Thermal lake Heviz. Lake Heviz in Hungary: treatment and reviews about the rest. Treatment at Lake Heviz. Spa advice

Heviz: treatment, health improvement, medicine, balneotherapy. Information about the medical centers and sanatoriums of Heviz. Reviews of tourists about Heviz.

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Heviz is a dream come to life for everyone who wants to hide from the hustle and bustle and plunge into a measured, comfortable and carefree life at least for a while, improve their health, and enjoy the moment. This is a charming European town with all the attributes of it: neat streets, flower beds, cozy cafes. But the center of universal attraction is the thermal lake of the same name, the largest not only in Hungary, but throughout Europe. It is fed by a powerful underground source that provides both high water temperature and its constant renewal, and dense steam above the surface.

You can swim in Heviz at least all year round, admiring the lilies brought from India and watching how your health and mood improve. If you wish, you should go on an excursion to the surrounding palaces and fortresses or to the nearby Lake Balaton. The main thing is not to strain: here they even swim in inflatable circles - this is what the doctors recommend, and the holiday-makers are happy to give up the only possible care here.

Search for flights to Budapest (closest airport to Heviz)


Heviz is a small city, so you have to walk between the hotel, the lake, restaurants and attractions. And this is only for the best: walks in the picturesque area in pleasant weather are a very special pleasure. But if you want to explore the surroundings, you cannot do without public transport. Most routes in neighboring cities- Tapoltsu, Siofok, Marzali - run through Keszthely. There is a railway station, a bus station and a pier, from where pleasure boats leave regularly to literally all settlements on the coast of Lake Balaton.

A boat trip from Keszthely to Balatonlelle or Sigliget will cost 2400-3800 HUF round trip.

If necessary, you can use the services of a taxi, finding a parking lot in the center or calling the car by phone. The cost of the transfer to Keszthely is 2500-3000 HUF.

It is also pleasant to explore Heviz and the nearby attractions by bike. Moreover, a new HeBi rental system has recently been launched here: several automatic stations have appeared in the city where you can rent a bike. First, you will have to look at the Turinform office for a special plastic card, leaving 1000 HUF as a pledge. Leaving Heviz, the card can be returned and the entire amount returned. Cardholders can take a bike to any of the stations and travel around the city for up to 4 hours a day.

Rent a Car

There is only one car rental point in Heviz, owned by the international company Hertz. You can also rent a car at Sarmellek Airport in the vicinity of Lake Balaton. Renting an economy class model will cost from 11,000 HUF, a standard car - from 15,000 HUF, an SUV - from 26,000 HUF per day. Discounts are provided when making a contract for several days. In the list required documents- driver's license (driving experience - at least 1 year) and a passport, in addition to the full prepayment, the distributors also require a deposit. The price of gasoline in Hungary is 380-400 HUF per 1 liter. The roads in the vicinity of Heviz are of high quality, the views from the window are breathtaking, there are no traffic jams, there will be no problems with parking - in other words, carte blanche for fans of independent travel.

Connectivity and Wi-Fi

Offices mobile communications not in Heviz, you will have to connect in Budapest or neighboring Keszthely. There are 3 main operators to choose from: Telenor, Vodafone and T-Mobile. Their prices are about the same, the average cost of a prepaid SIM card is 500-800 HUF, you need a passport when registering. The balance can be replenished via the Internet, as well as at any gas station, at a press kiosk or post office.

Several payphones are installed in the center of Heviz, from which it is convenient to call both within Hungary and abroad. T-Com cards are sold in newspaper stands and in the post office, and have a face value of 500-1800 HUF. Discounts for all negotiations are valid from 20:00 to 8:00.

It is better to look for free Wi-Fi in the lobbies of hotels, cafes and restaurants: signs on the windows will not allow you to make a mistake. There is no Internet café in the town, so for safety reasons it is worth connecting a SIM card with mobile traffic.

Weather in Heviz

Treatment in Heviz

Lake Heviz is of volcanic origin, feeding it mineral springs are hidden in a cave at a depth of 38 m, while the depth of the reservoir itself is no more than 2 m.The surface area (47.5 thousand square meters) and the water temperature (in summer +33 ... + 36 ° C) are impressive. , in winter +24 ... + 28 ° C). You can swim in the lake all year round: an indoor swimming pool has been built here for the maximum comfort of tourists. The water, saturated with carbon dioxide, radon, sulfur and thorium, is completely renewed every 48 hours. It is not surprising that it is useful to take it inside as well: the spa guests visit the pump room no less often than the bathing house. Dense steam also has a healing effect on the body, constantly enveloping the lake surface.

Heviz's sanatoriums offer patients a whole range of health procedures: mineral water intake, massage, mud applications, carbon dioxide baths, therapeutic gymnastics, electrotherapy, exposure to contrast temperatures and other effective methods.

Indications: diseases of the musculoskeletal system (including ankylosing spondylitis, arthrosis, gout, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, lesions of intervertebral discs), diseases of the peripheral nervous system (neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago, etc.), gastrointestinal disorders, gynecological diseases, diseases of ENT organs, post-traumatic and postoperative rehabilitation.

