high seas aboard the Oceanbeat. Paying 80 €, you will get the opportunity to dance to the great music, swim in the pool or cool off in the sea, dive from a special bridge, and taste a lot of alcoholic beverages. Everyone is usually delighted with the traditional champagne shower.

Ibiza is also a great time for those who love a more measured lifestyle. Lovers aquatic species sports can go water skiing (12 € / 15 min), jet skis (10.5 € / 15 min), go kayaking (30 € per day), fly over the sea with a parachute (36 € / 1 hour ). Not far from the city there is good places for diving.

If you are on vacation with children, go to the Aguamar Water Park to have fun. It is located in Playa d'en Bossa, near the Space Club. For the little ones, there are children's slides and splash pools. Thrill-seekers will not be bored in the water park either. They offer slides with dizzying descents, extreme attractions "Black Hole" and "Kamikaze". A recreation area with pools, sun loungers and showers is located near the attractions. Those interested can sit in a restaurant or bar.

The cost of a ticket to the water park for an adult is 18 €, for a child - 9 €. In addition, you will have to pay 2.5 € for renting a sun lounger and 5 € for a locker for things.

Cafes and restaurants

In Ibiza, it is easy to find gastronomic establishments with both local cuisine and those that offer an international menu. From local dishes, it is worth trying pork sausages with spices, arros marinero - fish with rice, tumbet - assorted potatoes, eggplants, peppers, cooked in tomato sauce, cakes with l’ensalmada cream (similar in consistency to pudding). One of best restaurants With national cuisine- "Ca N'Alfredo" located on the Vara de Rey. Dinner for two with a bottle of wine will cost from 80 €.

Taste traditional Mediterranean cuisine in “Ars Vivendi” - excellent fish and seafood are prepared here, the restaurant is also famous for its wine list. Fans of French gastronomic art should visit the Bistrot Cote Sud restaurant. A romantic atmosphere reigns here, live music sounds in the evenings. Those who love oriental cuisine can dine at the trendy Banian Palace or the atmospheric Indian restaurant Ancient People.

You can dine in one of the middle class restaurants for 50-80 € for two. Breakfast or a quick snack in a bistro or cafe in Ibiza may well cost 10-15 € per person.


For shopping, head to the La Marina quarter, which is known as the main shopping center the whole island. There are a huge number of boutiques, souvenir shops and shops where you can buy the famous Ibizan linen clothes. From May to October, there is a hippie market selling art souvenirs. Among the products "for tourists" the most popular are such products of local craftsmen as wicker bags, hats, ceramic figurines and dishes, tapestries.

Shops specializing in clubwear and accessories are also concentrated in La Marina. In many of them, clothes can be rented. In addition, stylish items with club insignia are sold in the clubs' own stores.

Tourists often buy “delicious souvenirs”: ham, local honey, sweet delicacies, olive oil. It is convenient to do this at the food market located on Constitution Square, which is historic center Ibiza. Shops in the city are open until late, and artisans sell their wares almost until morning.

Where to stay

Every guest of Ibiza will be able to find a suitable option for themselves: from a hostel or a two-star hotel to a luxurious villa. Prices do not always depend on the number of stars, but rather on the location, season and infrastructure (find out in advance if your hotel has a swimming pool, restaurant, is the room equipped with air conditioning, minibar). Many hotels in Ibiza are old and in need of refurbishment, so it doesn't hurt to check when your hotel was built. Most hotels do not have own beaches, and their guests have to spend money on renting umbrellas and sun loungers for common beaches... The most extensive selection of hotels is in the Playa d'en Bossa area.

The cost of living in the most luxurious hotels, such as "Ushuaїa Ibiza Beach Hotel»Can reach 5000 € per night for a suite. World celebrities like to stay here. Many luxury hotels are located in the historical part of Ibiza, such as the Hotel Mirador de Dalt Vila. A room here will cost from 300 € per day. You will need to pay approximately the same amount for living in a private villa. But with this choice, you will have your own garden, pool, parking and maybe even a tennis court.

Accommodation in a four-star hotel costs from 150 € per day, in a three-star hotel - from 70 €. 1 * and 2 * hotels offer rooms from 50 €.


The most convenient and cheapest way to get around Ibiza is by bus: the ticket price is from 1.5 to 4 €. Noteworthy are night buses, "disco buses", which carry young people free of charge to nightclubs in the city and the surrounding area. The service is available to those who have a ticket to the party.

