Pattaya map in Russian. Fresh maps of Pattaya in Russian, the best selection. Where to get a free map of Pattaya in Russian

On the page is an interactive map of Pattaya in Russian from a satellite. More info on + weather. Below is satellite imagery and real-time Google Maps search, city and province photos East thailand, coordinates

Satellite map of Pattaya

We observe on the satellite map of Pattaya (Pattaya) the plan of the terrain and the roads, how the buildings are located on Walking St. Viewing the scheme of the territory of the district, highways and highways, squares and banks, stations and bus stations, search for an address on aerial photographs, places nearby. What to visit in the vicinity, location of attractions. Nearby settlements and villages - Hua Hin city

Presented here in mode online map the city of Pattaya from the satellite contains pictures of buildings and photos of houses from space, a panorama of the streets in its own heading. You can find out where is the Beach Rd and how to get to the street, show routes and bypass roads with names, what to see in the vicinity. On this moment, using the search for the Google Maps service, you will find the desired address in the city and the view of the terrain from space to earth. We advise you to change the scale of the scheme +/- and move the center of the image to the desired side.

Coordinates - 12.92714,100.879

Search nearby shops and squares, buildings and houses, view of the main street and Soi Lengkee, border areas. On the page there is detailed information and a photo on top of all objects in the region in order to show in real time the required house on the city and province map (Thailand)

Detailed satellite map Pattaya (hybrid) and region provided by Google Maps.

Pattaya map in Russian Is something that no traveler who first visited famous resort Thailand, as well as all those who are just planning their vacation in Pattaya and want to know in advance where the hotel they have chosen is located, what shops and shopping centers are nearby. The selection of maps of Pattaya in Russian with hotels presented on this site will allow even a tourist who does not know foreign languages ​​to see how far from the sea his chosen area of ​​residence is, which main streets, along which it will be possible to navigate on the spot, are nearby.

The presence of a high-resolution map of Pattaya is also of great importance due to the fact that the Thais themselves are quite poorly guided by maps. Therefore, in most cases, when a person needs to get to any point in Pattaya, especially when the vocabulary English words low, he can only rely on himself. Even if you plan to stay in a small hotel that is not marked on the map, there is always a landmark nearby, with which it is easy to find the way to your hotel or ask for directions from local residents or vacationers.

Interactive map of Pattaya with hotels (cost per room shown)

For a detailed view of the hotel you are interested in, click on it with the left button. You can also zoom in by rotating the mouse wheel.

All maps of Pattaya in Russian posted below on this site are quite fresh (printed at the end of 2013 or at the beginning of 2014), so the information posted on them will remain relevant and reliable for a long time. The site does not have maps of Pattaya in Russian, which were first posted on the Internet many years ago and were repeatedly replicated on large and small sites. Below I post only those maps that I personally scanned from the originals, "obtained" directly during my last trips to Pattaya.

1. Map of Pattaya with hotels in Russian 6896 * 5016 px (clickable)

The above map of Pattaya in Russian contains information about the main streets of the city (for convenience, they are marked in Russian and English), along which the main transport links in the city are organized. The map includes the entire territory of Pattaya, from the Naklua area in the north to the end of the Jomtien coast in the south. In contrast to the position familiar to many, in which the map is traditionally deployed to the cardinal points in such a way that north is at the top, this Pattaya map with hotels in Russian turned north to left, and the view of the city is carried out from the sea side, i.e. from the west.

In addition to the main ones marked on this map Pattaya hotels, by which it is convenient to navigate, a number of other objects are noted, the knowledge of the location of which will not be superfluous to any independent or organized tourist. So, the specified map includes objects such as recommended restaurants, popular discos and bars, medical institutions, police stations, excursion bureaus, bus stations, markets and shopping centers. The map was scanned at 600 ppi, so it does not lose clarity and detail even at maximum magnification.

With the help of this map of Pattaya with hotels, which for convenience are subscribed to English language(exactly as indicated on the facades of buildings), you can easily imagine what is the distance to the sea and one of the Pattaya beaches the easiest way to get to Bali Hai pier, from where it is most convenient, by speedboat or ferry. At the end of this article, I will reveal the secret of how easy it is to get the original of this map and all the maps presented below directly in Pattaya.

