Mediterranean sea world map. Mediterranean. Spain and Italy

The Mediterranean is a semi-enclosed sea located at the junction of three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa. On its shores there are 22 UN member states, of which the longest coasts in the Mediterranean are Spain, France, Italy and Greece in Europe, Turkey in Asia, Egypt, Libya and Algeria in Africa. In the water area Mediterranean Sea up to eleven isolated seas are distinguished, the largest of which is the Levantine Sea with an area of ​​320 thousand km2, in the waters of which the island of Cyprus is located, and the smallest is the Ligurian Sea, with an area of ​​15 thousand km2, but on the shores Ligurian Sea there are such large port cities as Genoa and Nice.

You can get to the Mediterranean Sea from Russia different ways: by land, by air and by water. When traveling by car or bus, you will have the opportunity to visit Belarus, Poland, further to Germany, from there to France, along the way you can visit the Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and Spain. The duration of such a trip depends only on the route and time for walks in the cities of Europe. When flying by airplanes of leading airlines, everything depends on the country on the coast on the coast of which you want to enjoy the waters of the Mediterranean Sea: a flight from Moscow to Monaco, Barcelona, ​​or Athens will take about 4 hours, but direct flights from Moscow to Naples, Rome or Tunisia no, you will have to fly with at least one change and the flight will take from seven hours to a day. And for those who prefer yacht trips, a trip to the Mediterranean Sea - a great opportunity spend a couple of months sailing. Having sailed from the Crimea, from Novorossiysk or Sochi to the Black Sea, it remains only to get to the Bosphorus Strait, walk around Istanbul, then to the Sea of ​​Marmara and from there - through the Dardanelles Strait to get into the waters of the Aegean Sea and you can sail to any port of the Mediterranean Sea.

Fishing is developed in the Mediterranean Sea, and this real paradise for tourists. In addition, a new opportunity has recently appeared for wealthy citizens to provide themselves great stay on the islands of the Mediterranean. Due to internal economic problems, Greece began the sale of its islands in the Ionian and Aegean seas... Hollywood star Brad Pitt and his wife Angelina Jolie have already bought one. However, Greece knows the value of its islands: the "cheapest" of them costs more than three million dollars. But, if for some reason you don’t have three million dollars, or you just don’t need an island, you can rent a house in Malta for only 350 dollars a month.

Mediterranean resorts

Storm on the coast of Crete

Resort town Budva in Montenegro on the Mediterranean Sea

Shark on the Cretan beach

Monaco beach, Monte Carlo

A fish on a Mediterranean beach in Monaco loves a bun

Malta is the pearl of the Mediterranean!

Tourism lovers are much more likely to ask than schoolchildren. This sea plays an important role in the life of not only the modern inhabitants of its coast, it influenced the emergence of many civilizations.

"Sea in the middle of the Earth"

The use of the Mediterranean Sea began long before new continents were discovered. It seemed to people that this significant body of water was located in the very center of the planet. Thus, the sea got its name.

The "sea in the middle of the earth" has become the most important trade route. It helped ferry from Eurasia to Africa. Not only trade relations were established between peoples. Ethnic groups living along the coast have sought to establish diplomatic contacts with other countries. Alliances were made with someone, and hostilities were fought with someone. But even wars, to some extent, had a positive effect on the development of mankind. The captured peoples adopted the experience and culture of the invaders. As a result of cultural exchange, new civilizations were born.

Today, the Mediterranean Sea continues to facilitate contacts between different cultures. The main source of income for the ancient inhabitants of the coast was trade with foreigners. Nowadays, tourism has also been added to trade. Having learned which countries are washed by the Mediterranean Sea, tourists plan their vacation.

Where to travel?

On the sea ​​coast there are a huge number of countries. It will take more than one vacation to get to know everyone:

