Crete what a tourist needs to know. Useful tips for tourists in Crete, Greece. What to see in Crete

Insurance for Greece is not a panacea for troubles while traveling. However, a properly executed insurance policy will help minimize the risks of consequences due to the timely assistance of the assistance and the insurance company.

The scorching sun of Greece

Does insurance cover sunburn?

Even in autumn, take with you a protective cream with good SPF / UV protection, to burn out in the sun is like eating bread, and the cost of the cheapest cream in local markets is 10-20 euros. For example, at home you can find good remedy for only 200-300 rubles.

Sunscreen should be applied not only while relaxing on the beach, but constantly: when you go for a walk, go on an excursion, or just relax on the balcony of your hotel room.

Sunburn is not covered by many insurance companies. Therefore, try to take care of safety beforehand. Keep a close eye on your baby when traveling with a baby: baby skin burns faster, and SPF protection should be as high as possible.

Be sure to cover your head - a panama hat, a wide-brimmed straw hat, a scarf, a turban made of thin fabric. Again, it is better to purchase this in advance, since at the very advantageous offer in Greece you will have to spend about 5-10 euros, but the quality of the goods is so low that you will have to throw the new thing away on the last day of your vacation.

Sunstrokes are not uncommon. Even if it seems that the sun is not beating down, the body gradually overheats. Carry a bottle of still water with you and avoid sunbathing between 12:00 and 15:00.

What to take with you to the beach in Crete?

The seabed can also be dangerous: not all beaches of tourist Crete have a good entry into the sea. Even if you do not take into account the sharp stones on which you can cut yourself, then sea ​​urchins nobody canceled. These small underwater inhabitants are very similar to rounded rocks covered with dark moss. You cannot see them through a layer of water. And the pain from the needles of hedgehogs that pierce the skin is not at all what you would like to feel on vacation. In order not to risk it, buy in advance "coral" - rubber slippers for swimming. They are sold in all major sports stores, the cost varies from 500 to 1000 rubles. Again, it is better to buy them while still at home, since in Crete they will cost several times more.

Do not take money, a phone, a tablet, etc. to the beach that you really don't want to lose. Better on a minimum - a mat or towel to lay on the sand, a small towel to dry off after swimming, a bucket hat, sunglasses, sun cream and the above-mentioned swimming slippers.

Learn a couple of common courtesy phrases (hello, goodbye, and thank you) in your local language. Believe me, everyone is pleased to hear at least a word in their native language from a visiting tourist. Moreover, it is impossible not to fall in love with the Greek language - "kalimara", "kalisper", "parakalo", "eucharisto".

Crete beaches and features

How do I get a free sun lounger on the beach?

It is unprofitable to pay for a sunbed + umbrella + towel, it is profitable to go to the beach, choose your favorite sunbed with an umbrella, lay your own towel and pay for it from 2.50 to 7 euros (this is how much a digestible drink costs in a beach bar, which owns sun loungers with umbrellas) ...

The cost of cocktails and beer in beach bars depends on the drink itself (local beer is cheaper than European cocktails) or the stardom of the nearby hotel (the same draft in a beach tavern can cost 2-3 times cheaper than in a beach bar near 5 stars, in where the Germans hang out).

The higher the bar price tag, the better the sun loungers and umbrellas, but high price cocktail does not guarantee at all that there will be a good entry into the sea with a gentle sandy bottom.

Snorkelers can take a mask / snorkel - variety underwater world not as rich as in Egypt or Asia, but there is something to admire.

What to see in Crete?

Crete landmarks

If the forecast says bad weather, then rent a car and drive around the island, there is always something to see - archaeological excavations, monasteries, amusement parks, pottery workshops and other attractions, shrouded in the secrets of mythology.

Most of the inhabitants of the island travel by motor scooters, which is justified - cheap, cheerful, in large cities (by the standards of Crete) you can drive through any traffic jam, overcome narrow streets, find a parking place.

It is advisable to purchase tickets for access to certain attractions online in advance, otherwise long standing in lines will kill the research fuse. You can also see in advance if there are any discounts or bonuses: for example, entrance ticket for the excavations of the Knossos Palace costs 15 euros, and the entrance ticket for the same ruins and the archaeological museum in Heraklion together costs 16 euros (if you are by car, it will not be difficult to get there, especially since everything is within walking distance).

"We went on an excursion from a tour operator, where they took us on a rather comfortable bus along the route - an arms workshop, a pottery workshop + olive oil production, a monastery, a Zeus cave, dinner at a local tavern. The tour was not full of details - in fact, the guide told myths Ancient Greece that's all. True, a couple of young curious tourists asked many questions - what do the Greeks do in winter, when there are no tourists, how olives are harvested, what is the irrigation system there, how much does a pensioner get in Greece, how much does a house in Crete cost, how much hotel employees earn, and so on. Well, it brightened up the excursion. The armory and pottery workshops are aimed exclusively at tourists who open their mouths listening to rather unpretentious details of production, and also buy souvenirs at fairly high prices. Monasteries and Greek churches are really worth a visit. The atmosphere there is pleasant and peaceful. And you can also buy handmade souvenirs. Zeus Cave - the crown of this excursion - deserves a separate story. First, you need to climb the hill, where there is a descent into the cave. It's not that easy as the road is rocky. You need comfortable shoes so that they don't slip or fall off your feet. You can order the ascent on a donkey, but it was very pity for these peaceful animals, which were carrying tourists weighing under 100 kg. Descent into the cave also takes time, since the flow of tourists is inexhaustible, that is, it will be like descending into the subway at rush hour - one step at a time. The cave is nothing special - it's cold and damp. Under no circumstances should you take pictures there with a flash, as there are bats. Their flocks can scare anyone. Before heading to the cave, re-read the Myths of Ancient Greece again to experience that pleasant delight at the thought "this is where Zeus was raised."

