The island capital of Mariehamn. Cafes and restaurants

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Mariehamn Airport is located 3 km northwest of the city. You can only get there / there by taxi.

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Public transport Mariehamn is represented by 5 bus routes... But the city is quite small, so it is generally not needed here. There are a lot of taxis on the streets, mostly they go on the city - airport - city route. You can ask to call a car in any cafe or hotel. There are large free parking lots near the ports - it is advisable to leave your own car there, since it is difficult to find a permitted parking space in the city center. Mariehamn, like everyone else Åland Islands, ideal for cycling - dedicated lanes everywhere, many bike rentals.

Mariehamn Hotels

Hotels in Mariehamn are quite expensive, especially in summer. But the rooms in them are decorated according to all the canons of Scandinavian design, as a rule, overlooking the sea. A standard double room in four-star hotels costs about 130-150 EUR including breakfast. It is possible to stay in a 3 * hotel near the ports for 80-90 EUR per day. A room in a two-star hotel (usually located at some distance from the city center) is offered for 35-55 EUR. An apartment can be rented for 100-150 EUR. There are no hostels in the city. Prices on the page are for October 2018.

Cafes and restaurants

In Mariehamn, bistro establishments and small cafes prevail. A hot dish in them costs 15-20 EUR. There are also several restaurants in the hotels offering gourmet cuisine. The bill for dinner there reaches 80-100 EUR for two.

A special feature of Aland cuisine is the use of local products. Almost all restaurants purchase organic meat, milk and vegetables from local farmers.

The main pride of the islanders is amazing lamb, dishes from it are a must for tasting. Steaks are prepared from lamb, baked with potatoes and asparagus. It is also possible to taste the appetizers with local goat cheese, another symbol of the islands. Well, to wash it all down - with cider or beer, of course, of local production. Fans of fast food will be disappointed here: you can try street food only during festivals.

Attractions Mariehamn

Mariehamn is located on a narrow peninsula stretching from north to south. The length of the city is 1 km across and 7 km along. Northern and southern regions- these are quarters of individual buildings, not very interesting for tourists. But the city center is much more suitable for an active pastime - it is here that its main attractions are located.

The picturesque ship "Pommern" is moored in the Western port of Mariehamn (Hamngatan, 2). Built in 1903, this is one of the last large sailing vessels in the world to be launched. Before World War II, he transported grain from Australia to England and Ireland. Today, the ship is used as a showroom located next door maritime museum telling the history of sailing in the Aland Islands from the 18th century to the present day.

Among the religious buildings, the brick church of St. Goran (Esplanadgatan, 6) built in 1927 deserves attention. The ceiling of the typical Swedish temple is decorated with rich ornamentation, the stained-glass windows depict saints and apostles. Such chic is a rather rare thing for Swedish and Finnish churches.

You can get acquainted with the history and culture of Mariehamn in a specialized museum ( official website in English). The exposition is arranged in chronological order: prehistoric times, the Middle Ages, the era of the Swedish Empire, the 19th and 20th centuries - in total, it covers 7500 years.

In the eastern part of the Mariehamn Bay, there is the Marine Quarter with a pier (110 Osterleden). This is a kind of synthesis of industrial and public spaces. Wooden boats have been built here for many years, there is a blacksmith shop. Also in the Maritime Quarter are the Shipbuilding Museum and the Museum of Marine Engines. The exposition of the latter is located in the building of the lighthouse, an exact copy of the structure from the uninhabited Aland island of Kobba Klintar. At the far exit to the breakwater, there is a sailor's chapel. There are 5 craft workshops in the Maritime Quarter, where Aland souvenirs are produced and sold. There is also a restaurant where you can have an inexpensive snack and drink coffee.

With children, you can visit the small water park Mariebad (Osterleden, 68). On its territory there are several swimming pools and a covered slide 65 m long. There is a beach with volleyball courts nearby.

Weather in Mariehamn

The best time to visit Mariehamn is summer. Tourist season lasts from May to October, at this time festivals, fairs, and farmers' markets are constantly held here.