  • Malta. Many people mistakenly believe that the state consists of only one island. In fact, in addition to the main part, Malta, the state includes the island of Gozo (also called Gozo) and a few inhabited islands... The small state has a population of only about 500,000 thousand people. Due to its climate in 2011, Malta was recognized as one of the best countries for living in peace.
  • Italy. Here, the tourist awaits rest for the soul and body. In Italy, you can lie on the beach and visit a huge number of museums. The rich culture of this country will not leave anyone indifferent. Italy is famous for its gastronomic delights. National cuisine not only tasty, but also healthy. Beach holidays in this country are suitable for lovers of nudism. In 2006, being on the beach without clothes was legalized. Sunbathing in this way is not possible in every country on the Mediterranean Sea. In some states, travelers and the local population face a heavy fine or arrest for such behavior. More than half a million people visit Italian nudist beaches every year.
  • Spain. This country seems to be a place for endless holidays. Some celebrations terrify foreign tourists. Tomatina is a holiday during which people throw tomatoes at each other. Not every traveler will appreciate this way to spend their free time. You can give preference to less exotic entertainment. Some tourists, returning from Spain, decide to take a flamenco or guitar course.
  • France. The southeast of this country is washed by the Mediterranean Sea. French culture is very diverse. The specificity of the region will be determined by its location. Being in the south of the country, travelers often feel that they are in some kind of Spanish or italian town... And this feeling is not far from the truth. Most of the Mediterranean cities are really similar to each other. Some settlements in the south of France were founded by representatives of other ethnic groups... Marseille, for example, was founded by the Greeks. It was originally called Massilia.
  • Turkey. This country is most popular with Russian tourists. Europeans are much less common here. For thousands of Russians, Antalya, Mersin, Istanbul and some other Turkish cities are a permanent place summer vacation during several years. Turkey attracts with its cozy beaches, architectural landmarks and local cuisine. Prices in this country are much lower than in Europe. The Turkish lira is cheaper than the dollar or the euro. It is noteworthy that while in Turkey, you can relax not only in the Mediterranean, but also in the Black Sea.

Today the Mediterranean Sea washes the shores of 22 countries. Considering that the states of the Mediterranean Sea are located in the subtropical climatic zone, excellent conditions are created for the creation of resort bases. Today the Mediterranean coast is a favorite destination for most tourists from all over the world.

Cruises in the Mediterranean are an opportunity to see with your own eyes the past eras, visiting the monuments of antiquity, masterpieces of the Middle Ages and outstanding creations of our time. Every day of such a trip is a new experience, new states of the Mediterranean: the sandy beaches of Tunisia and Malta, ancient Pompeii and the formidable Vesuvius, the leaning tower in Pisa, the wide boulevards of Nice and Barcelona, ​​the canals of Venice and the museums of Florence.

Cruises most often go through European Mediterranean countries... Tourists visit Italy - the country of sun and wine, spaghetti and olive oil, haute couture and masterpieces of world architecture. And after an eventful journey through her famous cities relax on the sunny beaches of Sardinia or stroll through the gardens and olive groves of picturesque Sicily.

Beauty Spain is another Mediterranean country - a picturesque area with upscale resorts, rich nature and ancient cities. And of course, sea ​​cruises the Mediterranean is not complete without visiting Mallorca and Ibiza.

In France, every city is a cultural monument or a historical museum, a winemaking center or a luxury resort. Paris, Nice, Cannes, Bordeaux, Marseille, Avignon - attractions are found at every step. The landscapes of the country are no less picturesque: the snow-white peaks of the Alps, beautiful beaches Atlantic and Mediterranean, medieval castles, vast vineyards and charming old distilleries.
Malta is another amazing country that is part of many Mediterranean cruises. This is a contrasting island, the northeastern coast of which is densely populated, and almost lifeless South coast breaks off with sheer cliffs to the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Here is Valletta - a medieval walled city, one of the few surviving in Europe.

Morocco is a Mediterranean country that brings an oriental touch to Western Mediterranean cruises. It is located at the junction of European and Islamic cultures and lies on the border of the greenest mountains in Africa and largest desert the world.

African countries of the Mediterranean region are no less colorful. For example, Tunisia is one of the world's oldest resorts with many historical monuments, sandy beaches and a dynamically developing tourist infrastructure. Besides the traditional beach holiday and modern hotels Tunisia has ancient oriental architecture, unusual cuisine and numerous colorful markets.

Almost all countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea have their own famous resorts... Most of all, Russians love the countries of the Balkan Peninsula. The resorts of Montenegro and Croatia stand out especially.

Montenegro is a Mediterranean country famous for its resorts. Ada Boyana - south beach country, with a total length of 3.8 kilometers. The beach is covered with the most the best sand throughout the Adriatic. The island of Ada Boyana has a triangular shape. On both sides, the shores of the island are washed by the Boyana River, and on the third, by the waters of the Adriatic Sea. On the island you can find great hotels, good fun - whatever your heart desires. The resort town of Becici is another pride of Montenegro. The local resort is famous for its delightful Mediterranean nature, and the 2 km long golden pebble beach is famous all over the world.

