Sukhum or Gagra. Inexpensive vacation in Sukhum with two children: mom's review. Private sector of Gudauta

I have been to Abkhazia more than once. I have lived in different cities. They all have their own advantages and disadvantages. If you know what you want to get from your vacation, then you can easily choose the desired Abkhaz resort. I already know where is the best place to relax in Abkhazia, so I will help you make your final choice.

Where is the best place to go in Abkhazia

There are many popular resorts in Abkhazia, but they all differ from each other. I would like to highlight some of them. So:

  • Gagra;
  • Sukhum;
  • Musser;

What impressed me the most was Gagra. It is in Gagra that life is in full swing. There's a lot good restaurants and nightlife. Gagra pretty big. They are conventionally divided into two parts - New Gagra and Old Gagra... We lived in Old Gagra. There are more scenic views and great pebble beaches. V New Gagra there are no such picturesque views anymore. But on the other hand, there is a good market and a supermarket. If we talk about housing prices, then in Old Gagra it is more expensive than in New.

Helpful2 Not very

Where to go on vacation in the summer of 2019 - to Gagra or Pitsunda? Compare rest in two popular resorts Abkhazia: prices, hotels, reviews, climate.

In Soviet times, a trip to Abkhazia was something out of the ordinary: everyone could not afford a vacation in Gagra and Pitsunda, the Soviet elite loved to relax in Abkhazia. Now the Land of the Soul is open to everyone, you just need to buy tickets and plan your trip. For those who are going to go to Abkhazia, we have collected information relevant for 2019 about two popular resorts of Abkhazia - Gagra and Pitsunda: prices for food and hotels, pros and cons of rest, reviews of tourists.

How to book a hotel in Abkhazia? To do this, it is best to use the popular Hotellook service - you can find very cozy accommodation there at any price! For example, a room in guest house can be found from 1000 rubles per day.

Do you want to find housing in the private sector in Abkhazia? Easily! Airbnb has a lot of interesting offers: rooms, apartments, and even houses are a good alternative to hotels. We wrote in detail about the private sector of Abkhazia here.

Holidays in Gagra in the summer of 2019

Ancient Gagra, whose history begins in the 1st century BC. e., attracts primarily with its mountainous landscapes and turquoise sea - of course, this is one of the most beautiful corners of Abkhazia. Thanks to this, Gagra "appeared" in such famous Soviet films as "Merry Fellows", "Winter Evening in Gagra" and "Dark Nights in the City of Sochi".

In Gagra, in addition to a beach holiday, there is something to do: there are many attractions- from the traditional castle of the Prince of Oldenburg, restaurant "Gagripsh" and to various waterfalls, lakes, caves, groves and parks. Unfortunately, during the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict, the city was seriously damaged, but this did not lose its charm. Holidays in Gagra in the summer of 2019 can also be diversified by visiting neighboring cities: Alakhadzi, Pitsunda and Gudauta, and there it is already close to New Athos and Sukhum.

Fans of extreme sports in Gagra will also like it in summer: in Abkhazia you can go diving and speleodiving, jeeping, rafting and fishing. In addition, all the beach entertainment familiar to tourists is presented in Gagra.

The advantage of Gagra over other resorts of Abkhazia is that you can quickly and inexpensively get to it: all buses and minibuses that follow from the border pass through Gagra, and, in principle, the city has a developed system of public transport. Gagra also compares favorably with other cities of the republic with a developed tourist infrastructure, but every year there are more and more tourists: beaches and hotels are sometimes overcrowded, which is a significant disadvantage. The bulk of tourists stay in Novaya Gagra, and Old Gagra, where all the sights are located, is calm and majestic.

(Photo © mikesub / / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Prices for holidays in Gagra in the summer

The prices for holidays in Gagra in summer are quite moderate, but in general they are higher than in other resorts of Abkhazia, which is reflected in the popularity among vacationers. You can dine in the canteen for 200-500 rubles per person, in a cafe, of course, the average check is higher - from 1200 (and more - it all depends on your preferences). Local fruits in the season are quite cheap, but the prices for groceries in stores are the same as in Russia, and sometimes even more expensive. It is better to buy fruits and vegetables in the markets early in the morning.

You can find a room in a guest house on the Hotellook for 600-1000 rubles, and if you search on the spot and bargain with the owners, then even cheaper. Of course, the price will depend on the comfort of the property and the distance from the sea. In general, there are many housing offers in Gagra, as the demand for them is great. There are many boarding houses, sanatoriums, guest houses and hotels - for every taste and budget. Apartments - from 1000 rubles (depending on the conditions and the number of rooms), a cottage - from 1700 rubles per day for two. We recommend booking accommodation in Gagra in advance. Private accommodation without intermediaries is best found and booked on Airbnb.

Holidays in Gagra in the summer of 2019 with children

In Gagra, it is comfortable to relax with children both in summer and in winter: the city is surrounded by mountains, which protect it from the winds, so in winter the air temperature can reach + 20 ° C. Gagra is considered one of the warmest places on the Black Sea coast. The climate here is humid subtropical: in summer the air warms up to + 35 ° С, and the water - up to + 33 ° С.

