How to attract vacationers to a private home. How to open a sanatorium. Increasing the circle of regular customers

The business plan of a sanatorium (boarding house or base) determines the way of creating and working in a city with a favorable environment for health improvement and a population of over 40 thousand people. Since the construction of a sanatorium is a long and costly process in terms of investments, it is economically expedient to lease premises and land to accommodate a sanatorium or a boarding house.

Attractiveness of the project

  1. Currently, the ecological situation in most cities leaves much to be desired, this significantly affects the health and well-being of people. In addition, the majority earn a lot of chronic diseases due to unhealthy diet and intense lifestyle. The sanatorium (boarding house) is located in an ecologically clean area. Thanks to unique complex wellness procedures, everyone will be able to significantly improve their health and have a good rest.
  2. The sanatorium (boarding house) provides a wide range of services in addition to recreational activities: the services of a bath, a beautician, a hairdressing salon and others.
  3. Most people believe that good health is the main component of life, but due to the eternal bustle of the city, they do not find the right amount of time to maintain it. The complex of wellness procedures is unique and allows you to perfectly recuperate.
  4. On the territory of the sanatorium (boarding house), representatives of various companies can organize various seminars and meetings, arrange offsite corporate events.

Basic prices for spa treatment and other services should not exceed the average for the region. It is economically advantageous to orient the work of the sanatorium for people with an average income level.

To finance the project, investors can be attracted, for example, large enterprises that can send their employees to health improvement at affordable prices. The share of equity capital must be at least 5%.

When developing this business plan, the following materials were used:

  • data from open sources;
  • trade publications;
  • publications by industry experts;
  • surveys of the population through social networks;
  • research of Russian and foreign industry institutes.

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The market of sanatorium and health services

The number of organizations that provide such services is really large. However, most of those who wish are not able to purchase a voucher due to the workload of this industry, or, having once visited a sanatorium on the voucher provided, they are not satisfied with the quality and service of the services provided and are looking for health establishments outside the country. Most of the sanatoriums, with the ideal quality of the services provided, do not deal with the cultural and entertainment aspect of the activity. But people come not only for clean air and proper nutrition, but also for a charge of positive emotions and impressions. With an individual approach to each client, a person will return to the sanatorium again and again. According to statistics, most people prefer to spend their holidays in a favorite place, rather than indulge in dubious experiments in new places.

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Personnel required for the operation of the sanatorium (boarding house)

  1. Administration. For work, you will need one manager and his deputy, who will coordinate the work of all personnel, sign contracts with suppliers, enterprises that receive services, etc.
  2. Accounting. One chief accountant and his assistant will be enough to keep track of wages, financial reports, payments, product consumption, etc.
  3. Marketing department. The selection of competent specialists is especially important here - it depends on them how much all the vouchers will be implemented and Additional services... And from this the period is determined, how quickly the given project will pay off.
  4. Security. For the rest to be safe and comfortable, the presence of security is required. It will be good if the guards will work part-time as plumbers and carpenters when the need arises.
  5. Medical staff. Doctors in sanatoriums usually work part-time (they come at a reception time for 3-4 hours to prescribe medical and health procedures and diagnostics). The number of nurses, masseurs, etc. is calculated based on the number of procedures performed and guests.
  6. Maids and other staff of the sanatorium. The calculation of the need for service personnel is based on the fact that for every 15 rooms, one worker will be needed to do laundry, cleaning, ironing and maintaining order.
  7. Kitchen staff (cooks, cook assistants, waiters).
  8. Personnel for rendering other types of services (for baths, cafes, hairdressing salons, etc.).

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Choosing a place for placing a sanatorium (boarding house)

When choosing a place for placing a sanatorium (boarding house), it is necessary to pay attention not only to the availability of natural and other resources, but also to whether the area is a resort.

When drawing up a business plan for a sanatorium, all possible costs must be taken into account. At the same time, it is necessary to decide whether to start construction or it is better to buy or rent a ready-made object. Real estate prices are dictated by the country's policy and the often not very stable exchange rate of the national currency. The location plays a major role: prices for sanatoriums in the Moscow region can be significantly higher than those in Sochi. The price level for these objects is currently dictated not by demand, but by supply.

Sanatoriums and boarding houses exist as a separate industry with their own laws and regulations.