Another Mediterranean country, Croatia, also has something to boast about. In particular, these are the beaches of Brela. Here the water is so clear that you can see the bottom even at a depth of 50 meters. By far the most popular resort Croatia, which in 2004 became the sixth in the world and the first in Europe.

Today, the states of the eastern Mediterranean have made great strides in the development of tourism infrastructure. The beaches of Egypt, Turkey, Cyprus, Greece, annually collect tens of millions of tourists. But, for example, in Lebanon or Syria, tourists go until they are in a hurry.
If you want to have a royal rest, then the city of Limassol (in Cyprus) is already waiting for you.

If you want to diversify your vacation, then in addition to the already famous resorts in Greece, Turkey or Italy, you can go to Algeria or Libya. Now countries are actively developing their resort beaches. They certainly have potential.

Countries of the Mediterranean basin, traditions and cultures of different peoples, architecture different eras, endless sea spaces, picturesque islands and hot sun - all these are sea cruises in the Mediterranean, allowing you to see in a short time such different and such distant countries.

Together with this material, they usually read:

For lovers definitely comfortable rest created cruise ships and special itineraries and on-board entertainment programs have been developed. Having bought such a cruise, you will not need anything! Your ship will carry you along the waves like a floating luxury hotel.

Everyone at school was reading ancient greek legends... And if he did not read voraciously, then the names of the gods and heroes obviously heard. A trip to Rhodes can completely immerse you in the atmosphere of the past millennia, give you a chance for a miracle. You may be lucky! Take a chance!

If you are going to New Year tour across the Mediterranean, be sure to include Greece in your itinerary. Holidays in this country will give you the feeling of a never-ending miracle, which is so important to feel at this time of year for both adults and children.

Another Mediterranean country that you should definitely visit on a cruise is Israel. The Promised Land will amaze a traveler of any religion with its inner greatness, and visiting religious shrines will be interesting not only for believers.

The Mediterranean Sea is considered intercontinental. It washes Europe, Africa, Asia and is connected with the Atlantic Ocean through the Strait of Gibraltar (length 65 km, minimum width 14 km). The area of ​​the water surface of the intercontinental reservoir is 2.5 million square meters. km. Average depth equal to 1540 m. The maximum depth reaches 5267 m in the Ionian Sea, near the city of Pylos in the south of Greece. The volume of water is 3.84 million cubic meters. km.

The length of the sea from west to east is 3800 km. The most southern point reservoir is located in Africa in the Gulf of Sirte. The northernmost in the Adriatic Sea. The western one is in Gibraltar, and the eastern one is in Iskanderun Bay (southern Turkey).

Taking into account its shape, the inter-continental reservoir is divided into 2 pools. West from Gibraltar to Sicily, and east from Silicia to the coast of Syria. The minimum width of sea waters is 130 km and lies between Cape Granitola (Sicily) and Cape Bona (Tunisia). The maximum width is 1665 km between Trieste (a city in Italy) and Greater Sirte (a bay on the coast of Libya).

The Mediterranean Sea basin includes such seas as Marmara, Black and Azov. Communication with them is carried out through the straits of the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus. Through the Suez Canal, a huge reservoir is connected with the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean.

In the intercontinental body of water there is its own inland sea - the Adriatic. It is located between the Apennine and Balkan Peninsula... The Adriatic Sea is connected to the main waters by the 47 km wide Otranto Strait.

Mediterranean coast



The waters of a huge reservoir are washed by countries in which peoples with completely different cultures and mentality live.

On the European coast there are countries such as Spain (population 47.3 million), France (66 million), Italy (61.5 million), Monaco (36 thousand), Malta (453 thousand) ), Slovenia (2 million people), Croatia (4.4 million people), Bosnia and Herzegovina (3.8 million people), Montenegro (626 thousand people), Albania (2.8 million people), Greece (10.8 million), Turkish East Thrace (7.8 million).

The following states are located on the African coast: Egypt (82.3 million), Libya (5.6 million), Tunisia (10.8 million), Algeria (38 million), Morocco (32.6 million people), Spanish Ceuta and Melilla (144 thousand people).

On the Asian coast, there are states such as Turkey in Asia Minor (68.9 million people), Syria (22.5 million people), Cyprus (1.2 million people), Lebanon (4.2 million people), Israel (8 million people), Sinai peninsula Egypt (520 thousand people).