People come here to relax with children from the bustle of the city and enjoy the unforgettably beautiful views. A water park has been built for young vacationers. Children can also be taken to the local zoo, taken on an excursion to Lake Ritsa and waterfalls, or just walk with them in the mountains.

The climate of Gagra is extremely favorable for both children and adults: the mountains surrounding the resort protect it from cold winds, and the breeze brings coolness. During the daytime, the air temperature in Gagra reaches + 30 ° C in summer, and up to + 20 ° C at night. Swimming is also comfortable: the water temperature is up to + 25 ° С.

Reviews about the rest in Gagra in the summer

Basically, reviews about the rest in Gagra in the summer are positive: exuberant wild nature around, beautiful architecture, clean sea and a fairly developed tourist infrastructure (in comparison with other resorts) overlap such disadvantages as "soviet" and some bustle of the city. Vacationers in their reviews especially note good location resort, favorable climate and proximity to attractions.

(Photo © Ivan Ermokhin / / License CC BY-ND 2.0)

Did you know that vouchers to Abkhazia can be purchased from only 15 thousand rubles (for example, a tour for two for 7 nights from Moscow)? And even cheaper during the promotional period! The tour price includes: flight, accommodation, transfer, insurance and meals to choose from. Last Minute Tours on best prices you can search on the service - it compares the offers of 120 tour operators and therefore is able to find the best way... You can buy a ticket online, which is very convenient.

Rest in Pitsunda in the summer of 2019

Pitsunda is another popular climatic resort of Abkhazia, where you can comfortably rest and relax. The city was founded by the Greeks in the 4th century BC, during the Soviet era, party leaders and heads of state rested here, as in Gagra. The film "Scarlet Sails" was filmed in the city.

Why go to rest in Pitsunda? The resort is famous for its healing pine air: spread out here pine grove four kilometers long, where there is always a pleasant coolness and a delicious smell of pine needles and resin. In addition to the famous Pitsunda pine, boxwood and cypress trees grow here. And not far from the resort there is a huge Pitsundo-Mussera reserve.

Pitsunda is also known microclimate... The sun almost always shines in the Pitsunda Bay, while in other resorts of Abkhazia it can be cloudy. The air temperature in the summer in the Pitsunda area reaches + 27 ° С, and at night the thermometer does not drop below + 17 ° С. The water heats up to about the same temperatures.

The Pitsunda Bay is safe for swimming: it is quiet and not too deep, it almost never happens big waves... Well, the water washing the Pitsunda Cape is undoubtedly considered one of the cleanest in Abkhazia.

Prices for holidays in Pitsunda in the summer

Prices in Pitsunda, as in all of Abkhazia, in 2019 are practically the same as in Russia. Cheap seasonal fruits and inexpensive local food, friendly people, beautiful nature, clear sea and healthy climate make Pitsunda very attractive for vacationers.

Eat a hearty meal in the dining room (first, second, compote) - up to 500 rubles per person, in a cafe - up to 1000 rubles, depending on the level of the establishment and dishes. Shish kebab costs about 120 rubles per 100 g, soups - from 70 rubles.

Prices for hotels in Pitsunda are not high: finding accommodation from 600 rubles per day is not a problem, and if you bargain, you can find it cheaper. However, there are not too many offers. Guest houses, hotels and mini-hotels, we advise you to search on the Hotellook.

You can search for private accommodations on Airbnb (apartments or whole houses), and you can also find options locally. For example, a room in a guest house costs from 1000 rubles per day for two, apartments - from 2000 rubles per day.

(Photo © Marco Fieber / / / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 License)

Holidays in Pitsunda in the summer of 2019 with children

In the summer of 2019, both children and adults can have a great rest in Pitsunda: thanks to the shady alleys and groves, you can always hide from the scorching sun, inhaling the healing scent of pine trees. It is especially recommended to visit the Pitsunda relict park for those suffering from allergies and colds, as well as those who suffer from diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Pitsunda is ideal for families with children: the resort is calm, there is no hustle and bustle, and all the entertainment can be found on the waterfront. The sea here also deserves all praise: warm and clean, and the beach is wide pebbled. If you want almost complete privacy, go on vacation to the villages adjacent to Pitsunda, for example, to Mussera or Ldzaa.

Attractions there are very few in Pitsunda - you can see them literally in one day. In this regard, the resort cannot be compared with Gagra or New Athos. In the city, it is worth paying attention to the ancient Pitsunda temple, where organ concerts and concerts are held classical music, the monastery and the city history museum, and outside the city - the Pitsunda relict park with its heady scent of pine, the Pitsundo-Myussera reserve, the Khetsuriani house-museum of ethnography in the village of Ldzaa and the Ldzaa-nyha sanctuary.

My husband and I thought about rest in Abkhazia 2017 - we were both not there, and why not go to Abkhazia for a vacation with the whole family? I decided to collect some information and figure out what's what. It seems to me that rest in Abkhazia can be no worse than at any other resort - and certainly more exciting than flying to Turkey for the tenth time. In addition, there is no need to make a foreign passport. It remains to deal with the nuances.