Experts say that with a competent approach to this business, all costs can be recouped in the first season. To do this, it is necessary to provide for all the points that may arise in the work.

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Choice of the operating mode of the sanatorium (boarding house)

It is necessary to determine and accurately calculate: is it profitable if the sanatorium will be year-round or work only in the warm season. The choice depends on many factors:

  • is there a swimming pool in the sanatorium;
  • whether there is a body of water, forest, etc nearby;
  • what kind excursion tours is in the city at different times of the year;
  • what alternative winter recovery methods can you suggest.

As the experience of many owners shows, it is economically beneficial if the sanatorium has a wide profile of activity and operates all year round. It is only necessary to correctly correct the cultural and recreational program.

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Basic costs and investments

  1. Premises for a sanatorium and the land adjacent to it. If you buy a building, then its cost will go into costs, if you rent it, then rent... Here, do not forget that others capital expenditures are very large and the payback period can be more than a year. Therefore, it is advisable to conclude a lease agreement for a long term.
  2. The cost of repairing and equipping the territory. Considering these costs, do not forget that the most important thing for vacationers is how comfortable their stay will be. For example, if the choice is before installing a beautiful suspended ceiling or purchasing air conditioners in the rooms, then it would be more correct to choose the latter. Clients will never forget see-through windows, lack of hot water or the Internet, even if a luxurious renovation is made - they will never return here.
  3. The costs of furnishing, design and other elements of the interior of the sanatorium. It is necessary to carefully plan the design, layout, furnishing of the premises in advance. Many owners of both large and small sanatoriums purchase furniture for their rooms in one place (large purchases are at wholesale prices).
  4. Equipment and inventory costs for rooms, medical offices, kitchens, canteens, cafes, showers, treatment rooms, lounges, hairdressers, etc. If the necessary funds for the creation of all objects are not yet available, it is possible to provide premises for rent for those firms that provide services in these areas.

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Monthly expenses for the maintenance of the sanatorium (boarding house)

  1. Rent, payment for land, utility bills.
  2. Wages to employees.
  3. Taxes and other payments.
  4. Expenses for medications and other means to improve health, maintain the well-being and beauty of vacationers.
  5. Food expenses.
  6. Expenses for cultural events.
  7. Advertising costs.

It is necessary to clearly and competently describe all the services of the doctors that you will represent. All employees must be of certain merit and the necessary work experience. Diplomas and certificates hung on the walls create a sense of the client's confidence in the attending physician.

The services of an endocrinologist, cardiologist, gynecologist, surgeon, dentist and otolaryngologist are popular in the health resort business. The cost of treatment for one arrival (about 20-25 days) must be agreed with specialists. The basic formula for calculating the service: cost of medicines, depreciation of equipment, cost of doctor's services, payment for diagnostics plus a percentage of profit. Most often, a percentage of 10-15% is used.

It should be borne in mind that the recreation area can also act as a good trading platform for the sale of specialized services and goods (souvenirs, juices and mineral waters, health teas, etc.). Many boarding houses also include beach area, billiard rooms, an area for discos (which can be visited not only by vacationers, but by all residents and guests of the city for a fee).

When recruiting personnel, it is necessary to calculate the optimal salary, a convenient work schedule, the percentage of monetary rewards for the sale of additional goods and services. It is necessary to establish direct supply of food products, choose the method of serving food (set tables or Buffet), develop menus, therapeutic diets, etc.

Vacationers will be happy to attend yoga, fitness or other sports training. It is possible to create hobby groups where vacationers can learn to draw, sculpt from clay or salt dough, etc. The range of services that can be provided is truly endless. All that remains is to find the right instructors and masters who will be able to transfer their knowledge.

It is not easy to give advice. Moreover, give them to serious people, owners of their own business. But more and more often, while on vacation in our domestic boarding houses, I hear talk that "the whole season is not full load" and "people are not going, and why, I do not know."

So why aren't they coming?

When the flow of tourists becomes like a drying trickle, the owner of the boarding house (hotel, recreation center - what is needed, as they say, emphasize) begins to look for where the dog is buried. And he is looking for her not at all where she really is.

“It all starts with love” - these words of the famous song perfectly illustrate the right approach to any business in the service sector.

You need to love your clients and offer them all the best. At the same time, remembering that the mechanism for establishing relations with consumers of services is being established over the years. And that people - thanks to the market economy - are becoming more demanding and picky every day.

