All about the dead sea israel. The Dead Sea. Dead Sea video

Israel is a year-round tourist destination.

People go to Israel to visit holy places, receive quality treatment and, of course, enjoy their vacation at sea resorts.

Israel has 4 seas and each of them has resorts and its own characteristics.

Dead Sea: Ein Bokek Resort.
Red Sea: Eilat resort.
Sea of ​​Galilee (Lake Kinneret): Tiberias resort.
Mediterranean Sea: Tel Aviv, Netanya, Herzliya, Ashkelot, Haifa.

High tourist season in Israel- this is spring and autumn. Accordingly, it is best to travel to Israel from March to May and from September to November. It can be too hot in summer in Israel, and in winter in Israel - mostly treatment and excursion programs.

Resorts in Israel are aimed at all categories of tourists.

The best resort for families with children in Israel is Eilat.
The best resorts for treatment in Israel: Ein Bokek at the Dead Sea, Tiberias on the Kinneret Lake, Haifa on the Mediterranean Sea.
Best Resorts for active rest and youth: Tel Aviv on the Mediterranean Sea, the resort of Eilat on the Red Sea.

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Resorts of Israel on the Mediterranean Sea

Tel Aviv Is a tourist, business, cultural and entertainment center and shopping center in Israel. Tel Aviv is the most Big city in Israel.

Tel Aviv resort is on the coast Mediterranean Sea and most of the hotels are concentrated along the coastal strip. The Tel Aviv resort offers tourists 14 km of well-groomed and equipped white sand beaches.

Tel Aviv is a resort city that never sleeps. The Tel Aviv resort is a relatively expensive resort, however, all categories of tourists can find here activities and quality accommodation for themselves.

Netanyaresort town in Israel on the Mediterranean coast. Netanya is conveniently located for Israel's main attractions. Therefore, it is often used by tour operators for sightseeing tours... In addition, Netanya is suitable for a budget beach holiday on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. It is worth noting one feature of the Netanya resort: the beach strip is located under the cliff. Access to the beach is via an elevator. Therefore, when choosing a hotel, you should consider not only the distance from the beach, but also from the elevator.

Hotels in the resort of Netanya are mainly of 2-4 stars, there are only three 5 * hotels. Netanya resort attracts young people with its active nightlife, a walking promenade with cafes, restaurants and prices.

Haifa Is a city built on the slope of Mount Carmel and on the picturesque Mediterranean coast. Most of the hotels are located on the mountain far from the beach. On first coastline there is one five-star Leonardo Haifa hotel that stands apart. People come to Haifa mainly for a relaxing holiday and quality treatment.

Tiberias resort on the Sea of ​​Galilee (Lake Kinneret).

Tiberiasancient city and, concurrently, thermal spa on the shore of the only freshwater lake in Israel, the Kinneret. Tiberias is a holy city for the Jewish people. Nearby there are holy places for Christians: the place of the baptism of Jesus, Capernaum - the place where the meeting of Jesus Christ with the apostles took place, etc. Tiberias in Israel is a year-round resort due to its geographic location and warm climate. The resort of Tiberias is suitable for a comfortable beach holiday, treatment and recovery at 17 hot mineral springs, active sports and sightseeing.

Ein Bokek Resort at the Dead Sea in Israel.

The year-round resort of Ein Bokek at the Dead Sea in Israel offers a sanatorium-type vacation. Don't live here locals, and there is no infrastructure familiar to the resort. All infrastructure is concentrated on the territory of the hotel, and rehabilitation treatment is in clinics. There are contraindications for a Dead Sea resort: this climate is not suitable for all people and not for all diseases.

The Dead Sea Coast is 423 meters below sea level - the lowest point on earth on Earth. And every year it decreases by 1 meter. The Dead Sea is shallowing. According to legend, on the site of the Dead Sea there used to be the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.

In the Dead Sea, it is not customary to swim and sunbathe on the beach. The Dead Sea is curative and bathing should be dosed there according to the doctor's recommendations.
On the shores of the Dead Sea, the air is saturated with bromine, which creates conditions for natural climatotherapy.

There are only 15 hotels in the Ein Bokek resort on the Dead Sea in Israel. Six of them are built on the shore. On the Dead Sea, there is no fundamental difference between the hotels of the first and second coastline.