Where exactly to go

So, the first question that, in my opinion, should be resolved - where is the best place to rest in Abkhazia? If my husband and I were planning a trip to Abkhazia together, then, most likely, I would have reacted less anxiously to this issue - we have few things, money in our pockets, you can always go to another city. But I’m unlikely to do this with children - it’s not always possible to live with two tomboys, so I prefer to carefully plan a vacation in Abkhazia with children and find out about all the pitfalls in advance.

Where can you spend your vacation in Abkhazia in 2017:

  • New Athos;
  • Gudauta;
  • Gechripsh;
  • Bagripsh;
  • Scallop;
  • Alakhadze;
  • Ldzaa;
  • Primorskoe.
Each region has its own characteristics, and it is better to at least read about them before ordering tickets. However, if you are easy-going and difficult to embarrass you, then you can go at random. However, I prefer to prepare. I will tell you about those resorts that interested me.

New Athos is probably familiar to everyone. In any case, the majority of Russians have heard about this place. New Athos is a unique ancient town that is comfortably hidden between two mountain ranges, these are Mount Athos and Iverskaya. People have been living here since the third century AD.

Previously, New Athos was the place of residence of the Abkhaz rulers, and then the city turned into a capital city. Somewhat later, in the second half of the nineteenth century, novices and monks from the monastery of Panteleimon came to New Athos and founded a monastery in these places.

Modern New Athos is a great place for a quiet and comfortable rest... There are many tangerine gardens, eucalyptus and magnolias grow almost everywhere, and you can also walk along cypress alleys. The beaches are beautiful, albeit pebble. There are always free places, and in principle, the resort can hardly be called crowded.

Pitsunda once became a place romantic trip for my parents, and since then it seems to me that Pitsunda is a kind of wonderland. The most picturesque resort, located on the territory of the Pitsunda nature reserve. Here you can get acquainted with a unique tree - the Pitsunda pine.

Relic groves of mighty pines are almost everywhere - which means that the healing aroma mixes with the fresh sea air and saturates the rest of the guests with health and new strength.

What is the tourist Pitsunda? There is a tourist complex called "Pitsunda Resort" - several high-rise buildings that serve as boarding houses. Next to them is the central beach. However, there are enough beaches here - including those where miraculous pines grow.

Pitsunda will appeal to those who love walking and are ready to get acquainted with the sights - there are enough of them here.

Gagra is probably the most fashionable resort in this region. Ever since the times of the USSR, families went to Gagra to rest, it was customary here to improve their health and have romances, and now Gagra is beautiful and beautiful place for recreation both with family and friends.

Let's not build illusions about the infrastructure throughout Abkhazia - it's clear that the Country of Soul still needs to grow up to the level European resorts, but Gagra is the very case when the infrastructure really exists. There are many sanatoriums and boarding houses, many restaurants and cafes, there is a water park.

The beaches are mostly pebbly, but large. If you like sandy beaches, it is better to go to Novye Gagra, because Old Gagra is almost all covered with large-stone beaches.

They also go to Gagra to get acquainted with the natural sights of Abkhazia - parks and caves, nature reserves and waterfalls, alpine lakes and much more awaits tourists.

When I looked through the photographs, in addition to cities, one of the cities attracted my attention. resort village- Tsandripsh. True, sometimes it is called Gantiadi for old memory, and not Tsandripsh - especially when it comes to the elderly. The main advantage, in my opinion (of course, after the unique climate and gorgeous landscapes) is the location.

Tsandripsh is located five kilometers from the border, and there are quite a lot of tourists from Russia - they come here for a walk from the nearest town on the Black Sea coast, Adler. In my opinion, you can go to Tsandripsh to have a rest with the whole family - you can always go for a walk to other places, and here you can enjoy peace and quiet.

In the ranking of places where it is better to go, there should undoubtedly be modern capital Abkhazia - Sukhumi. The history of this amazing city lasts longer than the history of our civilization, there are echoes of almost all cultures.

In my opinion, you definitely need to go here (in any case, I plan). There are wild and civilized beaches, several sanatoriums, as well as a large number of mineral springs.

From the point of view of enriching your own health, it is a great place, and it will be very good with leisure here, after all, this is the capital - it will not be more interesting than here anywhere. Is that in Pitsunda, and then only because there wonderful nature.

Travel documents

Do I need a passport to travel to Abkhazia? Russians can present both an internal passport and a foreign one at the border, but residents of other states will need a passport.

Where to relax in Abkhazia in the summer without problems with documents? Anywhere, throughout the territory of Abkhazia, Russians can rest without a passport. But if you go on a trip with children, then you need to take with you a baby's birth certificate with a special insert, which confirms our citizenship.

If the children are traveling accompanied by other persons, then a power of attorney from relatives will be required.

Vacation prices

Now the time has come to calculate how much the rest in Abkhazia will cost in the summer. In my opinion, the cost should be absolutely acceptable, but it is better to know about any money spending in advance.

There is no monetary currency in Abkhazia, Russian rubles are used here, so everything should be easy and simple with prices.