The huge reservoir has its own seas. Their names and boundaries were formed historically many centuries ago. Consider them from west to east.

Alboran sea located in front of the Strait of Gibraltar. Its length is 400 km, and its width is 200 km. The depth varies from 1000 to 1500 meters.

Balearic sea washes eastern part Iberian Peninsula. It is separated from the main body of water by the Balearic Islands. Its average depth is 770 meters.

Ligurian sea is located between the islands of Corsica and Elba. Washes France, Italy and Monaco. The average depth is 1200 meters.

Tyrrhenian sea splashing off the west coast of Italy. Limited to islands such as Corsica, Sardinia and Sicily. It is a deep tectonic basin with a depth of 3 thousand meters.

Adriatic Sea lies between the Balkan and Apennine peninsulas. Washes Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy. In the northern part, the depth of the reservoir is only a few tens of meters, but in the south it reaches 1200 meters.

Ionian sea is located south of the Adriatic Sea between the Apennine and Balkan Peninsulas. It washes the shores of Crete, Peloponnese, Sicily. The average depth corresponds to 2 km.

Aegean Sea is located between Asia Minor and the Balkan Peninsula, from the south it is bounded by the island of Crete. It connects through the Dardanelles with the Sea of ​​Marmara. The depth ranges from 200 to 1000 meters.

Cretan Sea located between Crete and the Cyclades archipelago. The depth of these waters varies from 200 to 500 meters.

Libyan Sea is located between Crete and North Africa. The depth of these waters reaches 2 thousand meters.

Cyprus sea located between Asia Minor and the North African coast. This is the warmest and sunniest part of the Mediterranean. Here the depth reaches 4300 meters. This reservoir is conditionally divided into the Levantine and Cilician Seas.

Mediterranean Sea on the map

The rivers

Such large rivers as the Nile (the second longest river in the world), the largest Po river in Italy with a length of 652 km, the Italian Tiber river with a length of 405 km, flow into the Mediterranean Sea. big river Spain's Ebro (910 km) and the Rhone (812 km), flowing through Switzerland and France.


There are many islands. These are Cyprus, Crete, Evia, Rhodes, Lesvos, Lemnos, Corfu, Chios, Samos, Kefalonia, Andros, Naxos. All of them are located in the eastern Mediterranean. In the central part there are islands such as Corsica, Sicily, Sardinia, Malta, Cres, Korcula, Brač, Pag, Hvar. In the western part there are Balearic Islands... This is 4 large islands: Mallorca, Ibiza, Menorca, Formentera. There are small islands near them.


The climate is strictly specific, Mediterranean. It is characterized by hot and dry summers and mild winters. In winter, there are frequent storms and rains at sea. Local bora and mistral winds prevail. Summer is characterized by clear weather, minimal cloud cover and light precipitation. There are fogs. Sometimes there is a dusty haze, which is carried out from Africa by the sirocco wind.

The average winter temperature in the southern part of the reservoir is 14-16 degrees Celsius. In the northern part of the reservoir, it is 8-10 degrees Celsius. In summer, the average temperature in the north is 22-24 degrees Celsius, and in the south, respectively, 26-30 degrees Celsius. The minimum precipitation occurs in August, and the maximum is observed in December.

View of the Mediterranean Sea from space

Sea level rise

According to experts, by 2100, the level of Mediterranean waters may rise by 30-60 cm. As a result, it will disappear. most of Islands of Malta. 200 sq. km in the Nile delta, which will force 500 thousand Egyptians to leave their ancestral lands. The salt level in the groundwater will rise, which will reduce the amount of drinking water on the entire Mediterranean coast. In the XXII century, the sea water level may rise by another 30-100 cm. This will cause significant economic, political and natural changes in the Mediterranean.


In recent years, there has been an extremely high level of pollution of seawater. According to the UN, 650 million tons of sewage, 129 tons of mineral oils, 6 tons of mercury, 3.8 tons of lead, 36 thousand tons of phosphates were discharged into the Mediterranean Sea annually. Many marine species are on the brink of destruction. This primarily applies to white-bellied seals and sea ​​turtles... There is a huge amount of debris at the bottom. Most of the seabed is dotted with it.