Car rental in Crete

How to choose a car for rent in Greece?

Mostly economical cars are in use (Toyota Yaris, Hundai Solaris, Volkswagen Polo, etc.), when renting it is more profitable to take class B cars than kids from class A: class A cars will "eat" as much gasoline as B, when this is not a fact that they can accommodate more than 2 tourists, and moving in them will give an indescribable feeling of safety at the level of a cat's carrier (remember about motor scooters, yes? mirrors and common sense to help).

When renting a car, take pictures of all chips, cracks and scratches with which you got the car.

Managers selling a car rental service are aimed at selling, so during the consultation they may forget to mention about interesting features: for example, when transferring the car, they will take a deposit of about 200 euros from you, or they will ask you to roll back a copy of your bank card (it is better not to give a salary card).

They can also provide a car with an incomplete tank, while you must return the car with the same amount of fuel with which you took it, which will make the brains, relaxed by rest, perform some intellectual manipulations: check on the Internet (or remember from your own experience) the average fuel consumption in the received car , estimate the estimated distance, then calculate whether it is necessary to refuel before the trip or still according to the results of the trip to an incomplete tank.

Car rental offices also offer rental of navigators with already built tourist routes where the main popular points are listed. You can and should take it if you do not want to bother downloading offline maps in advance into the navigator on your smartphone and building your own individual route. It will not be very comfortable without a navigator: from time to time there are repairs on the roads, there are few pointers, while there are many cameras recording violations.

Renting a car for 3 days is more profitable than for 1, but this is reasonable only if the forecast promises a protracted cyclone, and your company has at least 2 people with a license, otherwise the stress of a single driver will override all the advantages of rest (primarily from - for scooters).

Greek cuisine

What to try in Crete from food?

Since you are on the island, when choosing food, make a choice in favor of fish and seafood rather than meat: they are definitely fresh, they know how to cook deliciously, you will like it. Hotels aimed at older tourists from old Europe will have a sufficient number of vegetarian dishes and food lotions, for example, gluten-free milk, which you can easily drink without feeling "white powder diluted in water."

Greek olive oil is exported. Therefore, you can easily afford not to carry heavy suitcases with oil from Greece, but buy it at home in the nearest supermarket. For memory and a special feeling that this is exactly THIS oil "FROM THERE", you can buy a small tin tube in a local Greek shop.

In general, Crete has a lot of delicious and fresh dairy products, including hard and semi-soft cheeses, feta and Greek yogurt. By the way, very often in hotels for breakfast buffet you can see Greek yogurt with various additives - cherry, peach, apricot. It's insanely delicious! Try it!

And the main treasure of Greece is olives, which are everywhere: bitter and tart, in brine, in the form of oil (from the first to the nth extraction, but give us extra virgin), in cosmetics, soap, on souvenir plates, towels and so on. They are not useful everywhere: olive oil does not cause concern, you can take out 2 liters per person (safer in cans than in bottles). Olives in brine can be bitter, and therefore very much an amateur. By the way, most often olives are sold and served with seeds - bite the olives more carefully, otherwise dentistry is a shaky topic of insurance policies: something is covered, something is not covered. Take care of your teeth!

Greek olive oil is exported. Therefore, you can easily afford to buy a bottle of oil at home at your local supermarket. For memory and a special feeling that this particular oil "OTTUDA" can be bought in a small tin tube.

Should you bargain in Crete?

A separate reminder that Crete is a tourist area is that bargaining can and should be here. If there is someone in your company who likes this art, go for it! This is not Hurghada, where you can bargain even in Duty Free, but it is profitable to bargain magnets, olive hand cream or silver jewelry. Again, remember the rule - the farther from the hotels, the more pleasant the prices. Therefore, plan to buy souvenirs and mementos while walking - explore the area, compare price tags, look at the quality of the goods. By the way, in Crete you can find interesting leather goods - expensive, but of high quality. Choosing alcoholic drinks with the taste of throat medicine - there are such lovers.

Many bring from Greece popular olive soaps with various flavors. This is a rather dubious souvenir, if only because the persistent aroma of laundry soap breaks through the perfume fragrance. But you can take a closer look at the goat milk soap - it is really very gentle, the soap with volcanic particles - perfectly scrubs the skin. And also to the soap with the scent of sandalwood - almost the only fragrance that can sound for a long time.

