Climate and natural zones of tanzania. Holidays in Tanzania: climate, geographic location, interesting places. Seven Wonders of Africa

Tanzania is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Africa. It is included in the list of developing countries and has a rather weak economy, but it invariably attracts tourists with its rich and picturesque nature. The highest mountain of the continent, many national parks with a huge variety of flora and fauna, picturesque islands and beaches - all these attractions attract thousands of visitors to the East African country every year.

Getting to know Tanzania

First, consider the features of the geographic location of the state and historical information. We will also find out how you can get to this country.

Geographical position

The United Republic of Tanzania is located in the east of Africa and borders on 8 states: Kenya and Uganda in the north, Rwanda, Burundi and Congo in the west, in the south there are borders with Mozambique, Malawi and Zambia. The eastern part of the country is washed by the Indian Ocean. In addition to the mainland, the state owns some islands: Zanzibar, Pemba, Mafia, etc.

Tanzania is located on a plateau, in the north the country is surrounded by mountain ranges. Six rivers flow through the territory, there are also lakes in Tanzania, the most famous of which is Victoria.

Some data about Tanzania:

  1. Area: 945 thousand sq. km.
  2. Population: 48 million people.
  3. Time zone: +3 GMT (there is no difference with Moscow time).
  4. Language: Swahili, English, African dialects and dialects.
  5. Currency: Tanzanian Shilling.
  6. Capital: Dodoma.
  7. Religion: Christianity (60%), Islam (30%), paganism (10%).

A bit of history

The history of this country officially began on April 26, 1964, after the unification of the two colonies - Zanzibar and Tanganyika.

Overall, however, Tanzania's history consists of three most important periods:

  1. Pre-colonial. It lasted from the time of the settlement of this territory by indigenous South African peoples (Bushmen and Hottentots) until 1885. About one and a half thousand years ago, the Swahili people began to form on the territory of the country, which, in addition to the indigenous tribes, included immigrants from Arab countries. Swahili's main activity was international trade: slaves, gold, ivory were exported from the country, handicrafts, fabrics, food products were imported goods. Beginning in the middle of the 19th century, Europeans and Americans began to come to the country.
  2. Colonial. It lasted from 1885 to 1964. The gap of less than a hundred years turned out to be very rebellious, but productive for the state. Initially, the protectorate over the territory belonged to Germany, but after the end of the First World War, the country came under the tutelage of Great Britain. During this time, agriculture was actively developing, cotton, coffee, sisal and rubber plants were grown in the country. During the reign of the Germans, many railways were built. The British continued to develop the country.
  3. Independent state. During the independence period, communism reigned in Tanzania for a long time, until a multi-party system was formed in 1995.

Did you know? Albinos in Tanzania are born more often than in other countries: about one newborn in 3000, while in the rest of the world this happens 7 times less often.

Independence Day is celebrated in December - it was on December 9, 1961 that the Tanzanians gained independence from Great Britain, and a year later they became a republic and a member of the Commonwealth of Nations.

How to get there

There are no direct flights to the country from Russia and Ukraine. By air, you can only get to Tanzania with transfers. With one change, the journey will take about 13-20 hours.

The most convenient way to arrive in the largest city and the former capital of Tanzania - Dar es Salaam with such airlines: Emirates, Qatar Airlines, KLM, Swiss.

Transfers will take place in Amsterdam, Doha, Dubai and Zurich. Accordingly, there are many direct flights to the country from European cities.

Regular flights to Tanzania are provided by Dubai, Kenyan, Qatari and Omani airlines. There are several international airports in Tanzania: Julius Nyerere, Kilimanjaro, Arusha. By the way, the capital's airport in Dodoma is not international.

You can get to Tanzania from neighboring countries by car or bus, there is also a ferry connection with Uganda, Zambia and Burundi. Rail links operate with Zambia.

Weather and climate

Thanks to the subequatorial climate, we can confidently say that eternal summer reigns in Tanzania. Seasonality is weak, the climate is slightly different near the coastal areas and more distant from the sea, as well as in the mountains - for example, in the north of the country, near the mountain ranges, the temperature is in the range of + 20 ... + 23 ° С, near the coast it rises by 5 degrees.

It gets chilly at night. The hottest are the islands, where the temperature reaches + 32 ° C, but it is easily tolerated due to the high air humidity and constant sea breeze.

The hottest months are the winter months. During this period, the temperature in the mainland of the country reaches +35 ° С, in some points it reaches +38 ° С. July is the coolest month. At this time, the daytime temperature is + 27 ... + 32 ° С, and at night it drops by 10-15 degrees, for example, in the mountains it reaches + 8 ... + 10 ° С.

The country has rainy seasons: in the northern part - twice a year, during the spring and autumn months, in the south of the country the rainy season occurs once a year, from November to April. The sea is very warm - the water temperature reaches + 26 ° С.

The main beaches of the country

The beaches and sea of ​​Tanzania are able to fall in love with you at first sight and confidently take a place on your list of the best coasts. The main advantages of Tanzanian beaches are white, fine sand and clear, blue water.

Did you know? In 1962, in Tanzania (then still Tanganyika), there was an epidemic of laughter among children and adolescents. The fits of laughter lasted from several hours to several days, and all this lasted 18 months, "infecting" about 1000 people.

First of all, it is worth considering the beaches of the island of Zanzibar. Obviously, for beach lovers, the island will seem like a paradise, because it is one of the most picturesque and attractive places in the country.

When it comes to beach vacation or a tour to Tanzania, most often the beaches of Zanzibar are meant, there are more than two dozen of them. Consider that western beaches have a calm sea, and the southeastern ones always spoil visitors with waves. Most interesting places:

  1. Nungwi. Located in the northern part of the island. Turquoise water, white sand, deep sea with no ebb and flow, and fantastic reefs. It is a very popular diving site. The beach itself is surrounded by large plantations of bananas and coconuts. Nungwi is truly considered the best place in Zanzibar.

  2. Kizimkazi. South Beach will delight visitors with waves, romantic coves for seclusion, as well as the opportunity to admire the dolphins. Here you can also watch the life of local fishermen from the village of the same name.

  3. Located on the eastern part of the island. There are many luxury hotels along the coast. A significant advantage is the small number of tourists.

  4. It is located in the eastern part of the island, therefore it has a typical disadvantage for this side - during low tide the sea becomes much shallow and it takes a long time to go to deep water. Paje is a great spot for kitesurfing. In addition, here you can watch flamingos, peacocks and camels.

  5. Clean and beautiful beach located in the northeastern part. You won't be able to retire here, but you will surely have a lot of fun. It is very crowded, noisy and fun with its many entertainment options.

However, do not ignore other island and mainland beaches:

  1. Ideal for those who like a quiet holiday, to observe nature and local colorful life. There are no cafes and nightclubs on the beaches of Pemba; it is quite quiet and peaceful here. However, you won't get bored with the opportunity to go diving, deep-sea fishing or watch humpback whales, hammerheads or whale sharks.