The journey to Abkhazia begins, naturally, with the road. We live in the suburbs, so all calculations were made on the route Moscow - Abkhazia. You can get there by train and plane. If you prefer to travel on vacation on your car, then it is worth counting on the amount about 15,000 rubles, that is how much it will take on the road in both directions, not counting the expenses on the way and the cost of depreciation of the car.

Traveling to Abkhazia by train will be much cheaper. If you want to go from Moscow directly to Sukhumi, then travel will cost about 7000 rubles(this is for a round-trip ticket for one person). You can go the other way and go from Moscow to Adler - then the ticket price will be slightly lower, about 5800 rubles.

By plane from Moscow you can fly to Adler. Return tickets will be from 3500 rubles and up to 9000 rubles- such a price bracket is obtained depending on the season, the availability of discounts and various special offers.

And how much is a vacation in Abkhazia with accommodation? Here I must say that prices depend directly on your preferences. For example, you can go to rest in a nature reserve and live in a tent, then the costs will be 500-1000 rubles for each place for a tent.

People who prefer an inexpensive vacation in Abkhazia choose accommodation in guest houses - their cost fluctuates. The most low price for accommodation in shared dormitories with shared amenities - from 300 rubles. A room with a toilet and shower for 2-3 people will cost a little higher - 1200 rubles.

Boarding houses with meals, apartments and cottages will cost a little more, but it is also quite affordable - from 2000 rubles per day.

When is it better to have a rest in Abkhazia to save money? A seaside vacation can be spent in Abkhazia inexpensively - especially if you do not choose the high season, but go on vacation in May or September.

By the way, cheap vacation in Abkhazia you can find it on the last minute. In general, it is inexpensive in Abkhazia, so you should not try to save too much - as a rule, not the most conscientious people offer the lowest cost.

How much money to take with you on summer vacation

Calculate the cost of living for all vacationers for the required number of days, and then multiply this amount by 1.5-2 times - my experience suggests that this amount is enough to slightly improve living conditions on the spot (for example, choose a room with a more pleasant view or ask for an extra cot for the baby).

Consider nutritional issues. In principle, the cost of products here is the same as in Russia - prices are lower on the market, in resort areas higher. You can eat in canteens - it will be cheap and tasty, but not too varied, you can visit restaurants.

Lunch in the dining room will cost about 500-600 rubles for two - this amount will include first and second courses, side dishes, soft drinks and simple desserts.

In restaurants, prices are higher - about 500 rubles for lunch per person and 1000 rubles for dinner (if with alcohol). I prefer to consider such expenses to the maximum, than to eat only soups later.

Be sure to calculate the cost of entertainment. Even if you are going to wallow all day on the beach (which is hard to believe), it still needs to be calculated.

So, the beaches in Abkhazia are free. Sun umbrellas - 200 rubles, sun loungers - 100 rubles. On the beaches there are often water activities for children, so it is better to determine the amount for a beach holiday with a margin.

Visit thermal springs will cost 150-200 rubles. The cost of visiting attractions is different, there are free visits, there are paid ones. In most cases, the prices, if you look closely, are quite loyal - no more than 500 rubles, but on average 150-250 rubles.

Excursions will cost 500-2000 rubles.

On average, the expense turns out to be this - for ten days per person it will take about 25-30 thousand rubles. It can be cheaper (for example, if you plan to lie on the beach and sleep), it can be more expensive (what if you want to paraglide every day?).

Summing up

What is good about Abkhazia where to go for impressions and what to see? In my opinion, it makes sense to immediately decide what you want more, whether it will be a beach vacation on the shore, or whether you are eager to attend excursions and some Attraction?

The advantage of Abkhazia, undoubtedly, can be considered the fact that here all the most interesting is on the seashore. Be it beaches, relict groves or oldest monasteries- all of Abkhazia stands on the seashore, not moving too far from coastline.

Think over your route and activities. I have planned to visit Gagra and Tsandripsh. I am attracted by the opportunity not to bother and not to make documents, but simply to go with a Russian passport.

There are a few large resorts where you can relax - almost all of them are available for early booking, and this also applies to hotels and ordinary guest houses (there you can relax in Abkhazia in general for ridiculous money).

Polina traveled to Sukhum with two children (1.5 years and 3.5 years old) for a month in June-July 2016.

Below is her text about the pros and cons of a trip, the choice of housing for a family, prices for accommodation, food and entertainment, what to see and where to go with children in the capital of Abkhazia.

Reasons for choosing a direction:

  • quite inexpensive seaside vacation with children
  • the cleanest sea and beautiful nature
  • lack of crowds of tourists (compared to the same Crimea)

When traveling to Abkhazia, do not expect High Quality service in hotels and boarding houses. Everything is simple, friendly and neat. Abkhazians are very friendly and open, but at the same time very lazy people.

You will not find luxury hotels even in the capital. There are not so many new hotels, mainly boarding houses from the Soviet era with the appropriate infrastructure are functioning. Therefore, the question of choosing housing must be taken responsibly, and in advance to determine for yourself in what conditions you are ready to rest. Your impression of the rest in Abkhazia will entirely depend on this.

There are several accommodation options:

Modern hotels


  1. Good infrastructure
  2. Most of them are new buildings
  3. There is entertainment for children (playgrounds and children's rooms)


  1. Unreasonably expensive

Boarding houses / sanatoriums


  1. More a budget option than hotels
  2. As a rule, meals are included in the price (but this is not always a plus)


  1. Complete lack of infrastructure
  2. As a rule, repairs 20-30 years ago

Guest houses + Private sector


  1. Fairly budget type of accommodation
  2. The ability to cook on your own


  1. In some cases (at low cost) - distance from the sea
  2. Opportunity to run into an unreliable landlord
The table shows accommodation options and prices for the summer of 2017 (the table is scrolled to the right):
Name Address, website Price for high season 2017 (standard room) Nutrition Beach Animation for children
Park-Hotel King Bagrat Mountain (4 stars) Sukhum, st. Dzhelia, 14 7000 rub / room
Children under 6 years old are free.
From 6 to 12 - 1750 rubles.
3 meals a day - Buffet included in the cost of living Citywide (5 minutes) Children's club. There is a nanny
Hotel Inter Sukhum Sukhum, st. Lakoba, 109 4900 rub / room The price includes breakfast with elements of a buffet.
The cost of lunch and dinner is 350 rubles.
Citywide (5 minutes) Development center for children
Hotel Ritsa (4 stars) st. Leona 2
3600 rub. / Room
Children under 12 years old on additional places move in without payment and without breakfast
Breakfast is available at a price of 300 rubles. per person per night Citywide (5 minutes) No
Boarding houses and sanatoriums
Pension "Aytar" Sukhum, Kodorskoe highway, 57 4100 rub. /room Meals are paid additionally (buffet) No
Pension "Kyalasur" Sukhum, Kodorskoe highway, Loading deadlock 3
2700 rub / place.
Up to 5 years old child stays free
3 meals a day - 820 rubles. per day per person Private sandy and pebble beach 10 meters from the buildings Children playground
Guest houses
"MVO-Sukhum" sanatorium Sukhum, st. Akirtava, 24
Room reservation (agency phones): + 7-938-457-90-90 Megafon
+ 7-918-202-63-47 MTS
1970 rub. / Place. Children from 3 to 5 years old are free of charge, with the obligatory payment of meals 500 rubles / day The cost of living includes 3 meals a day Own equipped sand and pebble beach 10-30m from the buildings Children's playground.
Disco area.
Guest House "Dioscuria" Sukhum, nab. Makhadzhirov 74
From 4000 rub / apartment - City-wide beach 50 meters -
Guest house "By the sea" Sukhum, Uslara Street 3/2
+7 940-778-77-70 (Saria)
From 4300 rub / apartment - City-wide beach 30 meters -
Solnechnoye Guest House Sukhum, Kabardinskaya st. 2
(you can contact through accommodation booking sites, for example
From 1500 rub / apartment - Citywide beach 15 minutes -

The most advantageous accommodation is the private sector. Prices depend on the area, remoteness from the center and the sea and start at 400 rubles. per person per day. Many offers for renting apartments can be found in the VK group:

We lived in an apartment with our friends, one might say in the private sector (1000 rubles / day per person). For me, this option is ideal when traveling with small children, because first of all, we could cook ourselves. This, by the way, is also a significant budget saving.

Location - for five plus - 5-7 minutes to the cleanest area of ​​the city beach. The locals themselves swim in this area, and not in the center, where the main hotels are located. Plus there is a large playground right there on the beach.

Also within a five-minute availability of the market, pharmacies, necessary shops. Having studied Sukhum with my own eyes, I can say that this area is the most optimal for a beach holiday. If you want to walk to the center, it will take you a maximum of 15-20 minutes along the promenade. More distant attractions can be reached by public transport, whose stops are located next to the market.

Below is a map with marks where our apartment was located, as well as the main points necessary for a comfortable stay


There are no problems with food in Abkhazia. There are many cafes in the city center for different tastes and budgets.

Feeding the children is not a problem either. In any restaurant you can order vegetables, chicken breast. Some even have a special children's menu. The food is delicious and high quality everywhere. The portions are large. As a rule, lunch / dinner for two adults and two children - 1000 - 1500 rubles. (no wine).

Our favorite was the Nartaa restaurant (54 Makhadzhirov Embankment). In my opinion, this is the most worthy place in terms of price / quality ratio. Caucasian cuisine.

Approximate prices:

  • Boat - 90-150 rubles.
  • Pork shashlik - 90 rubles / 100 grams
  • Lamb shashlik - 130 rubles / 100 grams
  • Vegetable slicing - 150 rubles
  • Grilled fish - 150 rubles / 100 grams

The only drawback of this restaurant is the constant workload during the high season. It so happened that we had to wait for a place. But it was worth it. The restaurant has open cabins in the courtyard (very suitable for families with strollers) and 2 terraces on the second floor.

The second restaurant we liked is Apra. Interesting modern place by the sea on the Pier. The restaurant opens beautiful view, especially in the evening. The feeling that you are surrounded by water. This restaurant has a children's menu. Prices are slightly above average. The cuisine is more European than national. There is even sushi on the menu.