Insurance to Greece

How to choose an insurance policy for a trip to Greece?

When receiving the insurance included in the tour package, read the contract in advance, preferably before departure, in order to have time to purchase additional insurance if necessary. Sometimes in the basic contract you can find interesting nuances, for example, that "an insured event does not recognize diseases or accidents that have arisen during an excursion not purchased from a tour operator."

Buying excursions not from a tour operator looks like a tempting lottery - prices are 30 percent lower and you can bargain (however, sometimes you can bargain with representatives of the tour operator), while the quality of excursions in the tourist office "around the corner" may not fundamentally differ or differ for the better ... A large ship, which was declared by the representative of the tour operator as a virtue of an excursion to the island of Gramvousa and Balos Bay, turned out to be a dubious plus, because the reverse side big ship became a large number of passengers, transformed into a queue for the toilet / at lunch / when loading and unloading passengers and the general feeling of congestion on the ship (associations from “ Noah's Ark"To" Titanic ").

Apply the principle of "look with your eyes, don't touch with your hands", which will work in your favor: bushes with beautiful white flowers - poisonous oleander - grow everywhere, conventionally, domestic cats can give you incredible sensations in the treatment of various unpleasant diseases - from toxocariasis to rabies. You also need to be careful with fish or jellyfish.

Also, the basic insurance from the tour operator does not include additional sports risks or risks for extreme activities, such as rafting, jeep safari, horseback excursions, etc. At the same time, the travel agent making the trip is unlikely to warn you about this (thank God, if it warns you about the presence / absence of a franchise - the amount that you have to pay yourself when you apply for insurance help), and a representative of the tour operator on the spot will make big eyes when the question will arise about the possible risks of such excursions and coverage of medical expenses.

If you are planning to “take everything from life” on vacation: combine a jeep safari with paragliding, and dive for dessert to observe with the inhabitants of the water depths, then buy insurance in advance with increasing risks. This is not a "rip-off from insurance", it is protection against large financial losses if you suddenly have to go to the hospital on your own.

Remember that when traveling, it is recommended to take a minimum first aid kit, which will contain essential drugs. They will allow you to cope with the consequences of air travel, with a banal runny nose or cough, cure burns from excessive sun exposure, and so on. Of course, it is necessary to take plasters, since corns are the faithful companions of those who like to walk. And it would be nice to stock up on activated charcoal (or its alternative options in the form of a gel), which will put you on your feet after overusing alcoholic beverages and all inclusive gastronomic bounties.

Pay attention to the terms of the insurance contract for items related to sunburn, allergies, rashes, exacerbation of chronic diseases and alcohol consumption. When renting a car, take full insurance of civil liability to third parties without a deductible, also specify the procedure for minor damages (again about motor scooters) and accidents, take the office contacts for prompt communication.

For every fireman, take a photo of all documents on mobile phone so that in case of any misunderstanding you have everything at hand.

The advantages of working with a tour operator are, after all, a guarantee of settlement, you may not know any languages ​​at all, and they take you everywhere. That is, you can let the rest go on as usual, everything will be organized for you, including excursions.

pros independent travel- savings on housing, it can be large (if you find a very good option or give up a little comfort), or insignificant. Further, on the spot you can find the accommodation you want, and the choice here is very large. In order to independently move around the island and enjoy your vacation, you need to know at least some English, and it is advisable to have a Greek phrasebook.

Crete is interesting in that it is very rich in excursion programs, and has an ancient, interesting story... Therefore, if you are even a little interested in all this, do not skimp on a Russian-speaking guide. The Greeks are naturally good storytellers, and you will be offered a mixture of the usual story with the mythical, but so well done that you will listen. Most likely, you will remember a little, but during the excursion it will be very interesting.

What is surprising in Crete is that the weather on the island can vary even though it is small. It is curious that on one coast a storm can rage for three days, while on the other there will be heavenly silence. In such cases, it is best to rent a car and drive to a quiet area. Although, even without swimming, there are many interesting things on the island.

Our tour operators usually offer the north coast, as there are many large 4-5 star hotels. But on southern nature incomparably richer, the sea is cleaner and warmer. It is favored by Europeans, and therefore abounds in small apartments.

The food is very varied, and at any time you can find a place in Crete where you can eat deliciously and cheaply. Although seafood is always more expensive than regular food. By the way, people in Crete love to cheat. In this regard, the account must be checked, especially if the price is indicated in the menu per grams. Then warn the waiter that the portion should be no more than that many grams for which you are willing to pay.

Taxi drivers, waiters, and salespeople are deceiving. Although taxi drivers have a habit of announcing the price of the trip in advance. At the same time, the counter will show much less, it can be said to “show the weather”.

The excursion programs of this island are excellent, and you will be offered to buy tickets for them in advance in your homeland. So, in best options they will be twice as expensive as local firms. Considering that the discrepancy for one excursion for a couple will be 20-30 euros, then the savings when buying local tickets will be a tidy sum.

At independent travel buses can be used around the island. They run at intervals of 15-20 minutes and are quite comfortable. You buy a ticket at the bus stop, get on the bus and hand it to the driver without unclenching your fingers. The driver will tear off his soul mate and that's it, you can go. For buses with a long-distance route, conductors are provided at all.

Crete occupies a special place in Greek history, according to legends, it was the settlers from this island who became the founders of the famous Hellenic civilization.

Historians date the first settlements in Crete around 7000 BC. Since that time, the island often passed under the influence of neighboring states and even existed as an independent country, but now it is a part of Greece - a country that has attracted travelers from all over the world for many centuries.
Crete - very popular resort among the Europeans. Active tourist season here it is open from May to September, and everyone can choose a place to their liking. Active youth prefer the north of the island to the city Malia and Hersonissos famous for their parties, discos and nightlife. Suitable for family and romantic holidays more areas Elounda, Agios Nikolaos and Rethymno... By the way, the Elounda area is considered the most expensive due to beautiful beaches, clear water and incredible landscapes. Its favorable location protects the coast from waves and strong winds Well, the prices for hotels in this earlier also raises.

Those who want to travel as much as possible around the island prefer Rethymno - beautiful city The ca Venetian style is located in the north of the island and is equally distant from most of the attractions.

For lovers of secluded relaxation, areas in the south of the island are suitable. There, of course, the tourist infrastructure is so developed, but nature leaves an indelible impression. Here you can see the legendary Samaria gorge, which is considered one of the most famous in Europe.

In general, many believe that having gone to Greece there is no point in lying in a hotel near the pool, this country is not for an "eggplant" holiday, you have to travel around it, this is the whole point.

Public excursions are good, of course, but getting around the island on your own is much more interesting. You can rent a car at any rental company for relatively little money. There are rentals in all localities and on every corner. Most of the hotels also offer rental services, walk around, take a look where it is cheaper and go ahead.

By the way, some tour agencies offer their clients, while still at home, to rent a car or a quad bike. Well, according to the reviews of the majority of tourists who have fallen on this hook, it is clear and understandable that it is much cheaper and more convenient to do it on the spot.

The most important thing- take a car with climate control! Crete hot island in some places it is not very rich in vegetation, therefore it is incredibly hot here in summer. Another danger is mountain serpentine. Cretan roads, of course, cannot be compared with our domestic ones, there is smooth asphalt, beautiful markings, driving is a pleasure, but those who are not accustomed to serpentine roads along the mountains will have to get pretty nervous on the way.

So as not to get lost, take with by GPS machine navigator, or on a map of the island in advance, make a plan of your trip, mark the sights and beaches that you would like to visit.

There is no “all inclusive” system usual for Turkey and Egypt, then there is a buffet with 40 different dishes you can take away here. The beaches on the island are mostly municipal, therefore umbrellas and sun loungers are provided for a fee, but since there is no need to pay for the entrance, our tourists calmly lie on their own towels and enjoy their rest.

In general, the Greeks are very friendly and welcoming, because their resorts are in such great demand, and I want to come back here again and again!

Crete is the mysterious home of the Minotaur. A luxurious resort for the whole family amidst olive groves.

Crete beaches and sea

The shores of Crete are favored by three seas: in the west they are washed by the Ionian Sea, in the north by the Aegean, and in the south and east by the Mediterranean. Sometimes the northern waters are called the Cretan Sea, and the southern waters are called the Libyan Sea (these are parts Mediterranean Sea). The water warms up very quickly, so already in mid-April, the first tourists arrange a swim off the Cretan coast.

They have a different coverage - there are sandy, pebble, and mixed areas. Perhaps the most favorite beach among vacationers is Elafonisi. Couples with children come here, to the south of Crete - the entrance to the water is very smooth, and the sand is soft, light pink in color. Lovers of white sand, palm trees and silence choose the eastern Wai Beach. Divers come to Balos Bay looking for pirate treasures in a sunken ship. In the capital of the island - in Heraklion - the popular sandy and pebble beach of Paleokastro. There are two notable beaches in the Chania region: Falasarna and Frangokastello (near the Venetian fortress).

Crete Resorts

Crete is usually divided by four resort areas: Heraklion, Chania, Rethymno and Lasithi. At each resort, the tourist is guaranteed an azure sea and spacious clean beaches surrounded by olive groves and vineyards.

Heraklion - Big City, capital of the island of Crete. Tourists are often accommodated in the areas of Agia Pelagia, Amoudara, Hersonossis, Stalis. From Heraklion it is convenient to go on excursions around the island and on sea cruises.

Lassithi is known for the "reserved" place for tourists in Agios Nikolaos, which is on the shores of the Mirabello Bay. Attractions in the Lassithi region include the Zeus Cave and the Valley of the Windmills.

The cozy town of Chania is famous for its long beach. It is pleasant to walk along the local narrow streets, hiding from the heat in hospitable taverns.

Rethymno is a picturesque resort town with several satellite villages. The vibrant nightlife, colorful shops and beautiful long beaches are in full bloom here.

Crete landmarks

The main Cretan brand is, of course, the Minotaur. You can't do without visiting, where, according to legend, the monster lived. The myth says that the Minotaur was the main trump card of the Minoan civilization - they traditionally intimidated neighbors - so much so that they annually sent seven young men and seven girls "to feed" the horned creature. The end of the sacrifices was put by Theseus, who was helped by the princess Ariadne with a ball of thread.