On the eve of the New Year, it is customary to write to Santa Claus. And I want to write to those on whom the quality of our summer vacation.

Dear uncles and aunts, owners and owners of boarding houses, hotels, sanatoriums!

Next year I would like to go to the sea with my children and not think about the rooms being dirty, or "neat, but poor." And I would like to finally begin to understand why I am paying money.

It is unlikely that I will be pleased if once again I see "Soviet" interiors: decrepit furniture, an antediluvian decanter with a faceted glass, a refrigerator, which is scary to touch.

It would be a good idea to clean the windows before the season starts. And finish the renovation work. I know that all professions are needed, and I have great respect for builders, but watching them on vacation does not give me pleasure. And I also don't like waking up from the sounds of a punch (drill, grinder).

Please remember that we, your clients, are people too, and we want, if not luxury, then at least beauty and harmony. And so that those who receive a salary for this finally begin to take care of us.

Why exactly at our resorts there is ALWAYS a problem with the staff?

Everyone who has ever been lucky enough to visit foreign resorts unanimously reiterates that THEIR staff knows how to work. I don't know how you can achieve this, but you can at least try ... fire all these indifferent aunts who have written contempt for the world around them in big letters on the face. All these impudent girls with their extended nails and endless phone calls. Cleaning ladies who don’t want to clean and cooks who don’t know how to cook.

After all, if you try, you can find people who like their work.

In fact, it seems to me that you know all this very well. But somehow nothing changes. Probably because you think it will do just fine?

Once upon a time, perhaps, people endured and went where they were not at all welcome. But we - today's vacationers - are completely different. We want a holiday, and we do not want to endure the inconvenience by clenching our teeth. With such an abundance of offers for summer vacations, we simply do not see the point in this.

I hope that someday at least one of you will begin to understand this. And take care of every vacationer like the apple of his eye - so that next season he will definitely want to return.

Dear visitors! Do not leave in reviews questions about the nuances of check-in, availability and prices of accommodation. These questions will be answered only by the above telephone numbers. To the attention of advertisers! Free advertising space, prices are very pleasant:

The most difficult period for any family-oriented country hotel is the off-season. The main reason for this is undoubtedly the bad weather. But there are factors that can attract a person at this time in the countryside. Clubbing - that's what can "save" the recreation center from poor occupancy during such a period. The main thing for which people gather in "bad weather" is communication, and the main product that attracts vacationers in the high season will no longer be of such great importance.

A resident of the metropolis is in constant movement, and as a result - in stress. Therefore, the desire to rest, relax, take a short break from work becomes a necessity. And if he is offered this, albeit a short-term rest, he will gladly accept this offer. Fantalis recommends organizing so called “stress management weeks”. The “menu” of such a week should have everything that accompanies complete relaxation. Before the weekend, you can notify clients by letters about the so-called "interesting weekend at the recreation center." For example, you can devote a weekend to the game "Mafia" and offer a free week of rest as a prize. In parallel with animation for adults, there should also be a children's program. The animation program for adults must be accompanied by children's animation. Often, vacationers prefer exactly that country hotel, where both themselves and their children can have fun. And for this it is necessary to give them the opportunity to rest from each other. Also, guests can be lured by preparing some special "weekend" meal.

So, the guarantee of high occupancy of the hotel in the off-season is an animation program that will gather people. You need to know the client base well and be able to correctly distribute it according to interests. In each season, it is possible to organize weekly children's races, because 4 times a year, schoolchildren "celebrate" the holidays.

Are there any ways to make guests permanent?

Vacationers who come to the hotel again are grateful, and, of course, welcome guests. How do you get the guest back?

Consider the conditions under which a customer becomes a regular. For example, fishermen generally come to the recreation center during a certain period intended for a good catch. And if vacationers, through a kind of trainings, are consulted on how to fish competently at any time, of course, they will come more often. In order for the guest to feel comfortable, like at home, everyone's preferences should be taken into account. Moreover, you can choose several directions of the public of your country hotel. Namely, it is not necessary, for example, to gather married couples and noisy youth in one race. As a result, guests will come to their country house, many will already know each other. The staff, in turn, must have a personal relationship with each of the guests, then involuntarily the vacationer will return to this place, since it is here that his wishes are guessed. Children play a special role in hotel occupancy. If you entertain the little guest correctly, then he will definitely want to return to this recreation center again. And since most often, parents make a choice in favor of the whim of their child, they will come exactly where their child is having fun.