Environmental problems hit fisheries. Such fish as bluefin tuna, hake, swordfish, red mullet, sea bream are on the verge of destruction. The size of commercial catches is decreasing from year to year. Tuna has been fished in the Mediterranean for thousands of years, but the stocks are now extremely low. Over the past 20 years, they have decreased by 80%.


The unique climate, beautiful coastline, rich history and culture attract millions of tourists to the Mediterranean every year. Their number is one third of all tourists in the world. Hence the enormous economic importance of tourism for this region.

But large financial flows cannot serve as an excuse for the degradation of the marine and coastal environment. Huge crowds of tourists pollute the Mediterranean coast. The situation is aggravated by the fact that guests from all over the world are concentrated in areas with the highest level of natural resources. All this causes irreparable damage to flora and fauna. Their destruction and destruction will reduce the flow of tourists. Those will begin to look for new places on the planet, where it will again be possible to destroy the unique gifts of nature with impunity.

(2 estimates, average: 4,50 out of 5)

The Mediterranean Sea is "chained" among 3 continents. It is the 8th largest sea in the world. Its outline immediately attracts attention, due to its unusual shape and the number of ancient cities on the banks. For many centuries, the waters of the Mediterranean Sea were silent witnesses of how the history of mankind was created, on its shores empires were born and died out on the world map.

The Mediterranean Sea on the world map is located in the northern hemisphere. The sea is inland and runs along the entire northern coast of Africa and the southern coast of Europe. It begins in the west of the so-called Pillars of Hercules and ends on the coast of the Levant. It looks like a huge lake. It got its name according to the ideas about the geography of people who lived in Ancient Greece.

Translated from the Greek language it means “the sea in the middle of the Earth”. The Greeks thought so, because the sea was a natural barrier between the cities of Europe, Asia Minor and Africa. The name is translated into Russian in an exact translation, and does not sound like its transcription from Greek - Mare Mediterraneum.

The Mediterranean Sea was previously part of the ancient ocean - Tethys.

Now it has crashed into a whole cascade of seas that used to be one body of water:

  • Mediterranean Sea.
  • Black Sea.
  • Caspian Sea.
  • Aral Sea.

Countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea

Starting from the extreme western point of the Mediterranean Sea, namely from Gibraltar (British possession) and go clockwise, the sea washes the following countries:

  • Gibraltar (UK).
  • Spain, it is also the final country, on the other side of the Strait of Gibraltar is the Spanish port of Ceuta.
  • France all South coast of this country it is one endless resort, not without reason received the unofficial name - Cote d'Azur.
  • Monaco.
  • Italy, one of the longest coastlines with the Mediterranean Sea, has just this country.
  • Slovenia.
  • Croatia, the Mediterranean coast of this country is one of the most picturesque.
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina is perhaps the smallest coastline of about 20 km.
  • Montenegro.
  • Albania.
  • Greece, the largest concentration of antiquity per sq. km.
  • Turkey, tourist mecca Mediterranean Sea.
  • Syria.
  • Lebanon.
  • Israel.
  • Egypt, like the entire African coast, is mostly lifeless, but sometimes there are small resort oases.
  • Libya.
  • Tunisia, here are the ruins of Carthage ancient city the rival of Rome for dominion in Europe.
  • Algeria.
  • Morocco.

Island states inside the Mediterranean Sea are Malta and Cyprus.

Disputed territory Gibraltar remains to this day. Great Britain received it in its possession back in 1713 under the Urecht Peace Treaty. Spain still disputes these territories. In the 18th and 19th centuries, several military attempts were made to reclaim the fort, but they were all unsuccessful.

Cyprus - Island state, officially a single state - the Republic of Cyprus, unofficially - divided into 2 parts: Greek and Turkish. The Republic of Cyprus and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus are separated by a buffer zone with a contingent of UN peacekeepers.

Mediterranean Sea Depth: Maximum and Average

6 million years ago, the Mediterranean Sea lost its connection with the Atlantic Ocean, it turned into a huge internal “lake” without recharge from the world's oceans. It dried up quickly, the water level dropped by 100-120 m.

Mediterranean Sea Depth Map

However, about 5 million years ago, an earthquake happened, which led to the formation of the current Strait of Gibraltar and the sea received recharge from the Atlantic Ocean. This event can be compared with the second birth of the Mediterranean Sea, it was after this that it got its previous appearance.

The Alboran Sea follows immediately after the Strait of Gibraltar, for the most part it is shallow with depths of up to 200 m. Moving further east, the sea gains a depth of up to 2 km.