If you live in the private sector, then you have the option to cook on your own. At the central market, you can buy all the necessary products: vegetables, fruits, meat, dairy products. Everything is fresh and tasty! Fruits cannot be compared with those that are sold in St. Petersburg. However, the prices are not that low. And most of the fruits / vegetables, unfortunately, are imported.

Approximate prices:

  • Cucumbers - 30 rubles
  • Tomatoes - 70 rubles
  • Grapes 250 rubles
  • Strawberries - 300-350 rubles
  • Apricots, peaches - 200 rubles
  • Local cottage cheese - 100 rubles
  • Local cheeses from 200 rubles / kg

As for baby food and children's personal hygiene products: there are absolutely no problems with the purchase of these products. The only thing is, it's not easy to find baby cottage cheese and milk. But, as it turned out, all this can be bought in pharmacies. The same applies to baby cereals, diapers, napkins, powders, etc. There are also special children's stores with these goods (except for dairy products).


The beach in Sukhum is mostly pebbly. In some places, the pebbles are very small. So the kids played with molds and paddles.

For me, as a mother, a pebble beach is more suitable. After visiting sandy beach usually the whole house is covered in sand. And there are no such problems with pebbles. The main thing is to stock up on special slippers. And there will be no problems. And the sea is much cleaner with pebbles. And you can think of a lot of entertainment for children: build pyramids and castles from pebbles, paint pebbles with crayons, sort large and small, etc.

Entry into the sea is comfortable and smooth. At first, of course, you have to walk over the stones. But the water is clear.

On the embankment there are tents with various beach accessories, children's toys, umbrellas, and towels. So, if you forgot to take something on vacation, there will be no problems with the acquisition.

In some areas (mostly closer to the center) sun loungers and umbrellas can be rented. The cost is about 100-150 rubles. for a day for a sun lounger.

I would especially like to note the purity of the water in the sea. You cannot compare with our yugas. Of course, after the rains, there was a little natural garbage from the mountains. But the water remained crystal clear. But I want to note that we are talking about the area where we swam (a little distant from the center). Water quality is closer to central beach already worse.

And of course, the undoubted advantage of rest in Abkhazia is the small number of tourists (compared to the same Crimea). It so happened that there were no people at all within a radius of 100 meters. Nobody bothers anyone, you can choose any convenient place. The entire beach is divided by breakwaters into sections of about 100-150 meters. So often we swam completely alone.

Leisure and entertainment for children

In Sukhum itself there is a lot of entertainment for children. you can find out more about the rest of the sights of Sukhum.

Entertainment on the waterfront:

  • Trampolines (100 rubles / 10 minutes)
  • Playgrounds
  • Fishing for children (100 rubles / endlessly)
  • Cars on the control panel (100 rubles / 5 minutes)
  • Balls, cotton candy (100 rubles)
  • Children's disco
  • Children's train that rolls along the embankment (150 rubles / circle, one child
    tel free)
  • And many other entertainments

In the evenings it is very pleasant to stroll along the promenade: warm sea ​​air, lights, noisy cafes and restaurants, music. Sukhum is a real resort town.

  • The world's oldest monkey nursery. The territory of the nursery is small. But in entrance ticket includes a group excursion. The monkeys can be fed. The children were delighted.

Tip: do not buy feed downstairs before heading to the nursery. It costs more there, and they put in the bag what the monkeys really can't. Better to buy directly in the nursery itself.

  • Botanical Garden. The area is not very large. But the garden is beautiful. In the garden there is a Bamboo Grove and a 350-year-old tree - the pride of Sukhum.

  • Abkhazia has a large selection of excursions of varying duration and intensity. All of them are associated with natural attractions. You can order in advance from local guides from this site:

If there is no possibility / desire to book in advance, you can decide on the spot. A large number of The tourist office is located on the waterfront. Prices are about the same for everyone. Tours are mainly carried out in minibuses (groups of 15-20 people). There are also excursions by ekarus. The transport is new, the drivers are very decent and responsible, the guides lead the excursion in an interesting way (judging by our two excursions).

I recommend starting with a trip to the village of Chernigovka. Half day trip. Chernigovka is a picturesque gorge with beautiful waterfalls, ascents and descents, as well as the Assir restaurant. To begin with, you can take a walk along the gorge, and then dine at a restaurant. The prices in the restaurant are average, but we didn't like the food very much. Therefore, I advise you to do with coffee and pastries.

The gorge itself deserves a visit. And this excursion is easily tolerated by children, as it is only 30 km from Sukhum by bus. And along the gorge itself they give enough time for a walk. The cost of the excursion is 450 rubles / adult, children without a seat on the bus are free.

We also went on an excursion to Lake Ritsa. To be honest, the trip was very difficult for us. The kid could hardly stand it. Places, of course, very beautiful, extraordinary mountain air. But the numerous stops with various tastings on the way to the lake are insanely tiresome. At the same time, on the lake itself, they give a walk for only 1.5 hours. The cafes on the lake are very expensive, the food is not tasty. So it's better to take a dry drink with you. The cost of an excursion for an adult is 1100 rubles. Children, again, are free without a seat on the bus.

There are also excursions to cities adjacent to Sukhum: (very beautiful city with a rich spiritual history), etc. Tours to Holy Places and Jeep Tours.

You can also go sailing to see dolphins. But, unfortunately, no one guarantees that you will see them.

Since you are on that page, then you are clearly interested in rest in Abkhazia, but you cannot yet decide: "Where to go and where is it better to rest?" It is so?

You have come to the right place! Go!

Abkhazia stretches between the Caucasian ridge and the Black Sea. The republic includes 7 historical regions, reminiscent of the stars on the national flag. Resort towns and villages are located on sea ​​coast, stretching for 210 km.

The climate in Abkhazia is subtropical with warm winter(temperature rarely drops to 0 ° C) and hot summers (25-28 ° C). At times in summer weather there are surprises in the form of heavy rains. But these rains don't last long. An hour or two, and everything dries up as quickly as possible.

Russians will not need a visa.

Today we have selected the best boarding houses and resorts of Abkhazia for you:

  1. Pitsunda,
  2. Gagra,
  3. Tsandripsh,
  4. Alahadzy,
  5. Gudauta,
  6. Sukhum,
  7. New Athos

We singled out popular hotels and the private sector separately, and also brought housing prices (rent and rental).


Nice resort town 25 km. from Gagra on the Black Sea. Basically, the beaches are pebbly and sandy. Rest in Abkhazia in the summer is definitely guaranteed here!

Pitsunda Hotels

There are few hotels and almost all of them are located on the shore. If you book in an organized manner, you can get a 15% discount.

The most comfortable place is to have a rest (even in couples, even with children) in the boarding house "Riviera", recently renovated. Magnolias grow around the hotel, which bloom at the end of June. There is a sauna and a swimming pool. The price of the voucher includes meals consisting not only of meat and vegetables, but also dairy dishes and fruits. In the summer season, you will have to pay 4400 for an adult and 2100 for a child for a two-room suite.

The second most popular hotel is the Pitsunda hotel, which has not only a sauna with a swimming pool, but also its own clinic and a sports complex. In the evenings, discos begin. A double standard room will cost 2,100 rubles.

Private sector of Pitsunda

Many travelers prefer the private sector, which is here with affordable prices - starting from 500 rubles per room. Don't forget that prices skyrocket at the peak of tourist activity - July and August. Most of the housing is concentrated around the Fish Factory.

With children, you can stay at the Teresa guest house. There is a playground, recreation area and a small tennis court. You will have to cook yourself - in the summer kitchen. Delicious fruits are sold in the neighborhood. In August, a day will cost 2,000 rubles.

Video: Pitsunda - rest in Abkhazia

Gagra - a good rest in Abkhazia

Since Soviet times, people have tried to relax on the beaches of the Black Sea to this picturesque resort of Abkhazia. The microclimate favors excellent beach vacation... The slopes of the mountains, the ridges, as it were, obscure tourist place from the winds and cold. Some flowers bloom here even in winter.

Hotels in Gagra

Gagra hotels sell rooms for 2500 and more per night. That is how much you will have to pay for accommodation in the coastal mini-hotel "AnnA". Triple rooms are equipped with a kettle, satellite TV and shower.

Tikhiy Don 2 * - 3000 per night in triple rooms and 2500 in double rooms. There is a balcony, shower, air conditioning, iron and free Wi-Fi.

Hotel Abaata 4 * - 3000 rubles for a double room. For 16 nights you will have to pay 46,500 rubles. The hotel has free parking, restaurant, bar; the voucher includes breakfast. Pets are allowed.

Alex Beach Hotel 4*. Has a kids club, playroom, babysitting, play and entertainment programs, SPA and wellness center. Weekly rest will be 25 thousand in June.

Private sector of Gagra

It is cheapest to relax in the private sector far from the coast, where you can find simple options for 600 rubles. Near the sea, you will have to pay at least a thousand rubles. For tourists with children, the SKAZKA guest house is recommended, which has animation and a playroom. Children under 5 years old stay free of charge.

Video about Abkhazian Gagra

What, do you still think where to go to rest in the summer at sea? There are still options!

Tsandripsh - family vacation in Abkhazia

This is a resort place for families and youth recreation is located on the coast of the Black Sea and which are part of Big Gagra. Nearby. 5 km. from the border with Russia.

Tsandripsh Hotels

The private sector is mainly developed, and there are not many hotels themselves - 6-7 hotels per village. Hotel chain represented by mini-hotels, but there are also two modern hotels.

Package for two SPA Hotel Napra will cost 45 thousand for 10 days (August). The hotel has a hammam, Russian bath, barbecue and grill, laundry. Buffet breakfast is included in the price.

Family tourists are recommended to park-hotel "Abkhazia". A triple suite will cost 2500 per day. The services include free transfer from the border of Russia, children's menu, swimming pool, playground, babysitting services. You can order excursions for a fee.

Private sector Tsandripsh

In the private sector, you need to choose carefully - the owners can live with the guests at the same time. Most of the houses in Tsandripsh are cozy, with a homely atmosphere and Abkhazian flavor. Per day of stay - 250-4000 rubles.

Video: rest in Tsandripsh


Another resort in Abkhazia, which is located exactly in the middle between Gagra and Pitsunda. The beaches are mostly pebbly, but the sea is amazing. And besides, there are not many tourists here (they have not yet heard about this wonderful place in Abkhazia).