Do not forget to improve your hotel, tourists are often looking for new sensations. New animation, new interior, new proposals - all this will quench the thirst of travelers.

  • 1 How to open a sanatorium from scratch: step by step business plan
  • 2 Financial plan of the sanatorium
  • 3 Marketing plan: how to attract clients to the sanatorium
  • 4 Registration and execution: what documents are needed to open a sanatorium
  • 5 Equipment for the sanatorium
  • 6 Staff for the sanatorium
  • 7 How to get around the competition: business chips
    • 7.1 Sanatoriums in the South
    • 7.2 Sanatoriums at mineral springs
    • 7.3 Sanatoriums in the Moscow region
    • 7.4 Who is more profitable to work with: a private client or corporations?

Sanatoriums appeared in Russia in the era of socialism: they practically have no analogues in the world, because on vacation, attention is mainly paid to the rest itself, in extreme cases - to cosmetic procedures, but not to health improvement. Now in Russia there are about 1900 health resorts, not only in the southern regions, but also in Siberia. This is a powerful industry with a turnover of 119 billion rubles a year. If you enter it in the near future, then you can hope for support from the state and high earnings in the future.

The ecological situation is getting worse every year, especially in megacities. Many people, due to heavy workload, unhealthy diet and lifestyle, are prone to various diseases, including chronic ones. They need constant treatment. For them, the sanatorium becomes a good opportunity not only to relax, but also to maintain their health.

How to open a sanatorium from scratch: a step-by-step business plan

If you decide to open your own sanatorium, follow this plan.

First step. Start by choosing a room that must meet certain requirements. Without this, you will not be able to obtain a medical license to operate. Doctors' offices and treatment rooms should be of adequate size. The building can be built or rented. The main thing is that there are no roads or industrial enterprises nearby. Potential clients will prefer a sanatorium next to a reservoir, in a picturesque and conveniently located place, so that you can quickly get to the nearest settlement- for example, by train.

It is profitable to open a sanatorium in small resort towns... During the season, with good advertising and high-level service, there will be no end of customers. So a sanatorium in a small town— a good idea, but only if the city is already promoted as a resort area.

Second stepchoice of the direction of the institution's activities. Your establishment may be of a wide profile, but first it is better to focus on specific diseases, for example, cardiovascular or pulmonary diseases. Much will depend on the location of the sanatorium itself.

Third step. You need to register your activities with the Federal Tax Service. This must be done in order to run your business without problems.

Fourth steppurchase of equipment and furniture. They need to be purchased based on the profile of the institution and taking into account the convenience of future visitors. It is good if, in addition to the living area and treatment rooms, the sanatorium will have a beautician's office, a swimming pool, a gym, a playroom for children, a cozy dining room with a varied menu.

Fifth steprecruitment of personnel. The sanatorium must employ qualified doctors and nurses with appropriate diplomas, medical books. It is necessary to conclude an employment contract with each employee.

Sixth steplicense. All the previous steps are essential for obtaining a license. It is necessary, because without it there can be no question of opening a sanatorium. The issuance of such a document is handled by federal Service supervision in the field of health care and social development. Having paid the state duty of 6,000 rubles and having completed the relevant documents, you will receive a license in 45 days.

Seventh stepadvertising. While you wait for a license, start an advertising campaign. Advertisements can be placed in the media, at industry exhibitions, in social networks... It is better to post posts with a link to your site, where you need to post as much information as possible for visitors. Beforehand, it is better to come up with packages for different categories of clients: couples without children, families with children; old people.

You also need to think about selling services. Prepare a complete marketing plan for promoting your sanatorium and attracting clients in advance. The best way— hire a specialist for this purpose.

The financial plan of the sanatorium

How much money you need to open a sanatorium depends on how many places you decide to open a sanatorium for, what profile and in what place. In the southern regions and the Moscow region, a large amount will be required, in other areas less. We will look at the average cost of a project. It will amount to approximately 40,000,000 rubles.

This will include funds that are needed to rent premises, purchase equipment, special equipment and furniture, staff salaries and unforeseen expenses. The amount is quite large. But, if you attract investors, then the share of equity capital can be a small percentage of the total. Enterprises that are interested in improving the health of their employees can invest in a sanatorium: after that they will be able to send them to your sanatorium at negotiated prices.