The palace of Knossos was destroyed by an earthquake caused by the eruption of the Santorini volcano, which is 130 km from the island. It was not possible to restore it entirely - the territory of the palace is huge, its corridors, rooms and dungeons really resemble a labyrinth. and everyone can admire the ancient frescoes.

The second myth, which is also inextricably linked with Crete, is the birth of Zeus. According to legend, he was born in one of the caves, which is now called Dikteyskaya. The cave is really impressive - it contains stalactites, stalagmites, and even a beautiful underground lake.

The third myth is associated with Artemis and Athena. According to legend, the goddess of wisdom and the goddess of the hunt loved to swim in the "bottomless" lake Vulizmeni. The lake is relatively small, but its depth is wow: in the middle it is almost 64 meters! The lake is located in Agios Nikolaos.

Lovers of natural attractions will also like it - the longest in Europe, as much as 18 kilometers. It is located in the Chania region and is famous for its unique flora and fauna - only here the Cretan cypress grows and the kri-kri goat runs. If you are going to the gorge, do not forget about comfortable shoes. This place is very picturesque, there is even a palm forest - according to legend, the father of all date palms on the planet.

Popular cruises to the island, blue and white churches and black sand beaches. We recommend a trip to the island of Spinalonga, where half a century ago was the largest leprosoprium in Greece. Now this secluded place has turned into a find for tourists - there is an ancient fortress, narrow streets and many taverns and restaurants.

Cretan cuisine

Cretan cuisine is famous for its seafood and vegetables. Be sure to stop by the restaurant and try the fish, octopus, shrimp and snails, which the locals call "khokhlyi" or "escargot".

Goats and sheep are raised in Crete, so the cheese and meat are always fresh and delicious. Try ofto - grilled lamb or goat meat; skafiani - lamb with cottage cheese; delicious fried kalitsunya pies with white cheese filling. Of course, you can find in restaurants and horyatiki salad, and moussaka. Homemade wine, tsikoudia, ouzo are served for the meal. You can try all these dishes at the "Cretan evening" - the tables will burst with dishes, and the eyes will delight in national dances.

We have just returned from the island (June 15-29, 2007): impressions are seething, emotions are overwhelming, but I will try to keep my enthusiasm to myself, and I will turn to specific observations that, perhaps, will help those who are just going to go there on vacation.

1. Oh, these forecasters! Going on vacation, we continuously monitored the weather reports for a month - the picture was frightening. Sluggish + 23, water + 20. I wanted to cry. Thank God, in reality everything turned out to be in order: air +30, water +26. And this is in the first week of our stay, i.e. June 15-22. The second week was not only warmer, but frankly hot. The air temperature during the day rose to +40, the water heated to +30. So, even if all the weather sites on the Internet promise rain and cold, do not get upset ahead of time.

2. Calm, only calm! I don’t know how long the flight from Moscow is, but the plane from St. Petersburg leaves at 5 o'clock in the morning. Too early ... But check-in is quick, because there are no other flights: almost personalized service. Duty Free shops are opening especially for us, which is not unimportant for those who do not have enough bottles of alcohol during the flight. Remember that a dry law awaits you on the plane - the costs of charter production. Here, unfortunately, I have to say about the only one (from my point of view) minus of the Cretan hospitality. Upon arrival at Heraklion airport at eight o'clock in the morning, we were forced to wait for passport control for an hour before the fellow Cretan border guards deigned to begin work. But this waiting turned out to be a trifle compared to what happened on the way back. One check-in counter, extremely slow workers, outright insanity with suitcases (upon receipt boarding pass the suitcase is weighed, a tag is glued to it, and then the passenger himself drags the suitcase to another counter and there he already puts it in the luggage). As a result, check-in for our flight ended half an hour after the plane was supposed to take off according to the schedule. This delay led to the fact that on passport control we were allowed out of turn, and Duty Free shops were unavailable for many due to the elementary lack of time. I draw my attention to this moment, because now the issue of drinks has become extremely relevant. As you know, you cannot carry liquid onto an aircraft. Either you check in drinks in your luggage, or you buy them at Duty Free. We somehow miraculously flew into the store and managed to grab Metaxa and Ouzo from the shelf. Judging by the prices of these two types of alcoholic beverages, the store is inexpensive, and its size inspires respect, so everyone should hurry up, especially since a late plane will most likely remain on the runway for a long time, waiting for permission to take off. As for us, in the end we landed at Pulkovo just an hour later than expected, but the situation can probably be less joyful. But (!) I repeat: the Cretan airport turned out to be the only drawback of our holiday.