The maximum depth is located in the Ionian Sea, in the so-called Central Basin and is called the Hellenic Basin. Its depth is 5121 m.

The area between the coasts of Greece and Turkey is strewn with thousands of islands. The average depth here is relatively shallow, reaching 200 m.With an increase in depth after Crete towards the coast of Africa, here the average depth is more than 2000 m.South of Turkey and along the entire coast of Israel and Egypt, the depth is from 1500 to 2000 m.

The average depth throughout the sea is 1541 m.

Mediterranean structure

The Mediterranean Sea on the world map is divided into 3 sections: western, central and eastern.

Visually, they can be clearly divided:

  • Western - between the Strait of Gibraltar and the Apennine Peninsula.
  • Central - between the Apennine Peninsula and the Balkan Peninsula.
  • Eastern - between the Balkan Peninsula and the Levant coast.

The main “donor” of water for the Mediterranean Sea is the Atlantic Ocean. The influence of rivers on the sea level is not great.

The largest rivers flowing into the Mediterranean Sea:

  • Ron.

Ebb and flow

The Mediterranean Sea is connected with the Atlantic Ocean by the small Strait of Gibraltar.
Therefore, the influence of the moon's gravity on this inland sea is minimal. The ebbs and flows are several cm. Therefore, their influence is rather difficult for a person to assess.

How many seas are in the Mediterranean

The Mediterranean Sea has a complex structure and consists of many other seas, which are not even always indicated on the world map.

Officially, it includes the seas recognized by international agreements:

  • Alboran.
  • Balearic.
  • Ligurian.
  • Tyrrhenian.
  • Ionian.
  • Adriatic.
  • Aegean.

Flora and fauna of the Mediterranean Sea

The Mediterranean Sea on the world map is connected with the Atlantic Ocean only by a small strait. This greatly affected the ecosystem of the entire sea, primarily because the Atlantic Ocean cannot also strongly feed the Mediterranean Sea with plankton, unlike open seas.

The reduced plankton content led to a lower concentration of fish, which in turn provoked a more rapid growth of vegetation and the emergence of the world's longest colony “oceanic Posidonia” - more than 700 km.

Due to the low content of plankton, whales are absent in the sea, but other large mammals are found in whose diet it is not included. There are 47 shark species in the Mediterranean, including tiger shark and white shark.

It is still a mystery to scientists why sharks behave less aggressively in the Mediterranean Sea than in other regions of the world's oceans. Shark attacks on humans in the Mediterranean are extremely rare.

The largest cities on the Mediterranean coast

Largest ports:

  • Barcelona.
  • Monaco.
  • Genoa.
  • Naples.
  • Athens.
  • Istanbul.

Barcelona is one of the largest ports not only in the Mediterranean, but also in Europe. The climate is mild, the Balearic Islands with the world famous Ibiza and Mallorca are not so far away.

Nice, Monaco and Genoa- cities located close to each other, but located in 3 different countries... Nice is famous for its resort - Cote d'Azur and Promenade des Anglais.

Monaco the center of entertainment throughout Europe. Genoa is a major Italian port with a rich history and incredible architecture. During the Renaissance, Genoa was a real financial center of Europe and capital from all over the world flocked here, and Genoa merchants were considered the wealthiest people of that time.

Athens- the cradle of democracy and the flourishing of the sciences of Ancient Greece, it is here that you can fully experience the spirit of enlightenment of that era. In our time, it has long been not so significant and major port from an economic point of view, but the historical and cultural component of this city is certainly a diamond in the entire Mediterranean.

Istanbul- the former Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire and the former capital Ottoman Empire... The city dividing Europe and Asia and located on both continents through the Bosphorus, like no other has absorbed the culture of both civilizations, is still one of the most important historical, cultural and economic centers in the world.

Climate, water temperature by months

The climate in the Mediterranean is subtropical. The sea is inland and surrounded by three continents, which has formed its own unique climatic balance that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Sometimes it is even singled out as a separate type or as a specific subspecies of the subtropical climate and is called "Mediterranean".

In winter, the sea lowers the pressure along the entire coast, which leads to rather large storms and waves up to 8 m.The sea during this period is almost always not calm, and the weather is rainy and cloudy

As a heavenly compensation for a “bad” winter, in summer, on the contrary, increased pressure prevails and almost all summer days the sea is calm and the sky is clear. What residents and guests of the coast can enjoy.

