Beach girls wild beach brazil. Ipanema Beach, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (9 photos). A separate line about nudist beaches in Brazil

Well, damn it, Olka, I did not expect such a look from you. :) Or do you give a specially everyday assessment?
Have you seen El? McDonald's is certainly not ice, but Al can overeat all sorts of garbage and have nothing not to follow, but will be lean and skinny. Well, up to a certain age. Then the tummy will come out anyway. You might think that those boys do not eat poppies and only go in for sports and follow their figures like daffodils.
Here, above, we have already mentioned the types of buildings, depending on belonging to different genotypes. Do you even remember the pictures of the past? Do you remember that a woman has always been puffy in many countries? And in the poor and in the rich family. Or do you think sultry beauties are all entirely thin-skinned transparent fairies? This is not Vietnam, where most of the women are so petite :)
I saw a lot of plump, graceful women, moving beautifully, creating a feeling of fullness of life and self-acceptance. Although in the photo it does not look like in the advertisements, it is combed and smooth.

It's funny that you appreciate not only the masculine structure, but also the feminine one. :)))))
I didn't like the comparisons, the feeling that the beauty of the body is judged on the basis of accustomed fashion standards. Although it corresponds to the same advertised place :) Surprised. But this is your opinion, I take it for granted. :)

in fact, it is quite difficult to convey the feeling that prompted me to this post with these photos alone. I do not mean to say that the female structure of the body and the tendency to be overweight is exactly the same as the male. and I perfectly understand that with the total equal portions eaten, the chance of gaining weight is much greater for a woman than for a man (for the time being, of course;)

I was a little shocked by what I saw in Rio - it's true. probably my concepts of how to "take care of yourself" are very different from the concepts of Brazilian women;)
what I saw was a bunch of horizontal bars and other devices along the beach, completely hammered by men + men - running, playing volleyball, and so on. and right there are women who are eating hamburgers and rolls in packs and seals in the sun. moreover, with forms, often exceeding all decent sizes ... they are not here - somehow it was not captured. and here there is no question of grace - believe me))

Although I absolutely agree that curvy female forms are wonderful and very often look very beautiful and graceful !!! but when it turns into something shapeless and barely movable ... just very surprised and shocked by this disregard for their appearance - that's all)
and yes - I have no right to judge them! I share my surprise ... and yes - it turns out that the assessment as well - but for now, alas, I can't get rid of them ...

Leeloo, priglashayu tebya posetit´plyaji Peru (kuda, ya tak ponimayu, vi sobiraetes´ otnositel´no vskore)! Vot tut realno mojno vozvesti glaza k nebu i vzmolitsa: o Gospodi, poshadi etih neschastnih! Za chto ti ih tak? Otvet prost - peruanskaya kuhnya. Ochen'prostaya, no ochen'vkusnaya, pravda, mestnie edyat eyo v takih kolichestvah, chto strashno daje podumat', kak eto vobshe v nih vmeshaetsa. Ya jivu v Peru neskolko mesyacev, v Lime, i esli vam bilo bi interesno, mogu vam pokazat´tut interesnie mesta i rasskazat´pro osobennosti. Sama ya chelovek tvorcheskiy - ya muzikant, model, vizajist, a muj moy - fotograf. U menya davno est´jelanie pokazat´ob etoy strane to, chto ne osobo osveshaetsa. Machu-Pikchu - eto interesno. No eto sovsem ne vsyo. I po nemu i po Cusco nel´zya sudit´o Peru. A eto chudesnoe, ochen´interesnoe mesto, so svoimi osobennostyami i strannostyami. Ludi tut sovsem-sovsem drugie. Poetomu, esli budet jelanie posotrudnichat´, nu i prosto progulyatsa (mi na mashine), to pishite! Menya zovut Anastasiya.