The mud settling to the bottom of the lake is half composed of organic sediments (mainly vegetable origin) with a high content of iodine and estrogen, has good hydrophilicity and high heat capacity, therefore it is also excellent for treatment.

Contraindications: malignant tumors, heart failure, uncompensated thyroid disease, subcompensated diabetes mellitus, thrombophlebitis, hemophilia, bronchial asthma with frequent attacks, diseases of the hematopoietic organs, radiation sickness, pregnancy and lactation.

Heviz Hotels

Several dozen hotels are open on the coast of Lake Heviz, almost all of them with high-quality rooms, excellent service and modern opportunities for health improvement. Most of the hotels are of 3-4 * category, the most fashionable is Lotus Therme Hotel & Spa, while the only "five" in the resort. Accommodation rates usually include breakfast or half board. Healing procedures - baths, silt wraps, massages, etc. - for an additional fee.

A room in a 3 * hotel within a 5-minute walk from the lake will cost from 8000 HUF per day. You can stay in hotels of a higher class for 14,000-20,000 HUF per day. For a vacation in a luxury "five" you will need to pay from 35,000 HUF per night. An alternative to hotels - apartments in private houses and family hotels: prices here start from 7000-7500 HUF per day.

The voltage in the mains in Heviz, as well as throughout Hungary, is 230 V, sockets are the usual European ones, types C and F, which do not require an adapter.


In Heviz, there are both fashionable boutiques with designer products and souvenir shops where you can choose pleasant little things to remember. Both those and others are concentrated on the pedestrian streets of the center. Small shops display collections of clothing from Hungarian and international brands, as well as footwear, jewelry, and optics. On the territory of the hotels there are salons of luxury brands of the Escada level. The best souvenir shops are located in the bus station area. Textiles embroidered with traditional patterns, hand-painted porcelain, wooden dolls, and carvings deserve special attention.

The Heviz counters also offer the most popular souvenir in Hungary - paprika in elegant packages. Kalochaiskaya and Segedaya are the most appreciated.

Of the edible gifts, marzipan sweets and, of course, alcohol are also good: world-famous Tokay wines, Unicum bitter balsam, Palinka fruit vodka, frech - a mixture of wine and soda pop in a painted siphon. And at the farmers' market, open three days a week, you can buy fresh pastries, honey and jams, made by local craftsmen according to centuries-old recipes.

Heviz cuisine and restaurants

In Heviz, food is served in Hungarian: generous, tasty and satisfying. There are many cafes, taverns and restaurants in the city for guests of any budget. In the morning, it is best to drop by one of the coffee houses: have a cup of a fragrant drink, treat yourself to pastries or ice cream. Lunch is the time for acquaintance with traditional dishes: obligatory goulash (it is prepared here by dozens different ways from different types of meat, even venison), stew, baked pork in pots with a garnish of vegetables. Also good are chicken and pepper paprikash, langos flatbreads, and fezelik vegetarian soup made from zucchini, cabbage, potatoes and lentils.

In Heviz there are inns with a relaxed atmosphere, sandwich cafes, restaurants in ethnic style, establishments with live music. Some eateries offer vegetarian menus and free Wi-Fi, and there are discounts on certain days. The most pleasant thing is to dine on cozy verandas overlooking the lake: restaurants with such a bonus are often open at hotels.

Lunch in a cafe will cost 1500-2000 HUF, dinner in a restaurant - from 3000-5000 HUF per person.

We recommend combining dinner in Heviz with a tasting of excellent Tokaj wine and other alcoholic beverages, for which it is famous in the center of neighboring Keszthely. This is one of the largest and most elegant mansions in Hungary, dating back to the 18th century. The intricately decorated Baroque façade hides a museum with a rich collection of weapons and a library with a valuable collection of books: from ancient folios to notes signed by Haydn. And the Battyani castle of the 17th century served as the ancestral estate of the count's family.Today, here you can get acquainted with the interactive exhibition, stroll through the magnificent park and even spend the night in a mini-hotel.

There are other places worth visiting in Keszthely. The Balaton Museum tells about the history of the lake, and the Bronze Age agricultural implements are kept in the Georgikon. Guests of the Marzipan Museum will be offered to enjoy the famous sweets, and visitors to the Panopticon run the risk of getting lost among the very realistic wax figures.

On the street Kossuth, not far from the Puppet Museum, there is a unique art object - a model of the Budapest parliament, made of 5 million shells. Height - 2.5 m, length - 7.5 m, the fidelity is amazing.

Several medieval fortresses have survived in the vicinity of Heviz. One of them, Shumegskaya, was built in the 11th century and is considered the oldest in Hungary. Tourists will find entertainment for every taste: excursions to the museum of weapons with guns, pistols and armor from different eras, riding lessons, and most importantly - knightly tournaments, held on a special scale and ending with meals according to ancient customs. The ruins of another famous fortress are located in Sigliget. She is a little younger (13th century), but keeps no less amazing secrets. However, what exactly is hidden in secret passages and echoing wells remains to be learned only after the ongoing restoration.

The nature of the fertile land can also be considered an independent attraction. Tapolca caves, National park The Balaton Upland and other picturesque corners will surely remain in the memory of the traveler for a long time.

5 things to do in Heviz

  1. Take a dip in the lake and say goodbye to bad health for a long time.
  2. Choose the most pleasant from the entire list of wellness procedures, whether it be a massage or taking mineral water.
  3. Taste all varieties of Balaton wines, combining tastings with hearty meals.
  4. Visit the knight performance in the Shumeg Fortress.
  5. Go to Keszthely and compare with the original the model of the parliament, created from millions of shells.

Heviz for children

Not far from Heviz, there are several places that will appeal to both young and adult travelers. One of them is a buffalo sanctuary on the territory National park Balaton Upland. It contains about 100 animals living in their natural environment. Special walking trails with wooden flooring have been laid for visitors: the animals are absolutely not afraid of people and calmly approach the fences.

In Keszthely, the largest in Central Europe Museum of Ethnic Style Dolls is opened (official site). On three floors, more than 700 exhibits in folk costumes, exactly copying the traditional outfits of the Hungarians, "live". Ceremonial, everyday, wedding, work - national clothes, albeit sewn for dolls, are presented in all its colorful variety.

And, of course, where without water attractions in the Lake District! If the kids get bored with swimming in Heviz or Balaton, we recommend taking them to the entertainment complex "Kehida" in the nearby village of Kehidakushtan. While the parents relax in the sulfur baths, jacuzzis and saunas, the kids frolic in the water park with pleasure. By the way, the 100-meter slide built here with sound and light special effects has no analogues in the whole of Hungary.

Lake Heviz, which is now located in western Hungary, was known back in the era of the Roman Empire. Even then, two thousand years ago, it was clear to people without any chemical analyzes that this natural source is a unique artifact.

The healing factors of the resort

Lake Heviz belongs to one of the few thermal lakes on earth, the chemical activity of which does not harm the human body. The lake is thermal due to the flow of hot water into it, beating from the heated bowels of the earth. As a rule, such waters mix with gases and chemical elements formed in the course of reactions inside the earth, and are toxic to humans. Lake Heviz, on the other hand, has just such a concentration and precisely those chemical elements that together have a curative effect on humans.

The water in the lake is saturated with hydrocarbonate groups. It also contains sulphates and chlorides, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, carbon dioxide and metasilicic acid in significant concentrations. Bromides, iodides, fluorides, ammonium, iron and metaboric acid are dissolved in small amounts in water.

Useful properties of water in Lake Heviz:

  • The water in the lake has a therapeutic effect, first of all, on the musculoskeletal system, helps to normalize metabolic processes in the joints and improve the condition of cartilage cells.
  • The chemical composition of the lake water stimulates the production of estrogen. Therefore, the lake helps in the treatment of gynecological diseases.
  • Swimming in the water of the lake normalizes blood circulation and vascular tone.
  • Bottom biologically active mud treatments improve the condition of the skin, making it elastic and silky.

Heviz is also a radon lake: radon is present in water in a low concentration.

It is known that radon baths have always been an important component of quality spa treatment. They stimulate the immune system and the regenerative function of cells. Here, guests can use not only a bathroom, but a whole warm radon lake, the temperature in which in summer reaches +38 degrees, in severe frosts - it does not fall below +22 degrees. Hot water directly leaves the ground at a rate of 410 l / s at a depth of 38 meters: its temperature exceeds +70 degrees.

Indications for staying on the Hungarian thermal lake are diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  • Degenerative changes in the joints and spine.
  • Intervertebral hernia.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Injuries and fractures.
  • Post-traumatic and postoperative rehabilitation.
  • Rheumatic diseases.

And also some chronic gynecological diseases:

  • Infertility.
  • Inflammatory processes.
  • Low hormonal levels.

Contraindications to stay at Lake Heviz

There are a number of contraindications to water procedures on Lake Heviz due to the fact that chemically and biologically active hot water can provoke an exacerbation of certain diseases. Contraindications are as follows:

  • Diseases of the heart, blood vessels and blood, including varicose veins, thrombosis and hypertension.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Pregnancy.

Underwater gymnastics

Combines the effects of exercise and the effects of biologically active thermal water.

Cycling, hiking and Nordic walking

These are additional activities that are popular around Lake Heviz.

These procedures are effective not only in the treatment of diseases, but also in rehabilitation after operations and injuries.

How to get there

Lake Heviz is located in the very center of Europe near the border of Hungary and Austria. There is no direct railway connection with the city. You can get there by private or public transport.

From Vienna, Austria, take the A1 motorway, then turn onto the A3 motorway, along which go to the border of Sopron. Further from the border point along the highway no. 84 to the intersection with the highway no. 71, which leads directly through Keszthely to Heviz.

From Budapest, Hungary, take the M7 motorway to Balatonszentgyorgy, near which you need to turn in the direction of Keszthely, then go straight for about 20 minutes to Heviz.

In addition, several hundred daily public buses run from Budapest and all major Hungarian cities to Heviz. Also, buses run from the two nearest railway stations - Balatonszentgyorgy and Keszthely.

You can fly from Moscow to Heviz by plane.

Resort infrastructure

Heviz today is not only a lake. This is a city that has everything you need to live. Moreover, it is tourist town, which has everything you need for guests. Here are:

  • Large hotels that have spa and wellness centers at their disposal.
  • Small guesthouses.
  • Separate beauty and health centers.
  • Shops, restaurants, bars.
  • Medical centers, including the well-known rheumatology clinic. St. Andrashak.
  • Tourist offices organizing wellness tours walking, cycling and even hot air ballooning.

In a word, Heviz is a long-lived place where there is something to do in your free time from medical procedures.


The cost of accommodation in Heviz hotels is democratic and amounts to 30 euros per day without treatment. With medical procedures - from 40 euros per day (from 560 euros for 14 days), including:

  • Half board.
  • Use of indoor thermal pools, sauna.
  • Medical checkup.
  • 10 therapeutic procedures by appointment.
  • Entrance ticket to the thermal lake.

Any additional procedures in excess of the prescribed ones are paid separately.

Accommodation prices and package tours in Heviz hotels are subject to seasonal fluctuations and increase by 20-30% in the summer and during the New Year and Christmas holidays.

You can book a room at the hotel via the Internet or by phone.

Tours from Moscow

The cost of a tour to Lake Heviz with accommodation in one of the city's hotels, organized through Moscow travel companies, for 14 days will average 1500 euros per person, including flight, transfer, half board and one treatment per day.

On one's own organized travel to the lake Heviz will be much cheaper. A round-trip flight costs 200 euros, a visa - 75 euros.

Hungary is a country rich in healing springs with a beautiful historical and natural character. Here, 200 kilometers from Budapest and 180 kilometers from Vienna, a beautiful valley with a thermal lake stretches among the forest. In this wonderful corner of nature, the harmony of soul and body is restored, vitality, a natural feeling of joy, the body is rejuvenated in an amazing way. Holidays in Heviz are one of the most popular in Hungary. The waters and mud of the lake and the microclimate of the valley heal and rejuvenate, give hope in situations that seemed hopeless.

Lake Heviz - a huge swimming pool, a drinking pump room and an inhaler in the middle natural park under open air... It is the largest healing lake in Europe of volcanic origin with warm water and peat bottom. Unique chemical composition and climatic natural factors allow you to carry out a variety of medical procedures for a wide range of diseases.

Most of the Heviz sanatoriums with treatment have their own medical and diagnostic facilities. Treatment procedures are prescribed individually according to the results of the examination within the framework of complex or separate programs.

  • Musculoskeletal system
  • Peripheral nervous system
  • Gynecology
  • Violation of potency
  • ENT organs
  • Digestive organs
  • Hormonal disorders, metabolism
  • Disorders of the venous circulation
  • Dermatitis
  • Periodontal disease
  • Rehabilitation after injuries and surgeries, pain relief, stimulation of regeneration
  • Rejuvenation of the body

Treatment methods:

  • Climatotherapy
  • Drinking cure
  • Various inhalations, including natural ones with hydrogen sulfide and radium emanations
  • Therapeutic bathing in the lake, in pools with healing water, mineral, pearl, four-chamber baths, galvanized baths, underwater shower massage, natural micromassage with floating lake mud.
  • Mud applications, wraps
  • Carbonic baths
  • Moll's vertical underwater traction - business card resort, one of the most effective types of conservative treatment of diseases of the spine
  • Mechanotherapy (massage, therapeutic gymnastics pools, movement therapy).
  • Electrotherapy
  • Saunas, baths, Ayurveda, beauty treatments
  • Dentistry
  • Diet therapy


  • Red water lilies on the surface of the lake.
  • Festetics Palace with a unique library, the ruins of the fortresses of Sumeg, Tatika and Sigliget.
  • Museum of dolls and wax figures in Keszthee, Museum of Balaton, farm museum "Georgikon", museum-confectionery "Marzipan", Museum of Africa, gallery.
  • A park of Roman ruins with the altar stone of Jupiter, a temple of the Arpad era, the Church of the Holy Soul, a Buddhist temple.
  • Vineyards of Mount Egredi, buffalo reserve.
  • Mini train with sightseeing tour in the city.
  • Festivals, theme nights.


  • Excursions to neighboring cities and countries.
  • Hiking, horse riding, cycling and water sports, tennis courts, golf and football courses, swimming pool, GYM's, fitness.

Help for vacationers

  • There are contraindications for treatment in the sanatoriums of Heviz! It is necessary to undergo an examination at the place of residence and in a sanatorium with treatment.
  • The lake is not suitable for beach holiday, the maximum bathing time is 1.5 hours for healthy people, 30 minutes for sick people.
  • It is not recommended to take long-term water procedures for children under 14 years of age.
  • For bathing, a vertical position is desirable - this is how gaseous substances settle on the skin.
  • Do not drink alcohol before bathing.
  • To obtain the result, it is recommended to undergo an individual comprehensive course compiled by the specialists of the sanatorium.

Historical reference

A dozen kilometers from Lake Heviz is the world's largest thermal lake Balaton. It is believed that the local reservoirs appeared during the displacement of the earth's crust and the formation of basalt mountains 22 thousand years ago. Since then, their waters have been heated by the energy of the Earth. Lake Heviz is located in a crater-shaped depression and has the shape of a funnel with a depth of 37 meters and an area of ​​47 thousand square meters. meters.

Although the first mentions of these places are found in the sources of the XIII century, archaeologists believe that in stone ages people lived on the shore of the lake and knew about its medicinal properties.

In 1795, Count Festetics built the first wooden buildings for bathers on the shore of the lake and began to spread knowledge of the healing waters among people. The resort gradually expanded, a therapeutic base was created, and the number of visitors increased. In the 50s of the last century, the first sanatorium was built here, and by the 90s the resort acquired the status of a city. In 2003, the lake was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, and today it hosts major medical conferences and congresses.

There is a legend about the emergence of a healing lake. By the will of the Blessed Virgin, a healing spring burst out of the earth, the mud and warm waters of which healed the weak body of the child from ailments. That child was a Roman emperor.

The water in the lake does not cool down in winter, and Heviz's sanatoriums are open all year round. In autumn, winter and spring, wonderful misty milk softly spreads over the lake. In spring and summer, the resort town blooms and fills with charming aromas, the lake blooms with beautiful lotuses, and by the end of summer - water lilies specially brought from India.

Landscape and climate

The climate in Heviz is temperate continental, with mild winters (average January temperature - 1.7 ° C) and warm summers (average July temperature + 22 ° C). The temperature of summer water of the lake is + 33-38 ºС, winter water temperature is not lower than + 25 ºС. During the year it sheds: precipitation - about 750 mm, sunshine - about 2000 hours.

The special healing microclimate of the resort is created by the evaporation of thermal water and forest protection.

Lake Heviz is fed by two thermal springs with water temperatures of +42 and + 38 ° C, and one mineral one with a temperature of + 17 ° C. Their waters break at the surface into slowly rotating radial jets. The water is mixed and flows through the channels into Lake Balaton. Thus, natural laws ensure an even distribution of nutrients in the lake and its complete renewal in 28 hours.

Treatment in the sanatoriums of Heviz is based on the healing power of water and mud of plant origin, mutually enriching each other. Silt lies at the bottom of the lake in a multi-meter layer.

Water and mud are saturated with valuable natural gases, trace elements and mineral salts. They include: calcium, sodium, magnesium, radon, sulfur, thorium, carbon dioxide, iodine, minerals, hormonal substances (estrogens). The bacterial flora of the mud releases a natural antibiotic that protects the water from harmful bacteria.

Hungary is a country just created for relaxation and treatment. A huge amount of mineral and thermal springs makes it attractive to people who want to improve and strengthen their health.

Many sanatoriums, boarding houses, hotels with clinical centers attract visitors from all over the world. The range of diseases for which you can get help is quite large.

Leading clinics abroad

Lake resort Heviz

One of the most popular in Hungary thermal resorts- Lake Heviz. The main advantage of this place is a thermal lake, for the sake of swimming in which people from different countries strive here.

What is Lake Heviz? This lake, with an area of ​​just over 4.5 hectares, with a depth of no more than 2 meters, which is fed from underground sources... The water in it always remains clean, because it is completely renewed in 28 hours. The sludge of this lake contains a natural antibiotic, so pathogenic bacteria do not multiply in Heviz. Heviz, unlike Balaton, in which swimming is periodically prohibited, is always open to receive medical procedures.

The water temperature in Heviz in summer is 33-34⁰C, and in winter it is not lower than 26⁰C. Since the temperature difference between the water in the lake and the air is large in the winter months, steam rises above the water. “The lake smokes” - say the locals.

Therapeutic factors

The healing factors of Lake Heviz are:

  • Water. Mineral water, suitable for drinking cure and thermal water containing many minerals, stimulating the production of hormones;
  • Mud... Healing mud of rich mineral composition, odorless;
  • Climate... Healing microclimate, provided by the surroundings of the reserved forest.

However, treatment in the lake should be strictly dosed. You cannot stay in the water for more than 2 hours a day, and not immediately, but in short intervals of 15 minutes. People with rheumatism can do only two in a course of 15 minutes.


Indications for treatment at Lake Heviz:

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, gout),
  • Rheumatism,
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • Gynecological diseases (infertility, inflammation, menopause, adhesions),
  • Skin diseases (allergic dermatitis, psoriasis),
  • Endocrine disorders with low hormonal levels,
  • Rehabilitation after injuries and operations.


Treatment at the lake can increase hormonal levels, increase the load on the heart, and provoke some unpleasant processes in the body. For this reason, you need to strictly adhere to the existing contraindications for visiting Lake Heviz in Hungary, and if they exist, in no case should you go to this particular place. We need to find another resort.

Contraindications are:

  • Infectious diseases,
  • Pregnancy,
  • Heart failure,
  • Open wounds
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland with increased production of hormones,
  • Bronchial asthma.

Popular and effective treatments in Heviz:

  • water treatment, or balneotherapy - visiting pools and baths with medicinal water;
  • hydrotherapy - massage with jets of healing water, weighted baths;
  • mechanotherapy - remedial gymnastics and healthy massage;
  • electrotherapy - ultrasound treatment, electroplating, diadynamics;
  • hydroelectric treatment - taking electric baths for the whole body.

Treatment on Heviz in winter

In Hungary, the water in the lake remains warm in winter, therefore, in the cold season, you can undergo treatment at this resort. The steam rising above the lake has an additional effect on the body through the respiratory system. For some illnesses it is even better to be treated on Heviz during the winter months. So, people with neurovascular diseases are preferable to treatment outside the summer months due to the fact that a large number of summer sun can provoke a vascular crisis.

Leading specialists of clinics abroad

Location of the lake

See the location of Lake Heviz on a map of Hungary:

As you can see on the map, Lake Heviz is located in the southwestern part at approximately the same distance from Vienna and Budapest. It is convenient to get to the resort from these airports:

  • Vienna airport... The distance to Heviz from Vienna is 190 km. The best way to get from Vienna airport to your holiday destination is by train to Keszthely. This city is located 6 km from the lake itself, so further public transport will take you to the desired hotel.
  • Budapest airport... How to get to Heviz from Budapest? The same 190 km is the distance between Heviz and Budapest. From Budapest also by rail you can get to Keszthely, but you will have to change at the Balatonsentgyorgy station. You can also get from Budapest to Heviz via Keszthely by buses that leave several times a day from 6.30 am to 7.00 pm.
  • Balaton-Sarmellek airport... There is another airport Balaton-Sarmellek very close to Heviz. It is only 10 km from the city of Heviz, and getting here is not a problem at all, since a whole line of local taxi drivers awaits customers immediately after arrival. A ticket from Moscow to this airport costs about 300 euros. However, the number of flights is limited, so they do not always fall at a convenient time.

If you are traveling with a group of three or four people, then it is most convenient to order a car directly from the airport to Heviz. It will not be much more expensive than public transport.

Hotels with treatment

Many hotels with treatment on Lake Hévíz offer various services to their clients.

The best hotel in the resort of Heviz is Lotus Terme.

The only five-star hotel in the Hungarian resort of Heviz - Lotus Terme, located 600 meters from the lake.

Four star hotels:

  • Danubius Hotel in the very center of Heviz resort,
  • Hotel Palace 200 meters from the lake,
  • Hotel Madzherik is 100 meters from the lake.

Three star hotels:

  • Hotel Helios Anna 500 meters from the lake,
  • Hotel Panorama, 150 meters from the lake,
  • Park hotel in the center of Heviz,
  • Hotel Aquamarine has its own mineral water spring.

Of course, this is only a small part of the hotels offering various treatments. The most popular hotels with treatment on Lake Heviz in Hungary are Carbona and Europa Fit.

The four-star treatment and wellness hotel Europa Fit is located 400 meters from Lake Heviz. They offer a variety of treatments. The hotel infrastructure is designed in such a way that people of all ages can relax here. Suitable for Europe Fit and family vacation with kids.

The 4-star Hotel Carbona is located 500 meters from the lake. This whole wellness complex where you can go through a variety of health and healing procedures: mud applications, hydrotherapy, different kinds massage, remedial gymnastics and much more. An interesting therapeutic package of thermal ice procedures in the Carbona hotel, based on a combination of warm Heviz water and low temperatures.

Infrastructure and attractions of the resort:

  • Accommodation: hotels, pensions and apartments;
  • Shopping: shops, souvenir shops;
  • Food: restaurants, wine cellars and bars;
  • Health: swimming pool, medical center, active sports, National Hospital;
  • Recreation: palace of the counts Festetics, confectionery museum, museums of winemaking, Africa and plant growing, ancient monuments: the fortresses of Rez and Tatika, Balaton National Park, knightly tournaments.

Thermal resort prices

Accommodation prices

Prices in Hungarian hotels in Lake Heviz start from 200 euros per week per person. Some treatment procedures are included in the stay program, some have to be paid for separately. The cost of hotels in the resort of Heviz depends on its comfort, location and services included in the package.

Inexpensive hotels Aquamarine and Majerik. A week in Majerica will cost from 229 euros, in Aquamarine - from 399 euros. The most expensive hotels offer a week of treatment and accommodation for about 1000 euros per person.