Average temperatures on the south and north coasts differ. The influence of the deserts of Africa is affecting the warming southern borders of the sea. Therefore, in the south, the average temperature is 16 degrees, and in the north - 10 degrees. In the “velvet” season (August-September), the average temperature is 30 and 22 degrees, respectively, along the coasts.

The water warms up to 27 degrees in areas of Tunisia and the coast of Israel. The Spanish and Turkish coasts warm up to 22 degrees, which provides a comfortable tourist environment.

The average water temperature across the sea is shown in the table below:

January 14 ° C
February 13 ° C
March 15 ° C
April 16 ° C
May 17 ° C
June 20 ° C
July 24 ° C
August 26 ° C
September 25 ° C
October 21 ° C
November 18 ° C
December 15 ° C

Holidays in the Mediterranean: when is the best time to go?

The Mediterranean Sea on the world map is located in the northern hemisphere, so it is better to go on vacation in the summer, August, September throughout the Mediterranean Sea - the Velvet season... The warm sea and pleasant coolness in the evening will provide an unforgettable vacation for the most fastidious tourist at any point on the map.

This is true for European resorts, in the southern part of the sea African countries and the coasts of Israel and Cyprus are suitable for swimming almost all year round. Heavy rains can often fall during the winter, so your vacation can be spoiled by these circumstances. And even if you choose more warm countries It is better to visit them in the Mediterranean in the summer or early autumn.

The best resorts in the Mediterranean

By far the best tourist countries in this region everyone has long known:

These countries have long been chosen by our compatriots and are famous for their excellent beaches and good service, some of them are especially popular.

Greece: cities, hotels, prices, interesting places.

Greece - one of the best resort regions of this country is the island of Corfu.

Located in the Ionian Sea, far from the noise of big cities on a secluded island, there are 200 km of transparent beaches, coupled with ancient buildings, shrouded in thickets of olive groves and cypress forests, give an unforgettable ambiance to this place.

The capital of the island is the city of Kerkyra. Previously, this was the name of the entire island in honor of the mythological nymph Kerkyra - the beloved of the god of the sea Poseidon himself.

Hotels in the bulk are located in the following cities of the island:

  • Kerkyra.
  • Paleokastritsa.
  • Benitses.
  • Kavos.

The most expensive hotels are located in Kerkyra and Paleokastritsa, the price goes up to 10-12 thousand rubles per night. In Benitses and Kavos, prices are more democratic - from 1923 rubles. per night.

The selection of the best hotels, according to visitors' reviews, is as follows for each city.


  • Hotel Locandiera - £ 99
  • Bella Hotel Venezia - 9 386 rubles.
  • Hotel Konstantinoupolis - $ 80
  • Hotel Mayor Mon Repos Palace - $ 125
  • Hotel Corfu Palace Hotel- 10 502 rubles.



  • Hotel Eros Beach Hotel- 4 616 rubles.
  • Hotel Hotel Kaiser Bridge - 6 386 rubles.
  • Bella Vista Beach Hotel - £ 27
  • Bella Vista Beach Hotel - £ 99
  • Benitsa Beach Hotel - £ 35
  • Karina Hotel - £ 53


  • Hotel Melissa Apartments - £ 19
  • Hotel Mediterranean Blue - £ 28
  • Hotel Seaside Resorts - £ 28
  • Erofili Hotel - 3 000 RUB
  • Hotel Kavos Plaza Hotel- 5 297 rubles.
  • Hotel Oula Maisonettes - £ 30

Turkey: cities, hotels, prices, places of interest

Antalya is the tourist capital of Turkey, all tourists arrive at the airport of this particular city, and then on transfers go to nearby resorts. V historic center there are many “artifact buildings” for history buffs. The Byzantine Church of Panagia and the Ivli Minaret are among oldest structures in the town.

The Museum of Archeology is definitely worth a visit. A selection of the best hotels according to visitors' reviews, in the velvet season (August-September, prices per night):

Kemer is the "greenest" resort in Turkey, there is a national park not far from the city, and the beaches are considered the cleanest in the country. The lack of cultural and historical attractions is fully compensated by environmentally friendly and healthy recreation and unity with nature.

