Komsomolskaya Pravda a guide to the Crimea. Everything about the rest in Crimea: reviews, advice, guide. Crimea weather map

A Crimea travel guide is essential for everyone who plans a trip to the Crimean peninsula, who is interested in the history and geography of the region. In each guidebook, you will learn not only about the historical, but also about the natural attractions of the region, as well as useful practical information, maps and professional advice. You can buy a guide toCrimea in the online bookstore Labyrinth.

Dmitry Kiselev: Crimea

This is a new edition of the Crimea travel guide. Now all prices are given in rubles, travel information has been updated, sections on the history of Crimea and modern life peninsula. As you travel with the orange travel guide, you will be amazed and admired. Never get lost, walking unbeaten paths, because all walks before publication are checked by the authors on themselves more than once. A wide range of varied routes will satisfy the most discerning travelers.

Kalinko, Sluka: 100 most beautiful places Crimea

A series of books about the world's best places and human achievements. Each book features 100 objects on the topic with colorful illustrations, interesting descriptions and useful information... The book describes the most famous and beautiful sights and places of the Crimea. The book will be a great gift for everyone who loves travel and is fond of this amazing country.

Dmitry Kulkov: Crimea. Guide (+ map)

Here is an express guide to Crimea. It contains brief information about the peninsula, tips on how to spend three days and a week, and 25 top attractions. Also in the book you will find descriptions of the most interesting places in each area of ​​the city. Take a walk, get acquainted, admire the warm Crimea and get the information you need non-stop! The publication is accompanied by a detailed map of the peninsula and cities.

Ivan Kovalenko: Informal Crimea. Guide

The author is a native Crimean, a well-known local historian, the author of several books about Crimea. He knows almost everything about Crimea: unusual sights, interesting events and festivals, the best hotels and restaurants ... The first acquaintance with Crimea is like a first love: it is very important that the “first Crimean time” is unusual and bright. Therefore, this informal guide has appeared - it invites you to walk through the living, real, unforgettable Crimea.

Loktev, Lokteva, Kalinin: Crimea with a map

The publishing house "Ajax-Press" presents the guide "Crimea" in the series "Russian Guide-Polyglot". The new edition includes 4 new author's routes along the peninsula, which became laureates of the competition “The best route in Crimea”. The guide has been updated detailed map, contains 11 routes, 15 internal maps and schemes. Crimea is not easy favorite place recreation of millions of citizens, this is a place where the healing climate, combined with curative mud and mineral springs, truly work wonders.

Crimea for travelers. Foldable card

The publication includes: a map of the Crimean peninsula, South coast Crimea, as well as Simferopol and Sevastopol. The maps contain a lot of useful information. Additionally: average temperatures of water and air throughout the year, a table of distances between settlements, a list of settlements. The cards are made using high-precision technologies. This card is necessary for those who are going on a trip to the sea or on a mountain hike. Format: 115x250 mm. Spread format: 1000x690 mm. Scale: 1: 340,000 (Crimean peninsula), 1: 100,000 (South coast of Crimea), 1:50,000 (Simferopol and Sevastopol)

Vershinin, Tarasenko: Crimea: travel guide

NS consolatorAROUND THE WORLD in Crimea - this is proven information, colorful illustrations and convenient maps. Travel Guide Around the World is a reliable companion and guide, with whom the journey will become even more interesting and exciting. A Guide Around The World is a book full of diverse and useful information about history and culture, nature and geography, customs and traditions, sights, mysteries, heroes, treasures and wonders of the region.

Agafonov, Galkina, Lesina: Crimea. Modern travel guide

The guide includes up-to-date information about the sights and infrastructure of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, about the prospects for the development of the region. Information about historical events, indigenous peoples, about the peculiarities of the climate and about natural conditions is widely presented. The book is illustrated with photographs, supplied with plans-schemes of settlements and main attractions.

Crimea. City plans. Foldable card

Map of the Crimean peninsula with landmarks, urban infrastructure, modern road network. Folding map Scale: 1: 650,000. City plans: Alushta, Gaspra, Gurzuf, Koreiz, Sudak, Feodosia, Yalta.