Treatment cost

The prices for treatment at the Carbona hotel on Heviz depend on the needs of the individual patient. On average, this is 600-800 euros for a 9-day package, which includes accommodation, meals, doctor's consultations, some procedures and unlimited use of the hotel's infrastructure.

For visiting Heviz and the opportunity to swim in it, you need to pay a certain amount... It depends on how much time you want to spend. So, a ticket to visit the lake for the whole day costs a little more than 12 euros .. html. Tour prices, the best hotels and photos of the resort.

Treatment in an Israeli clinic

Oncogynecology in Israel

Tours to Heviz

The most convenient way is to buy a ready-made tour to Lake Heviz with treatment in Hungary. Then you will not have to decide upon arrival what procedures are needed. The tour involves organizing a flight and transfer from the airport to the hotel, providing a certain package of medical procedures, and, of course, accommodation and meals.

Tour to the Heviz resort in Hungary from Moscow for only 20,000 rubles!

Tours from Moscow

Tours from Moscow to Heviz cost from 20,000 rubles. Such tours involve departure from Moscow airport. To choose the best tour for yourself, you need to decide on the amount that you are willing to spend, with the treatment that you need to receive. Buying a tour is also convenient because travel agencies organize charter flights Moscow - Heviz (Balaton-Sarmellek airport), and you do not have to adjust to the schedule of airplanes, trains or buses. Quite good discounts can be used when buying last minute vouchers or purchasing several tours at once if you are traveling with a company of several people.

According to the effectiveness of treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, Heviz is in the TOP-3 of the strongest balneological thermal resorts in Europe. Its healing factors are thermal water and peat mud. Most of the resort's guests come here to swim in the thermal lake of Heviz. Water procedures in the lake give 80% of the total healing effect.

Heviz is also home to the vertical underwater spine traction. Here it is used in every sanatorium with a high degree of efficiency.

Information from balneologist Vladislav Burya

Indications and contraindications for treatment in Heviz

The indications for treatment at Lake Heviz are:

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

  • Post-infectious and reactive arthropathies
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Psoriatic arthropathy
  • Gout
  • Arthrosis
  • Inflammatory lesions of periarticular soft tissues (tendovaginitis, synovitis, bursitis, epicondylitis, myositis),
  • Scoliosis (I-II degree)
  • Osteocondritis of the spine
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis (Ankylosing Spondylitis)
  • Lesions of the intervertebral discs
  • Conditions after injuries and surgical

Diseases of the peripheral nervous system

  • Compression of nerve roots and plexuses in disorders of intervertebral discs
  • Dorsalgia (radiculopathy, cervicalgia, sciatica, lumbago)
  • Neuralgia and neuritis
  • The consequences of a spinal cord injury
  • Post-laminectomy syndrome (conditions after surgical treatment for herniated intervertebral discs)

Gynecological diseases

  • Inflammatory gynecological diseases with unaltered hormonal function
  • Menopause and climacteric state in women

Diseases of the ENT organs

  • Chronic rhinitis
  • Chronic pharyngitis
  • Chronic sinusitis
  • Chronic tonsillitis
  • Chronic laryngitis

Concomitant diseases of the digestive system

  • Chronic gastritis and duodenitis
  • Chronic cholecystitis
  • Dyskinesia of the gallbladder and biliary tract
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome


Acute infectious diseases

Severe heart disease

Acute thrombophlebitis

Rheumatoid diseases in the acute stage

Oncological diseases

Acute psychosis

Labile diabetes


Alcoholism and drug addiction

Incontinence of urine and feces

What is unique about the treatment at the resort

The main treatment procedure at the resort is swimming in the thermal lake of Heviz. The varied chemical composition of the lake's thermal water, which is mixed with a multi-meter layer of medicinal peat at the bottom, makes it possible to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, skin, and respiratory organs. It helps with gynecological diseases, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, nervous system, strengthens the immune system.

What you need to know about the thermal lake:

1. Even in winter, the temperature of the water in the thermal lake does not drop below 22-23 ° C. In the cold season, you go to the heated balneological complex on the lake, change your clothes and can swim both inside the complex and outside.

4. In the balneological complex of the thermal lake, they do exactly the same procedures as in the hotels of Heviz: mud applications, massages, underwater traction of the spine.

5. There is a dedicated sector on the thermal lake, where you can make yourself free mud applications with peat mud right from the bottom of the lake. Only in this sector is the mud slightly warm, it has a different consistency, and will not warm up problem areas like a mud application in a hotel (where the mud is specially heated).

6. A visit to the thermal lake Heviz is always paid. Only in some sanatoriums of Heviz, when buying a package with treatment, they give a certain number of free visits to the lake.

Most of Heviz's guests come to the resort just to swim in the thermal lake. Many cases have been recorded when patients treated at different mud and thermal resorts in Europe received a much better therapeutic effect in Heviz only from bathing in a thermal lake.

Treatment quality

In Heviz hotels, the treatment process is based on three main components: first, underwater spinal traction, which is done in almost every hotel. Best of all, this procedure is carried out at the Europa Fit hotel, where Veronica Moll works, whose father, Dr. Karay Moll, invented the technique of vertical underwater spine traction.