2. Map of Pattaya in Russian "For blondes" (clickable)

By the name of this map of Pattaya in Russian, I in no way wanted to offend the owners of blonde hair. The name indicated was not invented by me: this is exactly how it is written on the face of the original of this card. I suppose that in this way the creators of the map wanted to convey the main advantage of this map of Pattaya with hotels and other useful objects about its simplicity and intuitive clarity. Honestly, this card not without some drawbacks, but it was her that I usually took with me due to its rather compact size along with high information content.

The map shows the main city streets and lanes of Pattaya, all shopping centers and supermarkets, many popular among tourists and local residents of the Seven Eleven stores, pharmacies, discos and, of course, many hotels are indicated on the map. The advantage of this card is that it contains some advertising information that you can use for your own purposes. Thus, a number of shopping centers, souvenir shops and specialized factories provide free taxis to get to them. At the same time, no one will force you to buy their products. Therefore, living in a hotel on the outskirts of Pattaya with a not very successful transport links, you can use the specified transfer option for your own purposes 🙂

Also, this map of Pattaya in Russian is convenient because it contains information about the time of departure of ferries to Koh Lan. Take this card with you and you will always have it at hand current schedule ferries in both directions (at least until you remember it). Also, the map is convenient in that it schematically indicates the approximate location of some of the main attractions of Pattaya, which are outside the city limits (east of the main road of the country Sukhumvit).

3. Detailed map of Pattaya in Russian (9337 * 4825 px), 16.7 MB

Like the first two of the maps presented on this page, this map (the picture is clickable) also has a view from the side of the sea, i.e. from west to east when viewed from bottom to top. A distinctive feature of this map is its high level of detail: even the smallest streets and lanes are marked on the map (though not all of them are signed). The presence of marked small streets allows you to better orient yourself on the terrain: you always know exactly how many intersections you need to pass in order to be at the desired point in the city. The card was donated at the famous Lukdod gift shop.

With the help of this map of Pattaya in Russian in high resolution, you can accurately imagine where a particular hotel, alley, shopping center, police station, the nearest bank branch, as well as the main attractions of the city are located. City beaches are marked on the map, observation decks, the largest Seven Eleven stores, fruit markets and bus stations. In connection with large area of the original of this map of Pattaya, I had to scan it in parts and combine the individual fragments into one whole. As a result, in some places the clarity of the image has slightly decreased, but everything is clear in principle. If I have free time, I will try to scan the card again and try to achieve the best result.

4. Map of Pattaya in Russian with tuk-tuk routes

A very informative map, which shows the areas of the city, useful phone numbers and addresses in Pattaya, ferry schedules to Koh Lan and back, the main city beaches and attractions. The main value of this map lies in the presence of city transport routes marked on it - songthaew, with the help of which it is easy and inexpensive to get from one area of ​​the city to another. I posted detailed information about the tuk-tuk routes and the rules for their use in the article. I advise you to read it, if you are not yet familiar with this transport - you will save a lot of time, effort and money while relaxing at the resort.

5. Map of Pattaya in Russian with hotels (resolution 4000x2840 px)

Another large map of Pattaya, which shows most of the resort's hotels and large condominiums. The map was released at the beginning of 2014, so the information contained in it is as relevant as possible. Distinctive feature given maps of Pattaya in Russian with hotels is the designation in various colors of the main areas of the city, the largest stores of the popular Seven Eleven (7/11) and Family Mart chains, large shopping centers, markets and hypermarkets. ATMs in Pattaya are also indicated (although there are much more of them in the city than on this map), some city attractions and interesting to visit tourist places... The map was scanned in high resolution, so with a slow internet connection it may take some time to open it in full size. Like all maps on the site, this one can also be obtained at the resort for free using the tips below.

How to get the original map of Pattaya in Russian

First, I'll tell you why you need an original map at all. In addition to their main purpose, the originals of free maps have great functionality. Many maps of Pattaya contain information about transport on the back, describe Thai dishes, describe Thai fruits with photos of the latter (you can cross out those that you have already tried or mark the ones you like most). Everything more cards in Russian today contain mini-phrasebooks that allow you to quickly memorize several useful phrases in Thai. The easiest but unjustified option is to purchase a map in a specialty store, separately or inside a Thailand travel guide. However, I immediately dismiss this option as unnecessary, because all the maps posted here and some others are freely available. I will list the most popular options:

1. Free maps of Pattaya in Russian in the hotels of the city. Many hotels in Pattaya offer their guests free city maps, which can be easily taken at the reception upon check-in. By the way, if you went to the first hotel you came across in order to find out the cost of living and the availability of rooms and noticed that there is a special counter with maps and various advertising information, you can safely take a card even if, in the end, you do not live in this hotel going.

2. Free maps of Pattaya on the streets of the city. Arriving in Thailand, while still at the airport, you will most likely see several stores belonging to the Seven Eleven and Family Mart chains. Later, in Bangkok, Pattaya and other resorts, these stores will be found everywhere. So, if you look closely, in front of some of these shops, right on the street, there are stands where you can take any card you like for free. As a rule, these cards are paid for by advertisers, so inside you can find a lot of ads (often useful), however, a lot of ads do not in any way reduce the value of such cards and, having looked at several, you will always find that Pattaya map in Russian that seems to you as convenient and informative as possible ...

3. Maps of Pattaya in Russian on the hands. When visiting markets and large shopping centers, you will most likely come across faces (both Thais and Farangs) at the entrance, who distribute various flyers and free maps of Pattaya in Russian and other languages. Most of the cards are offered in Russian, so you can safely take a copy for your collection (if you don't already have one). The cards are dealt free of charge, and the dealer will even be grateful for the fact that you take one of the cards and relieve him of a heavy burden, while helping him fulfill the distribution plan and thus helping to earn a few baht.

I hope the maps presented above and the practical tips for obtaining their originals were helpful to you. If you know more ways with which you can get Pattaya map in Russian, unsubscribe in the comments. I promise that in the near future I will post on the site a few more detailed maps of Pattaya with hotels, when there is time to scan them. I also remind you that the service, which you can access by following the link, will allow you to explore the city not only "from a bird's eye view", as it happens with the help of maps, but also in three-dimensional space with the help of detailed panoramic photographs. I advise everyone!

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Will help Pattaya map in Russian... Pattaya - relatively small town, but since several hundred thousand tourists annually rest in it, the resort is full of shopping centers, all sorts of shows, restaurants, monuments and other attractions. Pattaya markets (clothing, food, specialized) are separately highlighted on the maps.

The main map of Pattaya, covering the most important areas of the resort: North, Central and South. All major attractions in these areas, Volkin Street, entertainment centers, as well as all major shops, markets and shopping centers in Pattaya are indicated. It is possible in high resolution for further printing it.

Buddha Hill is located in the heart of Pattaya - in the southern part of the resort. The area is so abundant in the presence of attractions, hotels and interesting objects that a separate map of this particular area is useful for exploring it. The most convenient way is to print this map, for this it is necessary (by opening it in a new window).

Option extended map of Pattaya, where attractions and other objects of the resort are presented, not only within the city, but also in its immediate vicinity. The map allows you to easily navigate the locations of the main entertainment and educational places, shopping centers, clothing and food markets in Pattaya. Open the map in a new window and print it out for easy reference.

Other maps of Pattaya

Detailed map of Pattaya (Thailand) with hotels and beaches

These are two of the most detailed maps of Pattaya (one in Russian, the other in English). The Na Jomtien area is included, almost the entire south of the resort, so almost all Pattaya hotels are present on the map and all beaches are marked, including

If you have never been to Thailand and want to plan your vacation so that there is not a single day that is wasted, maps of Pattaya in Russian will be very useful to you. Using them, while still at home, sitting on the couch, you can see where the hotel you have chosen is located, what restaurants, shops, and shopping centers are nearby. At the same time you will see where Pattaya is located on the map of Thailand. By the way, interesting articles you can read about Pattaya.

On the pages of our Internet resource, you have access to a small selection of cartographic products in electronic form, using which you can navigate in an unfamiliar city in almost the same way as in your apartment. You do not have to wander through unfamiliar streets, like Gene Kozodoev, and you will find your "pharmacy on Rybnaya Street" right away.

Interactive map of Pattaya in Russian

On the interactive map of Pattaya, offered below, we are constantly adding new points with a photo and a link to the page with detailed information about the selected object. Here you can find out your current location, for this click on the corresponding button in the upper left corner, right below the zoom buttons. To find out how to get to the selected object, click on it and a link will be available at the very bottom of the pop-up window "Calculate route"... When you click on it, a full-size plan of the area will open with a listing possible options routes as for public transport and for personal.

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Mount Golden Buddha (Khao Chi Chan) in Pattaya: 12.764928, 100.955987

Volkin Street Pattaya: 12.926294, 100.872940

Million Years Stone Park in Pattaya: 12.960711, 100.940280

Naklua Beach in Pattaya: 12.970644, 100.900615

Pattaya Beach in Pattaya: 12.935538, 100.881853

Jomtien Beach ( Jomtien Beach) in Pattaya: 12.889039, 100.875692

Park Mini Siam (Mini Siam). Pattaya: 12.954519, 100.909652

Ripley Museum. Pattaya: 12.929853, 100.877853

Devil's Den Club. Pattaya: 12.930122, 100.884774

Koh Lan Island (Pattaya): 12.917568, 100.782738

Immigration Office Pattaya: 12.897735, 100.871497

Russian village in Pattaya: 12.805650, 100.937845

Thepprasit Market Pattaya Night Market: 12.908533, 100.892918

Aquapark \" Pattaya Park\": 12.906362 , 100.862015

Samet Island: 12.558250, 101.451091

Mimosa in Pattaya: 12.839900, 100.912784

Erotic Sculpture Park in Pattaya: 12.829816, 100.949185

Beach Road Pattaya: 12.939360, 100.883954

Dolphinarium in Pattaya: 12.834753, 100.942125

Fitness club \ "Bear \": 12.890461, 100.890369

Insomnia Bar Club: 12.925756, 100.871766

Disco Club Lucifer: 12.926436, 100.872999

Red Square Club: 12.926101, 100.872399

Marine Disco Club: 12.925968, 100.872184

Pulse Club: 12.925092, 100.869877

MiXX Club: 12.924438, 100.867994

Lima Lima Club: 12.924250, 100.867893

Star Dice Club: 12.955013, 100.890005

Tony's Disco Club: 12.925338, 100.871315

Gentlemen's Club: 12.924302, 100.868182

Russian school \ "Diplomat \": 12.929677, 100.938676

Russian school \ "Knowledge \": 12.911712, 100.867646

Tiffany Drag Queen Pattaya Show: 12.949223, 100.888402

Alcazar Transvestite Show in Pattaya: 12.943083, 100.888803

69 Sex Show Pattaya: 12.951322, 100.902343

35 Group Pattaya office in Pattaya: 12.924261, 100.882473

Bus stop in Pattaya: 12.932563, 100.900283

Utapao Airport Pattaya: 12.676011, 100.998086

Temple of Truth in Pattaya: 12.972693, 100.889168

Tea Village Pattaya: 12.950565, 100.892686

Pratumnak Hill Pattaya: 12.916062, 100.862989

MAKS Car Rental Company: 12.888451, 100.881828

Zoo Khao Kheo in Pattaya: 13.212374, 101.060573

Nong Nooch Park Pattaya: 12.765933, 100.933285

Nakhon Chai Bus Station Pattaya: 12.930503, 100.900626

Nakhon Chai Bus Station in Pattaya: 12.905103, 100.869598

Nua Bus Station Pattaya: 12.949335, 100.903115

Ramayana Water Park Pattaya: 12.758166, 100.966417

Pattaya Observation Deck - Pratumnak Hill: 12.921124, 100.866723