Map Crimea

ORANGE GUIDE - a series of modern convenient atlases and maps across Russia and the world. The accuracy of information is ensured by constant monitoring of satellite imagery and collection of information from administrative sources. Easy navigation due to the well-thought-out page layout, as well as the designation of all important objects along the way, make these publications irreplaceable on the road! 3rd edition, revised and enlarged.

Natalia Sheiko: Crimea. Travel for health

The history of Crimea is the history of the world of East and West, the history of the ancient Greeks and the Golden Horde, Tatars and Cossacks, the churches of the first Christians and Muslim mosques. Favorable natural conditions The Crimean peninsula has always attracted people. Since ancient times, land and sea roads have crossed on its territory. Here the interests of the sedentary population and nomads, farmers and pastoralists, aborigines and newcomers clashed.

To order >>

It's no secret that in recent years Crimea has taken the lead among places for recreation and travel in Russia. It is not surprising that a land with a rich history, wonderful climate, varied landscape and nature, attracts thousands of tourists to spend their holidays with health and soul benefits. Every curious citizen, having chosen the peninsula as a place for his vacation, probably wonders how to explore the most hidden corners of the region in a quality and interesting way, to visit the most beautiful locations of Crimea. The most convenient, and most importantly, more effective, will be if you use the services of private guides in Crimea. We will present a selection of the best of them with excursions at an attractive price in this article. Personal guides in Crimea are a great investment with maximum results. After all, let's be honest - you are unlikely to like another classic bus tour with a bunch of tourists and in the company of a typical "soviet" guide? If not, then we are ready to offer you something better. 😉

Where to find a private guide in Crimea

Our constant partner in the selection of guides and excursions online in all cities and countries of the world will help you choose a private guide in Crimea. We have already written about the delights of the service more than once in our previous articles, therefore neither we nor our readers have to doubt the convenience of its use. You can study the dossiers of all the guides, as well as the routes they offer, contact the guide directly, clarify all the details of the upcoming trip and, if desired, adjust the course of the program.

Individual guides in Crimea are not so expensive, but you will receive a high-level service, an original program developed by the guide himself, and see the most interesting classic sights and non-tourist locations of the peninsula. We took the liberty of compiling TOP 5 personal guides in Crimea, but you can also see all the offers depending on the city where you are staying and where you prefer to start exploring the region.

All city guides can be viewed on the links:

TOP-5 private guides in Crimea

Next, we will present the TOP 5 individual guides in Crimea, which we have selected from the many proposals published on the Tripster. The five best of the best were guides with a lot of positive feedback from tourists, guides offering original routes, non-tourist places, original programs. We also chose local residents who are perfectly familiar with the region and their hometown, high-level tour organizers.

  • 1st place -

    A private guide in Sevastopol conducts unique excursions and awakens the desire to dive deeper and deeper into the history of Crimea and its corners. Nadezhda introduces her clients to her native Sevastopol, as well as to the heart of Crimea - Bakhchisarai and pearls south coast... If you wish, you can take a personal excursion to Yalta and also explore the city and the sights adjacent to it. Easy communication, a huge number of beautiful and photogenic locations, which only the guide himself knows about. All routes are carefully verified, and the organization of your movements, stops and pastime will always be built at the pace you need and the schedule convenient for you.

    Some of the most popular excursions of Nadezhda: and .

  • 2nd place -

    A private guide in Sevastopol perfectly knows how to convey the atmosphere of the city, knows how to visit classic locations, following non-tourist paths, thereby opening up new sides of the city for each of his tourists. Alexandra is an amazing storyteller, knows the history of her city well, knows how not to overload stories with unnecessary details, is an excellent organizer and knows how to please every client regardless of age and interests.

    Best tour guide can be booked using the links: and.

  • 3rd place -

    A private guide around Yalta and its surroundings, for more than 10 years, has been introducing everyone to the history and nature of Crimea. Will show you the other side of the cities and resorts of the peninsula, the original Alushta, the coastal Alupka, tell you about the tragic and pompous moments in the history of the Livadia Palace and the mysteries of the wonderful object bird home- a favorite place for all tourists. Crimea with Yulia - this is versatile information, original locations, unusual facts from the life of local residents, surprise and delight from the places visited.