3. A wealth of choice. Due to its shape and location, Crete is divided exactly in half into east and west. In the middle is the capital of Heraklion. To the east are resorts such as bustling Agios Nikolaos and elite Elounda. To the west is the elegant Rethymno and the most beautiful city on the island of Chania.
We chose Rethymno, namely a place 5 km away called Platanias. We were looking for a calm quiet place, which in this case would be close to a large settlement and had a developed infrastructure, namely, several decent shops and catering establishments. Also one of the main criteria for us was the presence of a large sandy beach, on which, in addition to paid sun loungers and umbrellas, you can comfortably accommodate "savages" (that is, with their own umbrella). We were also worried about the location of the hotel: we love to swim early in the morning before breakfast, so the closer to the sea from the door of the room, the better. Well, the cost is the main stumbling block for the inhabitants of the world! ..
In general, we opted for the Galeana Beach hotel, which we did not regret at all. I warn you right away: the hotel is modest, around 3 stars, but inexpensive. The territory is small, but green, many luxurious palms, a sea of ​​flowering plants. The hotel is built in traditional Greek style, namely, it consists of two-storey white houses with blue doors and shutters on the windows. Air conditioning for an additional fee, but we somehow managed it (in the first week we generally slept under the blankets). By the way, a lot has been written about mosquitoes. I confirm their presence. The fumigator taken with him from home acted badly on them (I wonder why? Because of their foreign origin?), But the size of these bloodsuckers is much smaller than ours, the northwestern ones, and they are not so bothersome. At least they didn't go with blisters.
Back to the description of the hotel. The hotel rooms are of two types: studios and two-room apartments. The peculiarity of the hotel is the absence of televisions, and, moreover, there is not even a so-called television hall. At first, this thought terrified us, but as practice has shown, it's great! So this apparent minus turned into a huge plus.
The hotel is located on the very seashore, sun loungers and umbrellas on the beach for an additional fee, by the pool (there are two of them - for adults and for children) - free of charge. In addition to the paid sun loungers, there is enough space on the beach to accommodate yourself. If you do not have an umbrella, you can buy it on the spot in any store - the price is about 6 Euro. The beach is mostly sandy, but at the very shore there are pebbles, in places large. For two weeks of our vacation, the sea was stormy for two days, but it was still possible to swim. In principle, even with absolute calm, waves are constantly splashing at the very edge, but at depth the sea is calm, and thanks to the salty water, it is so easy to swim that sometimes bathing is more like taking a bath. Oh, what a pity that you can't buy for the future ...
It is impossible not to mention one injustice that often happens to our tourists - they like to lodge Russians in the worst rooms. Probably, we have not yet deserved to be treated with dignity, but we can and should fight against this, and, moreover, it is not at all necessary to scandalize, you just need to be able to say “no”. At first we were given room 20 - in general, a good room on the second floor (we wanted it on the second), but the window of the room looks out onto the street, and instead of a balcony you have a roof at your disposal. We refused right away. After a short search for a free room, we were offered room 17 - very large, spacious, comfortable, but on the ground floor. A few days later they promised another - on the coveted second. We kept our promise, but then we refused to move. As shown further development events, we made the right choice - our room, due to its good location, turned out to be one of the coolest, which in this case is a priority.
As for the rooms in general, in addition to the traditional set (beds, shower (+ hairdryer), table, chairs), each room has a kitchen: two-plate electric stove, refrigerator, electric kettle, coffee maker and a set of dishes - pots, pans, forks , cups, glasses. The whole technique works great, so having a snack during the day or drinking tea at night is not difficult. Some foreign tourists (mostly German-speaking public in the hotel) lived without breakfast and dinner, dealing with the issue of food on their own. We, of course, are in favor of saving, but within reasonable limits: after all, a good rest cannot be compared with cooking. So we booked half board.
For breakfast, a classic set of cheese-sausages, boiled eggs, cucumbers, tomatoes, cereals, bakery products, muffins, coffee-tea, juice, watermelon, peach compote, marmalade is offered. Modestly. But in unlimited quantities. Plus major hits Greek cuisine- feta and Greek yogurt with honey. Oh my God! Let me deviate from the promises given at the beginning of my story and give what they deserve to these products of divine origin. Why do you need scrambled eggs and fried bacon? Two bowls of yoghurt, generously flavored with honey, and you will dissolve in pleasure. I guarantee! One huge minus - how are our yoghurts now with seemingly living microorganisms and other lies on the label? In general, after a simple Greek meal, I once again creep into the suspicion that in Russia they are strenuously poisoning us with a semblance of food, or, at least, they are conducting an experiment for survival. But let's not talk about sad things ...
Dinner consists of soup, which the waiter pours from the tureen bowl, salad, which you yourself model on your plate [tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, carrots, lettuce, olives + two dressings: mayonnaise-ketchup (do not eat it, there is nothing in it special, although it is certainly delicious) and yoghurt with cucumber and garlic (that's what you should eat)] and a hot dish of your choice. Not only is the hotel decorated in a Greek style, but the cuisine is focused on the traditional Greek flavor. Of the two dishes you have to choose from, one is certainly the national Greek. For fourteen dinners, there has never been a repeat (!). So I promise variety. For dessert, watermelon, melon, nectarines (or one or two) are usually offered. A couple of times the fruit was replaced with ice cream, but the first option is much preferable.
What can you say about dinner in general? Of course, it is not as plentiful as is customary, for example, in Turkey, and the waiter brings you hotter, therefore, as much as you give, eat as much. Therefore, I am not sure that a man of size 54, who is used to eating two first, three second and a compote with a bun, will have enough of the offered dishes. But the rest of the normal citizens who love to eat, but not overeat (and this is what we all do at the buffet), the feeling of hunger is not threatened.
In general, the hotel does not accept any ceremonies, everything is quite democratic, so you can truly relax and worry only about the fact that there are fewer and fewer days of rest.