Selection by hotel:

  • Hotel Maxx Royal Kemer Resort - $ 790
  • Camyuva Beach Hotel - £ 154
  • Hotel Simena Sun Club - $ 199
  • Hotel Berke Ranch & Nature - £ 52

Alanya is the choice for those who love the golden mean. The city also has historical sights and an active night life... The entire coastline is strewn with an endless string of hotels. Here, with equal success, you can wander through the ruins of the ancient city and oriental bazaars and make yourself an entertaining curtsy with a long auto-party.

The best hotels:

Spain: cities, hotels, prices, places of interest

Spain, a country that has access not only to the Mediterranean Sea. She also has famous resorts in Canary Islands and San Sebastian located in Atlantic Ocean and in the Bay of Biscay, respectively. However, we are talking about the Mediterranean, so they will be discussed.

Among them, the most famous are naturally the Balearic Islands (Ibiza and Mallorca) and the Costa Brava. Costa Brava is located on the mainland of Spain near Barcelona.

Ibiza is the center of parties throughout Europe, and local discos are famous far beyond its borders.

Top hotels (prices per night):

Mallorca is famous for its unforgettable beaches and mild climate. Not such a busy party life as in Ibiza makes this place ideal for families with children. Of the sights, architecture lovers, be sure to visit the Almudaina Palace. Quite an extravagant building, made in the Arabian style, is located in the capital of the island, Palma de Mallorca.

The best hotels:

  • Hotel Rural Sa Posada d'Aumallia - C $ 156
  • Hotel Red house Mallorca - £ 200
  • Hotel Myseahouse Flamingo - $ 266
  • Hotel Europe Playa Marina - £ 156
  • Hotel Sa Casa Rotja - $ 120

Italy: cities, hotels, prices, places of interest

Italy is a very special country to travel and beach tourism is no exception. The atmosphere of this country will forever remain in your heart wherever you are. And the kitchen will take your gastronomic needs to the next level. Italy has one of the longest coastlines and you can literally all over the country to relax on the Mediterranean coast. Let's highlight some of best resorts Italy.

Sorrento, a city located near Naples, on the shores of the Tyrrhenian Sea. One of the features is the short beach area and large steep banks. The Basilica of St. Anthony, named after the patron saint of the city, is one of the finest examples of Italian architecture, painted inside by the famous Giambattista Lama.

The best hotels:

On the other side of the Italian boot, Rimini is considered one of the best resorts, despite the fact that the city is located in the north, thanks to the shallow water, the water here warms up quickly and bathing season starts already in May.

Rest in Remini is also good because from here it is easy to get to any continental city. northern Italy Milan, Turin and Venice are just around the corner. And these places are undoubtedly famous all over the world, the attractions of which can be listed endlessly.

Best deals:

  • Hotel Parco dei Principi - $ 159
  • Hotel La Gradisca - £ 99
  • Hotel Polo - £ 8
  • Hotel Hotel Diplomat Palace - $ 99

Egypt: cities, hotels, prices, places of interest

Egypt's main destination for tourism is the Red Sea, not the Mediterranean. The Red Sea has one indisputable advantage, the beach season is open all year round. Historically it so happened that the resorts of the Mediterranean Sea prefer to visit locals.

Coastline Egypt with the Mediterranean Sea is more than a thousand km long and is conditionally divided into three regions: Sinai, Nile Delta and West Coast.

The Sinai direction is practically not represented in any way, the proximity to the “hot spots” of the Gaza Strip affects. The Nile Delta is not suitable for recreation, as it is a large swampy area.

Western direction represented by resorts concentrated near Alexandria and Mersa Matruh.

Alexandria - Oxford the ancient world, a city-museum, history buffs will appreciate this city according to its merits. And near Mersa Matruh there is “Cleopatra's bay”. According to legend, the Egyptian queen loved to swim here.

The main advantage of the Egyptian-Mediterranean resorts over the Red Sea resorts is the much cheaper price tag for accommodation and food.

The best hotels:

While abroad, any tourist needs to make allowances for local customs and culture when communicating with the local population. Many things characteristic of the national culture will not always be understood and accepted in another country.

You can often hear Russian speech and meet many people who understand Russian, in Turkey and Egypt. Buying dollars or changing rubles when traveling to these countries is not at all necessary - they are accepted there along with the local currency.

The countries located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea have a multi-confessional composition and completely different peoples live in different parts of it in terms of their culture, religion and mentality. The world map shows that both Christian and Muslim and Jewish countries are located on the coast.

Article formatting: Vladimir the Great

Video about the holidays in the Mediterranean

Overview of holidays in Turkey on the Mediterranean: