Hainan on the map of china in russian. Geographic data of Hainan island. Hainan. Water temperature

Hainan is one of the newest provinces in China, split from Guangdong in 1988, and the smallest in area. The province consists of several different islands but Hainan is the largest of them all. Although Hainan cannot be called too expensive place for recreation, there are very few budget hotels on this island, as, for example, in Thailand.

Now let's see where Hainan Island is located on the world map and China map.

Hainan: where is it?

This question is often asked by tourists who first heard about the island. Finding Hainan Island on the world map is not difficult as it is quite big Island off the coast of China. It is simply impossible not to notice it. Hainan, separated by the Qiongzhou Strait from the Leizhou Peninsula in Guangdong Province, is the most big island ruled by the People's Republic of China.

Below you can see where Hainan Island is located on the world map.

The area of ​​Hainan Island (32,900 square kilometers) is similar to that of some European countries... To the west of Hainan Island is Tonkin Bay. Mount Wuzi is the highest peak on the island at 1,840 meters. Hainan is 169 km long and 155 km wide. Wetlands cover 320,000 hectares, of which 78,000 hectares were created artificially. Most of these lands are located in the eastern and northern regions. Most of the rivers originate in the central part of the island and flow radially in different directions. The Wanning River in the southern part is the largest here, its length is 350 kilometers. The Nandu River in the northern part has a length of 314 kilometers, and its tributary - the Xinwu River - 109 kilometers. The Changhua River in the west is 230 kilometers long, and the Wangkuan River in the east is 162 kilometers. Evaporation around coastal areas during the dry season significantly reduces river flow. There are very few natural lakes in Hainan. In the central-northern region, there is a famous artificial reservoir - the Songtao reservoir.

Main cities of Hainan

Haikou- the capital of the province, located in the northern coastline and processes most trade with the mainland.
Sanya is an attractive city, but mainly used as a transit point on the way to the beaches.
Boao- well developed tourist town on the east coast, is the site of the famous Asian Boao Forum. The city is an hour's drive from Haikou and about two hours from Sanya.


Hainan enjoys excellent weather all year round. Although rain is possible during the winter months (December-February), you can enjoy a beach holiday here almost every day. Summer (June to September) can be very hot and humid, so make sure to drink plenty of fluids. During this time of year, temperatures are usually between 27-33 ° C. In winter, temperatures rarely drop below 10-15 ° C.

How to get there

Haikou and Sanya are the main air hubs on the island. Haikou airport(HAK), located about 25 kilometers from Haikou, receives a small number of international flights from Bangkok, Taiwan, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Macau, as well as daily domestic flights from Beijing, Guangzhou, Kunming, Nanning and Shanghai.
Sanya Phoenix International Airport (SYX) receives mainly domestic flights and international flights from cities of Russia, Hong Kong, Seoul and some other Asian countries.

Trains to Hainan run daily from Guangzhou, Beijing and Shanghai. Trains are loaded onto ferries to cross the sea, while passengers remain in the wagons. Typically, trains stop at both Haikou and Sanya, as well as Dongfang, which is located between Haikou and Sanya.

You can also get to Hainan by bus, which is also loaded onto the ferry.

Island trips

Haikou at the north end and Sanya at the south end are connected by three highways that run along east coast, along west coast and through the hilly center. Almost all more or less significant places on the island are located close to one of these highways. As elsewhere in China, there are buses in Hainan that go to almost anywhere.
Two railways connect Haikou and Sanya. One of them is the old western ring road Railway and the other is the new high-speed eastern ring railway. Another high-speed western ring railway is currently under construction. High speed trains run between Haikou and Sanya at speeds up to 250 km / h.

What language do they speak

As elsewhere in China, Mandarin (Mandarin Chinese) is the most spoken language in Hainan. Almost every local resident can speak this language.

Hainan also has a significant number of people who speak other Chinese dialects. For example, the Danki region has its own local dialect, and the Li people, the largest minority, speak a language distantly related to Thai and Lao. There is also a Miao community in Hainan that continues to speak the Miao language. However, most young people from these groups can also speak Inai and Mandarin.
As elsewhere in China, English is not widely spoken, but some people speak it quite well. The staff of many hotels usually understands the basic English phrases... The good news is that since Hainan is popular destination among Russians, many shop assistants and restaurant employees know some Russian words. But, firstly, we are talking only about employees of establishments located near hotels. Secondly, they mostly know only a few words, so it is unlikely that they will be able to speak with them in Russian.