As for the payback, it directly depends on the occupancy rate. The average profitability of such establishments is 10-20%. If we assume that the voucher per person per day will be 1300-1500 rubles, then with an average workload, the project can be recouped within 18-24 months.

Marketing plan: how to attract clients to the sanatorium

Unfortunately, some sanatorium establishments operate at a loss, since they cannot offer a quality product and advertise their services correctly. The main problem that the owners of sanatoriums have to face— seasonality. On the one hand, in the off-season, people can improve their health as productively as in summer. With anothermany people want to rest in summer months... What should be done to increase sales in the off-season, and the sanatorium brings a good income?

  1. Organize a sales department. Real specialists are able to create a reliable platform for further product promotion and constantly increase sales.
  2. To budget a certain amount for advertising in the budget of the institution. Without it, the sanatorium is not only difficult to "promote", but it is also difficult to attract visitors during the season. Even 2-3% of sales volume can increase sales by 25-30%. It is best to run advertising campaigns rather than spending money on questionable projects.
  3. Conduct online consultations with specialists. If the sanatorium has more than one profile, but several, several specialists should work with potential clients.
  4. Do special offer for the autumn-winter period. Start working with those clients who are vacationing with you. Offer discounts, distribute printed materials explaining the need for treatment in the off-season.
  5. Organize promotions: for example, "bring a friend", "new service as a gift", etc.
  6. Make discounts for seniors or other categories of vacationers.
  7. Engage in cooperation travel companies, all the more so that recently began to appear companies dealing with tourism with a medical bias.

Do not skimp on marketing: without it, the sanatorium may turn out to be unprofitable.

Registration and execution: what documents are needed to open a sanatorium

To register a sanatorium, it is best to choose such a form as a society with limited liability. The state duty will be 4,000 rubles. You also need an authorized capital. The following documents will be required:

  • LLC charter - 2 copies;
  • minutes of the meeting of founders;
  • application (form No. Р11001);

There will be no problems with the choice of the OKVED code. Main code86.90.4. Activities of health resort organizations. If other types of services are offered in the sanatorium, you will need to indicate additional OKVED codes.

As far as taxation is concerned, a rather complex system operates here. Basically, the services provided in the sanatorium are not subject to VAT. These include medical, preventive and outpatient services (Article 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). But in some cases, tax is still charged for some services. Therefore, you first need to study the tax code well and find out what activities in the region fall under UTII - the Unified Tax on Imputed Income.

One of the most important points in the process of starting a business— obtaining a license.For a license you need to provide:

  • lease agreement for premises (or property);
  • floor plan;
  • the charter of the institution and the memorandum of association;
  • registration certificate;
  • certificate from the Federal Tax Service;
  • extract and information letter from the USRR;
  • a copy of the order on the appointment of the head.

You will also need documentation for the equipment: passports, instructions, warranty cards, etc.

Equipment for the sanatorium

For the successful operation of the sanatorium, first of all, you need a modern medical equipment for the treatment center. If we assume that you open a sanatorium with 200 beds, then you need to equip

  • numbers;
  • treatment center;
  • canteen or cafe;
  • pool or sauna;
  • reception.

Particular attention should be paid to the treatment center, since people come to the sanatorium not only to relax, but also to improve their health. High-quality equipment is another opportunity to attract customers. It is good if the list of services includes an underwater shower, various baths, relaxing massage, and cosmetology.

In addition, you need to equip the territory: make paths, platforms, install benches, etc. If the place is picturesque enough, then a smaller amount will be required for the improvement. In any case, clients will appreciate the beautiful flower beds, gazebos and well-groomed paths.

Staff for the sanatorium

When selecting personnel, it is important to know that the work experience of medical workers must be at least five years. This is a prerequisite that cannot be neglected.

The staff of the sanatorium should include:

  • director:
  • chief accountant and accounting staff;
  • Deputy Director;
  • doctors and nurses;
  • maids;
  • administrators;
  • cooks and waiters;
  • gardeners, janitors and employees of other working specialties.

The number of employees depends on the size of the sanatorium and the expected number of vacationers. It may be necessary to hire additional temporary staff in the summer.