  • 4th place -

    Book a tour of Evpatoria with a private guide: .

  • 5th place -

    A talented guide in Bakhchisarai, an instructor and guide-guide of mountain tourism is a real find for amateurs active rest and hiking... If you love mountains and are eager to explore the nature and ancient treasures of Crimea, on Sergey's excursions you will find caves, monasteries, secret mountain trails, ascents and magnificent panoramas of the island at a glance.

    Book one of best routes: and .

All the guides presented offer full-fledged excursions, rich and varied routes, high-quality organization. We ourselves are very fond of walking tours, when you can contemplate and observe, explore and conquer, but if you are traveling with children and in search of an individual guide to Crimea in a private car, we advise you to clarify this option in advance by booking this or that excursion.
You can order an individual guide in Crimea with a car for a fee, on the Tripster there is such an option in sections and - here you will find private guides from Sevastopol, Alushta and Yalta, who are ready to organize an additional transfer for your trip.

Hello dear travelers and lovers of the sun, sea and mountains! So the two-week independent travel across Crimea, after which we usually write a final overview of the country (region, oblast) with the route, total costs and other useful information that is so necessary when planning a trip.

Total budget

This time we drove without a tent and without a hitchhiker (we don't count a couple of kilometers on the way). Therefore, the costs are already slightly higher and closer to the people, let's say. In any case, there will be no hotels with deluxe rooms, private cars and other expensive excesses. You can safely consider a budget trip within the usual conditions. Prices for the trip are summer 2015 (unless otherwise indicated in the text).

We flew to Crimea from Moscow by Aeroflot at a price of 7500 rubles. per person (in both directions). Quite a good price for June, by land transport it would have been more expensive anyway.

Cost of air tickets to Crimea today (clickable):

1.stay period - 13 days
2.financial expenses for two:

  • railway tickets Kirov-Moscow (3600 rubles),
  • air tickets Moscow - Simferopol (Crimea) - 15,000 rubles;
  • housing - 7270 rubles.
  • for other expenses - about 10,000 rubles.
  • the outcome- 35 870 rubles. for two.

3. briefly about the weather in June - light rain for three days, the rest of the time the temperature is about 25C. You can swim.

Map of our route

  • 29.05 —
  • 30.05 —
  • 30.05 —
  • 30.05 —
  • 31.05 —
  • 31.05 —
  • 01.06 —
  • 01.06 —
  • 02.06 —
  • 03.06 —
  • 03.06 —
  • 04.06 —
  • 04.06 —
  • 05.06 —
  • 06.06 —
  • 07.06 —
  • 08.06 —
  • 09.06 —
  • 10.06 —

Transport in Crimea

About public transport in Simferopol, I told a little about.

I'll go over briefly. If you want freedom of movement, a drop of comfort and have rights in your pocket, then of course it is better, and, as they say, do not deny yourself anything.

In any case, even if there are no rights, but you want comfort, you can always order for any resort.

And if you want to feel the local "flavor" on yourself, then you can travel by public transport. I advise you to look at the maps and schedule in more detail while still at home, save a lot of time and money. I will not post schedules here, there are a lot of them on the Internet, both in photographs and simply in text form (for example, the same Yandex.Schedules). On our blog, at the beginning of each article, I also wrote how to get to the place that I described. So you can get some information here as well.

By the way, Crimea has the longest trolleybus line (96 km just from the airport in Simferopol to Yalta)! On this remarkable transport number 52, which runs almost every 25 minutes, I advise you to take a ride too.

Generally transport connection in cities and between them it is quite decent. Even from sparsely populated areas, you can go in the right direction without any problems if you know the schedule. Moreover, the cost of public transport is still at a low level (when compared with our small town Kirov).

For example:

  • travel by trolleybus around the city - 7 rubles.
  • on buses and minibuses - up to 10 rubles.
  • to regional settlements with a radius of up to 20 km - up to 30 rubles.