One of the popular tourist places is the island of Hainan, the photo of which can be found on the Internet. A tropical stretch of land surrounded by waters South China Sea, geographically belongs to the Chinese People's Republic and at the same time it is a large province located in the south of the country. To have general views about the island, you need to know that the length of its coastline is 1500 kilometers, and the population is approximately eighteen million people. The southern and central part of the province is covered with an array of dense forests, as well as plantations where bananas, mangoes, coconuts, tea, and coffee grow.

The northern part is considered an industrial center, so it is not enough for a tourist to know where the Hainan Island is located on the map; you also need to understand where it is best to go for a good rest. The capital of the province is Haikou City, which has a population of about 1.5 million. Here, large industrial centers and a developed recreation industry are harmoniously combined with a wide range of entertainment, a huge network of hotels of various classes. The islands also owe their popularity to the unique microclimate, thanks to which swimming and relaxation are possible here all year round. It is also worth noting that the country maintains the strictest adherence to the environmental regime.

In a hundred kilometers from Sanya, in any direction, it is forbidden to build any production related to industry, in addition, any sewage system must be looped and connected to a treatment plant, it is impossible to discharge waste into the sea.

Over the past few years, the bays of Hainan Island have become popular place among travelers all over the world. For this reason, the provincial government has taken the trouble to create a powerful infrastructure for dynamically developing tourism and recreation. Vacationers from all over the world are attracted by a wide network of interesting tourist routes along the coast and mountain ranges, complexes of mineral and radon springs, high quality sandy beaches... Tourists can enjoy beautiful views of ethnographic villages, geographically significant places, as well as catch the adrenaline rush on one of the local highways.

Volcanic activity

The fact that volcanic activity in Hainan stopped eight thousand years ago is evidenced by extinct volcanoes... You can go to their craters with a guided tour. If a traveler does not know what to see on Hainan Island, he should visit the most famous local volcano, called Ma An. Its shape visually resembles a saddle. You can climb to the crater, which is protected by railings, by steps lined with volcanic magma. Upstairs there is a full-fledged observation deck, from where you can look inside the crater. Its neck is a solidified lava, from which a variety of tropical relict plants and dense bushes have sprouted over the years. The tourist area of ​​the attraction is a spacious park. Not far from the outdoor observation deck, between palm trees, there is a restaurant where folklore evening performances are held in the evenings local residents, representatives of the Miao and Li peoples.

Additional confirmation of the stopped volcanic activity is thermal springs, which are considered the attractions of the Hainan Island in China and also attract a huge number of tourists from all over the world. Such springs are unevenly scattered throughout the province and are surrounded by small cottage resorts, which are buried in green thickets, consisting mainly of tropical plants. The most popular place is the complex of Guantan springs, the water temperature of which reaches 70 - 90 degrees. A traveler can get here by the Wanquan River, which is the third largest on the island.

How to get there

A tourist can get to the island from almost any airport, even from Of the Far East and deep Siberia, but direct flights have not been established today. Exceptions are charter flights, which mainly go from Moscow. Most of the airlines operating today offer their customers flights with connections in various cities in China. You can fly from Khabarovsk and Moscow to Hainan Monkey Island with one transfer, from St. Petersburg or another region - with two or more transfers.

If a traveler wants to enjoy the views of mainland China and can afford to travel longer, he should consider an option such as rail or bus routes... You still have to fly, but much less. Most of the Russian flights are served by the airport in the southern resort town of Sanya. In addition, it is worth noting that the province is considered a special economic zone that promotes the development of inbound tourism, so the visa regime is relatively simplified here. That is why a traveler can get a visa immediately upon arrival. There are also separate programs for Russian groups of tourists. If the size of the group, the visit of which does not last longer than 15 days, exceeds five people, the visitors according to the group's list can take advantage of the visa-free regime.

Weather in Hainan Island

If we consider the weather in Hainan Island in China by months, it is worth noting that its main distinguishing feature can be called stability. Throughout the year there are almost no temperature drops here. Resorts on the southern side of China receive guests continuously. Daytime temperature during the season varies from +23 to +26 degrees, with the exception of rare cases. That is why that there is no winter cold or exhausting summer heat. Another notable feature is the fact that the water temperature is always several degrees higher than the actual air temperature. The local season is divided into:

  1. Dry period, which lasts from December to March. It is considered the most favorable period for rest, since there is practically no rain. Even in winter, the daytime temperature does not drop below +20 degrees, and the nighttime temperature does not fall below +15 degrees.
  2. The rainy period lasts from April to November and is characterized by high humidity. Spring is considered the most favorable time for exercise sightseeing travel, since there is no obvious heat yet. Further, the thermometer shows a higher value every month. The August indicator rises to +40 degrees.