Every year the flow of tourists aspires to Israel at the Dead Sea for rehabilitation treatment and SPA-procedures.

Eilat is a resort city on the shores of the Red Sea. Eilat is the most demanded resort in Israel. It is located in the southern part of Israel on the shores of the Red Sea. Eilat is separated from the rest of the busy part of Israel by the Negev Desert, which makes up 60% of the entire territory of the state. In addition to the endless golden desert and the emerald sea with coral reefs, Eilat surprises with lilac mountains and rich colors of greenery and flowers in which the resort is immersed.

Eilat - an oasis of stormy modern life in the midst of a faceless desert.

Eilat is considered a modern elite resort with a developed tourist infrastructure. There are few historical sights here, only modern entertainment, shopping and natural beauty.

In winter 2019 (from December to April), tours with a direct flight to the resort of Eilat (Israel) are available from 10 cities of Russia. Choose your ideal holiday in Eilat resort among all the offers of the tour operator.

Eilat is a place where the sun shines 359 days a year, and the water temperature does not drop below +22 degrees throughout the year. It is best to go to the Eilat resort in March, April, May, October and November. At this time, Eilat has a high tourist season and, accordingly, high prices, many tourists and ideal climatic conditions for a beach holiday on the Red Sea.

Eilat - duty free zone... Therefore, here you can go shopping, bring not only souvenirs, but also update your wardrobe.

Eilat has two types of beaches: sand beach, where the main resort area and sand and pebble, the so-called "coral coast" are located, with ideal conditions for diving.

The cost of living in hotels in the resort of Eilat
What to do in the resort of Eilat in Israel?
  • Eilat's main attraction: Coral Reef Park;
  • Visit the Underwater Observatory;
  • For children and adults, it will be informative to go to the dolphinarium, oceanarium;
  • Kings City amusement park;
  • Take a jeep ride in the desert;
  • Go diving;
  • Enjoy the natural beauty in Timna National Park;
  • Go to the skating rink in mall Ice park
  • Go on excursions to Jerusalem or the unique Dead Sea.

Useful information for tourists about the Dead Sea in Israel - geographical position, tourist infrastructure, map, architectural features and attractions.

The Dead Sea - salt Lake located in Israel and Jordan. The Dead Sea Coast is the lowest land mass on Earth: it is 417 meters below sea level. Dead Level sea ​​continues to decline. This amazing body of water is called "dead", because due to the high salt content, neither fish nor other organisms can live in it.

There is 10% more oxygen in the atmosphere over the Dead Sea than over any other sea. This place has the highest ozone layer on earth, which excludes the harsh, short ultraviolet rays from the spectrum of sunlight, leading to cancer and a number of other diseases.

The Dead Sea is the saltiest lake in the world. The composition of the salts is unique, not typical for other seas, and practically not artificially reproduced. They are brought to the Dead Sea 55 hot mineral springs from a depth of 1500 m.Due to a certain combination and high content of a number of elements (magnesium sulfate, bromides, lithium salts, etc.), the water and mud of this lake have a pronounced anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effect, trigger a number of biochemical processes in the skin, leading to a rejuvenating effect on the entire body.

100% natural Dead Sea black mud for face and body - a mixture of marine minerals and organic substances - has been formed over thousands of years. Minerals can enrich cells with oxygen, improving their metabolism, resulting in better elimination of toxins from the body, moisture is better retained in the skin. This significantly improves the quality of the skin, its elasticity, reduces the number of wrinkles, and also makes it possible to successfully treat many diseases.

Resort specialization:
- skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, acne, neurodermatitis);
- muscle and general (polyarthritis, myastinia, myositis, collagenosis);
- respiratory (bronchial asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis);
- neurological (asthenia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, insomnia, physical rehabilitation);
- andrological and gynecological (male and female infertility, prostatitis, impotence).

Dead Sea Hotels - there are over 4000 rooms in more than 15 hotels. All are located next to the sea. All Dead Sea hotels are equipped with modern wellness centers, which offer mud and sulfur baths, massages, inhalations, beauty treatments, indoor and outdoor pools with Dead Sea water and modern GYM's.

Each hotel on the Dead Sea has several restaurants offering its guests cuisines of different peoples of the world, discos and entertainment programs are held.