Alahadza Hotels

This resort has only one large hotel "Paradise Beach" and the recreation center "Santa-Sofia". Paradise Beach is a modern large building with comfortable rooms and delicious food. However, it may not be suitable for family tourists with babies - children under 2 years old are not accepted. Standart room will cost 5,000 rubles, all inclusive. Families with children are better off staying at Santa Sofia. Payment for a 4-bed suite - 2500. Meals are not included in the price.

Private sector of Alahadza

Almost all of the resort's offerings are rooms in private houses. There are a lot of them for every taste and budget, however, the cheapest way is to book houses on your own.

Both family tourists and two can recommend the mini-hotel "U Albina". An economy room will cost 350 in June, 400 in July, 500 rubles in August. Lux costs 1500, 2000, 2500 respectively. There is no particular difference between the numbers, so you can safely take an economical option.

Video review of Alahadza beach


A quiet provincial Abkhaz town located between Gagra and Sukhum.

Gudauta Hotels

The hotel fund is represented by:

Recreation centers "Apsny" and "Gold Coast".

Hotel ANASTASIA, with a children's playground, bar and parking. A voucher for two weeks will be released in 26 thousand (2 adults and a child). Good for families.

Pension "Musera". Provides a large indoor pool, library, table tennis, nightclub. Horse riding, billiards are paid additionally. Two weeks - 45 thousand.

Private sector of Gudauta

Modest private houses with low prices prevail. Half, however, has a large yard with a barbecue grill. Considering that the price for renting housing here is low - the local private sector accounts for the lion's share of tourists. On average, a stay in a guest house will cost 1000 rubles. However, there are expensive Emerald Coast apartments. 14 days - 112 thousand for two. The price includes: bedroom, living room, kitchen, balcony / terrace and the sea right on the doorstep.

Video review of the Gudauta resort

Sukhum - a developed vacation in Abkhazia

The capital of Abkhazia is an excellent resort with equipped beaches. Suitable for all types of recreation: family, youth, sightseeing. Clean city, clean beaches and well-developed infrastructure.

Sukhum hotels

The cost of rooms starts from 2 thousand. Thus, two meals a day and a cozy room can be obtained at the Inn Limon-Sukhum hotel for 2500. A decent 4 * Ritsa will cost 3000 rubles per day. And "Dioscuria" - 3500. The price includes breakfasts.

The private sector of New Athos

The private sector is heavily burdened. A good house by the sea costs 1600 per day, for example, "Kurortnaya". The rooms have tea sets, TV, private bath and sea views. To go to the sea for 10 minutes. A closer look is the Riviera variant with a cost of 2000 per day.

Video review of New Athos

Holidays with children in Abkhazia

Where to relax in Abkhazia with children worries every parent. After all, the country's infrastructure is not so developed that one could point a finger and say: we are flying here.

List of places that will be of interest to children

Water park in Gagra. Has 7 pools (one baby), 6 different slides, fountains and water attractions... There is a cafe on the territory. There is an embankment nearby. Open from 10 to 19. Child ticket - 400.

Botanical Garden in Sukhum, open from 9-18. About five thousand species, main feature- 250 year old linden tree.

Monkey nursery. It is also located in Sukhumi, 15 minutes from the garden. Primates are allowed to feed. Price - 100 per entry.

New Athos Cave: 6 halls have daily excursions, 2 - weekly, 3 - are closed from visiting. Two large deep lakes... 400 rubles admission fee.

Alpine meadows located at 2000 above sea level. They are considered a real miracle of nature. They get there in an organized manner, in a UAZ, the road is in bumps - so, probably, it won't suit kids.

Nutrition: according to parental reviews, baby food can be found in Gagra, in the "Continent". There is a good assortment: mixes, milk, mashed potatoes.

Maybe you are interested in or.

What transport is better to get to Abkhazia

Direct planes do not go to the country, so even with children it is better to go by car. So you can fly to Sochi or Adler, and then rent a car.

Trains run only to Sukhumi from Moscow.

From Sochi, you can go to Sukhumi by train for 200 rubles. She walks twice a day.

Prepare a first-aid kit in advance: there are few pharmacies, and even fewer hospitals.

Most of the boarding houses and hotels are from Soviet times with renovations in the 80s. So you need to carefully choose a place for a family vacation.

In order for the rest to be calm and safe, you should not carry a lot of cash and original documents. Do not lose sight of your bags either - cases of theft are frequent in Abkhazia.

In order not to get infected intestinal infection, observe simple rules hygiene:

  • Have wet wipes in your purse;
  • Always wash your hands and your children;
  • Thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits (recommended with soap);
  • Prevent children from swallowing sea water;
  • Rest in June or September - the risks of not getting infected are then reduced.

The people in Abkhazia are very friendly and open-minded.

Where is the best place to rest in Abkhazia in our opinion



Warmest water

Huge selection of accommodation from hotels to private houses


Lots of fun for kids

Well-developed infrastructure


A lot of people.



Good infrastructure

Developed public transport


Clean sea


Far from the border

New Athos


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