However, if you buy tickets for intercity buses at the box office, then get ready to pay a "tax" for bus service at the station. This is how the cashier justified the extra 15 rubles that I saw as an additional line to the main price of 25 rubles. in Bakhchisarai.

So I immediately give advice: if you want to travel for the cost indicated in the price list or even cheaper, then it is better to immediately contact the bus driver. True, in the season this can threaten with the fact that you have to ride while standing. But, we were always lucky to have free places.

After the annexation of Crimea to Russia, the local authorities took up seriously the task of putting in order not only resort towns, but also transport links. Namely - the introduction of a single database for the purchase of tickets at all stations. Knowing how everything large-scale is being done in Russia, the foreseen happened - the system began to malfunction. As a result, tickets for the same place were often sold to several people at different transport stations. I think you yourself understand how it all ended in the end: swearing, arguments, discontent, etc.

In some cases, it was impossible to buy a ticket for intercity buses at the bus station. For example, in Sudak, for several days we could not get a ticket to Simferopol (to the airport) and we ran to the station every day. Until I found out that there is a second ticket office in the city near the coast. Therefore, upon arriving at the bus station, do not be too lazy to find out about the availability of a second ticket office in the city, just in case.


I already wrote in articles on Crimea that finding housing in Crimea is not such a difficult business, and prices are lower if you go there during the off-season. The season starts in Crimea from June 15th, so our trip was still going beyond that. Therefore, I did not torment myself with the search for housing via the Internet, but decided to look for it on the spot.

Moreover, those who have already visited our resorts know that at any auto or railway station of the resort town there are local grannies, intermediaries or simply owners of private apartments who want to earn extra money for you. Of these three categories, I would be afraid only of intermediaries, because they often cheat with the declared characteristics of housing. What does it mean?

In Alushta, we came across two women who arranged a whole auction (only to reduce the price) for us, just to earn extra money. One of them was an intermediary, the other a homeowner. Both said that the house has a shower, toilet, kitchen, internet, and so on. And both are pushing the price down to a minimum. But who do you believe more? The intermediary, in fact, does not care where and in what conditions you will live, the main thing for him is to make money, and the owner is the owner. He will lead you to his private home, which means he will be responsible for what he said. And the deception is that yes, housing has all the above-mentioned benefits, but in what state? And in such a way that the shower and toilet can be on the street. As well as the kitchen. Moreover, all this can be in a very deplorable state. Therefore, I advise you not to waste any time or energy on them.

You can read about exactly how we managed to find housing and its cost in the corresponding articles above. On average, I can say that it is less than 500 rubles. (for a room for two) we did not find in any place. The most expensive thing happened in Sevastopol - 870 rubles. for a floor suite, although we could have rented a simpler room for 700. And in other cases average price per room - 700 - 800 rubles. Under the conditions that I always tried to knock out a lower price and the housing was clean and corresponded to the original description, although the locals told me that it was below 1000 rubles. you can't find housing in Crimea.

We mainly lived in the private sector, and only once rented a room in a small hotel in Balaklava for 700 rubles. for two.

If you are traveling during the season, then it is undoubtedly better to decide the issue with the apartment in advance. For this purpose I advise you to use the service Roomguru.ru, which compares prices in all major booking systems (Booking, Agoda, etc.) and finds the best one!

Food and prices

Food prices in Crimea are not much different from prices in other parts of Russia. I don't see much point in paying attention to this. If we ate in an inexpensive cafe or canteen, on average we spent about 250-300 rubles. for two. This amount included one portion of the first, two portions of the second, salad, tea. This is taking into account the fact that I usually did not take meat, since it is not important for me. Especially in the summer.

Many people advise to try the local Tatar cuisine: large portions, tastier, but the cost is almost twice as high.

Yes, Crimea is in the south, so in theory there should be a lot of fruits here. But, we were at the beginning of June, which means that in the market you could only see cherries, cherries, and sometimes strawberries. All three types of berries cost about the same anywhere in the Crimea - from 100 to 150 rubles. per kilogram. Rarely, but it was possible to find remnants of overripe cherries from some granny for 70 rubles. In Sudak we even came across several cherry trees. Surely there are more fruits in the season, but low prices don't wait, especially in touristy places.