Above the shores of the Dead Sea on a 440-meter cliff rises the legendary fortress - Masada - a symbol of the revival of statehood. It was in this fortress that 960 Jews (including women and small children), for three years, resisted the 15 thousandth army of Roman invaders, and when it became clear that the enemy could not be defeated, they decided to commit suicide.

There are many beautiful places on earth that should be visited without fail. And one of such wonderful and unique corners of the Earth is the Dead Sea in Israel.

And not without reason Dead Sea Israel- an object of pilgrimage for tourists from all over the world. Many people rush here not only to admire the extraordinary natural beauty of the sea, but also to improve their health. The Dead Sea coast is simply rich in healthy salts and minerals. Around the Dead Sea, stretched out endless sandy sea- desert. And this is a guarantee of clean air, silence and tranquility, which many tourists who come from noisy megacities dream of. The mild sunny climate, and the beautiful golden beaches of Israel, modern resorts and health resorts, spa resorts and historical places, hot springs gushing out of the ground, modern entertainment centers- all this has turned the country into an interesting and unique tourist destination. Here you can relax and at the same time recover, take medical procedures and enjoy excursions to the historical and sacred places of the country.

The medical indicators of tourists are just an excuse to visit health centers, since they can not only improve the body, you can get rid of all problems, relax and unwind. The largest number health centers and sanatoriums are located in Israel around the Dead Sea and Lake Kinneret.

If you look at map of IsraelThe Dead Sea be on the border with Jordan. Resort area around the Dead Sea is a few villages, consisting of hotels. V hotel complexes you can find everything that vacationers need. However, you shouldn't think that people only go to the Dead Sea to get medical treatment; they offer wonderful beach holidays all year round.

How to get to the resorts located near the Dead Sea?

It should be noted that the most preferred way to travel around the country is by bus. On the map of Israel to the Dead Sea along the entire coastline bus routes... Price for bus ticket depends on the distance. The fare is paid at the entrance, the money is paid to the driver.

You can also get to hotels located on the Dead Sea coast by taxi. A taxi car can be called by phone or taken from the parking lot near the hotels.

The cost of a room in a hotel on the Dead Sea depends on the hotel, on the number of stars, its location, and other conditions. For example, to get a reasonable price, you should book a hotel for a period of 7 days or more.

In the resorts of the Dead Sea of ​​Israel, not only foreign tourists rest, but also the Israelis themselves. On weekends and holidays thousands of indigenous people of Israel come to enjoy their holidays in resort villages... That is why the price of hotel rooms in Israel fluctuates, the cost of living in hotels depends on the season. Many tour operators recommend finding out when is the best time for low prices in hotels.
The Dead Sea in Israel is a world famous "health resort" that specializes in the treatment of various diseases: pulmonary, skin, neuralgic. The Dead Sea has uniquely beautiful landscapes, and therefore the Dead Sea in Israel and its photos can be seen on all tourist avenues.

What, after all, served to make the Dead Sea a unique healing region in Israel? The ancient Greek philosophers already then determined the uniqueness of the Dead Sea, all the main elements worked in its creation: water, earth, air and fire.

The Dead Sea in Israel is a unique combination of inimitable natural resources and climatic conditions: the saltiest sea, which is rich in minerals, curative mud, thermal mineral waters, a reduced level of ultraviolet radiation (since the sun's rays pass through an air layer of 400 meters, it is at this depth that the Dead Sea is located relative to sea level), dry air, just the same saturated with minerals, a favorable temperature regime almost all year round, oxygen saturation, absolute silence and a complete absence of allergens. Everyone who has visited Israel at the Dead Sea leaves only positive reviews.

You can come to the Dead Sea for half a day - plunge into its unique medicinal waters, or even more a long period, having settled in one of the hotels on its shore. The Dead Sea and its beauty will not leave anyone indifferent.

Ein Bokek, an Israeli town on the coast of the Dead Sea, can be safely called a huge resort and recreation complex. His territory, all the time, is covered big amount large and small hotels, hotels, SPA centers, sanatoriums. The very infrastructure of Ein Bokek is completely subordinated to the reception, accommodation, treatment, service and entertainment of vacationers. Almost all city ​​of the dead seas, in their activities, aimed at international tourism and medicine, which are the main source of income of this small state.