  2. The highlight of the island is the prison, built by a British general, with no prisoners. The island has the same azure water and white sand. In addition to swimming and sunbathing, you can go snorkeling, diving or feed giant turtles, many of which are over a hundred years old!

  3. City beach in Dar es Salaam. Here you can watch the local colorful get-together, however, it is not recommended for women to swim in bikinis and too open swimsuits. The disadvantage of the beach is the shallow sea at low tide and muddy water.

What to see for tourists

Of course, in addition to the sea and beaches, the African country has many more must-see attractions. Perhaps the most famous are the Tanzanian natural parks, the total area of ​​which is about 30% of the entire territory of the country.

Nature and national parks

Tanzania has many national natural parks, thanks to which the country has managed to preserve a huge variety of flora and fauna. The predominant type of vegetation in the country is savanna.

When visiting the country, you should definitely go on a safari to see giraffes, lions, elephants and black rhinos, hippos and crocodiles with your own eyes. Tickets to national parks are inexpensive, in the range of $ 50-60, but you have to pay a round sum for the rental of transport and guide services.

Car rental can cost from $ 300, you will also need to pay for gasoline and food. Sometimes it may take 2-3 days for a more or less complete inspection of the park, so it will be necessary to rent a house.

Important!You are allowed to visit the national parks only (!) On special safari jeeps accompanied by a certified Tanzanian guide.

  1. This national park is distinguished by its enormous size (about 15 thousand sq. Km), occupies a leading place among all reserves in Africa in terms of species diversity and the number of animals inhabiting the territory, and is also included in the UNESCO heritage list. Most often, the Serengeti is visited to watch big cats in wildlife, especially for hunting lions and lionesses, cheetahs and leopards. By the way, it is in this park that there is the largest population of lions in the world - over 3 thousand individuals.

  2. Also included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The park is unusual, as it is located almost entirely in the middle of the largest crater on the planet. Here is a very rich vegetation, which makes the reserve resemble an oasis among the relatively poor savannah. The main highlight of the park is the opportunity to watch pink flamingos on Lake Magadi.

  3. Despite its relatively small size (more than 2.5 thousand sq. Km), the territory of the park is inhabited by more than 300 species of birds, which is why it is especially popular among bird watchers. Here you can go on a classic jeep safari, as well as go on foot and night safari.

  4. The park is located around the lake of the same name, the oldest on the planet - it was formed more than 3 million years ago. The territory of the park is inhabited by a huge variety of animals: here you can meet all the "classic" inhabitants of the hot continent. Ernest Hemingway called this park the most beautiful place in Africa.

  5. The lake of the same name is also located here. It is famous for the fact that it turns pink several times a year due to salt deposits. The territory is home to the original Maasai tribes, and it is also home to the world's largest flocks of flamingos.

In addition to these parks, the following places are no less popular: Selous Hunting Reserve, Udzungwa Nature Reserve, Mount Kilimanjaro Park, Meserani Snake Park and other beautiful nature reserves.

Did you know? At the legislative level, the country prohibits the use of plastic bags, including for packaging food in a supermarket. If you brought something with you in plastic bags, it is better not to use them, much less throw them away, otherwise you can get a fine of 2 thousand dollars.

Historical landmarks

Beyond the pristine beautiful nature, Tanzania has a large number of historical landmarks. There are not so many of them in the official capital of Dodoma, but in the old capital and the largest city in the country, Dar es Salaam, there is something to see.

Here you should definitely admire the Clock Tower, the Palace of the Sultan Majid, the building railway station, numerous cathedrals, mosques and churches.

Famous museums in the city:

Local markets are worth a visit: Mwenge ebony market, Magagoni fish market, Kiriakoo spice market. It is worth walking along the colorful Asian streets of Indian Street, Kisutu Street.

What else can you do

Tanzania offers countless opportunities for active rest... Beautiful coral reefs and beaches allow you to enjoy water and hiking sports. Here you have the opportunity to hunt and bring home exclusive trophies.

Important! When exchanging currency, you must keep the receipt for the entire period of stay in the country. Also remember that you can pay with a card only in large cities and coastal towns (mainly in supermarkets, banks and large stores). V provincial towns it is almost impossible to pay with a credit card, and for withdrawing money from the card, the bank will have to pay up to 8% commission.


Tanzania has many opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts. This is truly one of best places in the world for diving and other water sports, mountain climbing, trekking and hiking are also very popular.

  1. This type of active recreation will be within the power of physically prepared tourists, because they will have to climb to a height of almost 6000 m! However, the fantastic views and the meeting of sunrise / sunset will forever remain in your memory and compensate for all your efforts.

  2. Descent to the Ngorongoro crater. In a giant crater is the national park of the same name, which we talked about above. To get down to the bottom, you have to overcome the 600 m elevation difference.

  3. Diving, snorkeling, kitesurfing. For divers, the waters of Tanzania seem like a real paradise. Picturesque coral reefs, many rare underwater inhabitants, excellent visibility under water create all conditions for diving. Here you can dive in freshwater reservoirs, near coastal areas, on islands, you can also go on multi-day diving tours on board special ships. We recommend paying attention to diving on Pemba Island, Zanzibar, on Lake Tanganyika.

  4. Hunting in the Selous reserve. Tours for 10, 16, 21 and 28 hunting days can be ordered. It takes place only in the daytime and on foot, it is forbidden to hunt with a car. The price of the tour usually includes accommodation, services of a professional hunter, meals, field preparation of trophies, as well as preparation for export. However, this is a rather expensive pleasure that can cost several tens of thousands of dollars.

Also do not miss the opportunity to go rafting on the rivers of Tanzania, paragliding, deep-sea fishing. An unforgettable experience will remain after the safari, in addition, there are several types of them for every taste.

Night life

If you prefer nightlife, you might be a little disappointed - Tanzania certainly isn't a country with an interesting nightlife. Mostly you can have fun on the territory resort hotels and in big cities.

On the island of Zanzibar, it is worth visiting the Kendwa Rock Hotel, which hosts the Full Moon Party once a week.

In Dar es Salaam, pay attention to such establishments: the Q-Bar, Msasani, as well as the Sea Cliff Casino.

Did you know? Legendary rock band Queen Freddie Mercury was born in Zanzibar.

Where to stay and eat

Since the main destination for many tourists is the unofficial capital, consider where to stay and eat in Dar es Salaam.
There is housing in the city for every taste and budget.

It is also worth being aware of the local cuisine. Dishes from meat of wild animals and birds are traditional for the country. The ugali, a national dish made from grain, is worth trying. If you wish, you can taste the meat of an antelope, elephant, crocodile or warthog.

For special gourmets, locust and termite dishes are offered. In the coastal areas, you can enjoy seafood. Vegetarians won't go hungry either, as many restaurants and cafes offer animal-free meals. For drinks, you can try local beer or strong cognagi gin.

In Dar es Salaam, you can find establishments of different price categories. So, there are cafes with local cuisine and fast food, gourmet restaurants, pizzerias, restaurants with an emphasis on seafood dishes, establishments with Chinese, Indian and American cuisine.

Potential danger

Potential hazards should be kept in mind before visiting a country. In general, Tanzanians are a very open, friendly and sociable nation, however, due to refugees from neighboring states, low living standards, you can stumble upon fraud and theft.

You should also understand that there are many Muslim areas here, so you should avoid too open clothing. A huge problem for the country is the availability of clean drinking water.

Important! V tourist areas there are many pickpockets, and there are armed poachers on the territory of reserves.

  1. Before visiting, get vaccinated against yellow fever, tetanus, hepatitis A, typhoid, cholera, malaria.
  2. Before use, it is imperative to boil water, thoroughly heat treatment of animal products, wash vegetables and fruits and peel them.
  3. It is necessary to swim in specially designated areas due to the large number of strong coastal currents and the presence of dangerous animals under water.
  4. Swimming in water bodies inland is not recommended due to the risk of contracting schistosomiasis.
  5. Documents and precious things must be kept in the hotel safe, always have a photocopy of your foreign passport with you, at night only walk the streets with a company.
  6. You cannot take photos or videos of local residents without permission.
  7. When visiting parks, be sure to use sunscreen, repellents, wide-brimmed hats and comfortable high-top shoes with closed toes, as well as closed clothing.
  8. In Muslim parts of the country, short shorts, skirts, and other provocative clothing should be avoided. You should also refrain from public display of attention to your soul mate.

What to bring

In addition to numerous vivid photographs, it is definitely worth bringing souvenirs from Tanzania, moreover, their selection is impressive, they are diverse and colorful. In big cities, shops are open until 10 pm, but most shops are open from 8 am to 12 noon, and in the afternoon from 2 pm to 6 pm.

Many shops may be closed during Ramadan. You can buy souvenir products in the most famous souvenir centers: art gallery, the village museum and the shops on Samora Avenu street. While on the island of Zanzibar, the Memories of Zanzibar and One Way shops are worth a visit.

  1. A lot of minerals are mined in the country: tourmaline, garnet, diamond, ruby, sapphire, but tanzanite, a mineral discovered in 1967, has become a real symbol of the country. "Blue Diamond", as the stone is also called, is found exclusively in this country, among the volcanic deposits of Kilimanjaro.

  2. Products. From Tanzania, you can bring spices, herbs and roots, which are recommended to buy at the Kariakoo Spice Market.

  3. Figurines and paintings. It is advisable to buy carved wooden figurines of the Makonde tribe in small souvenir shops.

  4. National clothes, batik.

  5. There are huge coffee plantations in Tanzania; about 6% of the country's population is engaged in their service, which is quite a lot. The choice of a flavored drink is huge here.

It is in Tanzania that you will have the opportunity to experience and see the real East Africa. The originality, local flavor and scenic beauty of the country will not leave anyone indifferent.

Tanzania gives you the opportunity to climb the highest point of the continent, swim in the second deepest lake on the planet, and the largest lake in Africa. Highly recommended for visiting all exotic lovers!

The region where Tanzania is located is known to European tourists as a piece of paradise well south of the equator. The coast of the Indian Ocean, on the shores of which the republic is located, makes it attractive for lovers of a leisurely beach holiday.

Where is Tanzania located?

The United Republic of Tanzania, as this country is officially called, has a completely unique location, which gives the country a significant advantage in the international tourism market. The republic is located in the southeastern part of the African continent.

To begin with, the country is located on the coast of the warm Indian Ocean. Numerous hotels annually receive hundreds of thousands of tourists from Europe and America.

In addition, the region where Tanzania is located is famous for the so-called Great African Lakes, which are located in the region of the East African Rift.

Great lakes of africa

In Africa, where Tanzania is located, there are lakes that are second only to Baikal in area and volume. The largest of them is Victoria, which has worldwide fame. This lake is located on the territory of three states at once: Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.

In addition to being the second largest freshwater body of water in the world, Lake Victoria is also known for the fact that its waters feed the White Nile - one of the great rivers in the world.

Despite the fact that some experts tend to attribute only Lake Victoria, Edward and Albert to the Great African Lakes, the full list of lakes in this region looks like this:

  • Victoria.
  • Tanganyika.
  • Nyasa.
  • Rudolf.
  • Edward.
  • Albert.
  • Kivu.

In addition to their area and fresh water reserves, the lakes are also notable for the fact that about ten percent of all fish species known to science live in them, many of which are not found in other regions.

Geography and population of the country

The favorable climate of East Africa creates all the necessary conditions for high-performance Agriculture and the formation of surplus products. It is for this reason that there have always been numerous small states in the region, the largest of which were Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda. Today Tanzania borders Congo, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Uganda, Rwanda, Zambia and

This number of states is due to the fact that the eastern part of Africa is very diverse in cultural, ethnic and linguistic terms. And these factors were taken into account when drawing the borders of the new states that were formed as a result of the liquidation of the colonial system on the continent.

However, despite such a large number of state entities, each of them is quite densely populated. For example, in Tanzania, according to the UN, there are more than fifty million people belonging to one hundred and twenty different ethnic groups, speaking more than a hundred languages.

Nature and climate

The unique natural resources of the region where Tanzania is located require special treatment, which is expressed either in a sparing level of human use, or even in the refusal to exploit natural resources.

It is worth paying tribute to the government of the republic, which, to the best of its ability, tries to protect the nature of the country from human pressure. About 38% of the country's territory is set aside for national parks and reserves, of which there are sixteen.

One of the most remarkable natural monuments of Tanzania, the coordinates of which are as follows - 3 ° 12 S. 35 ° 27 "E" - is National park Ngorongoro. The name of the park comes from the sound of the bells on the necks of cows belonging to the local nomadic Masai tribes.

The national park occupies the territory of a huge crater, which belongs to the caldera type. Today it is the largest inactive volcanic crater on Earth. This crater has been inactive for so long that the first traces of human activity on its territory appear already three million years ago. The remains of a hominid found on its territory gave the name to a new species - the Olduvai man, found in the Olduvai gorge.

Seven Wonders of Africa

In addition to Ngorongoro, the Serengeti region also belongs to the African natural wonders, which has a common border with the Tanzanian Ngorongoro Reserve and the Kenyan Maasai Mara Nature Park.

The area of ​​the Serengeti Park is 14,763 square kilometers and for many millennia these vast wastelands, which attract many tourists today, did not have a permanent population. Only a little over a hundred years ago, nomadic Maasai tribes came to the prairie and stayed there. The history of the Serengeti protected zone begins in 1951, when a small private reserve was transformed into a National Park, second in size only to the Selous Reserve in Tanzania.