  • Where to stay: Hotels in Turku are suitable both for those who have come to get acquainted with this important port city for Finland, and for those who are going to make trips from it around the area. Housing here - for every wallet. Although in neighboring Pori and Rauma there is also

During the Russian Empire, when Finland and were part of it, in 1861 the city was founded and named after Empress Maria Alexandrovna - Mariehamn. Mariehamn was founded near the village of Övernäs. It is comparative small town and the port, home to about eleven thousand people - almost half of the population of the archipelago. The city is located on a peninsula and has two ports - on the western and east coasts... The western port (Västerhamn) is of great international importance, as ferries stop here several times a day en route to Sweden and the mainland. Finland.

The main sectors of the economy are shipping, trade, tourism, Agriculture, banking and food processing. The international airport is located five minutes by car from the city center.

The Russian heritage is manifested in the arrangement of streets and houses. The wide and straight streets provide a promenade that faces the beautiful houses. In the summer heat, it's nice to walk along Esplanade, linden alley, stretching from west to east, from the western port to the eastern harbor, enjoying the "linden cool". V Mariehamne jazz and rock festivals are held every year. Gathering of bikers and owners of retro cars is a common thing. In Marihamna, you can participate in many sports events, such as cycling, volleyball, floorball, sailing, very popular Åland marathon... In honor of the 150th anniversary of Mariehamn, a monument to Empress Maria Alexandrovna was unveiled in the city center, which was donated by the Russians. Once in Marihamna, you should definitely walk along the western port or along east harbor and enjoy the magnificent views of yachts and pleasure boats, visit one of the many cozy and very colorful restaurants and cafes in east harbor... Enjoy a Dutch steamer Jan Nieveen(also known as F.P. von Knorring) and then step inside and enjoy some great cuisine. Or you can visit the famous Ship Museum " Pommern"() In the western port ( Västerhamn) . And for those who like shopping, look into very interesting private shops, visit the market and lovely souvenir shops in the Maritime Quarter, where you can find very unexpected and original things. And, of course, take part in a bird party under open air- in the park Lilla Holman, along which peacocks stroll imposingly))).
The city is certainly not big, but very cozy and attractive.

Mariehamn (Swedish Mariehamn, Maarianhamina - Fin. Maarianhamina) - main city Aland Islands, an autonomous territory within Finland. One of the main ports of the Archipelago Sea.

Founded by Russians in 1861, named after Empress Maria Alexandrovna.

The city is home to more than half of the total population of the archipelago - 11,186 people (2011). Mariehamn, like the entire territory of the autonomy, is a completely Swedish-speaking city (Swedish is the mother tongue for about 91% of the city's population).

Geographical position

The city is located on a peninsula and has two ports - on the west and east coasts.

The western port (Swedish. Västerhamn) is of great international importance, as it provides intensive ferry services on the way to Sweden and mainland Finland.

The eastern port is mainly a yacht harbor, one of the largest on the Baltic Sea.


The name of the city is translated from Swedish and Finnish as "Mary's Harbor" and comes from the name of the wife of the Russian Emperor Alexander II - Maria Alexandrovna.


Local legend says that the inhabitants of the Aland Islands, who were striving to establish a new port, specially suggested to Emperor Alexander II to give the settlement the name of his wife, in order to get the highest consent to assimilate the status of a city as soon as possible. The official history claims that the port, on the contrary, was founded on the direct orders of Alexander II, and work on its construction under the direction of the architect Georg Theodor von Schewitz began back in 1859 near two small villages - Evernes (Swedish Övernäs) and Jomala, and in 1861 (February 21), the new settlement received the status of a city and the name Mariehamn. Over time, the city significantly increased in area and included part of the territory of the Yomala community.

The Cabinet of Ministers and the Parliament of the Aland Islands - Lagting are located in Mariehamn.