Taxis are preferred by many travelers. His call - 4.5 €, the fare from 7:00 to 21:00 - 1 € / kilometer, from 21:00 to 7:00 - 1.2 €. You can stop the car on the street, although this is considered bad form in Ibiza. In this case, the boarding will cost you 3.25 €.

Car rental (economy class) - 50 € / day, scooter or motorcycle - from 20 € / day, bicycle - from 10 € / day.

Boats run between the beaches. The cost of the ticket (there and back) is from 2.5 to 5 €.

How to get there

7 km from the city of Ibiza is international Airport... It receives airliners flying from largest cities Europe. Domestic flights connect Ibiza with Madrid, Barcelona. Charters fly here from Moscow during the season.

From the airport to the city, buses leave every hour from 7:00 to 23:00. A taxi, depending on the distance of travel and time of day, will cost from 22 €.

Ibiza is connected by ferry service with Barcelona (travel time - 8-12 hours), Valencia (3-4 hours), Mallorca (2-3 hours) and other ports of the Balearic Islands.

Ibiza is an island in the Mediterranean Sea, part of the Balearic Islands archipelago in Spain. This is one of the most popular islands not only in Spain, but throughout Europe. Unlike the rest of the resort islands of Spain and Europe, Ibiza attracts its visitors with not traditional attractions. People come here for the world-famous discos and vibrant nightlife. An endless stream of emotions, a sea of ​​vivid and unforgettable impressions, nights of unbridled fun and the energy of the beaches overflowing - all this is Ibiza.

Features of rest in Ibiza

Most of the rest in Ibiza is tied to youth parties. The main venues for them are the capital of the island, the eponymous Ibiza, and San Antonio. The number of visitors to these cities is simply overwhelming, especially during the major events on the island. The bulk of the guests are British, but there are also many tourists from other European countries. But despite its glory party island, Ibiza possesses and quiet beaches where you can perfectly spend comfortable rest the whole family with children.

However, closer to winter, the picture changes dramatically - many tourists from different countries come to Ibiza to pamper their bodies on the sunny beaches of the island. During this period, Ibiza is not much different from other resort islands, receiving guests in the same style as neighboring islands... The height of the "party season" falls on the period from June to September. Accordingly, the peak falls in the middle of summer. Arriving here to rest at this time, you can see how strikingly different Ibiza in the midst of parties from a more measured rest in spring or autumn.

Those wishing to "break away" are not stopped either by high prices for vacations, nor by the congestion of hotels, nor by the overcrowding of resorts in the high season. Early booking of rooms in hotels has become very popular - it is both safer and cheaper, but you need to be in time before the end of April, because discounts then cease to be relevant. Therefore, it is worth taking care of booking a room in advance so as not to fall into the seasonal rush associated with the search for housing.

The main resorts of Ibiza

As for the resort areas on the island, then popular city is Ibiza, which is also the capital of this "party island". All the best that is located on the whole island are collected here. Regardless of whether you are on holiday with the whole family, a noisy campaign or alone, the capital of Ibiza is definitely worth a visit.

The small resort of Portinach is considered the most picturesque in Ibiza. There are many sightseeing tours, revealing scenic beauty to tourists. Portinach is perfect for a family vacation, and here you can also get a lot of mind-blowing emotions and take memorable photos.

Another resort that is suitable for families with families is Santa Eularia del Rio. It ranks third in the list of the largest resort areas in Ibiza. Here you can find the perfect accommodation - be it hotel rooms or rented apartments... Also, this resort is famous for its huge beach, which stretches as much as four neighboring cities. Located in close proximity to the airport.

But resorts such as Playa d'en Bossa show the true picture of holiday in Ibiza. This place is famous for its countless number of nightclubs, bars and discos, which are located both in the city and in beach area... It is in this place that the overwhelming number of young people who fly to the island like to rest.

But what if you want to be in time "all at once"? No problem! To do this, it is simply worth visiting Talamanca - a resort where quiet relaxation is perfectly combined with incendiary parties in clubs. The fact is that Talamanca - quiet place, but it is located a few minutes from the capital.

The same kind of contrasting resort in Ibiza is Sant Antoni. In late spring and early summer, it is mainly for families who prefer leisurely walks along quiet bays, wonderful evenings with a view of the sunset, as well as a serene beach holiday. In the first half of autumn, Sant Antoni turns into a resort with a vibrant nightlife and is filled with companies of young Europeans.

San Miguel occupies a special place among the resorts of Ibiza. This resort is renowned for the exclusivity of this location. But it is worth considering that the prices for such a pleasure are also "high".