Each clinic in the city has its own specialization; in the complex, they treat almost the entire spectrum of diseases. But wellness therapy is not all that the town of Ein Bokek, which has all the attributes of a spa center, has to offer. These are multiple embankments, beaches, both of a municipal status, where anyone can come, and private areas where hotel clients rest.

There is a wide network of public catering: restaurants of various levels, cafes, bars, evening clubs. Here a tourist can not only improve his health, but also have a good rest. Lovers of silence and exoticism are ready to meet small private hotels in the park area of ​​the city. Unusual mesmerizing landscapes and the turquoise of the Dead Sea are perfect conditions for relaxation.

Local attractions include:

  • Qumran National Park - Hellenic settlements, ancient scrolls. The feeling of a complete return to two thousand years ago.
  • Ein Gedi Nature Reserve is a tropical oasis in the middle of the desert, represented by a special landscape, flora and fauna.
  • Mount Sodom - unique a natural phenomenon... It consists almost entirely of salt.
  • Fortress Masada - iconic place for the Israelis. Numerous myths and legends envelop this structure.

Ein Bokek is the only, in our understanding, Israeli city on the shores of the Dead Sea.

Arad is a small town located on mountain ranges Judean Desert, near the Dead Sea. The modern settlement was formed in close proximity to the ancient, mentioned in the Bible, the village of Arad. Every year, thousands of people come to the hotels and clinics of this town, wishing to improve their health and relax on the shores of this unique lake.

The ancient city of Ein - Gedi for many centuries of its existence was completely destroyed several times and passed from one hand to another. Now this territory belongs to Israel and next to the ancient ruins is a thriving kibbutz (a voluntary community of people who organized a settlement on the principle of joint ownership of property, voluntary labor - "the principles of communism in one community"). The population fruitfully grows dates and flowers, and is engaged in poultry farming. The community has launched mineral water and production cosmetics based on the products of the Dead Sea - the world famous brand "Ahava".

A small settlement at the southern end of the Dead Sea - Neve Zohar. It is located not far from resort beaches Ein Bokek. This settlement is not well known. It is named after the Zohar stream ("shining"), which dries up during a hot period. After the evaporation of water, numerous conglomerates of crystallized salt, sparkling in the sun, remain at the bottom of the channel. On the territory of the village there are also ruins of Roman-Byzantine structures, numerous cave burials of that period.

Neve Zohar is represented by 30 families and is considered the lowest, in comparison with the level of the World Ocean, a human settlement on Earth. The village of Neve Zohar is located below the coast of the Dead Sea.

Cities by the Dead Sea in Jordan

Has cities on the shores of the Dead Sea and Jordan.

El-Karak is quite large locality of this country. It is its administrative center. The city is located in the west of Jordan, some distance from the coast of the Salt Lake and the Israeli border. The settlement was originally formed around a powerful Crusader fortress, which is now partially destroyed. The main income to the city budget is brought by tourists visiting the fortress, passing through the ancient city of Petra. This is what the entire economy of Al-Karak is aimed at.

Almost the entire Salt Lake basin Saudi Arabia covered with desert, therefore, when driving along the coast, the cities of the Dead Sea are rarely seen. But going for treatment at this unique place, do not be discouraged about the meager excursion program... Believe me, if you wish, you will have something to see.

The Dead Sea is one of the four seas that wash the shores of Israel. Thousands of tourists come here year after year to heal from many diseases. The air of the coast is saturated with bromine, it soothes the nervous system. The concentration of salt in the Dead Sea is incredibly high - it is impossible to drown here. The healing mud of the Dead Sea is widely used in cosmetology.

Holidays at the resorts of the Dead Sea are especially popular among the elderly, many of whom celebrate an incredible surge of energy after swimming and relaxing on the salt beaches.

Climate and weather at the Dead Sea

The Dead Sea region is influenced by the desert climate. This means that the difference between day and night temperatures is significant - the difference can be up to 15 ° C. It is a very sunny year-round resort with record low rainfall in a year. Quantity sunny days in years exceeds 330.

From November to April, the average temperature in the Dead Sea resorts is 22-29 ° C. In summer, the air warms up from 32 to 37 ° C, and in July the thermometer creeps up to 40 ° C. The water temperature in the Dead Sea does not drop below 25 ° C, and in August it warms up to 34 ° C.