The best time for a beach holiday is from October to November, as the resort weather begins to recover, that is, showers are less and less frequent. Thus, the weather of Hainan Island in autumn pleases with refreshing winds and an average, comfortable air temperature.

Attractions of the province

For local vacationers, attractions are also important, of which there are a huge variety of them. Among them there are luxurious tropical beaches, as well as natural monuments and objects created by the person himself. Modern travelers tend to pay the most attention to such places:

Thus, in addition to a beach holiday, the vacationer is offered a huge number of places to visit, which usually cannot be visited in a few weeks of vacation. It is for this reason that tourists often come back here again. Eighty kilometers from the city of Sanya, there is an island with an area of ​​1000 hectares, where more than 2100 monkeys live, which are of the Guanxi macaque type. There, a tourist can visit a unique monkey circus, as well as dine inside a restaurant located on the water.

We can say that in any weather, Hainan Island in China will become ideal place for relax. This is due to the huge variety of leisure options. If the weather is not conducive to beach vacation, you can go on an excursion or just walk around the city.

The schemes of the Chinese resort of Hainan are a good help for tourists. One of the most attractive tourist destinations is Southeast Asia... The Chinese island of Hainan has recently gained great popularity. Finding Hainan on the world map is not difficult: it is located at the southern border of China.

Maps and diagrams of Hainan

For the traveler and tourist, the island scheme is of great interest. Physical map, compiled in Russian, will tell about the landscape, where next to the flat areas adjoin mountainous regions... Several picturesque rivers begin in the central part of the island and flow in radial directions.

A detailed administrative scheme tells about large cities... Located in the North, which is the capital and largest island center. Its population is 830 thousand inhabitants. The southern part of the island is crowned with a famous spa center and administrative unit. Several more cities are shown on the plan:
  • Dongfang;
  • Vanyin;
  • Wenchang;
  • Qionghai.

Each of the cities is interesting for its traditions, culture, sights.

Public transport schemes

There are three main island highways highlighted on the transport map. One runs along the eastern part, the other stretches along the western coast, the third crosses the center of the island.

Besides road transport, guests of the "Chinese Hawaiians" can use the railway. They can use the old western line or the modern expressway. It stretches along the east coast.

The transport map shows two large international airports... Some settled in the capital, the other in resort town Sanya.

Hainan scheme with hotels

A detailed map of hotels will help a tourist to choose a suitable hotel. There will be no problems with the choice. The tourist island cluster is ready to offer vacations for every taste and budget.

The most attractive holiday destination is the city of Sanya. It is located in the southern part of the island and has picturesque beaches. Most of the hotels are located near the sea and have everything a tourist needs:
  • modern service;
  • technical equipment;
  • comfortable rooms;
  • swimming pools;
  • attractive interior.

Affordable prices combined with comfort put Hainan on a par with popular tourist destinations in the world.

Hainan map with landmarks

The Chinese island of Hainan takes up little space on the global map. But attracts travelers unique nature, variety of flora and fauna, national flavor. Among the sights, a collection of large stones of unusual outlines and shapes stands out. Each of the blocks of Mount Nanshan is listed in a special register and has an exclusive description.

The map of island attractions shows protected areas and parks. One of the most visited places is “Monkey Island”. The reserve is located 60 km from resort area Sanya. The monkeys are placed in their natural habitat and move freely around the park. In addition to observing animals, tourists are offered circus and theatrical performances with the participation of animals.

On the map of the island features, the Shell Museum and the Butterfly Garden stand out. Here tourists can get acquainted with the variety of local flora and fauna. Not far from Sanya, there is an ethnic park that tells about Buddhist traditions and local customs.

Summing up

The only conclusion follows from the above: visiting a special zone of China, the resort of Hainan, will give tourists an unforgettable experience. And all kinds of schemes, drawn up in Russian, will help you choose a vacation spot and excursion directions.