Pattaya Observation Deck - PATTAYA city sign: 12.925861, 100.864255

Pattaya Observation Deck - Big Buddha: 12.914473 , 100.868697

Pattaya Observation Deck - Pattaya Park Hotel: 12.905856, 100.862474

Pattaya Observation Deck - Wat Yan Temple: 12.784874, 100.966759

Centara Grand Phratamnak Pattaya: 12.909796, 100.857844

Pattaya Park Hotel Beach Resort in Pattaya: 12.907090, 100.861444

Royal Cliff Hotel Beach Hotel in Pattaya: 12.923696, 100.859964

Pullman Pattaya Hotel G in Pattaya: 12.962678, 100.885106

Hotel Natural Park Resort in Pattaya: 12.871586, 100.889258

Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort Pattaya: 12.958638, 100.885989

Long Hotel Beach Garden Hotel & Spa in Pattaya: 12.964217, 100.886141

Cozy Beach Hotel Pattaya: 12.921305, 100.860129

Ambassador City Jomtien Hotel Pattaya: 12.838459, 100.908828

Lukomorye kindergarten in Pattaya: 12.895377, 100.901957

Seven-flower kindergarten in Pattaya: 12.910373, 100.873375

Floating Market in Pattaya: 12.867718, 100.904928

Garden Cliff Resort & Spa Pattaya: 12.969420, 100.886453

Cholchan Hotel Pattaya Resort in Pattaya: 12.986064, 100.919455

Dor-Shada Resort Pattaya: 12.832842, 100.910775

Hotel Adriatic Palace Pattaya in Pattaya: 12.908431, 100.859021

Garden Hotel Sea view Resort in Pattaya: 12.957397, 100.886327

Emerald Palace Pattaya: 12.918323, 100.860725

Hotel Best Beach Villa in Pattaya: 12.943888, 100.886679

Cartoon Network Amazone Waterpark Pattaya: 12.785206, 100.914927

Elephant Village Pattaya: 12.912850, 100.939143

Siraca Tiger Zoo Pattaya: 13.148923, 101.012398

Alangkarn Theater Pattaya: 12.891967, 100.897582

Three Kingdoms Park Pattaya: 12.905040, 100.976281

Art in Paradise Pattaya Museum: 12.948056, 100.889671

Military Beach (Sai ​​Kaew Beach) in Pattaya: 12.743833, 100.841746

Pipo Pony Farm Pattaya: 12.953301, 100.938102

Pattaya hotels on an interactive map in Russian

Below is another interactive map Pattaya with a huge number of hotels in Russian and with the possibility of booking. Advance reservations can be made using popular hotel search engines - or. If you do not know "what it is and what it is eaten with", then you can read the detailed FAQ on using this service on our website.

By moving the sliders located in the lower right corner to the desired position, you can filter hotels by the selected price range. So you will weed out "bedbugs" from comfortable and budget hotels.

Tuk-tuk routes on the map of Pattaya

Scanned paper version tuk-tuk cards in Pattaya in Russian allows you to quickly navigate the clever public transport scheme of this resort town... In addition to the songthaew routes - pick-ups with a passenger van, it lists the main city attractions - beaches, addresses of shops and restaurants, telephones of travel agencies and emergency services. There is also a schedule of ferries to Koh Lan. The map is informative, but it is more like a plan of the area, you should not measure distances along it.

Pattaya map with details

Large map of Pattaya

Covering all districts and suburbs. All streets and lanes are indicated. The location of almost all hotels, guest houses and condominiums where apartments are rented is noted. Everything places of worship, regardless of their confessional affiliation: Darul Ibadah Mosque, Orthodox Church of All Saints, Buddhist. Disclosed all commercial network, including the Gems Gallery factory, where you can buy more hot jewelry. , hospitals and hospitals.