Dead Sea beaches

The Dead Sea beaches can be divided into private and public. The first belong to hotels and are well equipped - there are sun loungers, umbrellas, showers, toilets, and comfortable descent into the water. As the Dead Sea grows shallow every year and the distance to it from the hotel increases, special transport brings guests to the water. Excellent beaches are located in the Ein Bokek resort.

Free beaches are not well equipped, but they always have a shower to wash off the salt. Also sometimes there are sun umbrellas, toilets. All beaches need special shoes for swimming so as not to cut yourself on the rocks. Bathing time in the Dead Sea should not exceed 20 minutes.

The Dead Sea region is located in an amazing zone - solar radiation is practically safe here. You can sunbathe for 8 hours in a row and not get burnt. Wrapping with healing mud and black clay occurs quite often right on the shores of the Dead Sea. Zohar hot springs are rich in sulfur, their water helps with joint and muscle diseases.

Treatment at the Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is a completely unique place that has no analogues in the world. Millions of years ago, in its place was the Lachon Sea, which dried up and left behind a layer of salt up to 2 kilometers thick. It lies right under the Dead Sea, providing it with incredible salinity: 270 ppm! The waters of the sea contain chloride of magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium, as well as bromides. The air itself in the resorts of the Dead Sea is saturated with bromine - it has a relaxing and calming effect on the human nervous system. In addition, the oxygen content in the air above the Dead Sea is much higher than elsewhere on the planet - in fact, it is a natural pressure chamber.

In the health resorts located on the seashore, they successfully treat skin diseases, especially psoriasis (more than 93% of those who have recovered!), As well as diseases of the musculoskeletal system and respiratory organs. The climate and procedures are beneficial for those suffering from high blood pressure.

The wraps with healing peloid mud and black clay rejuvenate the skin, smooth out wrinkles, and tone it. Mud and clay relieve rheumatic pains and cleanse the skin. Sulfur baths with water from the Zohar springs strengthen the circulatory system.

Dead Sea resorts

The main resorts of the Dead Sea are Ein Bokek and Neve Zoar. It is here that most of the luxury hotels and resorts, boarding houses and balneological centers are located. The infrastructure is better developed in Ein Bokek, where there are many entertainment venues, restaurants, shops. In Neve Zohar, life is in full swing inside the hotels, which are ready to offer their guests almost everything their heart desires.

Ein Bokek is the most famous resort Dead Sea. It is one wellness complex with many luxury hotels and beautiful beaches... There are large balneological centers where you can take a health course based on the waters and muds of the Dead Sea. Bokek Stream contains selenium, which helps to boost the body's immune system.

Ein Gedi is an oasis in the Judean Desert. It produces mineral water from a legendary spring. In addition, the famous "Ahava" factory is located in Kibbutz Ein Gedi, which makes cosmetics based on minerals and salts of the Dead Sea. There is a shop on the territory of the factory. In Ein Gedi there is a medical complex where you can take a hydrogen sulphide bath and sunbathe on a public beach. The entrance to the water is rocky and difficult, you need special shoes.

Dead Sea landmarks

The most famous local attraction is the ancient fortress of Massada. It was built during the time of King Herod the Great. The fortress opposed the Roman army: its defenders preferred death to defeat. Detailed history The fortresses can be recognized at the light and music show, which is held here during the summer season. It starts at sunset and lasts about an hour. Simultaneous translation into Russian is available. You can climb the mountain where the fortress stands on foot or by cable car.

Another popular place among tourists is the mountain range, which was named "Lot's wife". According to the biblical story, the wife of the righteous man Lot turned into a pillar of salt after she looked back at the one being destroyed by the angels. hometown Sodom. The pillar looks like a frozen female figure at certain angles.

V national park Qumran, which is located on the coast of the Dead Sea, you can see the caves where the "Dead Sea Scrolls" were found in 1947. The scrolls themselves are kept in the Temple of the Book of the Israel Museum. Ein Gedi is one of the Dead Sea oases that is definitely worth a visit. It is here that the magnificent Shulamit waterfall, ice lakes and stone baths, as well as a luxurious Botanical Garden where more than 900 species of shrubs, trees and flowers grow.