What could be better than going to warmer lands !? Where there is hot sun, hot sand, warm waves Atlantic Ocean beating against the shore, and the most beautiful girls in brazil you will find all this and more! Taking a trip to Brazil, to a country where the length coastline is 7491 kilometers, you can enjoy your vacation at the most the best beaches peace and return home with a chocolate tan, in a great mood, with a supply of positive emotions and unforgettable impressions. Hot dances, delicious wine, aromatic coffee and beautiful women of brazil will emotionally color your holiday with bright colors, the salty sea and fruits will strengthen your body, and a trip to the Amazon will be a real adventure. Anything is possible - you just have to really want it. Holidays in Brazil are not cheap, but a person lives once and why not afford at least once from cold Russia fly to hot Brazil.

A short summary of the best beaches in Brazil

Sun-hot coffee and chocolate bodies of exotic Brazilian women, muscular tanned athletic beauties playing beach volleyball. Sea, sun, sand and bright, interesting acquaintances with people who enjoy life. It boils on the beaches of the country. From morning to late evening, on the beaches of Brazil, vacationers bask on the waves, perform boat trips and enjoying cocktails in trendy cafes, and, of course, desperately flirting with each other. All Brazilians love to relax and have fun - they know exactly what vacationers need. There are very beautiful, cheerful and friendly girls in this country. The ability to skillfully dance samba in Brazilian women is in the blood - the dance makes their bodies beautiful, in hot Brazil girl cannot afford to have a bad body.

Copacabana beach

Brazil's main beach. Copacobana has long been part of Rio. This beach is a Mecca for the creative intelligentsia. Artists, poets, actors and writers from all over the world come here to seek inspiration. Rio de Janeiro is an amazing holiday city: the widest street Avenida Atlantika stretches along the entire Copacabana embankment - it is along this street that all festive processions in the city take place. In Copacobana, vacationers in bikinis, sometimes topless, roam the streets, shops, and hotels. This behavior of vacationers does not surprise anyone and does not cause negative feelings among the "locals" - this is Copacobana. You will definitely not be bored here.

Interestingly, in 2006, the British group Rolling Stones gathered about 2 million fans on the beach, and somewhat earlier, 3.5 million people gathered at the concert of Rod Stewart with The Faces on Capabana.

Jericoacoara or Jeri beach

This is the complete opposite of Copacabana - a real "lost paradise" with endless beaches and pristine nature. It is interesting that the locals call this beach Jeri. This means - the leg of a turtle, you can really see a lot of them on the beach.

Quite recently, there was a simple fishing village located near Fortaleza, the fifth largest city in Brazil. In just a few decades, the village has become very famous place... The village's beach stretches for several kilometers to the west of the country. Vast, endless shores, unique landscapes - a paradise for those who are tired of the bustle of the city and want to be alone with nature. Now Jerry, according to the Washington Post, is included in the Top 10 most beautiful beaches in the world.

The Jericoacoara coast for kite surfing, windsurfing, karting and ecotourism is the best place in Brazil. Jericoacoara also has excellent wild beaches and Brazil is the world's best ecotourism destination.

The beaches and coves of Ilha Grande island

The boat trip to Ilha Grande will take about two hours. During this time, it is quite possible to feel like a real navigator, plowing through the endless expanses of the Atlantic Ocean. Previously, this island did not stand out from many other islands in the Atlantic. And now they bring tourists here who want to visit the best wild beaches of brazil... Many people are looking for rest not for entertainment, but for solitude where nature, untouched by civilization, is still preserved. It is interesting that for a very long time there was a maximum security prison on the island, where dangerous criminals were serving their sentences. Now the guides take everyone to see its ruins.

Abrau bay- the most beautiful on the island, surrounded by mountains, and mountain streams flow directly into the bay, so the landscape of the coast is very unusual. At Villa do Abrau you can relax in comfort, which is not possible in other parts of Ilha Grande. Abrau is considered the local "center of civilization".

Las Palmas bay- the most visited place. You need to get to it by boat or on foot, taking a walk along forest paths. The bay consists of the most beautiful calm beaches- Las Palmas, Mangesh, Poushu, Arueira, Recife.

Lopes Mendes beach- a quiet secluded place, three kilometers of sand, almost white as snow and the ocean is calm and very shallow. A feeling of peace and tranquility awaits everyone who has reached this wonderful place. Get here by boat.

Parnayoka Is a rather distant beach. Harsh and deep ocean, golden hot sand and the remains of ancient buildings built by slaves. Parnaioca is considered one of the best wild beaches in Brazil. If you want extreme, then be sure to visit this place.

Aventureiro- there is practically no civilization and money, there is a natural exchange. A village at the "end of the world". In Aventureiro Bay, which is only 600 meters long, silver beaches and an exceptionally clean and shallow ocean, you can completely forget about the "worldly bustle." tourist map... Only the most daring and very tired of civilization travelers risk going there, you can get there only by boat.

Paraty beach

Favorite place creative bohemia, became popular in the 60s of the XX century thanks to hippies. This town is permeated through and through with the spirit of freedom. While resting here, you can get to know a very interesting people and see the world with different eyes. It is interesting that in the 17-18 centuries this place was a haven for pirates hunting for someone else's wealth.

Natal beach

Tourist center of Brazil. A former Portuguese fort, a multinational city, it has preserved and carries to this day the traditions and culture of all nations that have ever lived here: Indians, Portuguese, Dutch, French. In atmosphere modern city echoes of the past centuries are intricately interwoven. Interesting historical past and unique architecture the former fort attracts streams of tourists from different countries the world.

Porto da Barra beach

Relaxing in the rhythm of fiery samba will bring you hospitable Salvador. Here 8 months of the year are holidays. There is endless fun on the beach, discos, excellent food and wine. The atmosphere of an eternal holiday will captivate, incendiary dances with the most beautiful girls Brazil cheer up and keep you awake. But they don't like to work here. Interestingly, there was a famous slave market in Porto da Barra just a few hundred years ago.

Florianopolis beaches

Florianópolis is the capital of the eternal holiday. The city is surrounded by 42 beaches. These are the most beautiful beaches of brazil and Brazilian girls, always beautiful and cheerful, their integral part. The festive atmosphere of the city will whirl you around and will not let you get bored, and in cozy bays and beautiful blue lagoons you will find a paradise for body and soul. Wild rainforests and mountains with breathtaking waterfalls. Endless beaches white sand washed by crystal clean water... The luxury of oceanfront hotels rivals the splendor of fairytale palaces.

Ipanema beach

Located in the heart of the country, in an incredible beautiful city Rio de Janeiro. It is a symbiosis of comfort and endless beauty. It is the Ipanema beach, among other beaches in Brazil, preferred by representatives of the elite society. Ipanema is a favorite entertainment destination for the "golden youth" of Brazil.

A separate line about nudist beaches in Brazil

For the most unusual tourists who want complete unity with nature, a chocolate tan without traces of a swimsuit, and feel the gentle ocean waters with their whole body, there are many beautiful nudist beaches in Brazil. In the southern part of the country you can find places in which the "no clothes" uniform is a prerequisite for rest. If you are speaking audi completely unclothed on vacation, then nudist beaches in brazil waiting for you.

A friendly atmosphere always reigns on nudist beaches in Brazil, where you can completely relax, give rest to a tired body.

Overview of nude beaches in Brazil

Praia de Galheta beach

Located in a town called Florianopolis. The beach is very busy. When the sea is rough, you can always splash in the pools around the beach. Unique place, here you can watch whales during their "mating season".

Pedras Altas beach

Located near Florianopolis. Miraculous quiet place with calm sea surrounded by rocks. This beach is often chosen by families with children. There is all the necessary infrastructure.