The Selous Hunting Reserve was established at the beginning of the twentieth century, as it quickly became clear that it is a region that is unique in terms of flora and fauna. Selous is home to over 350 bird species, numerous species of savannah animals and nearly 2,000 plant species.

Tanzania. Where is Zanzibar located?

Stretching along the east coast of Africa, the archipelago consists of seventy-five islands, some of which belong to the autonomy of Zanzibar, which is part of Tanzania as a Free Republic.

Geographically, the archipelago is a cluster of islands, the largest of which are Ugundzha, Pemba and Mafia. The island of Ugunja is the largest and is often mistakenly called Zanzibar, giving it the name of the entire archipelago.

It is on the western coast of the island of Ugunja that the largest city of the archipelago, Zanzibar, is located, with a population of about one hundred and twenty thousand people. It should be noted that in the period from 2008 to 2009. the population of the city has declined significantly.

In modern conditions, Tanzania, where numerous natural monuments, is becoming more and more attractive for travelers who prefer to combine high-class vacations with visits to national parks, reserves and safaris, which are popular with wealthy hunters. Particularly popular are the islands of Tanzania, which embody the dream of paradise on Earth, surrounded by turquoise water and hot sun.

Tanzania is a state in East Africa. It consists of the mainland (Tanganyika), washed by the Indian Ocean in the east, and the large coastal islands of Zanzibar, Pemba and Mafia. Tanzania is part of the British Commonwealth.

Most of the country is located on the East African Plateau. The territory of Tanzania covers some of the largest lakes in Africa - Lake Victoria in the north, Lake Tanganyika (which is often called the twin of Baikal) in the west, and Lake Nyasa in the south of Tanzania. The highest mountains in Africa are Kilimanjaro (5895 m). The total length of land borders is 3,402 km, of which with Burundi - 451 km, with Kenya - 769 km, Malawi - 475 km, with Mozambique - 756 km, with Rwanda - 217 km, with Uganda - 396 km and with Zambia - 338 km.

Tanzania area: total - 945,087 km2. Coastline: 1424 km. The island territories consist of the Zanzibar archipelago (the islands of Zanzibar, Pemba, Mafia, etc.).

Tanzania has two capitals: the administrative center is the historic capital Dar es Salaam, and the legislative center is Dodoma, where the government moved the main organs in the 1970s.

Tanzania is a republic. The head of state and head of government is a popularly elected president for a 5-year term, with the possibility of a second term in a row. On December 14, 2005, the presidential election was won by the candidate from the ruling Revolutionary Party, Tanzanian Foreign Minister Jakaya Kikwete, gaining more than 80% of the votes. His main rival was Ibrahim Lipumba, a candidate for the opposition Civic United Front. Parliament is a unicameral National Assembly (Bunge), 274 MPs, of whom 232 are popularly elected for a 5-year term, 37 women MPs are personally appointed by the President, and 5 MPs are appointed by the Autonomous Parliament of Zanzibar.

Relief of tanzania

Most of Tanzania is located on the East African Plateau. Along the western and southwestern borders are deep tectonic valleys and highlands of Giant Craters (the Meru volcanoes, the highest mountain in Africa Kilimanjaro (5895 m) and others. The Indian Ocean coast is a narrow strip of lowlands.

The lower and drier part of the plateau covers all of southern Tanzania. The soils are lighter in composition, eroded and quickly depleted. There is little rainfall, and it is unevenly distributed over the seasons. The tsetse fly is found here - a carrier of sleeping sickness among people and revolver disease among domestic animals.

The central and northern parts of the plateau rise up to 1200-1500 m. In places there is a moderate amount of precipitation, fertile soils are widespread.

The country's territory includes some of the largest lakes in Africa - Lake Victoria in the north, Lake Tanganyika (which is often called the twin of Lake Baikal) in the west, Lake Nyasa in the south of Tanzania, as well as drainless salt lakes Rukva, Natron, Eyasi. The main rivers of the country - Pangani, Rufiji (the only navigable river in the lower reaches) and Ruvuma flow into the Indian Ocean.

Tanzania climate

The climate is subequatorial monsoon, hot, and seasonally humid. Average monthly temperatures from 12-15 to 25-27 degrees C. In the north there are two rainy seasons (March - May and September - November), in the south - one (November - April).

The largest amount of precipitation falls on the western coast of Lake Victoria (up to 2000 mm per year), the least - on the inner plateaus (about 250 mm). In most parts of Tanzania, the dry season lasts 5-7 months. Change of dry and wet seasons especially visible in the mountainous northeast and on the Masai plateau.

There are problems of drought, forest fires. It happened that a drought led to a decrease in the water level in the reservoirs feeding the hydroelectric power station, to a critical one, as a result, strict rationing of the supply of electricity was introduced throughout the country. Heavy rains also cause significant damage. So, as a result of heavy showers in late 1997 - early 1998. agricultural facilities were destroyed, roads were washed out, bridges were demolished.

The climate on the islands is humid, the average daytime temperature is plus 28-30 degrees, sea breezes make the weather very pleasant. The water temperature in the Indian Ocean is 24-26 degrees. In the central part (1200-1700 m above sea level), the average temperature is plus 22-25 degrees, the nights can be cool.

Flora of Tanzania

In the west and south of the country there are tropical dry deciduous light forests, on the coastal lowland - park savannas, in the central and northeastern regions - grassy savannas. Wet evergreen forests and shrubs grow on the mountain slopes. Despite the proximity to the equator, various types of savannas are characteristic of Tanzania: shrub, park, mountain park, grassy. Along with the "miombo" forests (light tropical forests of deciduous trees), savannas occupy most territory. On the coast of the ocean and at the mouths of rivers, mangroves are found. Dense tropical forests have survived only around the lakes in the west of the country and in the floodplains of some rivers. On the slopes high mountains even conifers grow, such as cedar and footcarp. In the park forests, the Angolan pterocarpus is found, whose valuable wood is used for the manufacture of high-quality furniture and wall cladding.

Fauna of Tanzania

Tanzania is one of the few countries on the African continent where representatives of a rich tropical fauna have survived in natural conditions. The savannas are inhabited by several species of antelope (wildebeest, congoni, marsh, stenbock, springbok and others), as well as lions, leopards, cheetahs, zebras, elephants and giraffes.

An abundance of monkeys is characteristic; of the monkeys in the extreme northwest, chimpanzees are found, and in the Kilimanjaro region - gorillas. There are hippos and crocodiles along the rivers.

The world of birds is unusually rich and diverse. There are especially many waterfowl. In the highlands of the country, ostriches can be seen occasionally. Of the poisonous snakes, the black mamba and the African viper stand out.