How to beat competitors: business chips

Certain types of sanatoriums have their own specialties that allow them to attract customers and stay afloat. Private sanatoriums are primarily occupied by occupancy in the off-season. The profitability of a sanatorium operating year-round can reach 30% or more. Some sanatoriums pay more attention to entertainment and focus on them, while others offer beauty services. There are sanatoriums that optimize the management structure. And not only because they are trying to save money, but because they are trying to make it more rational. What do they rely on in different regions?

Sanatoriums in the south

For sanatoriums located on the Black Sea coast, such trends as swimming pools with sea water are relevant. The sanatorium with an outdoor pool has always been popular. For example, the Sochi sanatorium "AquaLoo" attracts customers with the opportunity to have fun in the water park. Butalways interesting for clients in the summer.

Mineral springs sanatoriums

Here, the main emphasis on attracting customers should be done based on the fact that in all institutions of the city mineral water or curative mud are the same, but your institution can offer a range of services at a discount. Or those that are not in other sanatoriums. So in the sanatoriums of Kislovodsk of the upper and middle class there is GYM's, SPA, equipping with modern medical equipment.

Sanatoriums in the Moscow region

Similar tendencies are observed in the sanatoriums of the Moscow region, many of which specialize in the treatment of pulmonary diseases, musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular diseases. The main features are here— clean air, availability of the latest equipment. Residents of Moscow, tired of the polluted capital, come not only to receive medical treatment, but also to enjoy nature and silence. Economy-class sanatoriums in the off-season organize weddings, anniversaries and other celebrations.

Who is more profitable to work with: a private client or a corporation?

If earlier it was profitable for sanatoriums to work with the Social Insurance and Health Insurance Fund, now private traders are trying to attract exactly individuals... Corporations began to demand too much discounts, and many people find it unprofitable to send their employees to a sanatorium. Therefore, first of all, income is brought by people who pay out of their own pockets. In return, they should receive highly professional treatment and excellent service. This is the main task that must be solved if you want to open a sanatorium.

Description of products, confirmation of demand in the domestic and foreign markets, the possibility of import substitution

Unique geographic and climatic conditions, gentle, warm sea, sandy beaches and amazingly clean air allow you not only to have a good rest, but also to improve your health. The sun shines here 280 days a year, the average air temperature in summer is 28-33 degrees Celsius. The shallow sea is very convenient for children and family vacation... The average water temperature reaches 28 degrees Celsius. Bathing season lasts more than five months.

Justification of the market niche of products and the mid-term concept of its expansion. Nature of demand

The demand for these types of services will fluctuate throughout the year, in the autumn-winter period the number of tourists in the complex will be lower compared to the spring-summer period.

General marketing strategy of the enterprise. The most effective mechanisms for promoting products (works, services) to target markets

The market price will be set based on the current prices for these types of services.

In the future, based on marketing research it is planned to carry out a policy of weighted average pricing at a level below the average market prices and their possible increase based on determining the elasticity of demand for services.

Enterprise pricing characteristics

Planned measures to stimulate product sales. The cost of advertising and promoting it on the market

After-sales service and quality assurance policy

The quality policy will be to strive to achieve 100% zero complaints and claims from vacationers.

Quality strategy

The priorities in the field of quality are the quality of services and the quality of service.

Even the highest quality service, accompanied by insufficient attention to you as a client, will not bring you satisfaction. On the other hand, no matter how high the quality of service, you will be disappointed if you receive insufficient quality results. The knowledge and experience accumulated over the years allows us to find the optimal balance between these two key elements.

The basis of the service quality assurance system is:

    Standardization of processes and procedures. The enterprise will develop, implement and constantly improve a quality assurance and control system based on standardization and formalization of all order processing processes and work execution procedures based on an internal quality standard. Such standardization allows you to clearly plan all work and avoid surprises and mistakes - each employee clearly knows what and how he should do, and performs his work at a high professional level.

    The professionalism of the staff. The professional level, qualifications and experience of employees will be at the forefront. No matter how thought out and standardized all the processes and procedures, no matter how perfect the system of processing and fulfilling orders, and no matter how fine-tuned and fine-tuned all methods of quality control and assurance, in any case, the main source of quality is our employees. An important role is played by the optimal system of division of labor - which allows each employee to concentrate on their work and provide high quality services provided and customer service.