Secondly, mud applications. Peat mud from the bottom of the thermal lake is used for the procedure. This dirt, due to the presence of sulfides and sulfur in it, tends to partially restore the cartilage tissue in the joints.

Thirdly, swimming in thermal pools. Hotels with thermal pools pump water from wells there. But water treatments in thermal pools cannot replace bathing in a thermal lake. The fact is that it is impossible to recreate the unique microflora of the thermal water of Lake Heviz in the pools. The healing effect that you get from staying in a thermal lake cannot be obtained in any thermal pool, even if water is pumped into it directly from the lake.

Doctors in Heviz claim that the combination of these three procedures plus a bath in a thermal lake quickly produces a completely unique therapeutic effect for most diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

What are the options for treatment in Heviz?

First option. You can come to the Heviz sanatorium by pre-booking accommodation, meals and treatment as part of one package. Pros: this option is economical, and if you buy procedures for yourself, they are cheaper than if you come to Heviz and purchase treatment on the spot. Minuses: The treatment package does not include specific treatments. This is a virtual package of procedures. The list of procedures is determined by the doctor depending on your disease, indications and contraindications. Doctors often prescribe minor procedures. And the procedures really important for treatment (spinal traction, mud applications) are prescribed in small quantities, stimulating you to buy them.

Second option. Book accommodation without a package with treatment and buy procedures in a sanatorium.

pros: you only buy the treatments you really need. This is what most of Heviz's guests do, who come mainly to swim in the thermal lake.

Minuses: separate procedures are always more expensive to buy. On average, one procedure costs 20 euros.

Which hotels in Heviz have the best doctors

The Heviz resort is specific in that the language barrier is very strongly felt in the sanatoriums, if you do not know of English language... In order for the doctor to prescribe your treatment as competently as possible without a detailed survey, he must be a highly qualified professional. Based on our independent observations, guest reviews, as well as personal conversations with doctors, we can single out TOP-5 hotels in Heviz with the best doctors:

1. Hotel Europa fit superior... Doctor Veronica Moll speaks Russian and is considered one of the best rheumatologists in the world.

2. Hotel Danubius Health Spa Resort Heviz... Doctor József Sakony, has 35 years of medical practice.

3. HotelDanubius Health Spa Resort Aqua... Doctor Ferenc Nemeth, has 44 years of medical practice.

4.Hotel Aquamarin . One of the three doctors, Androz Olah, understands Russian well and has many years of practice in the rehabilitation of patients at the Heviz resort.

5. Hotel Bonvital. The hotel employs a rheumatologist with 30 years of practice Jezhef Gerencher.

Joint treatment in Heviz

Joint treatment is the main specialty of Heviz. The resort treats arthrosis, arthritis, polyarthritis, chronic inflammation of the joints, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory lesions of the periarticular tissues.

Joint treatment includes 3 basic directions:

1. Swimming in the thermal lake Heviz. The water in the lake relieves the inflammatory process, has an analgesic effect. Guests of Heviz note that even regular bathing has a good healing effect.

2. Mud therapy. The peat mud of Lake Heviz is used for applications on joints. Mud applications relieve the inflammatory process, reduce pain, improve the nutrition of cartilaginous tissues, and stop the development of degenerative changes in the joints.

3. Water treatments in the thermal pool. Hot thermal water helps relieve muscle spasms, pain syndrome, and improve joint mobility.

In addition to this, joints are also treated with electrotherapy, kinesiotherapy, and gymnastics in pools.

The quality of treatment in Heviz is confirmed by the fact that the resort is included in the TOP-5 of the most effective in Europe.

Find out the prices for the best sanatoriums for the treatment of joints in Heviz -

Spine treatment in Heviz

The treatment of spinal diseases is the main specialization of the Heviz spa. Natural resources Heviza - thermal water, peat mud - is the most effective treatment for the musculoskeletal system.

Spine treatment methods

1) Water treatments in the thermal lake Heviz. 90% of the healing effect is provided by the thermal lake, where it is recommended to swim 2 times a day. The water in the lake, even in winter, has a temperature of at least 22 degrees Celsius. The thermal water of the lake has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves tension in muscles and ligaments. When you are static in the lake, holding on to the special handrails, your spine naturally stretches. The restrained nerve endings are released.

2) Mud applications or peat baths. Healing mud warms up the body, relieves pain in the spine, and eliminates inflammation.

3) Swimming in hot thermal pools, which are in the hotels of Heviz. The procedure is no less effective than a visit to the thermal lake. The only difference is chemical composition thermal water. Doctors advise visiting thermal pools twice a day. In this case, you must strictly follow the doctor's recommendations so as not to overheat the body.

4) Underwater traction of the spine. The procedure is performed in the balneological complex on Lake Heviz and in every major hotel in the resort. Underwater traction is as effective as swimming in a thermal lake and mud therapy. This is a must if you want effective treatment. It is painless and prescribed for degenerative changes in the spine.