And of course, vacationers come here for Crimean wine, chacha and other alcoholic beverages. My companion, for example, bought two bottles of homemade wine as a gift from the owner of the guest house where we were staying. Because he had his own vineyards. A 1.5 liter bottle cost him 150 rubles. And I do not drink alcohol in any form, so this question is not very interesting for me.


I did not like that the pricing policy for attractions in Crimea resembles the low-cost policy. If earlier, while Crimea was still a part of Ukraine, tickets were basically the same for everything, now the attraction is divided into several parts and the payment for each part is separate. From which it follows that if you look at everything, it will come out much more expensive. An example of this is Nikitsky Botanical Garden or Vorontsov Palace.

Some examples of prices:

  • Golitsyn trail - 100 rubles.
  • Marble cave - 350-500 rubles
  • Nikitsky BS - 200-500 rubles.
  • Vorontsov Palace - 300-500 rubles.
  • Cable car to Ai-Petri - 500 rubles. round trip.
  • Genoese fortress - 150 rubles.

Moreover, prices during the season and prices during the off-season may be different.

Personal impression

In general, I liked the trip to Crimea. There really beautiful mountains and the sea, clean air, warm sun. For now already Russian resort everything is at a fairly good level in combination with inexpensive prices... I especially remember the Bakhchisarai region, I would like to study it better.

People are the same as in central Russia, with the only difference that Russian laws have not yet reached them. I think this will be corrected in the near future.

It is a pity that summer in Crimea is not all year round, otherwise it would be a worthy competitor to foreign resorts. For fans of "olinkclusive" - ​​this is, of course, not an option, but for an independent and family vacation quite.

Thank you for your attention, if you have any questions, please ask them in the comments. Have a good rest in Crimea!

Crimea filled with natural, architectural and historical sights. In every corner of the peninsula, tourists have something to see and spend their holidays at their pleasure. Boat trips with swimming in the open sea and a night discotheque on the deck, horseback riding, climbing mountains, walking through healing juniper groves and reserved mountain forests, swimming in a waterfall, hiking to a miraculous spring, diving, tasting famous Crimean wines, champagne and brandy. There is also entertainment for children: the Yalta Zoo, water parks, a dolphinarium, an oceanarium, and a variety of attractions in parks. Active pastime on the shore: parasailing, waterslides riding a banana, tablet, water scooter. You can use the services of local travel agencies that offer a rich excursion and entertainment program, and the guides will talk all day long, show, answer all questions, make sure that no one gets lost. After all, these are people who selflessly love Crimea and are ready to share their love with us.
Here rest for every taste. You can rent a house in the private sector or an apartment in the center, live in a boarding house or hotel with a high level of comfort, a swimming pool and three meals a day, which is important when you are relaxing with small children. You can stay in a mountain village far from the bustle of the city that is boring for a year and enjoy the tranquility in solitude with nature. Or in resort town with busy embankments, entertainment centers, attractions, cafes and bars, night discos.

rest in Crimea is an opportunity to improve your health. The Crimean air, in fact, is a unique natural inhaler with healing power. It is saturated with negative air ions, which scientists call "air vitamins", sea salts, phytoncides and essential oils, which are generously secreted by rosemary, lavender, pine, spruce, juniper and other plants. On the peninsula, there are about six hundred specialized health resorts and sanatoriums offering various health programs.

A mild climate, a lot of sun, which we lack so much, clean air, beautiful nature, picturesque rocky bays, sandy and pebbly beaches, gently splashing warm sea, seasonal ripe juicy fruits and berries. There are places in our country that are so beautiful that each visit evokes a feeling of admiration and a desire to return. And one of these places is sunny Crimea.