Brava beach

It is considered the largest in area and the least visited nudis beach in Brazil, the length of Brava is about 2 kilometers. It is located in Karaguatatuba. Clean air filled with natural aromas, lots of greenery and coarse golden sand. But very few tourists visit it, because because of the restless ocean swimming is prohibited here, you can only relax and sunbathe. If you want to soak up the sun in privacy, then this is the place for you.

Figueira da Foz beach

Located in Rio de Janeiro. Has the fame of one of the most mysterious and wild nudist beaches. It is very difficult to find it. Figueira da Foz beach is hidden in the forest behind rocks. There are no pointers to it. The sea is also rough, no infrastructure. The place seems to be created for adventure seekers. You can try to look for it in Trindade, somewhere on the border with São Paulo.

Praia do Abric beach

It is located in Rio, in close proximity to the usual beach, but the huge stones with which it is fenced hide the nudists from the curious. Great for family vacation and youth.

Beach de Juruba

Also located in Rio. One of the most visited nudist beaches in Brazil. Mostly tourists rest here, it has everything for comfortable rest and the easiest way to get to it.

Beach de Tambaba

Located near the town of Conde. The beach is unique for its natural pools with mineral and always warm water. There are not many tourists. But if you get to it, you can have a great rest and benefit your health.

Do Abais beach

The beach is located in the town of Estancia. A favorite spot for naturist surfers. Deep clear water will open before you all the beauty underwater world... And the sand dunes on the shore will allow you to retire with your other half right in the bosom of nature.

Do Porto beach

Located in Barreiros. An excellent beach, but due to the high reed thickets, it belongs to the category of inaccessible. But if you are not afraid and get there, you can have a great rest. Horseshoe shaped beach decorate coconut trees and mangroves. The tranquil ocean, golden sand and inexpensive bars are a little nudist paradise.

Do Americano beach

This small beach seems to be specially created for families with children. Affectionate and calm and shallow sea, wonderful soft sand. It is a visited place and is equally loved by tourists and local naturist families alike.

Before going to a nude beach, everyone needs to know the basic rules of conduct:

1) The complete absence of clothes, even if you came “just to see”, you need to completely undress. If you cannot do this, then it is better to refrain from visiting such a beach, or you can always turn to specialists who will provide you with psychological support, and you can join the environment of lovers of nude relaxation, psychologists work at every official nude beach in Brazil. It is interesting that everyone should be without clothes: street vendors and staff of hotels, cafes and restaurants located on the beach.

2) Everyone should stay in their own zone, on nudist beaches there is a strict separation of zones: for couples with children, for couples without children and for single people.

3) You should not allow jokes and stinging remarks about the appearance of others. For those who break the rule, there is a complete ban on visiting nudist beaches.

4) You can not openly scrutinize and pay close attention to other vacationers. Especially people with sexual desire. When an erection occurs, men are advised to cover themselves with a towel and plunge into the ocean.

We hope this article helps you navigate your best best vacation in Brazil. We wish you a fun journey!

Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, the most beautiful beach in the world, video:

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Brazil is famous for its beaches. They stretch for 7367 km of the ocean coast. Hot Brazilian beaches attract a huge number of tourists. This country is famous for its special flavor, so lovers sea ​​recreation come here. In total, there are 2,045 beaches, each with its own distinctive features. The best beaches in Brazil will be discussed in the article.

Copacabana is the best place to stay

Brazilian Copacabana Beach is one of the most famous on the Atlantic coast. A special artificial lighting system has been installed here, which makes it possible to have fun on the ocean shore and hold a variety of events for 24 hours a day. Local snow-white sand sculptures, which are located along the sandy arc, also attract the attention of visitors. The figures were created by local artists. The works of the masters impress with their amazing imagination.

On this largest beach in the world, some interesting entertainment event takes place almost every day. Here you can see a celebration with traditional masquerades and bright fireworks. This Brazilian beach also hosts international tournaments different types sports (for example, volleyball), football players are trained.