4. Reasonable economy. In addition to passive rest we must not forget about the cultural program. Do not buy excursions from the host !!! Much has been written about this by other travelers, but judging by our usually reasonable behavior, it is not superfluous to repeat. Tired, not thinking well after a sleepless night, we grabbed 3 excursions from a sweet (but not very obligatory) girl Katya: to the Samaria gorge, to the Preveli monastery and to the island of Santorini. The next morning, twenty steps from our hotel, we found a travel agency where the same excursions were sold for almost half the price. Yes, there is no Russian-speaking guide, but not every route needs one. It just so happened that the trip to Samaria was canceled, so we just bought it at a street agency. Nobody cheated, everything is more or less on time, so do not be afraid to contact such offices, which are located in any, even the tiniest, resort town.

5. Yourself with a mustache! This point is a logical continuation of the previous one, namely, I want to talk in more detail about excursion program... As I said earlier, we purchased three excursions, and also independently went to Heraklion (and the Palace of Knossos) and Chania.

 We ask you not to contact the faint of heart! Samaria Gorge. The deepest and longest in Europe, namely, a thousand-something there meters above sea level and 16 kilometers of track. The journey begins at 5 am, and by dinner time, i.e. by 7pm, everyone returns to the hotel. The main requirement is comfortable, suitable footwear. Foreigners all dress up in powerful sneakers and army-style boots. We were: one in light slippers, the other in closed sandals. The guide chastised me for a long time for my frivolous choice, but I did not have more suitable shoes (and so the suitcase is almost 30 kg), and in stuffy sneakers it is not so comfortable either. The main thing is that the shoes do not slip and do not fall off your feet, and also that you do not feel too sorry for them, because by the end of the route they will be covered with a thick layer of dust.
The most difficult part of the path is the beginning, directly descending into the gorge, especially for such an unprepared tourist as I turned out to be. For several kilometers, the road, constantly winding, goes steadily downward, the stones in some places are polished to a shine, there is a faint semblance of railings, but it is not convenient to hold onto them everywhere. Honestly, from time to time I was scared, a couple of times I managed to curse the minute when we were tempted to take this excursion, especially since it was I who was its main initiator. As you move along the bottom of the gorge, the road becomes much easier, despite the fact that the forces are steadily diminishing. And already at the finish line, the legs themselves run, and the soul rejoices - we did it! In general, an increase in self-esteem is guaranteed! By the way, there are practically no our tourists in the gorge - either they feel sorry for themselves, or they simply do not know. I cannot recommend to absolutely everyone: after all, it is not so easy to walk 16 kilometers on an off-road, consisting of stones of different sizes, even for those in good physical shape. But for lovers of beautiful mountain nature who consider themselves a little adventurers and are familiar with fitness, it is a must to go there. By the way, swimming in the crystal clear, invigorating Libyan Sea is waiting for you as an incentive prize. Well, as one more, but far from the last argument "for", I will note that such travels are in high esteem and at the height of fashion among European tourists. Are we worse? ..

 Spiritual matters. Monasteries of Crete. As you know, Greece is an Orthodox country. The main stronghold of Orthodoxy is, of course, on the mainland on Athos, but in Crete there is no shortage of churches and monasteries. To be honest, we visited only one monastery and, probably, not the most beautiful one, but I really didn’t want to deprive ourselves of the most important component of rest, that is, the rest itself.
So, we went on an excursion to the Preveli Monastery, which houses the miraculous cross. On the way to the monastery, tourists are brought to the village of Spili, which, in fact, lives at the expense of these very tourists. Folk craft is presented in all its glory: olive oil and everything that can be made from it, alcohol, honey, woven, knitted, forged and other products, as well as all kinds of souvenirs. The prices are fair - not cheap, but not very expensive either. In addition to shopping, the village also provides The cultural program: there is a Venetian fountain and two magnificent churches, and the whole place is charming.
The Preveli monastery itself is located on the rocks above the sea. Externally, the buildings look rather modest, if not shabby. But inside the church is rich, there are several beautiful icons. After visiting the monastery, tourists will find the same Libyan Sea. The beach is located in a secluded place, where, apart from a few small hotels and a couple of restaurants, there is nothing else. I can't say that I really liked it there - three hours on the beach dragged on slowly, especially since the water in the Libyan Sea is frankly cold, especially compared to the Cretan Sea. (Actually, the sea that washes Crete is the same everywhere - the Mediterranean, but the sea in the north of the island is usually called Cretan, and in the south - Libyan.) In principle, the excursion is not tiring and pleasant, but some special vivid impressions I didn’t receive it, so I’m not sure if this trip is compulsory.