Detailed map of Pattaya

If you need a map of Pattaya in Russian with attractions, then better option can not found. Thanks to the highest detail - even those passages that are used only by local cats and dogs are marked on it, you will always know exactly where you are, how many more intersections, and in which direction you have to pass in order to get to the desired point in space. In addition, quite utilitarian places are marked on it, but such places as necessary for a traveler, such as tourist police departments, banks, shopping centers and hotels.

Pattaya hotel map

contains information not only about the location of hotels, guesthouses and condominiums in the city, but also other objects that will be useful to you on your trip. Bus stations, outlets and shopping centers, post offices, hospitals, police stations are marked. There are also places of entertainment - discos, restaurants, Go-Go bars, golf courses and tennis courts, places where excursion routes start. Note that this is the only plan marked with the Bottle Museum and Oceanarium. When familiarizing yourself with this map, try not to miss the text fragments, among the advertising husk you will find a lot of useful things: the work schedule and everything that can be seen there; telephones of free taxi delivering to Health Home Pharmacy; the schedule of the Oceanarium; offers of services of schools and boat stations organizing fishing ...

Where to get the original map of Pattaya in Russian

Pattaya map in Russian with shops and markets, information on transport routes and even descriptions of Thai dishes or tropical fruits can come across you, for example, in mini-phrasebooks that are offered to tourists so that they can communicate with Thais not only in sign language. It can also be bought in a specialty store, along with a Thailand travel guide. The last option seems to be the most logical, however, this is a wrong opinion. Don't waste baht on what you can get for free. Below are the options for purchasing site plans that will not make a hole in your budget.

  1. Free Russified maps of Pattaya at the hotel reception. They are always on the counters at the entrance to the hotel along with advertising products of travel agencies, diving schools, transport companies. You can safely go to any hotel, and do not hesitate to take these printing products, even if you are not a guest and are not going to check in. You will not be grabbed by the hands.
  2. Free cards at the entrances to supermarkets. Already in you can get acquainted with the popular chain retail outlets Family Mart and Seven Eleven, and in cities and towns they are found everywhere. Stands with printing products near their entrance are just what you are looking for. In addition to text advertising brochures, there are also maps that indicate the location of shopping centers, hotels, and other tourist infrastructure. All of them are free and contain a lot of additional interesting information.
  3. Distribution of promotional items. If you ran past the stands at the entrance to, then you shouldn't go back. Some smiling Thai woman with a bundle of the same advertising spam will be found at the cash register counters. Do not shy away from them, as you do, for example, in Moscow. Take everything she offers and use free maps that will surely be Russified.

A map of Pattaya in Russian is useful for any tourist, especially useful for those who decide to explore Pattaya on their own. In Pattaya you can find many maps of Pattaya and some of them will be in Russian, which is not surprising, because most of the tourists in Pattaya are Russians. Most of Pattaya's maps are completely free and you can find them at every turn. Pattaya is a very large Thai city, its length is more than 20 kilometers, but it is very easy to navigate in Pattaya, as in most resorts in Thailand.

Pattaya map in Russian >>> Download Pattaya map in Russian

Pattaya hotels

Where to get a free map of Pattaya in Russian

It is not difficult to get a map of Pattaya in Russian, there are many places in Pattaya where it will be provided to you for free, so there is no need to buy a map in advance or download it from the Internet. In the digital age, paper maps are as popular as digital ones, because you can take notes on a paper map of Pattaya, it will never run out of battery and you can safely fold it in four and put it in the back pocket of your jeans. The paper map of Pattaya has another big advantage that digital maps do not have, on the back of the map, in addition to advertising, there is also a very useful one. tourist information(mini phrasebook, names of Thai dishes, etc.)

A free map of Pattaya in Russian can be found:

  • in exchanges - many currency exchange offices provide a Pattaya card for free, you can take it at the counter at the exchanger and change money is not necessary;
  • in Pattaya hotels - in most Pattaya hotels there are free city maps, you can find them at the reception and you don't have to be a guest of this hotel;
  • in the shops of the city - in the most popular stores in Pattaya (Seven Eleven, Family Mart, etc.) you can find advertising stands with free maps (it is advisable to check with the sellers whether the map is free or not). You can also find paid maps of Pattaya in stores (mainly as part of travel guides), but why would you buy a travel guide for the sake of a map;
  • in large shopping centers in Pattaya - in most large shopping centers there are promoters working and distributing all sorts of leaflets, do not rush to dismiss them, among the advertisements you can find a decent map of Pattaya in Russian.