However, the animal world has become significantly impoverished as a result of prolonged extermination. Large animals have survived mainly in reserves and national parks, the largest of which are Ngorongoro, Serengeti, Ruaha, Arusha, Manyama, Mikumi, Kilimanjaro, Rungwa. The Serengeti National Park (15.5 thousand sq. Km) is especially famous, the only one in the world where natural seasonal migrations of wild animals take place. Ngorongoro is located in the area of ​​a huge volcanic crater, its caldera, the largest in the world, is distinguished by an extraordinary richness of fauna.

Tanzania national parks

There are 15 national parks in Tanzania, which are managed by the Tanzania National Parks Authority (TANAPA), centered in the city of Arusha. According to international research, the service is one of the most productive in Africa - it employs 1,650 people, serving 15 active and one planned national park (Saanane). The main task of the service is to preserve the existing biodiversity and rich natural heritage of the country. The system of national parks has World Heritage Sites (4 sites out of 7 in Tanzania) and UNESCO Biosphere Reserves (2 sites out of 3 in the country).

In the north of the country in the center there are national parks Arusha, Kilimanjaro, Mkomazi, Lake Manyana, Rubondo Island, Serengeti, Tarangir. Arusha Park is located in close proximity to the city of Arusha - the northern center of safari in the country. The park was recently expanded to include the Mount Meru Forest Reserve. Kilimanjaro Park, which also recently received an additional area, is intended to protect the highest point in Africa. Lake Manyara includes Lake Manyara along the rift wall. Mkomazi Park, located on the border with Kenya, is the youngest park in the country, formed in 2008. Rubondo Island in the southwestern part of Lake Victoria is home to the Rubondo Island National Park. The Serengeti Park includes the Ngorongoro Crater. In the future, it is planned to increase the area of ​​the park. Tarangire National Park is located on the river of the same name.

Saadini Park is located in the north-east of the country on the Indian Ocean coast between the cities of Tanga and Dar es Salaam. To the east, in the Udzungwa Mountains, is the Udzungwa Mountains Park. On the northern coast of Lake Tanganyika in the western part of the country is the Gombe Stream National Park. The Mahali Mountains Park is also located on the shore of the lake in the Mahali Mountains. In the center of the country is the Ruaha Park. With a recent increase in size, the park is now the largest in Tanzania. In the south-west of the country, near Lake Rukwa at the end of the rift valley, there is Katavi Park. In the south of the country is the Kitulo Park, also known as the Garden of the Gods. Currently, the issue of increasing the area of ​​the park at the expense of the forests of Mount Rungwe is being considered. In the southeast are Selous Nature Reserve and Mikumi Park.

Population of Tanzania

Population 38.860 million (estimate October 2009). In the country, only the city of Dar es Salaam has a population of more than 1 million people. The annual growth rate is 2%. Fertility is 4.5 births per woman. The infant mortality rate is 69 per 1000 births. The average life expectancy is 50 years for men, 53 years for women. Infection with the immunodeficiency virus (HIV) - 6.2% (2007 estimate).

Ethnic composition - in the mainland - 99% are Negroes, mainly Bantu peoples (Hehe, Shambala, Sukuma, Curia, Ha, etc.), 1% are Asians (mostly Indians), whites, Arabs. In Zanzibar there are mainly Arabs, Negroes and mestizos of Arab-Negro descent.

The official languages ​​are Swahili and English, Arabic is spoken in Zanzibar, and in the mainland there are many local languages ​​of the Bantu group. Religions - in the mainland - Christians 30%, Muslims 35%, aboriginal cults 35%; in Zanzibar, more than 99% are Muslims.

Source -

Mount Kilimanjaro

Tanzania is washed from the west fresh water the deepest lake in Africa, and from the east - salty ocean waves. Between them lie over 900,000 km² of plains, forests and mountains of varying heights. The north is occupied by volcanic uplands with a dry and relatively cool climate (no more than + 27 ° С on the hottest days)... The south is hotter, and the coast and islands are saturated with moisture from the ocean.

The first rainy season in northern Tanzania begins in mid-March and lasts until the end of May. Clear weather is then established, which lasts until the end of September. The hottest months - October, November and December - are the second rainy season... In the south, one large "wet" season lasts from early December to late April, while in the west it rains mainly from October to May. The best season in Tanzania, the months are July through October, as well as January and February.

On the inhabited coastline, forests have long given way to plantations of spices and other useful plants. It's a different matter central areas and the shores of Lake Tanganyika, covered with a continuous carpet of jungle. It is the home of primates and birds, while huge herds of antelopes, buffaloes, giraffes, zebras and elephants still graze in the northern savannas.

The reefs of the Pemba and Zanzibar islands are considered the most popular place for diving all over the continent.

Tanzania cities

All cities in Tanzania

Tanzania landmarks

All Tanzania attractions


It was on the territory of Tanzania that the idea came to the monkey's head to get off the tree and take the first step along the path of evolution. 2000 years ago the Bantu peoples came here, and a little later Arab merchants appeared on the coast. Two major slave traders' roads passed through Tanzania: one led from modern Zambia to the city of Bagamoyo, the second from the shores of Lake Nyasa (Malawi) to the port of Kilwa. In the first half of the 19th century. slave markets on the mainland coast were closed: a significant role in this was played by the explorers of Africa, for whom Zanzibar and Bagamoyo were the starting points for hikes inland.

In the second half of the XIX century. Zanzibar remained the only center of the slave trade in the region, but by the early 1880s. power on the island actually passed to the British and the slave trade ceased (at least officially)... On the mainland, the German Karl Petere launched his activities, luring several native kings under the auspices of Berlin. So at the end of the XIX century. East Africa was divided into two parts - British and German. In August 1914, the rivalry between the powers escalated into a war, the protagonist of which on the African front was Paul von Lettow-Forbeck. This German commander haunted the enemy for four years and ended World War I with the undefeated Lion of Africa. Despite this, the German possessions in 1919 passed to the British under the name of Tanganyika. Against the backdrop of a tourist boom, a national movement grew, allowing the country to become the first of the East African colonies to gain independence - this happened in 1961. Three years later, Zanzibar was liberated, where a bloody revolution immediately broke out, which led to the emergence in 1964 of the modern federal state of Tanzania.


The country is home to more than 100 peoples and tribes, but in comparison with its neighbors, it is more successful in creating a national community and a single culture. Tanzania is famous for its original musical traditions, which combine local motives and European notes, brought by the masters of Christian religious music.

Her modern painting is known outside the country. (especially tinga-tinga style) and sculpture. Even in Kenya, a wooden mask or carved panel you bought may well be the work of a Tanzanian artist. In the literary field, the country also has something to be proud of: who lived in the middle of the 20th century. Tanzanian writer and poet Shaaban Robert is revered as "the father of Swahili literature".