The Aland Islands and Mariehamn have a long history of shipping. The museum sailboat Pommern is anchored in the western port. East Harbor is one of the largest yacht ports in Scandinavia, and also houses the Dutch steamer Jan Nieveen (also known as F.P. von Knorring), which has been converted into a restaurant.

The city publishes both Åland Islands newspapers (Ålandstidningen and Nya Åland), several radio stations and a local television channel (TV Åland).

In Mariehamn, there are several buildings designed by the Finnish architect Lars Sonck and representing the architectural landmark of the Åland Islands: the Church of St. George (1927), the main building of the Åland Maritime College (1927), the city hall (1939). The Åland Museum operates.

On November 2, 2011, a monument to Empress Maria Alexandrovna was unveiled in Mariehamn, after whom the city was named.

V summer time the city is visited by a significant number of tourists, which are served by several hotels and other accommodation facilities, including camping. Consulate Russian Federation, consulate-General Sweden, as well as consular offices of some other countries.

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Swede. Mariehamn
fin. Maarianhamina
Coat of arms
60 ° 05'55 ″ s. sh. 19 ° 56'40 ″ east etc.
The country
Mayor Barbara Heinonen
History and geography
Founded 1861
Square 11.79 km²
Center height 21 m
Timezone UTC + 2, in summer UTC + 3
Population 11 186 people (2011)
Density 948.77 people / km²
Official language Swedish
(Swedish) (Fin.) (English) (French) (German)

Maarianhamina(fin. Maarianhamina), Mariehamn(Swedish. Mariehamn) - the main city, an autonomous territory composed of. One of the main ports of the Archipelago Sea.

Founded by Russians in 1861, named after Empress Maria Alexandrovna. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, Russian-language sources used the "Swedish" version of the city's name, Mariehamn; in the second half of the 20th century, the "Finnish" version, Maarianhamina, was approved as the Russian normative spelling.

The city is home to more than half of the total population of the archipelago - 11,186 people (2011). The city, like the entire territory of the autonomy, is completely Swedish-speaking: Swedish is the mother tongue for about 91% of the city's population.


The name of the city is translated from Swedish and Finnish as "Mary's Harbor" and comes from the name of the wife of the Emperor of Russia Alexander II - Maria Alexandrovna (1824-1880).

Geographical position

The city is located on a peninsula and has two ports - on the west and east coasts. The western port (Swedish: Västerhamn) is of great international importance, as it provides intensive ferry services on the way to and mainland Finland. The eastern port is mainly a yacht harbor, one of the largest on the Baltic Sea.

The city is home to the Cabinet of Ministers and the Parliament of the Aland Islands - Lagting.

The city publishes both Åland Islands newspapers (Ålandstidningen and Nya Åland), several radio stations and a local television channel (TV Åland).

A stamp with a portrait of Empress Maria Alexandrovna, issued by the Russian post for the 150th anniversary of the founding of the city (2011)


Local legend says that the inhabitants, who were striving to establish a new port, specifically suggested to Emperor Alexander II to give the settlement the name of their wife, in order to get the highest consent to assign it the status of a city as soon as possible. The official history claims that the port, on the contrary, was founded on the direct orders of Alexander II, and work on its construction under the direction of the architect Georg Theodor von Schewitz began in 1859 near two small villages - Evernes (Swedish Övernäs) and, and in In 1861 (February 21), the new settlement received the status of a city and the name Mariehamn. Over time, the city significantly increased in area and included part of the territory of the Yomala community.


The Åland Islands have a long history of shipping. Sailboat Museum Pommern anchored in the western port. East Harbor is one of the largest yacht ports in Scandinavia and also houses a Dutch steamer. Jan Nieveen(also called F.P. von Knorring), converted into a restaurant.

In Mariehamn, there are several buildings designed by the Finnish architect Lars Sonck and representing the architectural landmark of the Åland Islands: the Church of St. George (1927), the main building of the Åland Maritime College (1927), the city hall (1939). The Åland Museum operates.

On November 2, 2011, a monument to Empress Maria Alexandrovna was unveiled in Mariehamn, after whom the city was named.

During the summer months, the city is visited by a significant number of tourists, for whom several hotels and other accommodation facilities, including camping, operate. There is a consulate of the Russian Federation, a general consulate of Sweden, as well as consular offices of some other countries.


City population growth dynamics:

Twin cities

The country Town Year Notes (edit)
Accessory Denmark


    Eastern harbor

  • Western harbor at night

The small town of Mariehamn became the capital of the Åland Islands. Cozy, sunny and very beautiful, it attracts the attention of millions of tourists every year. In the article we will tell you about history, architecture, sights. We will discuss how to get there and where to go.

What a city

The Aland Islands is a small, autonomous state within Finland. Mariehamn is one of the smallest capitals in the world. Contains the parliament building, cabinet of ministers, consulates of Sweden and Russia.

Its area is 12 square kilometers. It became the only large settlement on the territory of the archipelago. The rest is made up of cozy villages and towns.

The culture local residents differs from the generally accepted one in Suomi. In this place, they carefully preserve their traditions and foundations.

In addition to full autonomy, the Alands also have their own citizenship, as well as passports. Swedish became the main language.


Temperature range in Mariehamn Finland is cold and temperate. The average temperature for the year is 4.5 degrees Celsius.

Rainfall is significant, even in the dry months.

January is the coldest, and the temperature does not drop below -4.

Summers are moderately warm, with maximum temperatures reaching 22 degrees in July.

Settlement history

The city of Mariehamn in the Åland Islands has a long history. Translated into Russian, it sounds like Mary's Harbor.

Named after its patroness, Empress of the Russian Empire Maria Alexandrovna.

According to one version, the population actively sought to create a shipping port. To placate Emperor Alexander II, it was proposed to name the capital in honor of his wife Mary.

Official information refutes this statement. It is believed that the port was created by direct order of the ruler back in 1859. Upon completion of construction, in 1861, a part of the Yomala community was attached to the territory of the present city and the name was approved.

Today, the settlement is considered the main port in this area and ranks third in size in Suomi.

Such a small area has several interesting features.

  1. After the formation of Finland, and its recognition as an independent republic, the Alands sought to secede and join their homeland - Sweden. The residents did not succeed in achieving this. The country's authorities agreed to autonomy with exclusive rights.
  2. The zone is completely demilitarized. Residents are not called up to serve in the Suomi army.
  3. Official language remains Swedish. Finnish is optional.
  4. It ranks second in the list of the most economically prosperous regions.
  5. Despite the small area, there is a passenger and cargo port. As well as a dairy, service companies ferry crossings, a plant for the production of spare parts and chips.
  6. Wind turbines generate 25% of the electricity consumed.
  7. Ferry travel between the islands is completely free.
  8. Ostrich farms are very popular in the region. Meat and eggs have become a favorite delicacy of indigenous people and tourists.
  9. American cars have won the special love of the population. Older models are preferred. Old Buick can often be found on the roads.
  10. You can buy real estate only if you have lived in the territory for at least 5 years.

Philatelists are especially fond of local stamps. They are very beautiful and unusual. You can send such a souvenir to your home address from any post office.


The architectural structure of the city is similar at the same time to the traditional Finnish and Swedish. Most of the buildings are two-story. Cottages and houses are spread out by a network, united by small streets.

Unlike the generally accepted norm in Sweden, there are no fences here. The territory of the plots is either not fenced in principle, or consists of green spaces.

Residential buildings are painted red and blue, with white frames at the windows and doors.


Most of the inhabitants of the sovereign territory live here. The total population of the Aland Islands is 27 thousand people. Twelve thousand of whom live in the capital - Mariehamn.

The population is fairly stable, with an annual growth rate of about 100 people.

Over the past 30 years, the number has grown from 9,966 to 12,018 thousand.

Rules and norms of conduct

The norms of behavior are no different from those generally accepted throughout the Republic of Finland.

It is not customary here to impose your opinion, raise your voice and sharply express negative emotions.

It is worth remembering that the residents consider themselves to be Swedes, distinguished by their calmness and prudence.

Visiting should be carefully planned, you cannot come without an invitation and discuss plans.

Where to stay

Despite the small area, there are many options for living. Several million tourists who come here every year dispose to create comfortable accommodation.

Especially popular are cheap hotels... Travelers choose Cikada for its excellent value for money.

Luxurious conditions are offered by the Arkipelag complex, the prices are an order of magnitude higher, but the service and the magnificent view from the room are worth it.

For a large company or family, it will be cost effective to rent a villa. Two-storey cottages are rented everywhere.

Where to eat

The pricing policy is quite high here. This is due to the significant distance from the land.

Cafes and restaurants are scattered all over the place. The main congestion is located on Torggatan Street, which is considered the local Arbat.

Particular attention should be paid to the small restaurant Brasserie Angbatsbryggan. It is decorated in an antique style. Creates an atmosphere of home comfort and a visit to the grandmother in the village. It is in it that tourists will fully feel the spirit of Mariehamn.

You can save on food by buying food in the supermarket. There are three of them in the capital. An interesting feature is a set of products. The goods presented on the shelves are rarely found in other stores.

Not far from the center, there is a cozy wooden cafe Sittkoffska Gården. Its peculiarity is the opening view. Stunning aquatic landscapes with green islands. Nearby is observation tower Climbing on it, visitors will see endless spaces and settlements.


During the summer, the city literally comes alive. In other months, meeting people on the streets is not easy.

Every year, jazz festivals and rock concerts are held here. A beach volleyball tournament is organized in July.

Often people come here who want to get away from the hustle and bustle. A quiet, calm region is the best possible way to do this.

Green parks, cozy alleys with many places to relax. attract with their enchanting beauty.

All along coastline, wonderful beaches are equipped.


Museums have become the main attractions of Mariehamn.

The most famous place is the sailboat Pommern. It was built in the early 20th century in Glasgow and now adorns the capital's harbor.

Also, there is a museum of navigation, hunting, fishing, arts and crafts.

A walk through the city will be marked large quantity monuments.

The key ones are:

  • a monument to Empress Maria Alexandrovna;
  • pedestal for Nikolai Sitkov;
  • tribute to the social reformer Frans Peter von Knorring.

In addition, there are many others. interesting sculptures... The bell removed from the lighthouse symbolizes democracy. The seagull has become a symbol of the safety of shipping, and a scrap metal robot is reporting progress today.


For those who want an active pastime, travel agencies offer canoeing and kayaking. Diving is popular in the summer.

For lovers of evening life, you can visit one of several casinos or nightclubs.

Where to go with children

Mariehamn became ideal place for family vacation.

Children will love the visit to the Marienbad Water Park. You can spend time more actively and interact with animals in the Slipners riding club.

Shopping features

Most of the shops are located on the central Torggatan street. Shopping center here is one, it is called Pak.

In each of the shops you can find truly unique and unusual things. Pak offers its customers handcrafted Scandinavian-style souvenirs, rare brands of cosmetics and branded items.

The book center sells books on navigation and maps of the islands.

V maritime quarter tourists will be offered many things related to the sea.

Vintage items are sold at three flea markets in the capital.

Urban transport

Between settlements there is a ferry service. It is completely free for residents and travelers.

You can get around the city by regular buses. It is worth inquiring separately about current schedule... It is constantly changing and adjustments are made.

Also, several car rental points are open.

Due to the small area, the bicycle has become the most popular means of transport.

Where is it and how to get there

Getting to any part of the islands and their capital will not be a problem. From major cities such as Tallinn, Helsinki, Turku and Stockholm, there are ferries and cruise ships... Speed ​​up the process by using high-speed boats.

Not far from Mariehamn is located international Airport, air traffic valid all year round.

The Åland Islands are definitely worth a visit. The magnificent combination of beautiful landscapes, sea spaces and rocks will not leave anyone indifferent. Mariehamn is small state as part of big country.