Copacabana is one of popular places to celebrate new year holidays... Traditionally, these days local residents dress up in white clothes. It is on New Year many travelers are in a hurry here, as the celebration is especially fun. This event is accompanied by fiery national festivities.

Along the coast, bars, restaurants, nightclubs and discos are open throughout the night. When the holiday season is over, Copacabana does not become a boring and deserted beach. At night there are always hot dances and fun, and in the daytime there is a pleasant vacation on the coast: Brazilian girls sunbathe on the beach, and surfers hone their skills on the waves of the ocean.


There is no doubt that this beach should be on the list of the most best places for relax. This is very often mentioned by various media, as well as travel agencies. Jericoacoara is located 100 km from the city of Fortaleza. Not far from this Brazilian beach there is a fishing village where you can spend the night in one of the cozy hotels. Those who are impressed by the beautiful landscapes will be able to admire the snow-white sand dunes and rows of palm groves. Located near the beach national park Jericoacoara, which is a must-see for every tourist.

There are bars, cafes and shops on the beach where travelers can buy souvenirs. Fans of active pastime can take horse rides, as well as small trips on a buggy or schooner. You can end a busy day by watching the sun set over the ocean. Those who have seen him assure that he is of stunning beauty here.


This elite Brazilian beach is almost deserted. It is located just 15 km from the pretty village of Trancosu. From the local language, the name of the Espello beach is translated as "mirror". This place is famous for its tranquility and comfort, even the water is almost never worried here. Therefore, Espello beach is most often visited by those people who do not like noisy parties and hectic fun. This place will appeal to tourists who prefer a measured holiday with comfort. In 2006, this beach was ranked first in the ranking of the famous Brazilian publication Veja.

In addition to relaxing on the ocean coast, visitors are offered to lie on sun loungers near the pools with warm water. Palm groves grow along the beach. If you want to chat or if you want to quench your thirst with a delicious cocktail, you can visit one of the bars located right on the beach.

Carneiros beach

One of the most beautiful Brazilian beaches can be found in the state of Pernanbuco. Along the edges, the coast is surrounded by wonderful mangrove forests and quaint palm trees. There are excellent tourist complexes, as well as other establishments where you can eat and drink a refreshing drink.

Fans of an active lifestyle are offered to take boat trips. Also at the disposal of tourists and local residents beautiful bays where you can dive under water. Many travel publications are always full of pictures from Carneiros beach.

Copacabana beach in Brazil

If you start counting the resorts of the world on your fingers, then they will not be enough. But let's talk about this topic and about those beaches where you can relax and enjoy the beauty. Copacabana is one of the most famous areas of Rio de Janeiro, located in the southern part. Not the only thing that attracts tourists here.

The natural border is the famous four-kilometer beach, along the embankment of which the well-known Atlantic Avenue stretches. In Portuguese, it sounds like Avenida Atlantic. The history of the beach stretches back to 1750, when a chapel in honor of the holy virgin from Copacabana appeared in the town of Sakupenapana. Now it is a developed resort and not only a piece of land where you can sunbathe and a piece of the sea where you can swim. Numerous comfortable hotels, and the most famous in Copacabana.

Let me remind you once again that Copapabana is a four-kilometer beach, which means there is plenty of space. Copacabana Coast is a beach in Brazil, stretching from the second posto dois rescue tower to the sixth posto seis rescue tower. At both ends of the beach are located,
historical forts, one of which is the Copacabana Fort, built in 1914, and the Duque di Caxias fort, built in 1779.

Very interesting historical facts do not prevent us from resting, having fun and sunbathing. As a rule, on such huge beaches, life is peculiar from the world. Thousands of people move like ants in an anthill. Roller skating is both a sport and an excursion at the same time. People speak different languages, you even wonder how this can be.

This beach is ideal for surfing, and playing football is not a problem either. There are places specially designated for these purposes. In short, come to Capacabana in Brazil. You will not regret! See photos and videos about this beach.

Copacabana Beach Rio de Janeiro in Brazil - video