 Wonder island. Our journey to Santorini began with a little adventure: a girl from the host company had to order us a taxi so that we could get from our Platanias to Rethymno. It takes only 10 minutes to go, but there is no suitable bus in the schedule at this time, and it is more convenient to get to the port by taxi. Twenty minutes of useless waiting for this taxi led us to the idea that the girl had forgotten about us (for some reason I had suspicions the day before that she would forget). Nothing to do - I had to catch a taxi. Oddly enough, we did it easily, despite the early hour (half past seven in the morning) and the fact that the taxis passing by were 99% likely to be ordered. Maybe we were lucky, but maybe it's really not difficult. One way or another, we made it safely to the port and boarded the ferry.
Basically, there are two options for traveling to Santorini - the slow ferry, which takes 4.5 hours, and the fast ferry, 2.5 hours. We chose the fast option, especially since the price is the same, only the slow one includes breakfast and dinner on the ferry itself. But it is quite possible to do without this: there is a cafeteria on the fast, and besides, almost 10 hours on the way is not for us. They say that if the sea is not calm, it can get seasick on a fast ferry, but this has passed us, so I cannot judge. By the way, many write that the whole trip is carried out with a terrible delay, but personally, we had everything on time.
What can I say about Santorini? Of course, you have to go there for a few days and admire the famous sunset, but it's not so easy to do this: there is a regular ferry only from Heraklion, and only one-day excursions are possible from Rethymno. You can get to Heraklion early in the morning only by taxi, and this is an additional cost of about 120 Euro (round trip), excluding ferry tickets, hotel in Santorini and internal costs. As a result, a trip for two days and for two persons, according to the most conservative estimates, will cost 350 Euro. Not enough. In addition, in one day, you can also see the island quite well. I read in the reviews that the excursion is ugly, everything is running, you don't have time for anything, etc. I do not agree. Probably, if you spend your free time in a restaurant waiting for dinner to be prepared for you, then there will not be enough time for anything. But on excursions we prefer to have a snack on the run, so as not to waste time on empty gatherings. Therefore, we were very pleased with the trip. One caveat: upon arrival on the island, all tourists are seated on buses, depending on the language. Boarding takes place on your own, so it is very important to be one of the first to get off the ferry in order to take a comfortable seat on the bus. We did not know about it and came out one of the last. We and 5 other Russian-speaking poor fellows did not have enough seats in any of the four buses. But there would be no happiness, as they say ... We were put on a bus with Polish tourists, and the guide led the tour in two languages. The bus was half full, so everyone was accommodated comfortably, while the "Russian" buses were packed in literally words under the knee. Probably, this situation is not a regularity, but in any case, no one will leave you to the mercy of fate. The way back also went smoothly, so at exactly eight in the evening we returned to Rethymno. I will not admire Santorini for a long time, I will say one thing: visiting it is a must !!!

 Traveling frogs. Finally, in my story I got to our independent trips.
Heraklion. First you need to get to Rethymno, which is elementary. A ticket from our town costs 1.20 Euro, the bus runs every half hour, the schedule is at the reception of each hotel. The bus arrives at the station, from where large comfortable green intercity buses to other cities. The ticket costs 5.70 Euro one way, the bus runs every hour and arrives at the same station from where the bus departs for the Palace of Knossos (travel 1.15 Euro, entrance ticket to the palace 6 Euro). Everything is extremely convenient and simple. Therefore, it is not difficult to get there by yourself. One more obligatory place to visit - the Archaeological Museum, but we were not lucky: it is closed for reconstruction until August 1. The center of Heraklion is compactly located, so you can get around all the sights very quickly. In general, the trip is not fatiguing and in comparison with the price that appears in the price list of the host country, namely 46 Euro, it is profitable. The guides assure that without qualified personnel you will not understand anything in the Palace of Knossos. But you are unlikely to go without a guide to Crete, and even if so, it is much easier and better to buy a book on the spot than just dragging along behind a guide as part of a group.
Chania. The way to Chania starts in the same way as to Heraklion, i.e. from the train station in Rethymno. The ticket costs 6 Euro one way. All major attractions (embankment, Venetian lighthouse, fountain, etc.) are within walking distance from the station. In principle, it is possible to get lost, but rather difficult, because a resident of a large Russian city, not to mention megacities, the former (Chania was the capital until the early 1970s) and the current capital of Crete will seem like urban-type settlements. Therefore, do not be afraid to show independence.
In addition to the above, there are many other travel opportunities. If you have a license, you can take a car and explore the entire island in all sorts of directions. "Disenfranchised" tourists should take into account the fact that from the location of your resort town the set of excursions depends. Nobody forbids you to hit the road from Agios Nikolaos to Chania, but more than 160 km of the way and, accordingly, more than four hours on the road in one direction, will hardly seem like a pleasant pastime. The best option for rest may be the one when you live in a hotel near Rethymno for one week, and for the second you move to Agios Nikolaos. Thus, you can see almost all the sights. Although Eastern Crete, which we have not personally explored, is a great reason to once again return to this delightful piece of land in the Mediterranean Sea. I think in a couple of years we will definitely do it ...