General information about the Crimea peninsula

Square: almost 27,000 square kilometers.
Status: since 18 March 2014 Republic of Crimea- subject Russian Federation... Sevastopol is a city of federal significance.
Length coastline: over one thousand km.
Population: more than 2 million people of 125 nationalities, of which 59% are Russians, 24% are Ukrainians, 12% are Crimean Tatars.
Language: three languages ​​have state status - Russian, Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar.
Currency unit: Russian ruble
Administrative divisions: the area of ​​the peninsula is divided into 14 districts (mainly rural population) and 11 cities of republican significance, the territory of which includes, in addition to the city-center, many more settlements. Territorially Crimea conditionally divided into the Western, Eastern, Central and Southern coast of Crimea (SCC).
Western Crimea: Evpatoria, Saki, Sevastopol, Balaklava, Chernomorskoe, Olenevka, Tarkhankut. It is famous for its health and wellness centers thanks to the local healing mud, mineral springs, salt lakes... The beaches here are mostly sandy, occasionally small pebbles, with a gentle bottom. The bays are warm and shallow, there are no mountains and forests, dry steppe winds and sea breezes create a unique tandem of the sea climate with the steppe climate. These places are comfortable for families with children, and the resort city of Evpatoria bears the status of a children's health resort.
Eastern coast of Crimea: Feodosia, Sudak, New World, Koktebel, Kerch, Ordzhonikidze, Beregovoe, Kurortnoe, Lesnoe. The beaches are sand and gravel with small shell rock, and in Sudak the only beaches on the entire peninsula are made of gray quartz sand. The climate is close to the Mediterranean - mild, without sharp fluctuations in temperature. Some of the resorts are located on the Sea of ​​Azov.
Southern coast of Crimea: Yalta, Alushta, Alupka, Foros, Massandra, Gurzuf, Simeiz, Foros, Livadia, Malorechenskoye, Rybachye, Solnechnogorskoye. Long pebble beaches, clear sea, mountains, wind-breezes, healing air, cypresses and magnolias, vineyards, an abundance of sun and warmth. These places have a dry Mediterranean climate and clean mountain air.
Central Crimea is Simferopol, Bakhchisarai. The steppes plowed up for fields, orchards and vineyards replace mountain ranges with caves and waterfalls, covered with deciduous and coniferous forests. These places, far from the sea coast, are rich in unique natural monuments and historical sights.
Religion: most of the believers profess Orthodoxy, some - Islam and Judaism, Catholicism. Total in Crimea there are about fifty different religious denominations registered.
Geographical position: The republics of Crimea are located in the west of Russia. By land it borders with Ukraine, by sea - with Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Georgia. This is a peninsula, most of which is washed by the waters of the Black Sea, and only the shores of the northeastern part protrude into the Sea of ​​Azov. 72 percent or about 19,000 sq. Km is plain, 20 percent or about 7,000 sq. Km are mountains, 8 percent are water bodies (lakes, rivers). Most of the rivers are located in mountainous terrain, and the flat area is rich in salt lakes - there are just over fifty of them. The largest is Lake Sasyk-Sevash, its area is 165 sq. kilometers.

Landscape and climate

Crimea could be called an island, if not for the thin Perekop isthmus, the widest part of which does not exceed 8 km. Such isolation from the mainland could not but affect the animal and flora... Approximately 10% of plant species can be found only here, many are listed in the Red Book. One of them, the silver Crimean edelweiss, grows at an altitude of 1545 meters, at highest point peninsula - Mount Roman-Kosh. In general, the Crimean mountains do not rise into the sky with sharp peaks. Their peaks are undulating upland plateaus. These are the so-called yayls. They are composed of limestones and sandstones, so the water does not run along the slopes, but flows down, forming caves, corridors, karst sinkholes. The surface of the yayla is the kingdom of herbs and flowers. From April to late autumn, violets, irises, crocuses, peonies, sleep-grass, clover, St. John's wort, feather grass bloom here - just over nine hundred species of plants. Their fragrant multi-colored carpet evokes associations with alpine meadows. Sometimes there are plantations, shrubs or lonely trees. On some yailas you can admire the cascades, rapids and waterfalls of mountain rivers. Walking along the paths, inhaling the spicy herbal smell, enjoying the silence, which is broken by the murmur of water and the chirping of birds, you completely forget that you are at an altitude of more than one thousand meters above sea level.
In the north of the peninsula there is a steppe zone, which makes up about 2/3 of the entire territory. Crimea... It is absolutely flat, flat. Dzhankoy has hilly terrain, while Simferopol has already started the foothills.
To the climate of the peninsula big influence provide mountains that protect the territory from cold northern winds... Thanks to them, a mild temperate continental climate reigns on the plains, on the other side of the Crimean mountains - subtropical, and in the mountains - humid, characteristic of deciduous forests. The unique climatic feature of this place is a large number of sunny days not only in summer but also in winter. In total, there are from 2180 to 2470 hours of sunshine per year. Most of falls on sea ​​coast where the sea breeze blows, preventing the formation of clouds. V Crimea all 4 seasons are observed.
Winter in the northern part is windy and with little snow, with frequent thaws, on the southern coast - mild and snowless, in the mountains - wet and cold. The snowiest place is Ai-Petrinskaya Yayla. Snow lies here from December to April, and the snowdrifts reach a height of one meter, which makes this place attractive for those who like skiing, sledging and snowboarding. In the mountains, the average winter temperature is minus 4 degrees, on the South Coast - plus 5.
Spring is fast. Every day the height of the sun increases, the day becomes longer, the cloudiness decreases, the soil and upper layers of water in Black and Azov seas warming up more and more. Although this is the driest and windiest season, it is also the most colorful time of the year: the yayls are covered with bright green herbs, myriads of flowers bloom in the forests, on the mountain slopes and meadows, and feather grass waves sway in the steppes. Everywhere the chirping of birds making nests, and with the onset of dusk, nightingales begin to sing. By the end of May, the Black Sea warms up to +16 degrees, the shallow Azov Sea - up to +20.
Summer in Crimea hot, sunny, low wind throughout the territory. Precipitation is not often, in the form of short-term showers, from which after a couple of hours not even a trace remains - everything dries up under the rays of the sultry sun. On the coast, breezes soften the heat and help withstand the heat more easily. The vegetation in the steppe regions is gradually fading, turning yellow. On the contrary, the southern coast of Crimea is buried in greenery. The Black Sea is mostly calm, storms are extremely rare. The temperature of the water reaches 23 - 25 degrees.
Having warmed up during the hot summer, the sea generously shares its warmth in the fall. The Black Sea cools down longer than the Azov Sea, and you can swim in it until the first days of October. The water temperature is on average 20 -22 degrees. Sunny days does not decrease, but the heat gradually subsides, and a quiet, dry, warm weather sets in - " the Velvet season". Autumn flowers bloom, and the foliage on the trees gradually turns golden-purple. A sharp change in weather occurs in November: rains become more frequent, the sea is stormy, the difference in temperature between the northern and southern territories is clearly visible.

Traveling around the country

Crimea is a large constituent entity of the Russian Federation, where transport links are well developed. If necessary and desired, you can get to any corner of this picturesque peninsula.
Public transport represented by buses, by route taxis, trams. Also, between settlements, both large and small, they regularly run intercity buses and minibuses, which allows tourists to significantly diversify their vacation. There are several bus stations, with many routes not only across Crimea, but also to Russia, Moldova and Belarus. There are two bus stations in Sevastopol, from where you can get to any point on the peninsula and big cities Russia. Kerch bus station offers flights to eastern and southern regions peninsula, there are routes to Sochi, Krasnodar, Anapa. Buses depart from the Yalta bus station Crimea... An intercity trolleybus also travels from Simferopol to the South Coast resorts. This is the longest line of the route of this type of transport in the world: Simferopol - Alushta - Yalta - 86 kilometers. The trolleybus makes stops at all settlements on his way.
Taxi. This service is provided by official and private carriers. An official taxi can be called by phone, they work on the counter.
Railway. All major cities are connected by rail. Electric trains are quite convenient and quick way moving.
Water transport. Since the Crimea from all sides, with the exception of a thin isthmus, is washed by the seas, the water communication is quite developed here. The main ports are in Yalta, Evpatoria, Kerch, Sevastopol. In addition to transportation services, a variety of excursion water routes are offered.

Cable car.
There are two of them on the peninsula. Yalta - Gorka or small cable car: length - 600 meters, travel time - 12 minutes, height difference - 120 meters, working time - from 10 to 18 hours, double cabins. Consists of 2 stations: the lower one - in the center of Yalta, the upper one - on the Darsan hill. The second cable car, Miskhor - Ai-Petri, has three stops: the lower one is Mishor, the middle one is Sosnovy Bor, the upper one is the Ai-Petri plateau. The total length is 2980 meters, the travel time is 15 minutes, the height difference is 1100 meters. Includes four cabins for 40 passengers each.
Auto. Quite a few in Crimea car rental companies. The main requirement that they present to the renter is the presence of a driver's license and a minimum age of 21 years. There are nuances for those who want to rent vehicle premium class: age - from 25 years, driving experience - not less than one year.

How to get there

Airplane. The airport is located in Simferopol. Regular flights operate from many major cities Russia.
Catamaran. From Anapa to Kerch, Yalta and Feodosia, you can swim to high-speed catamaran... V holiday season he walks up to 5 times a day. Accommodates up to 250 people.
Car + ferry. Go along the M-4 highway to the port "Kavkaz", from where the ferry goes to Kerch. However, waiting in line can take several hours.
Train + ferry. There is a direct train "Moscow - Simferopol" with a crossing in Crimea on a ferryboat. Due to the fact that its route bypasses Ukrainian territory, the travel time is approximately 44 hours.
Railroad + bus + ferry + bus. You can calculate the time yourself and buy tickets separately for each stage of the transfer, or you can not rack your brains and use a single travel card... It includes travel by train to Anapa or Krasnodar, from there by bus to Kerch ferry, then by ferry to the port "Kerch" and from there by bus to Yalta, Feodosia, Evpatoria, Kerch, Sudak, Simferopol and Sevastopol. These tickets are sold at railway ticket offices.

Summer is in full swing, and therefore it's time for the holidays. The weather, as you can see, is not good, but I want warmth, sea and beaches. But where to go? It is expensive to go to Europe and almost everywhere you need a visa, in Africa it is still too hot, and Thailand and Vietnam are far away. So the choice is clear. Of course, in Crimea! Everything is here, including historical heritage different eras and civilizations: from the ancient Greeks and Romans to the Genoese and Tatars.

But an exciting and rewarding journey begins with a good guide... In our selection, you will learn about the most informative and yet accessible books about this amazing peninsula.

If you want to find only one guide, but the most complete one, choose this one. It has your main helpers: a map, a ranking of cities to visit, reviews of literary and cinematic itineraries, and even wine tips. At the same time, the emphasis here is placed not only on acquaintances, but also on little-known and new sights (the abandoned nuclear power plant, the Picturesque Collection in the House of the poet Maximilian Voloshin). After reading, you can independently develop a travel program with routes by car or public transport - with the help of travel information and the cost of living for 2017.

Before setting off, be sure to explore the complex history of Tavrida. The author offers a detailed account of the ancient peoples (Taurus, Scythians, Greeks) and events from the Paleolithic to the present, including the times of the Roman Empire and the Golden Horde. This is not just a collection of stingy dates, but an entertaining narrative explaining the background and reasons for significant episodes from different eras.

What can attract tourists to Crimea? Not only amazing views and oldest cities, but also many holy places located there. This book will introduce you to the most important temples, monasteries and healing springs. Their description is accompanied by facts and explanations, thanks to which you will better understand the Crimean history.

A fun reading for curious young travelers! The Eldar deer, who knows all the interesting traditions and legends of the peninsula, acquaints readers with the unusual features of the region. This book is suitable not only for exploring local customs and culture, but also for planning excursions that will appeal to both children and adults.

You will need this publication about the amazing territory of the peninsula in order to choose your path correctly and at the same time enjoy the natural beauty, which is difficult to compare with anything. Each attraction is accompanied by a small text and pictorial photographs.