Where is Hainan on the map of China. Hainan Island is located south of China. Its southern and central District completely covered with fruit plantations and dense forests. This is a real tropical paradise. The island has a population of about 8.5 million. Despite the excellently developed tourist infrastructure, a high ecology has been preserved here, the island has a rich flora and fauna, as well as a unique identity of the indigenous population. All industrial enterprises are located in the northern part of the island, near its capital, Haikou. The entertainment industry is excellently developed here, and many excellent hotels have been built.

Hainan Island is famous for its wonderful landscapes, mild climate, clear coastal waters and excellent beaches. Thanks to its thermal springs, this place is also known as a wonderful balneological resort. Local radon sources are located in forests, mountains and the vicinity of cities.

Russians who come to the island prefer to stay in tourist complexes located in the picturesque bays of Dadonghai and Yalongwan. The cozy Dadonghai Bay is located lovely hotel Intime Resort 5 *. It features a lovely tropical garden, white sand beach and attentive staff. This place is most suitable for those who wish to relax in a quiet family environment.

Hotels in Yalunwan Bay are very popular Resort Golden Palm 4 *, as well as Cactus Resort 4 *, which flaunts among the majestic mountains, on the shore of the lake. The territory of the Cactus Resort is unusually beautiful and quite large. Ponds and pools with lotuses and goldfish, wonderful gardens, singing fountains, many hammocks and sun loungers perfectly characterize this wonderful hotel. The Cactus Resort is ideal for a relaxing seaside holiday. www.site

Visitors to the island can visit the thermal springs of Niantian, which have pools with mineral water bathing in which contributes to the rejuvenation of the body. Curious tourists can visit the Butterfly Museum and Monkey Island, as well as explore the Buddhist Center with its graceful temples or take a tour of the pearl factory.

Unique tropical island of Hainan, is within the same name southern province representing China. The island's area is about 34,438 square kilometers, and its population is approximately 8 671 517 people... The island is washed from all sides warm waters of the South China Sea.

Favorable climatic and geographic features region due to its location at the same latitude with Hawaii, made the island one of the most popular East Asian resorts, and a very important center of the Chinese agro-industry.

Sanya famous resort is situated on south coast islands, and is represented by a chain of hotels, the most prestigious of which are located directly on the coast. Find Hainan province on the world map, you can use geographical coordinates19 degrees 6 minutes north and 109 degrees 34 minutes east. In addition, in a more detailed study of the region, you can be helped by interactive map yandex below.


Hainan relief

Geographic maps of the island, speaks of its volcanic origin, the same is evidenced by numerous geological studies in this area. Hainan relief, from the plains in the northeast smoothly passes to highlands in the South-West. The main attraction of the island is the extinct Ma An volcano, the mouth of which tourists can look at from viewing platforms... In addition, on the territory of the island, as witnesses of the former volcanic activity, there are thermal springs, whose temperature sometimes reaches more than 65 degrees Celsius.

  • Coast of the island abounds in picturesque bays, the height map of which also changes depending on where the bay is.

Climate map of Hainan

  • Climate of the island- subequatorial tropical. The weather regime is quite favorable for life and consists of more than 280 sunny days a year. Average air temperature , here, varies between 25-27 degrees Celsius, and the water temperature is around 26 degrees in any season.
  • As you can see on the table, the best time of the year will be a trip from May to November.

Due to the absence of similar climatic zones in the country, China is very proud of the island's territory and in every possible way encourages its economic development, drawing up schemes for its popularization among tourists. For more information on zonal and seasonal meteorological changes, you can find out the climate map of the island.

Natural conditions

One of the most attractive aspects Hainan is its unique natural resources, which China actively uses as a raw material base. So, on the island there are many endemics of flora and fauna, as well as a considerable number of fruits and plant crops traditional for the tropics. Among the demanded natural resources islands you can distinguish a tree Anchar, Hevea-rubber plant, coconut tree, Coffee and tea. Naturally, China has serious schemes here for the supply of plantations and the production of products grown on them.

  • Sanya beaches

In addition, China uses the specific features of local flora and fauna as elements of tourism development. So, according to the map, there are several extensive botanical gardens and conservation areas in Hainan, where travelers can get acquainted with the heritage of the local fabulous nature.

Generally, Hainan is ideal for those who have already traveled almost all over China and want to refresh their impressions of it. Guided by the map, you can easily find a sea crossing in Hainan from Xuwen , but this option is more suitable for free travelers on long independent tours.

  • The rest are I would recommend taking direct flights from Moscow to Sanya or Haikou airports.