Tanzania is known scientifically for Olduvai Gorge (Serengeti district), where the remains of the oldest ancestors of modern man were found. But in sports, the country has not yet been able to achieve such successes as Kenya - since 1964, Tanzanian athletes have managed to win only two Olympic medals, both in 1980 in Moscow.


Residents of mainland Tanzania value simplicity and satiety, therefore, there is always food rich in carbohydrates on the table - ugali from corn flour, ordinary potatoes, sweet potatoes, or cassava. The natives of the coast and islands prefer rice to all this, which is cooked with spices. (saw) or with the addition of legumes - peas or lentils. The starchy base of the meal is complemented by meat, fish, fried bananas, pumpkin or stewed spinach. Meat (more often goat and poultry) cooked without fuss - grilled (nyama choma) or boiled, serving broth as a first course. Flour in Tanzania is available in the form of tortillas (chapati), pies with filling (sambusa) and sweet muffins (mandazi).

The cuisine of the islands and the coast is the realm of curries, that is, dishes that came from India. Products for them are crushed and then stewed with spices. The main difference from Indian cooking is that pepper is consumed by Swahili chefs without fanaticism.


Tanzania remains rustic: nothing warms the soul of a Tanzanian like shamba. This word, familiar to readers of Hemingway's hunting notes, means both a large plantation and a piece of land owned by a poor peasant. Where there is a village, there is a community with its mutual assistance, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that it was in Tanzania in the 60s. born "African socialism" (or ujamaa, which means "big family").

The first thing that catches your eye when communicating with the natives of Tanzania is their politeness. The words "Jumbo!" ("Hello!") and "Caribou!" ("Welcome!") here they pronounce it in such a way that it is impossible to resist. Less sincerity in the inhabitants of Zanzibar: they are too spoiled by the flow of tourists. Another distinctive feature of Tanzanians is the impenetrable calmness. Their favorite expression is "Field-field!" Remembering the Roman classics, it can be translated as "Hurry slowly!"

Tanzania National Park Service

In 1951, the first national (at that time "royal") park - it became the Serengeti. In 1959, a service responsible for the management of protected areas appeared in the system of the colony's authorities. It is now called the Tanzania National Park Service. (Tanzania National Park Authority, or TANAPA, The headquarters of the organization is located in Arusha (+255-027-2503471, 504082) , and the area of ​​responsibility includes 15 national parks, the last of which was created in 2008. (one more in line)... The territory with an area of ​​over 46,000 km² is guarded by only 1,650 people. Unlike Kenya, they take care of only those reserves that are located on land. Another department is responsible for the protection of the sea nature of the republic - the Department of Marine Parks and Wildlife Areas (Marine Parks and Reserves Unit,, created as part of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries in 1994, it controls 5 marine parks and one wildlife sanctuary. The cost of visiting protected areas in Tanzania depends on their demand by tourists. The most expensive - Gombe Street adults / children 5-16 years old $ 100/20) and Mahale Mountains (respectively, 80/30 $)... In third place is Kilimanjaro $ 60/10), in fourth - Serengeti (50/10 $) ... Payment of the fee entitles you to stay in the park for 24 hours - after the day you will have to leave or pay a new one. The rules for staying in the parks are the same as in Kenya and Uganda.

Video: Lake Manyara, Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Conservation Area

North Tanzania

The North is the most touristy, and therefore the most accessible region of Tanzania. Easy access from both the coast of Tanzania and from overseas: Kilimanjaro International Airport located between the cities of Arusha and Moshi, it receives flights from Kenya Airways, KLM and Ethiopian Air. All East African airlines such as Precision Air, ZanAir, Fly540, Air Uganda and RwandaAir. Arusha and Moshi are located about 50 km from the airport, and, in addition, you can go on a safari directly from the arrivals hall - if, of course, you are met.

Domestic flights to Kilimanjaro are also served - for example, 3-4 daily Precision Air flights from Zanzibar and Dar es Salaam (1.5 hours, about $ 220).

By bus to Arusha you can leave Kampala (Uganda) as well as Nairobi and Mombasa (Kenya)... Operators include Kampala Coach, Akamba Public Road Service, Modern Coast. There is a chance to get to Moshi from Mombasa or Voi (Kenya)... There is at least one operator working in this direction - Kenyan Tahmeed (in Mombasa - Kenyatta Av., + 254-072-5473343)... If you need to go to Moshi, and the flight is available only to Arusha (or vice versa)- get in and go: there are a lot of small buses running between these cities all the time (1.5 hours on the way, 2500 NIS).

You can get to Dar from Arusha via Moshi by Dar Express, Royal Coach, Sai Baba Express and Happy Nation buses (approx. 8 hours on the way, 28000 NIS).

The parks of this part of Tanzania - Arusha, Manyara, Tarangire, Serengeti, Ngorongoro and Kilimanjaro - are known in Tanzania under the general name of the Northern Ring (Notherh Circuit).

West Tanzania

This part of Tanzania is least of all explored by travelers, and yet the third natural wonder of the country after Kilimanjaro and the Ngorongoro Caldera is located here. This is Tanganyika - the longest freshwater lake on the planet, second only to Baikal in depth. Both reservoirs are very similar: transparent, full of life and lying in narrow intermontane gaps. Along the banks of the Tanganyika, the routes of the great pioneers of Africa - Burton, Speke, Livingstone and others - ran, and now there are interesting national parks.

The road to Western Tanzania lies through Tabora (Tabora) founded by slave traders on the caravan route from Zambia to Bagamoyo. 6 km south of the city, there is even a house where David Livingston lived in 1872 - now it is a museum (9.00-17.00, entrance 2000 NIS, taxi round-trip NIS 10,000)... Q. Tabor can be reached by train from Dar es Salaam or Mwanza. Both arrive in the afternoon, so if you decide to visit this city, you will have to spend the night there. The short Station Road starts from the station (Station Rd.) that overlooks the main street of Boma Road (Boma Rd.)... Turning left, you can see the preserved colonial buildings and the most notable structure - a small German fort known as Boma (Boma, or German Boma, 15 minutes walk, closed to the public).


The procedure for obtaining a visa at the Tanzanian border is the same as in neighboring countries of East Africa: an immigration card, $ 50 in cash - and a stamp in your passport. The difference is that Tanzanian border guards check the vaccination certificate (yellow fever, etc.)... A special regime applies to Zanzibar. Although the archipelago is part of Tanzania, foreigners are still forced to show passports and health certificates - they even put stamps. At the same time, you do not need to pay anything, and when you return to the mainland, a new visa is also not required. Those who permanently leave Tanzania must pay an exit tax of $ 30, but this amount is included in the airfare.


In every city and reserve there is, if not an airport, then at least a strip for light aircraft. International airports located in Dar (Julius Nyerere International Airport), between Arusha and Moshi (Kilimanjaro International Airport) and on about. Unguja (Abeid Amani Karume International Airport or simply Zanzibar Int.Airport)... They serve flights of many foreign airlines, but within Tanzania, local air carriers are in the lead. (average cost about $ 200):

  • Precision Air (call center + 255-022-2168000, + 2550-0787888-417 / 408/409; is the most famous Tanzanian airline. Many scheduled flights throughout the country. Dara Offices (corner of Samora Av. and Pamba Rd., + 255-022-284-3547), Arusha (Safari Hotel Building, Boma Rd., + 255-027-2545489), Mwanze (Kenyatta Rd., + 255-028-2500819, + 255-0784402042) and Kigome (Mlole Rd., + 255-028-2804720, + 255-0783540680).
  • ZanAir (call center + 255-024-2233670; Zanzibar airline, flies between the islands of Unguja, Pemba and the mainland.
  • Coastal aviation (+ 255-022-2842700, hotline + 255-0752627825; regular flights to nature reserves from Dara, Arusha and Mosha. Also flies to the islands (including Mafia) and great lakes (Mwanza, Kigoma).
  • Auric air (call center + 255-0783233334, based in Dar and Mwanza. Regular flights to Manyara and Serengeti parks, Selous reserve. Also flies to the extreme south of the country - to Mbeyu.
  • Safari Air Link (+255-022-5504384, +255-0777723274, 077-3723274, 0783397235) - performs both charter and regular flights to Zanzibar and the reserves of the Southern Ring (Mikumi, Selous and Ruaha)... Flies to Katavi and Mahal twice a week. Regular flights - if there are at least 2 passengers.
  • Fast jet (in Dar + 255-022-2866130; to Julius Nyerere Airport + 255-0685680538; to Zanzibar Airport + 255-0777680538; New low-cost airline, flying between Tanzanian airports since November 2012 (Dar, Kilimanjaro, Zanzibar and Mwanza) as well as in Nairobi and Entebbe.

Tanzania has two independent rail systems - not only are they run by different people, but they even have different track gauges. Tanzania Railway Corporation (Tanzanian Railway Corporation, TRC, in Dar + 255-022-2110599, carries passengers from Dar es Salaam to Kigoma via Dodoma and Tabora. This direction is called the Center Line. (Central line)- the Germans built it on the eve of the First World War, and the modern corporation appeared in 1977. It also manages the branches leading to the port of Tanga, Arusha, Mwanza, Mpandu and the town of Kidatu (Kidatu) where the TRC track meets the only TAZARA line (TAZARA, in Dar + 255-022-2860340, This road, more than 1800 km long, was built by the Chinese in 1970-1975, and its main purpose is to transport Zambian copper to the berths of Dar es Salaam. Therefore, the width of the TAZARA corresponds to the gauge adopted in Zambia. On this road you can get to the reserves of the Southern Ring and to Mbeyi - the capital of the Tanzanian south.

The car is the main Tanzanian transport. Minibuses are called here not matata, but dala-dala: often it is just a mini-truck, the body of which is equipped with long benches and a canopy from the rain. The average cost of travel on such a chariot is about 2,000 sh. / 50 km, the money is paid to the conductor. Large buses run between major cities - Dar, Arusha, Dodoma, Mbeya, etc. The journey from Dar to Arusha costs about 32,000 sh., Bukobu - about 45,000 sh.

Water transport is developed in Tanzania better than in neighboring countries. MV Victoria ferries operate on Great Lakes (Lake Victoria, from 17,500 NIS, night) and MV Liemba (Lake Tanganyika, from $ 50, twice a week) considered objects historical heritage... "Liemba" maintains communication between the villages on the east coast of the long Tanganyika, and also provides access to Zambia. In addition, there is a water taxi system. (public 1000-6000 sh., private from $ 100).

Ferries operate between Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar and Pemba (from 20 $, express from 35 $).


Tanzanian shilling (TZS) in circulation since 1966. Now the country uses banknotes of 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 and 10,000 shillings. There are three types of coins - 50, 100 and 200 shillings. Tanzanian money depicts notable structures and natural monuments. Of the politicians, Julius Nyerere and the first Zanzibar president, Abeid Amani Karume, got on the banknotes.

Shillings are the main currency you will have to deal with in Tanzania. You can get hold of them at the exchange office (Forex bureau) or ATM (Barclays and Standard Chartered Bank, 24 hours, don't fail)... When exchanging, you should ask for more 1000 and 2000 banknotes - they are the most popular. Tanzanian dollars are also loved, but only fresh bills of 2000 and later editions are accepted.


Almost all Tanzanian hotels with a stay of $ 40-50 provide their guests with free Wi-Fi (with the exception of those located in national parks)... Every city in the country has internet cafes (Internet cafe or Cyber ​​cafe, 500-1000 sh. / 1 ​​h.).

Mobile communications are well developed - more than 20 million residents of the country use cellular. Among the operators there are well-known brands Vodacom (, Airtel ( and Zain (formerly Celtel Tanzania, as well as local companies: Tanzania Telecom (, tiGO ( and ZanTel ( Tanzania Telecom appeared on the market earlier than others and uses the CDMA standard, all the rest - the usual GSM. Sims and prepaid cards are sold everywhere (look for a flag or sticker with the logo you want), the tariffs look cheap compared to roaming, the coverage area is extensive, the call quality is satisfactory.


Embassy of Russia in Dar es Salaam (73, Ali Hassan Mwinyi Rd., + 255-022-2666006, 24/7 + 255-07679197-56; The white three-story embassy building is located north of the center, at the intersection of Ali Hasan Mwinyi Road and Kenyatta Drive (Kenyatta Dr.)... Reception of mails, Fri 8.00-12.30.

Emergency phone numbers: 999, from mobile 112.

Private health care: Aga Khan Hospital in Dara (Ada Khan Hospital, corner of Ocean Rd. And Sea View Rd., + 255-022-2115151, + 255-0748550100).


In the 1920s. For the first time, the British authorities in Tanganyika restricted fishing: during the year a gentleman with a gun could shoot no more than 268 animals belonging to 39 species of fauna. After the proclamation of independence, the restrictions were lifted, but in 1973 the government went to the other extreme and banned the shooting of large animals throughout the country. It soon became clear that the hunt had not gone anywhere, but had simply become illegal. On reflection, the authorities in 1978 again legalized it under the control of the environmental department. There is a reason for this: having received a concession, the safari company quickly identifies the most dexterous poachers in the vicinity and hires them as rangers. As a result, by allowing the legal killing of one elephant, the state saves the lives of three others.

In modern Tanzania, there are more than 130 hunting farms with a total area of ​​about 250,000 km². Since 1998, local communities have been involved in organizing sports hunting, defining the boundaries of the lands and receiving a share of the income. The most extensive areas are open for hunting in the north of the country (in the area of ​​Natron and Tarangire lakes), in the west and southeast (in the area of ​​the Selous reserve)... Allowed to kill 60 species of animals - from the "Big Five" you will not get only a rhinoceros. Hunting grounds are not fenced off, but are managed by private hunting companies (South African citizens are leading in this business).

The hunting season opens annually on July 1st and lasts until December 31st. It is allowed to shoot at a distance of at least 2 km from the borders of national parks and reserves, as well as at least 1 km from airfields, 500 m from the nearest watering hole or salt lick and 200 m from your jeep. For the extraction of lions, leopards, elephants and crocodiles there are restrictions on the age and length of the animal (for elephants also by the size of the tusks)... The extraction of females and young animals is prohibited. You can only hunt on foot (plane and car - for delivery to the camp and to the firing line), only during the day and without the use of automatic weapons. Pistols are not allowed, but crossbows are welcome. Hunting licenses are issued by the National Park Service (TANAPA), and permits for temporary import and use of barrels - the police. You won't have to deal with both those and others: the organizer is engaged in the preparation of the hunting tour (Outfitter)... The duration of the safari depends on which animal you are targeting: the minimum period is 7 days - this time is allocated for shooting 2 buffaloes and 1 representative of any type of antelope. For the elephant and the lion, 21 days are allocated.

In Tanzania, the minimum caliber of hunting weapons is regulated - it is 375 (9.56 mm) for large and predatory animals or 240 (6.17 mm) for other game. The license is issued only to hunters who provide proof of possession of a weapon of the minimum required caliber. The hunter has the right to use 3 rifled and 1 smoothbore shotguns (each barrel is allowed to have no more than 100 rounds)... There are no crossbow requirements.

Registration of licenses and permits in Tanzania is free, but there is a fee for the right to export trophies. In general, a hunting safari is expensive.


(United Republic of Tanzania)

General information

Geographical position. Tanzania is a state in East Africa. In the north it borders with Kenya and Uganda, in the south with Mozambique, Malawi and Zambia, in the west with the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi and Rwanda. In the east it is washed by the Indian Ocean. Tanzania also owns the islands of Zanzibar (the largest coral island off the coast of Africa) and Pemba.

Square. The territory of Tanzania is 945,087 square meters. km.

Main cities, administrative divisions. The capital of Tanzania is Dar es Salaam. The largest cities: Dar es Salaam (1,734 thousand people), Zanzibar (375 thousand people), Mwanza (223 thousand people), Dodoma (204 thousand people), Tanga (188 thousand people) .). Administrative divisions of the country: 25 regions.

Political system

Tanzania is a republic. The head of state is the president, the head of the government is the prime minister. The legislature is the National Assembly. The country is part of the Commonwealth.

Relief. There is a small plain along the coast, but most of the country is occupied by a plateau, the average height of which is about 1,290 m above sea level. Small groups of mountains rise in the northeast and southwest. Volcano Kilimanjaro - the highest point in Africa (5,895 m) - is located on the north-eastern border of the country.

Geological structure and minerals. The bowels of the country contain reserves of tin, iron ore, coal, phosphates, diamonds, and gold.

Climate. Tanzania's climate varies with altitude and distance from the coast. On the ocean coast, the climate is warm, tropical, with an average annual temperature of about + 27 ° C. Further inland, the climate is hotter and drier. The islands have a mostly tropical climate, but the heat is reduced by ocean winds. The average annual temperature in Zanzibar is about + 27 ° C, the rainy season lasts from December to May.

Inland waters... The three greatest lakes on the continent are located on the borders of Tanzania and partly within it. Lake Tanganyika is on the western border, Victoria on the northwest, Nyasa (Malawi) on the southwest. Lakes Nyasa and Tanganyika lie within the East African Rift, which stretches from the Middle East to Mozambique.

Soils and vegetation. In the forests of Tanzania, mahogany and camphor laurel are most common.

Animal world. The fauna of the country is represented by antelopes, zebras, elephants, hippos, rhinos, giraffes, lions, leopardim, cheetahs, monkeys. One of the main attractions of the country is the Serengeti National Park, the only one in the world where there is a natural seasonal migration of wild animals.

Population and language

The population of Tanzania is about 30.608 million people, the average population density is about 32 people per 1 sq. Km. km. Ethnic groups: more than 120 groups, the largest of which are Sukuma and Nyamwezi (about 20% of the country's population each), as well as Haya, Ngonde, Chagga, Gogo, Ha, Hehe, Ngoni, Yao, Masai; Pakistanis, Indians, Europeans. Languages: Swahili, English (both state), about 100 local dialects.


Muslims, Christians (mostly Catholics), pagans (the groups are approximately equally distributed).

A brief historical outline

Tanzania was created in 1964 as a federation of two states: Zanzibar and Tanganyika. The history of these two regions is significantly different. Zanzibar and other islands off the east coast of Africa as early as the 8th century. became the base for the Arabs who traded with the mainland. They received the name Zanj Country. Over time, Zanzibar became an independent sultanate. In the XVI and XVII centuries. he was under the influence of the Portuguese, and in the 18th century. fell under the influence of the sultans of Oman and Muscat. In 1832, the Sultan of Oman, Sayyid Sayd, moved his residence to Zanzibar. Territory of Zanzibar and adjacent to it mainland were more of a commercial than a territorial empire.

At the end of the XIX century. as a result of a dispute between Germany and Great Britain, Zanzibar was proclaimed a British protectorate (1890). Zanzibar was partially self-governing, and in December 1963 it gained independence. A few weeks later, a bloody coup took place in the country, which brought the regime of Sheikh Abeid Amani Karume to power. Tanganyika, inhabited by numerous Bantu ethnic groups, after a series of negotiations between the European powers in 1886 fell under the rule of Germany, which, in the hope of turning the territory into lucrative coffee and tea plantations, invested large sums in the region. In 1918, after the defeat of Germany, Great Britain received the mandate to govern Tanganyika. In December 1961, Tanganyika gained independence. In April 1964, Zanzibar and Tanganyika merged into a federation. However, the political systems remained different on the mainland and on the island. Only in 1977 there was a real rapprochement between the two parts of the federation.

Brief economic outline

Tanzania is an agricultural country. Major crops: coffee, cotton, sisal, cloves. Livestock raising. Fishing. Harvesting valuable timber. Extraction of diamonds, phosphates, gold, etc. Processing of agricultural raw materials. Oil refining, chemical, cement, woodworking, metalworking enterprises. Exports: coffee, cotton, spices, cashews, sisal, tobacco, tea, diamonds, etc.

The monetary unit is the Tanzanian shilling.

A brief outline of culture

Art and architecture. Dar es Salaam. National Museum with a rich collection of historical, ethnographic and archaeological exhibits. Zanzibar. State Museum Zanzibar. Tanga. Picturesque caves of Amboni and the ruins of an Iranian fortress of the 16th century.