Most free maps of Pattaya will be full of advertisements, such is the price for free, although some of the advertisements may be useful.

Pattaya districts on the map

It is very easy to navigate in Pattaya, and especially if you have it in your hands detailed map Pattaya. The whole city is divided into several districts, most of which face the sea, and they are the most touristy. There are only four largest districts in Pattaya: Naklua (in the north of Pattaya), Central Pattaya, South Pattaya, Pratamnak (here the most expensive tourist accommodation, this area is sometimes called "Rosskaya Pattaya") and Jomtien in the south. In addition to these areas, many villages are adjacent to Pattaya, which make up a densely populated agglomeration with a total population of more than 500,000 people.

If you look at the map of Pattaya, you can see how the city works and it is really very simple to navigate in it. There are wide streets parallel to the sea (Pattaya Beach Road, Second Road, Third Road, etc.), these wide streets are connected to each other by the so-called Jays (Soi, which means a lane), that's all the simple logic of Pattaya's device.

Pattaya Naklua area or North Pattaya

The Naklua area is a respectable area in the very north of Pattaya, there are many expensive hotels in which Russian tourists with high incomes like to settle. In addition to hotels, there are many condominiums in the Naklua area, some apartments also belong to our compatriots.

Attractions of the Naklua area:

  • the main bus station, from here buses leave for Bangkok;
  • large fish market;
  • small fishing village;
  • the temple of truth - the tallest wooden structure in the world, built without a single nail;
  • several beaches.

Pattaya Naklua area map >>> Download Pattaya Naklua area map

District Central Pattaya

The noisiest and most populous area of ​​the city is Central Pattaya, all the free space of the streets here is occupied by street vendors, massage parlors and numerous hotels and guesthouses.

The main streets of the area, congested with traffic, stretch along the beach of Central Pattaya: Pattaya Beach Rd, Second Road and Third Road, Central (Pattaya Klang) and South (Pattaya Tai) roads.

Contrary to the misconceptions that say famous street Volkin Street is located in Central Pattaya - it is not, Volkin Street is located in South Pattaya (this can be seen on the Pattaya map). But nevertheless (in Central Pattaya) most of the city's large shopping centers are located in this area, the largest of which is called Central Festival.

A nice feature of Central Pattaya is its transport accessibility. You can get to / from the Central Pattaya area cheaply on any tuk-tuk, of which there are many, and there are even more routes for them.

Central Pattaya Area Map >>> Download Central Pattaya Area Map

District South Pattaya

Worldwide famous street debauchery and entertainment Volkin Street is located in this area of ​​Pattaya, however, apart from this street, the South Pattaya area cannot boast of anything else.

In the South Pattaya area there are several important tourist attractions that should be mentioned: South Bus Station, Bali Hai Sea Pier (from where ferries go to Koh Lan Island), Karting Track, Big C. Hypermarket.

The biggest attraction of the South Pattaya area is Volkin Street, which during the day is no different from the rest of Pattaya streets, but after 18:00 the street is closed to traffic and hundreds of bars, discos, restaurants, massage parlors open on it (some of which specialize in massage for men) and other tourist attractions.

Neon advertising lights like water flowing from Walking Street down the side streets, which also boil night life, and numerous Go-Go bars and hotels with hourly rates (Short time rooms) unequivocally hint at an interesting continuation of the evening.

South Pattaya Area Map >>> Download Pattaya South Area Map

Pattaya Pratumnak District

The Pratumnak area begins just behind the Bali Hai pier. This isolated area of ​​Pattaya can be safely called the most respectable and the most Russian, and the locals call it “Russian Pattaya”. Many of our compatriots live in this quiet and pleasant area, some rent apartments for long periods in condominiums, and some have their own property.