Nightlife on the island

As for the nightlife in Ibiza, it is so fiery that it practically has no analogues in any other place in the world. The world's most popular DJs and bands perform in local clubs and beaches. Party season begins in late spring and early summer, with late summer and early fall being its peak. The hottest parties of the whole year take place at this time. It is at this moment that Ibiza is storming a huge number of young people who want to spend a stormy and unforgettable vacation on the famous island.

It is worth noting that in reality, an active life in Ibiza begins at night, at this moment they begin to work elite boutiques, famous clubs and bars. Among the most popular bars are Mambo and Cafe del Mar. They belong to the category of "pre-club bars" - establishments that receive visitors in the evenings, because the main club program is designed for the second half of the night. Among the most popular clubs on the island are Eden and Es Paradis, located in the city of San Antonio, and Amnesia and Privilege, located in the suburbs near Ibiza.

Ibiza has long been a symbol of club life and breathtaking parties. All fans of clubs and discos strive to get here. The island offers its guests a variety of nightlife options, each unique and offering visitors a special and inimitable experience. Only top tracks from the world of music, which have become hits or are new, sound here. Also, all clubs conduct special programs for their guests, under the terms of which you can get discounts or bonuses, for example, a discount on entrance ticket... Also in the afternoon between the most popular resorts and the clubs of Ibiza there is the so-called Discobus - a bus for party lovers.

Thus, if you wish, in Ibiza, you can have time and enjoy a quiet vacation surrounded by picturesque nature, and spend breathtaking nights in the most popular clubs of the island.

The island of Ibiza, or Ibiza (Eivissa, Ibiza), lies in the very west of the archipelago and is considered the most beautiful in the group. Ibiza has been a European hippie hub for many years, but it is now an extraordinary club island, home to some of the most famous entertainment establishments Europe, an island of resorts and endless nightlife. However, all this is in summer - in winter it is a quiet and calm piece of Spanish land, whose inhabitants seem to be taking a break from a crazy summer.

The city of Ibiza (Ciutat d "Ibiza, Ciutat d" Eivissa) - the capital of the island and famous for its free morals youth resort, the most attractive and expensive settlement in the region.

North-east of Ciutat d "Ibiza, at the mouth of the only river on the island, lies a town Santa Eularia des Rue with its beautiful church (16th century) and a small ethnological museum. Located 7 km north Sant carles famous for its Saturday "hippie market" and legendary Anita's bar opposite the church. To the east, the almost untouched beaches of the bays of Cala Leña and Cala Bois begin, as well as the tiny bay of Cala Mastella with nice beach... And further north, a good coastal road snakes over the coast through dense pine forests overlooking the popular nudist beaches of Ayges Blanques and Cala de Sant Vincent. Then the road runs up the slopes of the Sierra de la Mala Costa and goes to the beautiful beaches of Cala d'en Sierra, Benirras Bay, resort Portinach, the beautiful church of the village of San Miguel with nearby caves and runs away to the west coast of the island.

Center west coast considered quite chaotic resort town San Antonio(Sant Antoni de Portmany), almost entirely tourist-oriented with British isles... Its coastal Sunset Strip is featured in thousands of posters, and the bars and nightclubs that line the coastline rival those in the capital. However, this is a very specific place, which is why many foreigners prefer to visit more cozy places. west coast- the small bay of Cala Salada, a picturesque sleepy village Santa Agnes de Corona, family resort the Gulf of Cala Bassa and the Gulf of Cala Conta are multiple Blue Flag winners. In the very south-west of the island there is beautiful beach Cala d'Ort, with its picturesque island of Es Vedra, sticking out of the water like a monster's tooth. The beaches of Ibiza outside the capital and large resorts in general, much better than the city ones, but the inaccessibility of many of them often leads to the fact that the popular shores are simply overcrowded, while there are no people at all on the excellent beaches of small bays.

Hundreds of Punic necropolises have been discovered on Ibiza, many of which are being excavated. Even the Phoenicians, this piece of land was dedicated to the goddess Tanit, and therefore for many centuries it was used for the burial of the most influential people of the ancient empire of the peoples of the sea. It acquired particular importance during the heyday of Carthage, when each wealthy citizen paid for the transportation of the body of the deceased to the island, from where, as it was believed, the shortest path to heaven, was minted specially for this purpose. Therefore, ancient monuments and necropolises on Ibiza are constantly found, and their significance for history has yet to be assessed.