Sardinia attractions old churches and monasteries. Sightseeing of the island of sardinia. Sassari Brigade Museum

Sardinia (Sardegna) is an island that amazes tourists with many natural contrasts, and boasts old traditions and clean, wild nature... This remote slice of Italy attracts with its natural beauty - rocky shores, the most beautiful rivers and lakes, deep bays and headlands.

The most populous provinces of the island are Cagliari and Sassari.

  • The most common language is Sardinian dialect.

The locals are very friendly and polite, very loving and respecting their island and its traditions. This is well reflected by the local festivals and celebrations, as well as the cuisine and delicious typical products. Although this can be said about the inhabitants of other regions of Italy.

Attractions of the island of Sardinia

There are many attractions on the island of Sardinia that are worth visiting.

  • Cagliari- in addition to the cleanest beaches, this city is also known for the fact that there is an archaeological site included in the UNESCO World Heritage List - Barumini Nuraghe. It also houses the National Archaeological Museum - which contains exhibits reflecting the life of ancient Sardinia.

  • Alghero- boasts beautiful beaches located just 5 kilometers from the historic city center. Near Alghero, there is a very popular tourist destination -archaeological excavations Nuraghe Palmavera dating from 1500 BC e. Also, everyone can take a mini cruise to the most beautiful cape Capo Caccia and see Neptune's cave. In this place to be tallest lighthouse in Italy... The cost of such a mini cruise will cost approximately 45 €.
  • Don't miss the hamlet of Castelsardo from his medieval castle Doria.

  • A very beautiful place is a small Capo Testa island, which is connected by a narrow isthmus to the mainland.
  • The ethnographic museum, famous throughout Italy, is located in Nuoro.
  • Another popular attraction in Sardinia is Gorropu gorge(Gola di Gorropu), it is located in the province of Ogliastra and is one of the deepest in Italy, and in Europe too.

Airports in Sardinia

There are three international airports in Sardinia:

  • Alghero - Fertilia(located 10 kilometers from Alghero).
  • Olbia - Costa Smeralda (located 3 kilometers from the center of Olbia, the second busiest airport in Sardinia).
  • Cagliari - Elmas (located about 6 kilometers from Cagliari, can be reached by bus that departs from railway station). The price of a taxi to the city center is about 40 €.

From all airports you can get to any Big City Italy or Europe. Although the connection between the airports within the island is limited.

Find a cheap flight

Sardinia beaches and resorts

The beaches in Sardinia are very clean, both for wild secluded coves and busy city beaches.

  • Costa Smeralda - This stunning resort is located in the north-eastern part of Sardinia. He is famous place rest among movie stars and very wealthy people from all over the world. Costa Smeralda is also popular with lovers sailing.
  • Porto Cervo - one of best resorts in Sardinia, famous for its crystal clean water and is ideal for diving.

  • Gennargent suitable for lovers of mountain landscapes. In winter, snow and skiing lovers flock here.
  • Stintino Is a very beautiful town that offers endless possibilities for a leisurely holiday: diving, horseback riding, cycling, city walks.

  • - is an ideal place not only for sailing but also for horse riding and mountain biking, includes 7 islands.
  • Very popular resort Sardinia is town Chia famous for its snow-white sandy beaches.

Hotels in Sardinia

Without a doubt, an unforgettable holiday in Sardinia depends on the right choice of accommodation, so start your search or compare hotel prices in advance using the most popular service, or use their search form, which is located on our website :

Transport in Sardinia

Sardinia is the only region in Italy where there are no toll motorways. But all roads in excellent condition, with clear markings and pointers. One drawback is that in some places they are very narrow, it is especially scary to ride in the mountains. tight turns... Speed ​​limits in settlements 50 km / h, on the motorway 130 km / h.

For those who do not want to rent a car, the best option to explore the island is buses and trains. But it is worth considering that in sparsely populated towns there are no railway stations and buses can only come once a day. And you can get to very remote villages. Therefore, you should consider renting a car when traveling to Sardinia, as you will be able to see many more remote and charming places.

The demand for rental cars usually increases in July and August, so it is better to book it in advance. Today it is possible online, and in our experience the best sites for booking a car are:

  • Many gas stations only accept local credit cards or just cash at all.

And yet, if you decide to use the services public transport(by buses), then tickets can be purchased at the ticket office of the railway station, at Western Union points or in the bars closest to the stops. If for some reason you did not manage to buy a ticket, you can purchase it directly from the driver. Also, the flight schedule may be limited on Sunday.

  • Railways in Sardinia are served by operators such as Trenitalia and ARST Gestione FDS.

The culinary traditions of the island of Sardinia

The sausages and cheeses of Sardinia are considered some of the best in Italy. Especially appreciated Pecorino Sardo cheese made from milk from local sheep.

Although the local cheeses are very tasty and appreciated in Italy, there are also not very common ones. One of them, its peculiarity is that it contains live insect larvae (cheese fly). Many of our fellow citizens have no idea what it is, because you can't find this in our kitchen, so I suggest watching a short video about Casu Marzu cheese:

Porceddu can be called one of the traditional dishes of Sardinia. roast pig... Moreover, its weight should not exceed 5 kilograms.

Of course, seafood also plays an important role in Sardinian cuisine, especially dishes made from shellfish, tuna, mullet, lobster and squid.

The traditional pasta of Sardinia can be called malloreddus, while various sauces can be used here, but the pasta itself remains unchanged.

Another dish that any good mistress of the island knows how to cook is culurgiones. In terms of the cooking technology, it is somewhat reminiscent of our dumplings, but potatoes, pecorino cheese, fresh mint and garlic are used as the filling.

A popular service in Sardinia is the rental of yachts and boats. Renting a boat will cost approximately 70-90 € (one day). Yachts are a little more expensive and most likely you can rent for at least a week.

Also don't miss the opportunity to take a boat cruise around of the Maddalena archipelago, an excursion with food tasting, as well as visit in a real Italian family and get a master class on cooking lunch - detailed information for all excursions in Sardinia, see.

Porto Pollo - perfect place for lovers of water skiing, windsurfing and kitesurfing.

Also the island of Sardinia is a great place for sailing and diving. ...


Sardinia is famous for its artisan shops and local delicacies, so there is no particular difficulty in what to bring from the island. Different areas are famous for their handicraft traditions. The baskets woven by local women are very common. Pottery is an integral part of the history of Sardinia, while ceramic products painted in blue on white background. They can be found in almost any souvenir shop on the island. ...

Finally, a video about a vacation in Sardinia (not very short, but very beautiful):

Sardinia - a reservation for millionaires! 99% of Russians believe in this myth. Yes, today the Costa Smeralda was chosen by rich celebrities: Berlusconi, Hollywood stars (for example, R. Gere). But the island consists of 8 provinces, and the sunrise in the south of Sardinia (you can relax here much cheaper) is no less picturesque than in the north. And the islanders hospitably welcome all visitors, because the economy of Sardinia depends on tourists.

The length of the island is only 270 km. The length of the coast is 1850 km. The main highways were laid by the Romans. These are great freeways today (free).

Seeing the whole of Sardinia in one visit is not easy. Our story is addressed to everyone who wants to swim in emerald water, taste national Sardinian dishes and study the history of the Italian island at the same time.

You can travel around Sardinia on your own (without the help of travel agencies). We rent a car (cheaper on the mainland in advance), draw up an individual tour plan and go ahead!

South coast

Cities - Cagliari (capital of the island), Villasimius, Quartu Sant'Elena, Pula, Chia, Santa Margherita di Pula. The nearest airport is Elmas. Exactly South coast(due to reasonable prices) attracts tourists more often, and therefore we will consider the attractions of this part of Sardinia in more detail.


Cathedral (Duomo)- history Center Cagliari, the city's main attraction and place of worship for pilgrims around the world. The hall of the cathedral has a unique acoustics; on Saturdays at 20:30, spiritual and classical music... The entrance is free.

From the reviews of Mikhail, Minsk:

“A small but beautiful cathedral. Marble stairs, ceilings, sculptures - the abundance of marble reminds of Petersburg palaces! "

Amphitheater- the place where gladiator fights are held. The seating for the audience was carved into a limestone rock, so the structure is well preserved. Entrance - 4 euros.

Broken in the 19th century. at the site of the city dump. The garden is located next to the amphitheater. Area - 5 hectares. Giant ficuses, eucalyptus trees, bizarre cacti grow here. Entrance - 2 euros.

An architectural monument (XII century). Usually they start from the fortress tourist routes by the city. On weekends, there is a fair on the territory of the fortress.

Slender glass showcases that tell the story of the island. Museum "to the core", intended for those who like to reflect in silence about the corruption of life. Entrance - 5 euros.

All the sights of Cagliari can be walked around in a couple of hours. After the inspection, go to the trattoria Al porto(Via Sardegna 44). Fresh seafood and an extremely caring attitude of the owner are guaranteed to you (the fish menu in this trattoria is offered for 16 euros).

Driving along the roads of Sardinia, autotourists are sure to come across strange stone towers - nuragi - a characteristic part of the Sardinian landscape. Nobody knows who and why built them, but there are several versions. Some believe that it was places of worship, others claim that these were the fortresses of the rulers. Archaeologists in Italy have found 7,000 Nuraghes and excavations are ongoing. As photographs against the background of the pyramids of the pharaohs immediately give away travelers from Egypt, so the photographs against the background of the Nuragas will tell everyone about the place of your vacation.


The town 30 km from Cagliari has been noticed by diving enthusiasts. The coastal area of ​​Villasimius has been declared a marine reserve. Numerous Marine life four sunken ships are reliably guarded. It's not a sin to come here.

This picturesque park was created especially for fanatics. Those who are planning to explore all the sights of Sardinia in one day. Ancient Nuraghe, cathedrals, the rock "Elephant" - each miniature exhibit is an exact copy of the historical objects of the island.

From Olga Petrovna's review:

“The visit to the park left a strange but pleasant feeling. It's like you are an elephant walking in the kingdom of ants. And I liked the layout of the Basilica so much that we decided to definitely see it “live” the next day. "

Location - Barumini district (50 km from Cagliari). Entrance - 10 euros. Better to come in the morning to have time to visit Nurag Su-Nuraksi located nearby (ticket 10 euros).

Northwest coast


A corner of Spain that miraculously found itself in Sardinia. “Little Barcelona” is what the old-timers call Alghero. The oldest city, a must-see, will tell you about Sardinia better than any other place. Climb the gates of the medieval city fortifications Terre Porta a Terra to see the panorama of Alghero; go to Cathedral of Santa Maria or in church of San Francesco with an openwork-carved stone facade; visit Neptune's cave with bizarre stalactites; do not forget to look into the aquarium "Mare Nostrum"... The Coral Riviera stretches along the coast, which got its name from the abundant corals of amazing beauty.

Experts distinguish 350 shades of corals, but the Sardinians consider their corals to be the best. And they are not exaggerating. Corals that are dense in structure and rich in color are highly prized. It is these specimens that grow off the coast of the paradise island. Sardinian corals are exported to Japan, where they are found in abundance. Coral beads are expensive. There are jewelry worth 50 thousand euros, owners of a smaller wallet will be able to find earrings and bracelets for 5 euros.

East Coast

Province of Ogliastra. The mountainous, wild places of Sardinia. Experts say that Ogliastra's beaches are the best on the island.

Apart from a variety of attractions, Sardinia is famous for its clean sandy beaches. There are paid sections of the coast for lovers of comfort and free for those who are accustomed to having a rest as "savages". So that you can better navigate where to go to sunbathe, we have prepared.

Sights: Dorgali grottoes(32 km from Nuor). In one of the halls of the grotto, the stalactite and the stalagmite joined together and formed a column - a stalagnat 38 m high (the highest in Italian caves). Nearby is failure "Abyss of virgins"(depth 60 m). In the Middle Ages, a bloody rite of sacrifice was performed there.

From Lyudmila's review:

“Awesome grotto! There are many steps. It's hard to have a baby in your arms. Sessions once an hour from 9 am and only with a guide (English speaking). The tour lasted 40 minutes. There are few people. Entrance - 7.5 euros. And after the grotto you can get to Cala Cartoe - a great beach! "

Northeast coast

Province of Olbia-Tempia. Location: Olbio, Porto Cervo, Costa Smeralda. Luxury resorts, favorite place recreation of the rich and famous. Don't be discouraged if you are not one of their cohorts. Believe me, there are so many attractions on the map of Sardinia besides the Costa Smeralda that there will be no time for grief!

Specific attractions

For voracious tourists who dream of knowing about everything that can be seen in Sardinia, we suggest visiting:

  • Museum of Witches- a young museum (opened in Oristano in 2005). The first floor of the museum contains exhibits that tell the story of a repentant medieval sorceress, thanks to whom a massive witch hunt began. Ticket - 3 euros.
  • Picturesque villages, the walls of which are painted with real paintings. There are many such places in Sardinia: San Sperate (in the vicinity of Cagliari), Orgosolo (Barbagia region), Mamoyada, Palau (Olbio Tempia province), Villanova. Everyday sketches are depicted on the walls: field work, rural holidays.

  • The hard-to-reach mountain Tiscali (vicinity of Oliena, East Coast) in ancient times served as housing for primitive people. Those who wish to climb to its top and inspect the ancient village should take a whole day for this (ascent, excursion, descent). For a difficult climb, minimal physical training is desirable.

The road to Oliena is SS 131 bis (drive to Nuor, then follow the signs).


Sardinian farmers offer their service to tourists tired of city noise and endless shopping trips. Turn off the main road at any sign you like. You will quickly (the distances on the island are small) find yourself far from civilization. Silence, birds chirping, oranges ripening. Try sheep's milk similar to melted ice cream, Sardinian cheese (casu marzu) with insect larvae, or local grape wine. There are not many recipes for sards, but performance ... Any traditional dish is a new culinary masterpiece.

From Alexandra's review:

“I am staying for the fourth time at Su Vrau (north-east of Sardinia). Family comfort, cleanliness. To the sea 20 minutes. Nearby there is an oak forest. The food is delicious. One serving is more than enough for two. For 20 euros you will be offered lunch: snacks (various), first, second, unusual dessert, local wine, coffee. "

Souvenirs from Sardinia

Palm baskets, sheep wool carpets, Sardinian cheese are favorite souvenirs of tourists. And when women return home, they will be able to show off the red coral necklaces - the pride of Sardinia.


You need to travel slowly around Sardinia. Just like the indigenous people live on the island: slowly, without remembering the time. No travel agencies can replace a private trip by car around the fairy-tale island; the most eloquent description will not convey the beauty of these places. Everyone loves Sardinia!

If foreigners on vacation days are irresistibly drawn to, then Italians themselves dream of having a rest on. This island in the Mediterranean Sea is far enough from the shores of its native continent, and is very different from it not only in weather, but also in cultural features. First of all, Sardinia is an extremely comfortable rest: a maximum of bright, but not too scorching sun, an impeccably clean sea and a feeling of remoteness from the bustle of the civilized world.

Sardinia has historically stood in marked contrast to others. This is due to the significant distance from the mainland, in contrast to the same Sicily, "pressed" to the toe of the Italian "boot". Sardinia was ruled by both the Romans and the Spaniards, there were also periods of independence. Monuments and buildings bear the imprints of those distant events. Of course, one should not forget about more ancient centuries, when representatives of a mysterious civilization lived on the island, from which the Sardam inherited unique archaeological monuments -.

Going to discover the most beautiful places in Sardinia is undoubtedly the most convenient way to take a private car. To rent a car in Sardinia, the "Italy in Russian" portal advises you to turn to the services of the popular giant Rentalcars service, multifunctional and simple, which will allow you to choose the most suitable car at home and receive it immediately upon arrival in Italy.

For those who are accustomed to super-convenience, we recommend ordering a taxi with a Russian-speaking driver in any city in Sardinia and Italy. It is possible to pick up and order a taxi through the convenient Kiwitaxi service: you just need to choose where and where you need to get from. At the specified time, at the specified place, your personal driver will be waiting for you with a sign with your name.

A resort town on the famous Coral Coast of Sardinia. It was founded by the Spaniards and still maintains a strong connection with its indirect homeland, which is expressed, first of all, in a peculiar local dialect. The exterior of the city says a lot about the past confrontation with sea robbers, many bastions have been restored today and turned into historical monuments.


Once the capital of independent medieval Sardinia. The main city of the Arborean Judicate was located in the interior of the island, relatively safe from pirate raids. Among architectural monuments one can distinguish baroque palaces and churches.

Santa Teresa di Gallura

Turns to French Corsica, located from Sardinia through the Strait of Boniface. The city is loved by sailing fans and is known for its varied nightlife.

Costa Smeralda

The legendary coast, a favorite vacation spot for celebrities, where the tourist infrastructure began to actively develop in the 70s of the last century. In addition to crowded beaches, there are also protected areas of the coast, which are prohibited by law, and you can only admire from the sea or the surrounding hills. Several caricatured "typical Mediterranean villages" are organized in the vicinity, which have little in common with the real ones and serve solely for the entertainment of wealthy tourists.

Gulf of Orosei

The coast of Orosei, unlike the Costa Smeralda, was not turned into a resort area. This natural paradise with hidden coves, beaches, underwater caves and unspoiled coastal nature. There are many rocky headlands here, and some boulders are so cut by the sea that they seem to be floating above the water.

Isola Caprera

Garibaldi was so in love with this island that he built a house on its shore, in which he lived the last years of his life. Today it houses a museum, which is one of the two main attractions of Caprera (the second is a bird sanctuary). The island is also interesting for the unusual pinkish sand that covers its secluded beaches.

Valley of the Moon (Valle della Luna)

High in the Sardinian mountains, in front of the town of Aggius, lies a green valley. These free-flowing pastures are surrounded by granite rocks, which erosion has given amazing forms that take on fantastic meanings in the human imagination. For this, the valley received its "cosmic" name.

Valle dei Nuraghi

Several unique Sardinian stone towers, whose age is approaching 5000 years, are scattered here on the flat terrain. Particularly interesting is the Nuraghe Santo Antine, which is one of the most complex structures, consisting of three floors. The Nuragam neighborhood is made up of even more ancient tombs carved right into the rock - their age exceeds 8000 thousand years.


In ancient times, the inaccessible mountain Tisqali served as home to a tribe of primitive people. Judging by the results of the excavations, their settlement was located here in the Stone Age, which was not easy to find even then. The Nuragic village is believed to have flourished in the 6th century BC. Archaeologists got to Tiscali in late XIX centuries, and after them came hunters for ancient souvenirs, causing significant damage to the historical heritage. Today any tourist can get to the ancient village: climbing Tisqali, excursion and descent back take a whole day.


This unique area 30 kilometers west of the capital of Sardinia contains traces of virtually all Mediterranean civilizations. According to archaeological data, in different time it was visited by Phoenician merchants, Carthaginian warriors, Roman legionaries and early Christian martyrs. The Phoenicians founded a city here, the Carthaginians conquered it, and the Roman legionaries finally forced the inhabitants to go into the wild. mountainous regions known today as Barbadia (Land of the Barbarians).

Today, the remains of the once mighty city are almost a solid monument to the history of the island. A walk with a guide will help you keep track of everything, who will not only suggest an acceptable route, but also tell many mysterious legends associated with local attractions.

Fortress of Cagliari (Il Castello)

The white stone walls of the medieval fortress rise above the historic city center. Two large towers, erected during the Pisa Republic, have survived. The Sardis themselves call the fortifications "Su-Casteddu", meaning not only them, but also the old buildings located inside the walls.

Part of the city's fortress is the Bastione di San Remy. First of all, the bastion is historically valuable object, an example of medieval defensive architecture. The terrace of the fortress serves as a viewing platform from which a panoramic view of the entire city opens. Since the middle of the last century, a weekly market has been developed on the territory of the bastion.

Until recently, the fortress of Cagliari was in a deplorable state, but in recent years its restoration has been included in the list of priority tasks of the administration, as well as of the initiative groups of the city.

Cripta di Santa Restituta

A pre-Christian crypt is located in natural caves not far from the Church of St. Efisio, famous for its great annual holiday. This place, which is never quiet because of the sound of water dripping from the arches, has been an object of worship since pagan times. In the 5th century, one of the first Christian women of Cagliari, the Martyr Restituta, was hiding in caves. After that, the rocky premises were somewhat ennobled, frescoes with images of scenes from the life of the saint appeared on the walls. During World War II, the dungeons began to be used as bomb shelters, and military inscriptions appeared on the walls, which also became a local landmark.

The entrance to the crypt is free, but allowed only during daylight hours.

National Archeological Museum (Museo Archeologico Nazionale)

V archaeological museum Cagliari presents nearly all major island finds. It contains exhibits from prehistoric times to the end of the Roman era. The highlight of the exhibition is the bronsetti collection. In the absence of written evidence, these small metal figurines remain the most important source of information about the culture of the mysterious Sardinian civilization.

Mount Ortobene

Seven kilometers to the northeast of the city rises the granite peak of Ortobene, crowned with a massive statue of the ascending Christ. The figure towered over the mountain in 1901 is one of 19 statues across Italy called for by Pope Leo XIII, and symbolizes one of the 19th centuries of Christianity. The famous Sardinian writer Grazia Deledda took part in organizing this event.

It is believed that Christ on Mount Ortobene is able to heal believers and perform miracles. Pilgrims from all over the island flock to the figure's feet, and on August 29 big holiday when parishioners in a nearby church dress in brightly colored robes and celebrate mass on the top of a mountain. The rest of the time, Ortobene peak is popular place for picnics.

Museum of Art in Nuoro (Museo d "Arte)

The Museum of Art (its name is abbreviated as MAN) is the only large art gallery in Sardinia. Its permanent exhibition includes many examples of local 20th century art. Shown here are such renowned artists as Antonio Ballero, Giovanni Chiusa-Romagna, Mario Delitalia, Mauro Manca, as well as sculptors Francesco Chiusa and Costantino Nivola. In addition, the museum regularly hosts temporary and traveling exhibitions, and the neighboring Portico Gallery sells canvases by contemporary Sardinian painters.

The Museum of Art is open every day except Mondays. On Sunday, visitors are received until lunchtime. Price entrance ticket for an adult - 3 euros, for a child - 2 euros.

Satta Square in Nuoro (Piazza Satta)

This square is named after the great poet Sebastiano Satta, who was born in one of the nearby houses. In the middle of the last century, the sculptor Costantino Nivola turned a small area into a real work of art. In the paved area, he erected several large, vertically oriented stones, reminiscent of ancient menhirs. Each of the boulders has a small niche in which bronze statuettes are installed, depicting the characters of Satta's poems. Those who are at least a little familiar with the history of Sardinia will immediately notice the sculptor's clear message to the Nuragic Bronsetti.

Museum of the Sassari Brigade (Museo della Brigata Sassari)

Sardinia honors its military heritage, and is especially famous for the bravery of the Sassari Brigade during the First World War. In honor of the feat of the militia, who managed to become a terror for the Austrians in the most difficult conditions for themselves, who called the Sards nothing other than "red devils", a historical museum was opened in one of the city barracks. It contains photographs, documents, uniforms, weapons and other mementos of rare courage. Part of the exposition is occupied by models of trenches on the northern border of Italy, where the soldiers of the Brigade fought at the beginning of the last century.

Grotto of Neptune (Grotta di Nettuno)

A dizzying staircase of 654 steps descends from a 110-meter cliff and leads to the fairy-tale world of stalactites and stalagmites. A bus runs to the top of the stairs from Alghero every morning, with two additional runs from June to September. For those who are afraid of heights, an alternative is offered - a ferry that departs from the city four times a day, and in the summer season makes flights hourly. Access to the grotto is open from 9 am to 7 pm, the cost of entry for adults is 10 euros, for children - 5 euros.

Diocesan Museum of Church Art (Museo Diocesano D "arte Sacra)

The cathedral-museum is located in a large building of the former oratorio. Here you will find silverware, sculptures, paintings and wood carvings. Of particular note is the tiny skull, which is said to belong to one of the babies killed by King Herod.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to describe all the charms of Sardinia, and this is not required - every guest of the island discovers it from a special side. Someone will love the 6-kilometer Poetto beach in the heart of Cagliari, which does not subside for a minute; the other will travel all the roads to see the mysterious nuraghes, and the third will devote more than one day to immersion in the religious world of cathedrals and tiny churches. Here you can ride sightseeing train and visit villages, the older inhabitants of which speak exclusively in the local Sardu language.

Most of all, of course, tourists are attracted by the natural beauty of Sardinia, and especially by its coast. It is surprisingly safe, and those marine inhabitants that can inspire even the slightest fear can only be seen in large public aquariums, where piranhas, sharks and large reptiles are represented. Numerous waterfowl, including the beautiful pink flamingos, can also be found in their natural environment.

Sardinia is rightfully considered the pearl of Italy. While tourists from all over the world strive to get to Italy, Italians themselves prefer to relax among the attractions of Sardinia. This island is incredibly distinctive, has its own language and unique traditions. It is not for nothing that Sardinia is called the "Mediterranean paradise".

How to find Sardinia on the map?

Finding Sardinia on the world map is easy. It is enough to look at the European part.

Where is?

This second by size an island that lies west of the Apennine Peninsula.

It is comfortably located between and Corsica and belongs to Italy.

The easiest way to get to the island is by plane.

What is the best area to choose for your vacation?

Relief of sardinia heterogeneous, so everyone can find a place to their liking. Different parts of the island have their own characteristics and determine the nature of the holiday.

Attractions of the cities of the island - photo with description

Tourist sites in Sardinia are countless - this is architectural masterpieces completely different eras, and incredible beauty natural corners.


Cagliari is the capital islands and the largest port city.

When visiting the capital, the first thing to do is to go to Piazza Palazzo.

Collected around the square main attractions:

  • Royal Palace;
  • Cathedral of Santa Maria;
  • Archaeological Museum;
  • town hall.

Cathedral of Saint Mary is a masterpiece of architecture, which brings together the Romano-Gothic style, elements of the Baroque and the style of the Pisan masters.

A must-see in Cagliari bastion Saint-Remy... It offers the best panoramic view of the city.

For leisurely walks in Cagliari, Botanical Garden and the embankment... The embankment is dotted with souvenir shops and small cafes where you can enjoy delicious food and great views.


Palau is located in the northeast of the island and is the closest to the Emerald Coast. Costa Smeralda.

But Palau itself has something to pay attention to. The most amazing rocks are collected here. One of them - Bear Rock... From afar, this miracle of nature resembles a huge bear that towers over the island. It offers an unforgettable view of the entire coastline.

In addition, there is a port in Palau, from where tourists can go on a yacht to the archipelago. La Maddalena and see the national marine park... This city is ideal for windsurfing and sailing enthusiasts. Professionals can take part in the annual competition, while beginners can study at one of the many schools on the coast.


Olbia can be found in the north of Sardinia in the province of Olbia-Tempio. The historical part of the city takes tourists to medieval Rome. There is St. Paul's Church, where the most unusual examples of ancient woodwork are still preserved.

It was the Romans who owned the largest aqueduct in Sardinia. Its length was 7 km, and the reservoir had 6 air holes.

The tomb of the giants is located in the vicinity of Olbia Sous Monte de S'Aba... It has been preserved since the Bronze Age and is a burial gallery that reaches 10 m in length. Next to the tomb are the ruins of the Pedres castle, built in the XIV century.


Alghero is often called "small", as the architecture of this city greatest influence provided by the Spaniards. Even the dialect spoken locals, called Catalan. The first thing to do in Alghero is to look at Old city. Cathedral of Saint Mary in the Gothic style it looks like an ancient castle, and the old towers on the churches have wonderful observation platforms.

In this part of the island you can find outlandish limestone cliffs and the famous cave of Neptune.

Porto Cervo

Porto Cervo is considered one of the most fashionable resort places in Sardinia. Porto Cervo is home to one of the most prestigious yacht clubs. At the same time, the golf club in the area is also world famous. Outside the city, on the white beaches, the most expensive hotels are located, where celebrities and monarchs rest.

The main attraction of the city is church Stella Maris... She stands high on a hill from where it opens best view to the bay. Thanks to the combination of red tiles and white walls, the church looks like a real work of art.


Pula is located in the southwest of Sardinia, near the capital of the island. The main attraction of this area is Nora ruins.

Nora is ancient Phoenician city, which was one of the first to be built in Sardinia. There was the ancient temple of Eshmun-Aesculapius, famous for its mosaics.


Bosa is a romantic town on the northwest coast of Sardinia. It contains St. Peter's Church, dating from the eleventh century, and the castle of Malaspina. Despite the fact that the castle itself has not been completely preserved, unique frescoes can be found in the chapel.

Another attraction of the city is embankment of the Temo river.

The embankment runs through the very center, and gives everyone the opportunity to experience all the romance of a small town.

The complex is designed for family holiday, therefore, covers the interests of different age groups. You can get to the water park from the capital of Sardinia - Cagliari.

Travelling by car

The beaches and cities of Sardinia are so unique and varied that, if possible, it is worth organizing a trip around the island by car. This will allow you to make stops anywhere and choose for yourself favorite corner.

Traveling around the island by car is best started with capital Cities... This is where most tourists come and there is a great opportunity to rent a car. Due to the small size of the island, it is worth settling in the capital, and from there make daily trips.

There is a beach not far from Cagliari Poetto... It is located at a distance of 8 km from the city and is famous for its cleanliness.

On another day, it is best to go to Pula and explore this city, and on the way back to the beach Santa Margherita Ligure.

The beach of Santa Margherita Ligure surprises tourists with its bright blue water and pine grove near.

The city is located two hours away from the capital Barumini... It attracts lovers of antiquity with its stone buildings and UNESCO-listed caves.

When traveling in Sardinia by car, you need to be extremely careful. Herds of sheep, cows, goats and other animals are often seen on the roads. It is also worth remembering that some roads and approaches to beaches may be paid, so this fact must be taken into account when planning a route.

You can pay attention to the beach Le Saline... It is located near the town of Stintino. it is quite clean, while the beach itself and parking are free.

What is worth seeing in September?

For those who came to Sardinia in, there is a unique opportunity to get on a holiday that is dedicated to Saint Maria delle Grazie... It takes place annually in Palau and lasts a whole week.

This week the city turns to solid art object where traditional music is heard everywhere and artist exhibitions are held. The festival covers the most varied parts of the cultural life of modern Sardinia.

Several more are planned for September interesting events:

  • There is a festival on the island in September "Autumn in Barbagia"... Festive events are held in all cities, where you can taste the best local dishes, triple wine tasting and enjoy the colorful costumes of the participants;
  • Alghero celebrates on September 29 Day of the city... Traditionally, a large-scale parade is held with salutes and fireworks;
  • Youth will be interested "Race of the Saracens"... On the first Sunday in September, young people dress up as Saracens and run around the city, pretending to be robbers.

September in Sardinia is considered wedding time... On the first weekend of September in the city of Selargius, you can see a unique wedding ceremony that combines all the traditions. This ceremony has been held since 1962; most of the city's population takes part in it.

In this video you will see the sights of the island's capital - Cagliari:

The autonomous region of Italy Sardinia is known primarily as a resort. Tourists are attracted here by magnificent beaches, picturesque mountains, as well as attractions.

Sardinia - an island in the Mediterranean Sea, is the second largest, second only to Sicily... The administrative center is Cagliari, with a population of more than half a million people.

The climate on the island is Mediterranean. The average temperature in January is 8 ° Celsius, in July - 25 ° C. Most of the precipitation falls in the winter. The best month for holidays in Sardinia is considered July... When planning a trip to Sardinia, weigh the pros and cons, whether to go there on your own or buy an all-inclusive package from a travel agency.

What to see in Sardinia?

In our article we will tell you about the most interesting sights of the island with their photos and descriptions, about the best places for family vacation and also about the most beautiful beaches Sardinia.

Su Nuraksi is a valley where there are unique ancient stone structures, nuraghes, characteristic only of the island of Sardinia. At the end of the last century, the best-preserved Nurague, Nuraghe Barumini, was recognized as a UNESCO Heritage Site - an argument in favor of not missing the Nuraghe Valley when visiting Sardinia.

There is a museum under the nuraghe Casa Tsapata, where you can see items from the Bronze Age, found during excavations at the archaeological site of Su Nuraksi. These are decorations, dishes, weapons.

In 1994, the La Maddalena Archipelago also attracted the attention of UNESCO workers and was included in the World Heritage List. If you have chosen to travel through the archipelago, you will have the opportunity here to join an excursion group. During the excursion, you will be able to see places, the path to which lies exclusively by sea, these are beaches and bays with untouched nature.

One of best hotels on the archipelago - a five-star Grand Hotel Ma & Ma... For those who prefer a quiet, meditative environment, as well as those traveling with their families, we recommend staying at La Casitta. There are not many villas on the islet of Santa Maria, La Casitta occupies one of them.

We also recommend seeing the lighthouse at Cape Spartivento, which appeared in 1856 and has now been turned into a comfortable hotel. This legendary lighthouse is called Faro di Capo Spartivento and is still active today.... Until the 80s. of the last century, it served as the home for the caretaker's family. The lighthouse was then modernized and converted into a luxury guest house, the authentic atmosphere of a true nineteenth century lighthouse preserved intact.

The lighthouse has interesting features: solar panels were installed here, thanks to which the heating system and water heating work. In addition, a wastewater treatment plant system is used here..

The Sous Gorropu gorge is a canyon in Sardinia, the deepest record holder... See this place not enough, it needs to be thoroughly explored: here you can contemplate the unspoiled nature of the island and walk along the so-called "long-livers' road".

According to popular belief, there is an enchanted land in Ogliastra: the one whose foot touches this land will live for a very long time. No one knows for sure the location of the magic path, but you may be able to step on it completely by accident.

The most beautiful and most famous caves of the island with a total length of underground passages of 2.5 kilometers are dedicated to the ancient Roman god of the seas and are known as the Grottoes of Neptune. There are two entrances to the caves: the first is from the side of the sea, and you can get to the caves through this entrance only by driving up by boat or boat, the second is a manhole carved into the rock.

To see the unforgettable beauty of the caves, you will need to overcome the six hundred and seventy-five steps down the stairs. Stalactites and stalagmites here really impress with their beauty.

Lake La Marmora - one of the largest underground lakes in Europe (length is one hundred meters) can also be seen here, in the grottoes of Neptune. You will certainly be amazed at all this beauty, but remember that photography in the caves is prohibited..

Mamoiada and Orgosolo are small towns located in the central part of the island, in the Barbagia region... About one hundred and fifty murals called "murales" are a tourist highlight of Orgosolo. The city of Mamoiada is famous for its carnival masks. A huge variety of exhibits awaits you in the town's Mediterranean Mask Museum.

The geographer Ptolemy in the second century AD described in his writings a rock, the profile of which very much resembles a bear. She instilled fear in sailors, as she supposedly had the ability to attract ships passing by. Now the rock "Orso di Palau" is one of the most famous natural attractions in Sardinia... The bizarre "bearish" silhouette was formed due to wind erosion. An unusual rock is located at a distance of five kilometers from the town of Palau.

The Porto Cervo resort is located in the north-east of Sardinia and is part of the Olbia-Tempio region. Porto Cervo is one of the bohemian tourist resorts visited by rich and famous people... Here you will see luxury villas, cars, yachts, boutiques of fashion brands and designers, but your children are likely to get bored here.

Alghero and Boza are two Italian townships that are undoubtedly worth your attention... In Alghero, the historic center and the good beaches are particularly striking. Boza is a city with a river harbor. This the only city in Sardinia, located on the river. Like all such cities, it has a very romantic atmosphere.

Entertainment for children

There are many resorts in the south of Sardinia where you can spend your holidays with your family. Rest assured that neither children nor adults will be bored for a single minute. While Mom and Dad are out shopping or tasting Italian wines, the children will be cuddled by the hotel staff. Most hotels have good animators on their staff..

The most popular nature reserve in Cagliari is Molentargius. This tourist site It is famous for its multi-species fauna, as well as for the fact that there are salt ponds on the territory. Staying in the protected area fosters a caring attitude towards nature in children.

Waterfowl, which nest and stop for the duration of their flights right in the park, are the main object of protection here. Many people visit this place just to see pink flamingos and take their photos..

  • Address: Via La Palma Ex Saline- Stagni di Molentargius, 09126.
  • Open daily from 7 am to 8 pm. On holidays, the work schedule may be changed.
  • The entrance is free.

Diverland Water Park is a large entertainment town covering an area of ​​one hundred thousand square meters. m. Here you can find rides for all ages and tastes.... Slides in the water park - from children's safe to extreme. The infrastructure of the park includes pools for water aerobics and gymnastics. Here you can also take a bath with hydromassage.

  • The park is located twenty kilometers from Cagliari at Strada Statale 125,19,500 Localita Cruxi Lilliu.
  • The water park is open to the public every day 10.00-18.00 from June to September.
  • The entrance ticket costs 14-18 euros.

Another wonderful water park was built two kilometers from Pula. The park is called Blu fan and offers guests a wide variety of entertainment... Mini-performances are held here, professional animators for children are at your service.

  • Address: Strada Statale 19 rv 24, 650.

A place that will not leave any child indifferent is the Dinosario Park. This Paleontological Museum under open air... By visiting this park, you can learn a lot about the life of dinosaurs. Life-size figures of the ancient inhabitants of the Earth are for clarity..

  • Located at: Strada Provinciale 57, km 5, 850.


Many experienced tourists write that the main attraction of Sardinia is the sea. First of all, Sardinia beckons clean beaches with incredibly white sand... When you enter the sea, there is no sharp difference in depth, the bottom is not rocky, there are no sharp stones that are dangerous for small children.